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Book 17 Chapter 14

108 Books Every Student Should Read-But Almost No One Else Does

These rare discourses, compiled by thirty of the most brilliant and accomplished minds in the world, over the course of a year, are notarized, notarized masterpieces that become flesh and blood when you read them-if you can even comprehend them at all.

It has been nearly 50 years since the hundreds of books that are poured into the river were collected without publicity, discarded according to reason, selected according to economic reasons, discarded again according to the principle of competition, and then carefully selected and established as a must-read list, but according to the testimony of "book maniac" Jang Kyung-gak, who has been serving as the librarian of the Tianmu Museum for the past 60 years, the number of humans who have read all 108 books in the entire half-century history of the museum is not more than twenty.

"I admit, of course, that the books listed above are out of step with today's students…but I sometimes shudder to think of the children who still think that martial arts are only for the body, and who shun books and neglect to nourish their minds. I hope that the children who are suffering from the plague of reading anorexia, where they vomit when they read, and the incurable disease of reading sleepwalking, where no cure has been found even though two thousand years have passed since its existence was discovered, will be cured soon."

-from a conversation with librarian Seo Kwang-nosa.

Twelve unclassified choreographies



…The act of carving one's self-proclaimed toollessness into the middle of a desolate, craggy cliff in the hopes that it will be used for good and not buried for posterity is, for this reason, mere self-gratification and desecration of the natural landscape.

The limitations of language are clear and obvious. Humans are also highly subjective creatures. When we read a work, we cannot help but read it with selfishness. A selfless mind is a selfish mind and a selfish mind is a selfish mind.

Because of these inherent limitations in our perceptual system, information is inevitably filtered through a sieve more than once, and distortions inevitably occur in the process. In particular, illustrations relating to movements that are not the essence of chi kung training are not only unhelpful to understanding, but sometimes even hinder it, as they are an ignorant act of forcing the three-dimensional into the two-dimensional. For this reason, the foolish notion of learning the martial arts of the three worlds through the techniques handed down from the past is as futile as the dream of a thousand crowns.


It was once said that the first meal is the two, and the words of the master are the eight. It's just a form, and its true meaning can only be understood through the direct teaching of a master. If you are attached to the form, you are missing out on the rest of the eight. In this context, chi kung is an interchangeable term with bijin.

These are the real secret techniques, the experiential, on-the-ground techniques that a master has learned first-hand in the midst of life and death.

If so, what is the purpose of the scaling?

It's just a form of protection against dementia. As humans age, memory declines, and it happens faster in people who don't use their minds as much. There are even individuals who often forget the martial arts they have learned. The time limit is usually 60 years, which is one kyu.

When the sands of memory are about to be blown away by the winds of time, unofficials serve as useful reminders.

With the information organized in the bilin, you will be able to trace the traces of your memory, whether you have forgotten or not, and recall the original form of the sword, which has turned into a blank slate. Other than that, we have to admit that there is nothing useful about the class, even if we wash our eyes and look for it.


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discord ko-fi