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Book 17 Chapter 13

A roundtable discussion with Ryu-yeon Bi and her crew

Man1: Hmph… Hmph… Hmph… Hmph…….

Man 1: Finally… finally… finally…….

Mo Yonghui: What is it, Mr. Hong? That freaky laugh? Not very graceful.

Jang Hong: Resurrection at last! Resurrection! The years of hard labor are over today. The tearful days of eating cold rice and salty bibimbap ended yesterday. Let's celebrate today by eating hard-boiled eggs!

Mo Yonghui: I'm not a big fan of hard-boiled eggs.

Jang Hong: That's because you're still an undercooked, half-ripe swordsman. Someone like me likes it ripe.

Mo Yonghui: Is such a person so scared that he throws a tantrum, acting like a child?

Jang Hong: What… what… what! It's not that I'm afraid… it's just… you'll understand when you grow up. It's a mistake to think that the world can be solved by strength alone. No matter how much strength you have, there are as many things as grains of sand on the beach that can never be solved by strength alone. Tsk, tsk, the fact that you still don't understand this self-evident truth means you're still half-assed!

Mo Yonghui: I don't know… to me, he just looks like a simple coward.

Jang Hong: (Roaring!) Shut up! Do you think that's what you dare to say to this body, the new handsome protagonist of this book?

Yonghui Mo: Isn't that the same thing you used last time? I think I've used something similar before.

Jang Hong: No! It's not the writer's poor imagination this time! It's for real! As proof, his scenes have been drastically cut! He's finally been relegated to a supporting role! It's my time! It's my time! I'm the "Xin Ping" of this book! Besides, the editors made a typo. The title of this section is now "Jang Hong and His Cronies' Roundtable," not "Bi Ryuyeon and the Others." That's right!

Bam! (Jang Hong bends forward)

Ryu Yeon Bi:Who doesn't come out?

Mo Yonghui: Liu… Ryuyeon?

Bi Ryuyeon: Why? You're trying to take my lead role, too? I'm warning you, you shouldn't get too cocky just because you've gotten a big boost this time around.

Mo Yong Hwi:No… not that…….

Ryuyeon Bi:????

Mo Yonghui: You're stepping on Uncle Jang Hong's head.

Bi Ryuyeon: Hmm? Really? No, what a coincidence! It's been a long time, Mr. Gong Qiu!

Jang Hong: …….

Mo Yonghui: Hey… Don't just smile and wave and say hello, if you've seen it, why don't you move out of the way? I'm sure Mr. Jang Hong is thinking about it.

(Move your legs slightly to step to the side)

Jang Hong: Phew, I'm back from the dead.

Ryuyeon Bi: Good to see you all alive and well.

Jang Hong: Don't lie, you just nearly choked me to death.

And what are you doing right now? You're not even greeting the readers with your weird, suspicious laughter. Do I really need to take care of this as the main character? Isn't this something that should be handled by Extra Sun?

Jang Hong: Who… Who's the extra?

Mo Yonghui: Why don't you move that finger over there?

Jang Hong: Stop pointing your fingers at me!

Bi Ryuyeon: Come on, don't fight, both of you, we have to work harder now, because we have a new competition corner.

Jang Hong: New corner?

At the end of the talk, there will be a corner to introduce 108 recommended books officially designated as must-reads by the Tianmu Academy. You didn't know that and you're the main character?

Jang Hong: No… That's it… No, no, whatever! I've heard of such a list, but I don't know why anyone would bother to read such a thing. Kids don't read much these days. If they see all those kanji characters, they'll get a headache. Is the appendix of this book a "headache pill"? Shouldn't you take it if you have a headache?

Yonghui Mo: No, there's no such thing, although the bromide will be in the appendix. Oh, come to think of it, Mr. Hong, you were in that one.

Jang Hong: How can you say such cruel things with such a shiny, innocent face! You're there, but you're in the background! And why are you talking about books and then jumping to paintings?

Mo Yonghui: I've been searching and reading. Everything I read becomes blood and flesh. Isn't it the beauty of books that you can experience people's different perspectives across time and space? I've already read nearly half of them, and I plan to finish them before I graduate. If you think that people don't read books like you and only enjoy 'Chunghwa Do', you're wrong.

Jang Hong: Who… Who says I only watch Chunghwa Dao? I read the scriptures, too. Come on!

Mo Yonghui: Oh, you're a girl?!

Jang Hong: Crrrrr…….

Bi Ryuyeon: Come on, stop fighting, this is not the time to be arguing, if you do anything wrong, you'll get slammed in this corner, so it's not like you have any dignity. Okay, I'm out of pages, I'm out of time, I have to say goodbye and end it.

Motto: My first greeting becomes my last.

Jang Hong: How good it is to have a whole life!

For some reason, the future of this corner is also bleak.

Jang Hong: Boom!

Idioms:Come on, let's say hello. Greetings!

Ryuyeon Bi & Yonghui Mo: Hello, dear readers, it's been a long time since we've seen you. It's been a while since we've seen you, and I'm suddenly getting teary-eyed. It's been a long time, and it's also been a very difficult time for me. Of course, there have been happy times in between, but there have also been many painful times. It's been like being swept to and fro by the waves of fate. Most of all, I don't know if the ordeal is over yet, but I'm not going to stop anymore. I'm not going to get rid of the waves, but I'm not going to stop trying to ride them like a good surfer. I'm going to keep moving forward.

It's time to change homes and start a new chapter in our story. I wanted to get back to you as soon as possible, but I was unintentionally delayed. I won't apologize with words, because words can't be sincere. Instead, I'll apologize with actions, because I think that's the best apology an author can give. I ask for your unwavering love, no matter how much I may have fallen short. I'll get back to you as soon as possible, and I'll see you in the next volume.







Hyo-Ryong: Uh, me?






Bi Ryuyeon&Vocabulary&Jiang Hong: Huh? Is that our voice?

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