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Book 18 Chapter 1

Fire Dragon Ascension (火龍昇天)

-A red fire dragon emerges from the edge of the earth [艮] and pierces the clouds.

Bringing Heaven [乾] and Earth [坤] together

The pillar of flame that rose from the summit of Tianmu Peak and bridged the gap between heaven and earth resembled a single ascending fire dragon. The Grand Duke watched in long silence as the majestic, admiration-inspiring spectacle unfolded before him. He was standing on a peak a long way from the volcano, but the sight of the red pillar between heaven and earth could not have been clearer, even from three thousand miles away.


Behind him, the faithful Sioux, Thousand and Seven, were speechless at the sight. Their flames were to spread downward in a vast, world-scorching circle, but not upward in a sharp, sky-piercing blaze.

Something was wrong, and the sound of their carefully planned tower of confidence crumbling was echoing in their ears. Even the rain couldn't escape its vivid echo, though it claimed to be turning away.

"Is this auspicious or inauspicious?"

Which hand will the Goddess of Destiny raise?

天何言哉(Heavenly words) 告之卽應(Highly responsive)!

It was said that heaven knows what to say, but if you ask, it will be answered immediately.

But Chang Tian, who looked up wordlessly, remained silent, his mouth covered by a white cloud.

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discord ko-fi