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Book 14 Chapter 20

A roundtable discussion with Ryu-yeon Bi and her crew

Bi Ryuyeon: I've been waiting, waiting, waiting for you, your cute little girl, your high-finance, high-finance, high-finance, high-finance, high-finance, high-finance, high-finance, high-finance.


Bi Ryuyeon : The long-awaited 14th volume of Bi Liu Dao is finally here!


Bi Ryuyeon: What? Why is he so unresponsive?

Hyo Ryong: Of course!

Bi Ryuyeon : What's the big deal?

Jang Hong: How long do you think the time gap is between book 13 and 14?

Bi Ryuyeon : Speaking of which… it's a bit long!

Hyo Ryong : The usage of the word 'a little' is very distorted nowadays! You're using the word 'a little' in a place like this. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Bi Ryuyeon: Huh? That sounds like me?

Effectiveness: Uh-huh. I'll let that one slide. I'm allowed to use that expression sometimes, right? It's not like you rented it out!

Bi Ryuyeon: Wu Xiao Li, are you revealing that you're secretly eyeing the lead role?

Hyo-Ryong : (popping!) Ahahahahahahaha! That's not possible……. No way!

Bi Ryuyeon: (Snicker!) Your demeanor is very suspicious, although I sensed an unpleasant aura when you spoke of the "Hyolong of Counterattack" during the discussion in Book 13.

Hyo Long: (Beep, beep, beep!) It's a mistake, it's a mistake, it's a mistake, you're too sensitive, just shake it off!

Bi Ryuyeon: So what's that night sweat?

Hyo Rong: Uh-huh! The sky has been full of dark clouds since morning, and it must be a sign of rain!

Bi Ryuyeon: Hey, Long Dragon!

Efficiency: Why… Why But?

Bi Ryuyeon: This is indoors!

Hyo Ryong: Ahahahahahahaha!

Ryuyeon : Don't you know that the protagonist usually reserves and writes his\/her own lines? It's a grave offense to use serifs (せりふ: lines) exclusively for the protagonist, as it violates the protagonist's unique personality.

Jang Hong: I don't think you need to be so passionate about it…….

Bi Ryuyeon: I think it's economical to get back to the point.

Hyo-Ryong & Jang Hong : I agree.

Bi Ryuyeon: By the way, don't you think the reaction is a bit too tepid? I was hoping for a more enthusiastic reaction in my appearance scene.

Hyo Ryong : You're right, the gap should have been 'a bit' too long! I'm sure the readers died waiting!

Bi Ryuyeon: Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, how can I have the good fortune to meet a handsome boy like me if I can't stand this!

Hyo Ryong : You must have frozen to death for a moment.

Jang Hong: Besides, your ego is at a dangerous level, and if it rises a bit more, I might be willing to consider your white coat.

Bi Ryuyeon: Tsk, tsk, tsk, what a bunch of stupid friends, you know one and you don't know the other.

Hyo Ryong: What do you mean we don't know?

Biyou Yan: About the mystery of time!

Jang Hong: The Mystery of Time?

A hundred years, five months, and one day are all equally fleeting when measured against the absolute time scale of eternity.

Jang Hong: That's a noble truth, but I don't think it applies in this case!

It's called truth because it's always the same regardless of time, place, or circumstance. It can't be called eternal truth because it changes according to time, place, and circumstance.

Jang Hong: Your sophistry seems to be getting more and more profound.

Hyo Ryong: Turning a marvelous truth into a late manuscript excuse……. Crap!

Bi Ryuyeon: Come on, that's the real truth, that which is immutable regardless of time and place, past and present.

Jang Hong & Hyorong: Alright, alright, alright! Let's move on without further insulting the truth.

Bi Ryuyeon: You still don't have enough faith!

Hyo Long: Brother Zhang, this volume was really difficult, right?

Jang Hong: That's right. I think it was probably the toughest one, because I think I was kind of on the edge of my seat the whole time we were shooting Volume 14…….

Hyo Ryong : Writers probably say they couldn't write because the actors went on strike, or they were uninspired or something……. It's a clichéd excuse.

'Jang Hong: So I kept rolling around on the floor, saying, "Ye-ngam, ye-ngam, ye-ngam." I thought, "What kind of old man are you calling so desperately?"'

Hyo Long : Is that really inspiring?

Jang Hong: The writer probably believes so, although I can't vouch for its effectiveness.

Hyo Ryong : When did inspiration become so light on its feet that it comes running when you call it?

Jang Hong: That's right.

Bi Ryuyeon: Uh-huh, it's important to believe. Why do something if you don't believe in it? Don't you have to believe in it first so you don't waste your time?

Hyo Ryong: Is that how your group is drawn?

Bi Ryuyeon: We'll see in the next book.

Hyo Long : I guess so, we'll see!

Bi Ryuyeon & Hyo-ryong & Jang Hong

⇒ Metamorphosis Composite Writer M :

This 14th volume was really hard work. I didn't have the ideas I needed, and there were a lot of events happening around me that seemed to be waiting in the wings. It was a crazy time and a crazy finish, but I think I matured a little bit in the midst of all that chaos.

You think you're the center of everything you see in the world. There will always be good and bad in the world, like two sides of a coin. If you try to see only the good, you'll see only the good, and if you try to see only the bad, you'll see only the bad. Don't fall into the trap of your mind and get depressed. Self-deprecation is a self-killing poison.

I think if you're dissatisfied with yourself, you have to be willing to work on it and rise above it. I think the first thing is to look at yourself and figure out what's wrong with you, and once you know what's wrong, you'll know how to fix it. I think the logic of 'I know what to do, but I can't do it' is self-defeating, and it's a way of denying yourself dignity. It's hard, but it's not impossible, and I think it's a much more positive mindset than being down on yourself and being depressed.

At the very least, you shouldn't drag yourself down, especially by dragging others down with you. I don't think that's a respectful way to live. If you give up on yourself, who can help you? I think the only person who can help you best is yourself.

I believe that life is best lived with a positive mindset, one that can always look on the bright side of the world at any given time, and to do that, you have to develop the eyes to see the right things.

This period of writing Volume 14 has been very thought-provoking, and there has been a lot of change going on around me. Even though the manuscript was delayed and I had a hard time finishing it, I think it was a very meaningful period in my life.

We'll recharge and see you in volume 15, and we'll try to make the wait a little shorter this time. Thank you.

Don't worry!

All you have to do is wait a moment!

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discord ko-fi