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Book 14 Chapter 19

Group Lottery

- Will and faith

The men's and women's dormitories were constantly inundated with incidents, but amazingly, they managed to make it to the morning of the draw without a single death. Unexpectedly, the power of reason over emotion remained.

The week went by without incident, and then the fateful day of the group draw arrived.

Who would they be paired with? That was the question on everyone's mind. Moreover, there was a tension on some of the faces as they realized that they were going to be paired up with people from other countries-who were also watching them almost intently.

They've spent their entire lives on opposite ends of the spectrum. The gap cannot be bridged in one moment. In fact, the past week, which was supposed to be a time to talk and get to know each other, was anything but quiet and peaceful. Rather, it was one accident after another. It was like throwing a dog and a monkey into a cattle pen.

Therefore, it was a tremendous burden for them to coordinate their breathing in unison without any distinction between black and white. As a result, an invisible tension was hovering over their heads like a formless ghost.

The white bins were filled with notes with the names of the white participants and the black bins with the names of the black participants. The color-coding was clear, so there was no confusion.

In a matter of moments, their fate will be in someone else's hands. A more elaborate plot would be rare. It was clear that these rulers had indeed studied and prepared thoroughly. And they were vicious enough to carry it out. Whether their intentions were pure or not, it felt that way to the participants.

Naturally, when you're in a group, you naturally want to be in a group with people you like, and you don't want to be in a group with people you don't like. It was a basic human need. And sometimes, when that doesn't happen, it leads to jealousy and anger.

By this time, Bi Ryuyeon was standing with Hyo-ryong in the center of the crowd, watching intently as the spirits prepared for the group draw.

"Long Yong, you know what you need most when you're in a lottery like this?"

Hyo-ryong shook his head at Bi Ryuyeon's question.

"I'm not sure."

She nodded, as if she knew that was the case. Then she said.

"It's a combination of unwavering determination and absolute faith. Those are the two things!"

The conviction in his voice was as powerful as the content.

"Hmmm…, will it work on faith alone?"

It's natural to be skeptical, but apparently the obvious doesn't apply to Bi Ryuyeon, who clicks his tongue and wiggles his fingers lightly from side to side.

"Tsk, tsk, that's why you can't do it, because you're already lacking absolute faith by even thinking about it. In that state, you're really at the mercy of luck, or at least the absolute willpower to attract that luck to yourself. You have to have the willpower and the belief that you can have whatever you want, and then you have to take action."

"Is that so?"

Hyo-ryong didn't quite understand.

"You'll never be able to be in a relationship with her in that state of mind."

Ryuyeon Bi said emphatically.

"Well, is it?"

"Then let's see what happens. I shall surely be paired with her!"

He knew, of course, who the "she" was that his friend was referring to, for she was probably the object of envy for almost every man besides his friend, who wanted to be in a group with her. If he did indeed end up with her, he would be extremely lucky.

But if you look back at what he said, it's not "because it will be", it's "because it is". In other words, he had no doubt about the outcome of his lottery. Of course, the human will is a powerful thing. But that doesn't mean that…….

"Oh, no……."

Still no credit. The world is not that simple or easy.

Bi Ryuyeon must have read his mood, because she gave him a pin.

"Tsk tsk. You lack faith in me, you!"

Hyo-Ryong almost exclaimed out loud.

"But I'm sure you're not the only man who would love to be in her company. She's arguably the most beautiful woman in the Heavenly Martial Academy, though she's as cold as a phoenix with icy feathers."

"Ugh, that's why you're still so inexperienced, and that's why you need willpower to be the driving force. The more people you have trying to get at you, the more you have to be able to overcome the sum of their wills."

When I heard that, it made a lot of sense.

"Hey, if you just thought, 'That's pretty plausible…' or something like that, you've already got a lot of doubt in your head!"

"Heck, did you crack open my skull and look inside?"

Hyo-ryong asked in surprise.

"Why would I do that, I can see it all from outside."

That's harsher than saying I took the lid off and peeked.

"That's why you're called weak-willed. You have to act with conviction in everything you do, and when you act with conviction, you fail, and then you whine about it when you act without conviction?"

It was an unbelievably sensible thing for her to say, and it became a sharpened sword that stabbed Hyo-ryong in the heart.

"Very well, I will use my goodwill to open your eyes, so you can rest easy. You'll be in good company with the young lady. Thank me in advance."

It had already happened. Bi Ryuyeon's face said so.

"Hmmm…, isn't that a bit of a rhetorical flourish?"

I always knew I was a reckless person, but I didn't realize it was this bad. There are some things in this world that you shouldn't say and some things that you shouldn't say. In this case, reckless is probably a better word than overconfident.

However, Bi Ryuyeon still had a flawless complexion and was weak.

"Anyway, we'll see!"

"If that's possible, that's cheating!

Even with that in mind, Hyo-Ryong reluctantly agreed to the firm assurance.

"Uh, yeah."

"Uh…, uh, here we go!"

And with much anticipation, the group draw began.

<Continued on page 15 of "Lightning Resistance"

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discord ko-fi