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Book 14 Chapter 21

What Bi Ryuyeon and her crew have done so far

Volume 1

The Geek Master and the Beautiful Boy

In front of his parents' graves, he encounters an invincible master. The master recognizes his qualities at once and takes him on as a disciple. The master takes him to a hut in the mountains of Amishan, whose name is "Thunderbolt Gate".

The master recommends using a damn heavy axe and a laundry hammer in the hut. At first, Bi Ryuyeon protests that she can't do it, that she won't be his student, but she has no choice but to submit to his violence, which she does with superhuman endurance. The master doesn't stop there, though, and has Ryuyeon's wrists and ankles filled with Muklong rings (which are also incredibly heavy). As if that weren't enough, every year on Ryuyeon's birthday he adds more weight to them. He also forces her to bead, work in the blacksmith shop, carve statues, cook, hunt, and gather wild flowers. All the while, Ryuyeon is diligently practicing her master's techniques of "projection" and "thunder spirit", looking forward to the day when she will be able to use them to her advantage.

One day, while practicing her water jutsu (a technique that allows her to perform underwater jutsu), Bi Ryuyeon accidentally throws a stone and kills Jin Zhao-yun, an unaware tiger who was drinking water out of the water. This brings us to the next group of people who will see blood, and they are Zhu Jiaodan.

Zhu Zhaodan is on his way to Amishan for special training (Qin Chao Yun was originally appointed as a special instructor, but he was already an unwanted guest) at the Heavenly Martial Academy, the talent training center of the White Sword Martial Clan. Bi Ryuyeon (disguised as a bast cotton ball. This is where the legend of Nosabu begins!) displays his unique temperament from his first encounter with Zhu Zhaodan. She strips them of anything of value and fills their hands and feet with iron rings, smaller and duller than the Mongolian dragon rings. He then sends them to work, where he commits cruel acts to earn money.

After a while, Dang-sam got into a dispute with the marksmen of the Zhongyang Mark Bureau and ended up in a big fight, but Dang-sam was alone and his opponents were many. Moreover, his body was out of shape due to Bi Ryuyeon's special training, and he was beaten by the marksmen. Ryuyeon is furious, and gathers the members of the Zhu Jiajia Clan to march on the Zhongyang marksmen. Ryu-yeon explains the hyped-up, bubble-wrapped condition of the ginseng and demands alimony for damages. After some resistance, she finally gets her way!

Time passes, and when it's time for the master to leave, Ryuyeon is deeply troubled. Ryuyeon had already been paid extra Lao Tzu by the Heavenly Martial Academy. Ryuyeon's breakthrough comes in the form of the Zhongyang Bean Soup! She hires Zhu Zhaodan to be a representative of the Zhongyang Beanstalk and sends him to his destination, the Tianmu Academy.

Volume 2

Admission to the Museum of Heaven and Earth

The season is winter. Bi Ryuyeon has already inherited his master's position as a transmitter, and he's no slouch (in fact, he's only mastered six true katanas-three in each hand). He commits the unprecedented atrocity of taking the katana's treasures, a silk robe and a sealed box (where the true katanas are kept), and running away with them. Still worried about his master, he signs up for an old-age pension (a sort of bribe to keep him from following him) and runs away.

In the stronger episodes, Bi Ryuyeon first visits the Zhongyang Pavilion to meet her students, Zhu Jia-dan, and her plan to make the Pavilion cry by telling them that she is Nosabu's disciple (a complete one-two punch) goes smoothly. Bi Ryuyeon realizes that Joo-jak-dan is from the Tianmu Academy and heads to Namchang to meet them. On the way, she runs into Yeomdo and challenges him to a fight. The outcome of the fight is in her favor!

When they arrive in Nanchang, they find that the Heavenly Martial Academy is not a place where anyone can enter whenever they want. It's closed for applications. After visiting Shunfeng Sanbu in the hopes of finding a way in, Bi Ryuyeon and Yin Dao manage to get past him, Yin Dao as a monk and Bi Ryuyeon as a monk, and Bi Ryuyeon with the Seungryong Plaque (which is handed out to a limited number of people, and if you have it, you don't need to apply).

He heads straight for the Seungryong Plaque, which he steals from its owner, Ganyu, by entering a nearby gatehouse. Here, however, he encounters his nemesis, the ice sword Kwan Chul-Su, and after a brief fight, the two prepare to travel to the Heavenly Academy.

On the day of the entrance examination, the examination hall was leveled by Bi Ryuyeon. His opponents all suffered from hepatosplenomegaly (a swollen liver) and prestige superiority (a vicious disease in which one believes only in one's own school). He realized that there was no one else who could cure them but himself, so he carefully treated them all by hand (?).

However, she is unable to endure the boring initiation ceremony and escapes, where she meets and befriends Hyo-ryong. Meanwhile, the person who shares a room with Bi Ryuyeon is Mo Yong-hui, who is said to be the best martial artist in the country. However, Ryuyeon realizes as soon as she meets him that Mo Yonghui, unlike his handsome appearance, is a stoic and unsociable person.

Volume 3

History of the New Guandao and the Warlords

Bi Ryuyeon heads to Tianmu Restaurant to satisfy her hunger, but it's not all quiet. The sisters-in-law are eager to put Yoon Joon-ho, a fellow enlistee, to death. Luckily, Mo Yong-hui intervenes to stop the bloodshed, as the murderous plan is slowly being put together.

Bi Ryuyeon, Hyo-ryong, and Jang-hong are interrogated by Yoon Joon-ho, the leader of the party. The reason he's being tortured is because he can't use the plum blade technique due to his plum hypersensitivity. Yun Jun-ho has already reached the stage of sword scent perception, so whenever he uses the plum blade, he smells the scent of plum blossoms, so Ryuyeon and the others try to find a way to modify his body. Bi Ryuyeon comes up with the idea that if he were to reach the level of a half-black gui jin (an ultra-advanced cultivator who is a novice on the outside and an ultra-advanced cultivator on the inside), he would stop smelling like plum blossoms.

First class period. The teacher tells the class about the Heavenly Fear Blood God, who caused the worst blood feud in the history of the Murim. He is believed to have come from Black Island, and he attacked black and white alike. The Taegeuk Divine Army's Hyuk Wolin, the pacific swordsman Gal Joong-hyuk, and the Heavenly Three (swordsman Mo Yong-jeong-cheon, daoist Ha Hui-sik, and swordsman Lee Ok-sang) joined forces to defeat him, but his death was not confirmed. In order to cultivate talent to deal with him when he reappears in the future, they set up a talent training center called the Heavenly Martial Academy on the White Island and the Heavenly Martial Hall on the Black Island. However, Bi Ryuyeon is the only one who is unaware of the existence of the Heavenly Martial Spirit that everyone else knows about (and she unconsciously feels an affinity for him)!

As she leaves the classroom, something catches her eye: a falcon! In a moment of impulse buying, Ryuyeon purchases a Hai Dongcheng "Thunder Falcon," a top-of-the-line falcon with blue feathers from the East. After a fiery battle with the seller, she wins a substantial discount.

One day, while passing in front of the Unhyangjeong, Bi Ryuyeon is drawn in by the sound of golden music and enters, where she meets a woman of heavenly beauty. Ryu-yeon falls in love with her at first sight, and skips the formalities to have her lips smashed. The victim of this incident is the famous Na Yerin. She is the possessor of a "dragon eye" (a kind of tuxian or yezian), but a mysterious man is caught unawares by her dragon eye and has his lips taken from him defenselessly. He soon regains his senses and attacks, but only manages to cut the hem of Ryuyeon's dress.

Just then, a figure emerges from a corner of the Yun Xiang Pavilion. He's Wei Zichen, the leader of the Bingfeng Movie Guardians (a group formed by Na Yerin's followers). He has witnessed what happened between Ryuyeon and Na Yerin and loses his temper, attacking Ryuyeon, but is wounded by his lightning sword.

Volume 4

The Rare Raid on a Women's Dormitory

On a quiet night, the members of the Ice Peak Guardians gather and vow to destroy her. The members of the Ice Peak Guard gather on a quiet night, vowing to destroy her. At the same time, she is doing something they would be embarrassed to know about. Na Yerin has been the subject of numerous plots since she was a child due to her extraordinary beauty, but thanks to her martial arts master father, she was able to keep her virginity. But it left her with a man-hating disposition and mild autism.

When Ryu-yeon learns that the Joo Jaks have drawn with the Blue Dragons, she entrusts Yeom-do with their training and Yoon Jun-ho (to make him the anti-Bak Gui-jin). Yeom-do, who has been lukewarm about the Jujak Dan's training, becomes fiercely competitive when the ice sword Kwan Chul-soo takes charge of the Cheongryong Dan.

Ryu-yeon meets with Il-mu-young Chuil-tae and accepts his wager: to break into Baekhyang-gwan (the girls' dormitory, a sanctuary for forbidden men that has never been successfully broken into by men) and steal Na Yerin's things and Chuil-tae's things!

As he heads back to Yerin's room, the intrusion alarm suddenly goes off at the sword hall (where the sword spirit is kept), and Jinling and Yerin attack in a staggered fashion, but using the "Jang Gökö of the Non-Reasonable Arcane Puppeteer", he manages to use Jinling to block Yerin's attack and escape. He also manages to stab Jinling in the back, dragging him out of the room and winning the prize!

The next day, Na-erin visits the Aesop Society. She points the finger at Bi Ryuyeon, who could be out of Yong'an, but Bi Ryuyeon denies the accusation. However, Naerin is unable to let go of her suspicions and promises to clear up the misunderstanding if she wins the Heavenly Three Kingdoms.

Bi Ryuyeon knows that a contestant in the Heavenly Martial War must be a Five Sword Dragon (rank) or higher, so she seeks an upgraded bimu opponent. Mo Yonghui also wants to be upgraded so that he can take classes and borrow books, but Swordzone Gong Gong Yiqiu insults Mo Yonghui's ancestor, Sword Saint Mo Yongzhengtian, by saying that Mo Yonghui will win the Heavenly Martial War, forcing Swordzone to retract his remarks.

A few days later, Dan Dafeng of the White Tiger Corps sees Ryuyeon in the midst of a group of Zhu Jiajia and gossips about the Zhu Jiajia in front of him, and Ryuyeon decides that he is a candidate for promotion. Mo Yonghui then chooses a bimu from among Ryuyeon's many bimu henchmen.

On the day of the promotion test, Mo Yonghui easily defeats the non-martial artists and is promoted to Five Sword Dragon. Ryuyeon also advances to Sixth Sword Dragon after a few punches against Hasein.

Volume 5

Unsu-daetong percussion Bi Ryuyeon

Ryuyeon tries to use Yin Gong at the start of the match, but when his opponent doesn't give him a chance to use it, he gives up and hits him with Muk Geum. In the next match, her opponent doesn't give her time to use Yin Gong, so she uses a tanggeum hang (a seated move) to get behind him and blast him with a mukgeum.

Along with the Great War of Heaven and Earth, something else is heating up: the Discernment Competition (a euphemism for gambling)! The Zhu Jia Clan is betting their entire life savings on Bi Ryuyeon, who rarely gambles, and what's more, the Zhu Jia Clan's Geum Young Ho and the Blue Dragon Clan's Dokwang Seo are betting on who will win the Tournament of Discernment. As Bi Ryuyeon prepares for her next match, she overhears her next opponent, the eight-armed divine swordsman Jeon Ok-ki, chewing on her while Hyo-ryong watches, and she decides to take revenge.

On game day, Ryuyeon gets her revenge. Usually, her opponents receive one or two blows, but in the case of Jeon Ok-ki, she beats them into a coma with her emotions. From this point on, he is known as "Unsu Daetong Gyutaeum" (beaten with a mukgeum, everyone thinks he is using a mukgeum). His next match was against Tang Wentian, a poisonous fighter from Tangmen. Tang Wentian was also suffering from hepatosplenomegaly and ming superiority. Ryuyeon is very uncomfortable with the idea of using poison, so he sends him packing with a triple punch.

Meanwhile, Na Yerin advances to the final of the sword fight. Her opponent is Bing's daughter, the Blue Snow Jade Swordswoman Guan Shuji, who continues to use defensive swordsmanship (taught to her by her father, Bing) against Naerin. Na Yerin, on the other hand, uses the martial arts style of the Hundred-Headed Sword of Lightning (a martial artist who loved his daughter so much he taught her martial arts!). After a considerable amount of time, the fight is declared a draw.

At last, the final of the Sword Battle. After a fierce battle like no other, Mo Yonghui and Cheng Heng use their respective secret techniques and collide, exhausted, and fall at the same time. In the end, the sword battle is drawn.

All that remains is Bi Ryuyeon's match. His opponent is the absurdly named Wei Zichen, the Windblade Dragon. Bi Ryuyeon finally utilizes the Yin Gong she's never used before, using Na Yerin's song from the Yun Xiang Boat to penetrate Wei Zichen's mind and completely subdue him. After breaking the Yin Qi midway through, Bi Ryuyeon blocks Wei Zichen's most devastating attack with a mere silence, and finishes off with the Sword Qi of the Lightning Dao, Feng Yun Feng's Long Lightning Flowing Song.

In the end, the Sword Battle, the City Battle, and the Sword Battle are all drawn, so the winner of the Samsung Battle, Bi Ryuyeon, is declared the overall winner. This clears up Na Yerin's suspicions about Ryuyeon. And Ryu-yeon puts her lips on Na-erin's again! Meanwhile, Geum Young-ho wins both bets, but is robbed of more than half of his winnings by Ryu-yeon.

Book 6

Training on Mount Mudang

Bi Ryuyeon drops a bombshell on Joo Jae-dan. They're 16:16 with the Blue Dragon Corps, meaning they're going to fight as a group. The members of Jujak Dan are amused by Bi Ryuyeon's suggestion that they fight all at once because it's a hassle, but water has already been spilled.

Final Day! Ryu-yeon tells the judges that she's betting on all of them. Ryuyeon's words are a tremendous encouragement to the troupe, and they approach the fight with a sense of cooperation and a desperate determination not to lose. By the end of the fight, only Danju Mengyeon-ho is left in the Blue Dragon Corps, and he fights a duel with Namgung Sang. In the end, they win the team competition, but Ryuyeon punishes them harshly for losing four men to the Blue Dragon.

Some time later, Ryuyeon's group, the Heavenly Swords, leaves for a training camp on Mount Wudang. Relieved to be separated from Ryuyeon, Zhu Zhaodan lets go of the ritual when he hears that he will be accompanying the Heavenly Sword Group on this training.

Bored with the training camp at Mudang Mountain, Ryuyeon sets out to find Qi Yan. Along the way, he encounters Qi Yan's master, the Jade Emperor Hyun Gumjin, and together they indulge in alcohol and meat. He's a priest of the Sword God, and having seen the Sword God defeated by a certain old man (possibly Ryuyeon's teacher, as the golden net is a martial art of the Thunder Gate) in the past, he tries to embody that feeling with his sword. But Ryuyeon catches him at his weakness and shows him what he's made of.

Back at the dormitory, Ryuyeon manages to hold off the enemies, and then goes to find Yerin, who has been separated from the group. With Ryuyeon's help, she manages to get them out of danger, but a sudden downpour forces them to take shelter in a cave. Ryuyeon takes a liking to Yerin's rain-soaked body, and when the subject of her master comes up, she starts gossiping.

Meanwhile, Chi-Sa-Han uses the power of Heaven and Earth to bring out Gal-Hyo-Bong (the grandson of Gal Joong-Hyeok), who has been imprisoned in a prison called Cheon-Ma-Ro-Ran. Mo Yong-hwi is confronted by Gal Hyo-bong, and they fight to the death. Hyo-ryong realizes that Gal-hyo-bong is his brother.

Book 7

Play the Sasanqua

Mo Yong-hwi realizes that it won't end without a draw, so he challenges Gal Hyo-bong to a prizefight. Mo Yong-hwi and Gal Hyo-bong each throw a ping-pong ball with the intention of killing. As a result of the collision, Mo Yong-hui suffers severe internal injuries and is about to collapse, but Gal Hyo-bong holds on. At this point, Galhyo Feng's golden jutsu cracks and explodes. In their desperation, they retreat, taking Galhyo-bong with them. Yan Dao says that there is no support from the shamanic sect, so he devises a plan of action. At this time, Ryuyeon performs the Sazen Choga in front of Na Yerin (which nearly causes the Heaven and Earth Siblings to go berserk).

After a while, Galhyo-bong goes on a rampage again, and Cheonji Ssangsal is forced to come back in. Eventually, Mo Yong-hwi and Galhyo-bong have a second confrontation.

He faces off against Yerin, who is a master of the sword and wields a boron sword. Yerin engages in a close fight with Chen Shih and uses her dragon eye to block his attacks, but when that doesn't work, they duel to the death. Sensing the danger, Ryuyeon interrupts the joust and faces Tian Shi himself. Ryuyeon deflects Tian Shi's Spiritual Spiritual Defense Absolute Mental Defense Emptiness (Eyes Flashing!) and uses the Lightning Sword to sever his superior arm. At the same time, Yin Dao cuts off his arm.

Meanwhile, Mo Yong-hwi is struggling with his internal struggles. He reveals to everyone that Gal Hyo Fong is his brother and asks Ryuyeon for help. Ryuyeon realizes that Gal Hyo Fong's mind is broken and corrects it with the "Short Hearted Intangible Zhang Shim Liu of the Sword Qi Five of Non-Lightning". Hyo-bong returns to his senses, but before he dies at Hyo-ryong's hands, he leaves a message for Hyo-ryong to beware of heavenly fears. After sending his brother to his death, Hyo-Ryong vows revenge.

Qi Sahan informs the "Grand Duke" who ordered the operation of the failure, and Hyo-bong's father, Gal Joong-hyo (son of Gal Joong-hyeok from Pachon-do, Black Heaven Blind), sends an army of iron horses to avenge his son. In the meantime, Ryu-yeon goes out on her own, bare-chested and alone.

Book 8

Volcanic Covenant Branch

After single-handedly breaking through the siege passing attack of the Jade Scrolls, he fights one of the Black Heavenly League's top masters, the Jade Scrolls Master Gu Tianhua. With a ridiculous display of his unerring spear, Bi Ryuyeon easily defeats the Iron Scaffolds.

Unable to believe the defeat of the Iron Horsemen, the Black Heavenly Blade sends Eunseulan, the quadruple queen of Galhyo Feng, to the Heavenly Martial Academy as an investigator. She is attacked by assailants inside the Namchang Castle, but with the help of Mo Yonghui, Bi Ryuyeon, and Na Yerin, she manages to escape. Through a series of twists and turns, the three end up escorting her.

Meanwhile, the notice board at the Heavenly Martial Academy lists the candidates for the upcoming Volcano Covenant Branch, and the students are divided into two groups: the Black Sword Sect of the Demon Swordsman Nasty Old Man and the White Sword Sect of the Heavenly Sword Wicked Old Man (Bi Ryuyeon and her friends are in the Black Sword Sect).

And then, two heavenly beings broke their training and returned to the Heavenly Martial Academy. One of them was a woman. …….

Who was the mysterious woman who called Bi Ryuyeon "fat" and why was the slender beauty called fat by him? It was all a mystery.

Book 9

Ongojip vs. Wangojip

At the end of Book 8, the beauty who was called "fat" by Bi Ryuyeon was the Iron Jade Sleep Maha Ling, a handsome young woman of the Iron Pavilion Majin Family of the Heavenly Martial Arts Pavilion.

The reason this slender beauty was called fat was simple.

The two of them had met the day before in the castle's guest room. Seeing that the Maharishi was making people feel like servants, Bi Ryuyeon thought she might be a troublemaker, so he sneaked into her room and saw what happened. Her slender body, which had been practicing qigong, had suddenly grown five times larger.

She was practicing the Heavenly Axis Yuga Divine Art, which allows her to control the flesh, muscles, and bones of her entire body. Now that she had been discovered by Bi Ryuyeon, there was no way the Maha Spirit would leave her alone. But Bi Ryuyeon was no match for her. She had been overconfident, as she was also the president of the Gunung Palgakai, an alliance of students from the Eight Great Sects and the Small and Medium Sects, which was twinned with the Gujingkai, an alliance of students from the Old School.

The consequences of underestimating her opponent were painful to the bone. Even the Divine Response Team that rushed to her aid couldn't lay a finger on Bi Ryuyeon, who wielded the Maha Spirit as a shield. The one who freed her from Bi Ryuyeon's clutches was Yong Tianming, the Chancellor of the Guzheng Temple, who broke through the gates with her. However, Maha Ling, who is a rival of the Nine Lunar Sect and has complicated feelings for him, cannot honestly say thank you. He was a big part of the reason why she developed a complex about her size when she was younger.

Meanwhile, when Mo Yong-hwi is assigned to escort Eun Seol-ran, the queen of the quartet, he thinks about refusing, but is stopped in his tracks by her tears in the moonlight, as if struck by lightning. It was the first time Mo Yong-hui, who was not interested in women, was swayed by a woman.

Meanwhile, just as Wei Jichen is about to fly into a jealous rage when he sees his idol Na Yerin secretly worrying about Bi Ryuyeon, a mysterious figure makes him turn around with the words, "Do you want power? Wei Zichen nodded, his jealousy overflowing.

Binggum, a student of the martial artist Yue Yue Lin, has not forgotten his master's last words to find a talent for Taijiquan. He seeks out Bi Ryuyeon to test his skills. As in the case of the salting ceremony, Bi Ryuyeon agrees to the challenge on the condition that if he wins, she will grant him three favors.

Volume 10

Leaving the Temple of Heaven

Bi Ryuyeon has been hospitalized. She had been injured in a fight with the Ice Sword Master. The men of the academy welcome the hospitalization of Bi Ryuyeon, the Heavenly Heroine who stole the lips of their idol, with open arms. However, Bing'er's demeanor as he visits her in the hospital is odd.

Yes, he had indeed been defeated by Bi Ryuyeon in a sword fight. Yeomdo enthusiastically welcomed Ice Sword into the same hell as him (being Bi Ryuyeon's disciple).

Bi Ryuyeon's hospitalization was just a ruse to avoid attention. It was a tactic to avoid the blind training for the selection test for the representative of the Volcano Covenant Branch. Na Yerin, who has been restless for some unknown reason, is baffled by Bi Ryuyeon's well-being, but doesn't understand her own relief. After using his hospitalization as an excuse to skip all of the hellish training, he boldly participates in the Hwanmadong Examination, a test to select the representative of the Volcano Covenant Branch.

After a series of twists and turns, Bi Ryuyeon and Na Yerin are trapped in a cave by the explosion of Yin Maruo, a jealousy bomb thrown by Wei Zichen. After a week of claustrophobic confinement, they finally discover a cavity on the other side: the nest of the cave's master, the millennia-old imperial martial artist Muklin Bloodsucker, but Muklin Bloodsucker is quickly reduced to a meal by a flash of silver from Bi Ryuyeon's sleeve. After spending 44 days in a confined space and on the edge of life and death, it's only natural that their minds would change.

After escaping the cave through an aqueduct, they come upon the bizarre sight of their own funeral in progress. Unsurprisingly, it's a festive occasion for the two, or more precisely the academician who confirmed Na Yerin's survival. They are accepted as delegates to the Volcanic Society and travel with their friends to the volcano, where conspiracies are afoot.

Book 11

Journey to the Volcano

The journey to the volcano, paved with intrigue from a man called the Grand Duke Bi, cannot be easy. Moreover, the life of Zhu Zhaodan, who was chosen to travel with Bi Ryuyeon, was not easy either. On the way to the volcano, they had to undergo constant mental training and constant physical training.

The first problem had nothing to do with the plot, but was caused by an encounter with Black Rangchae, one of the Green Forest Bandits, in Gugong Mountain. He's a typical bandit leader, and he took advantage of Na Yerin's beauty to forcefully propose to her. The delegation could not stand idly by. Bi Ryuyeon, who had her heart set on Na Yerin, was furious that the bandit leader had the audacity to want her, and she claimed the Southern Palace as her representative.

Just as Namgung Sang is about to take the life of Black Rang Chai, he is interrupted by a sword flying out of nowhere. To everyone's surprise, this ordinary-looking swordsman is Lee Song-hak, a member of the Hebei Ten Swords who disappeared many years ago. The delegation, led by Yidao and Binggong, forgive him for what he has done and cross over the Gugong Mountain, only to be slaughtered by the Twelve Blood Horsemen, who have been tracking the delegation by order of the Grand Duke. The only survivor is Lee Song-hak, who escapes with his wounds.

Unaware of this, she enters Samyang Castle on the way to the volcano, where she encounters Eunseulan, who has followed her, claiming to be traveling on a very personal journey. After a dispute with the eight great families, who have all been spurned by Eunseulan, Ryuyeon is reunited with Zhang Wuyang, the head of the Zhongyang Clan. Together, they agree to cross the Daehong Mountain, where the King of Green Forest is encamped.

However, the owner of the Green Forest Seventy-seven, the Green Forest King Guangfeng Marang, was not targeted by the Zhongyang Bureau, but by the representatives of the Volcanic Society. He had been framed for the destruction of the Black Lanterns.

Surrounded by more than 2,000 bandits, the situation was at a standstill, but one man stepped forward to make a difference. It was Lim Sung-jin, Bi Ryuyeon's senior, who was surprisingly the biological son of the King of Green Forest. He ran away from home many years ago because he hated being a bandit and joined the Heavenly Martial Arts Academy. Of course, the two men have a difficult relationship and cannot resolve their differences with a smile, so they choose to use force. Regardless of whether they fight or not, the situation is resolved.

After crossing the Great Red Mountain without a single casualty, the delegation rescues Yi Songhak, who has escaped the pursuit of the Twelve Blood Horsemen along the way. They leave him in a coma in an unknown location and continue on their way. But there's still one last hurdle to overcome: a place called the Lightning Valley, where the Twelve Blood Horsemen have carefully laid a trap.

And so began an elaborate siege, a cog in the wheel of the Twelve Bloods.

Volume 12

Battle of Lightningfall

As time passes, the relationship between Bi Ryuyeon and Na Yerin subtly evolves, and her previously icy relationship with him grows into something more. However, this ignites the jealousy of Wei Zichen, who has become overly obsessed with her, and he is unable to erase his keen interest in her.

The Bisama Army's General Mohsar unleashes thousands upon thousands of venomous snakes, led by the Crimson Twin Serpents, in front of the Heavenly Academy's traveling party to stop them. One by one, the deathly images he unleashes strangle the members of the Academy of the Heavens. When even the normally neat and disciplined Maharishi loses his cool and begins to wield the dao frantically, Yong Tianming feels compelled to protect her, even in the face of imminent death. Later, Yeomdo and Ice Sword realize that it is the Bisama Army's Mosarishi who is unleashing the venomous snakes, but the visions have already wrapped around them thickly.

While using her short stature to break the Twelve Blood Horsemen's iron barrier to open a pathway to the Heavenly Martial Academy, Bi Ryuyeon suddenly sees one of the warriors flying toward Na Yerin and crosses another barrier within herself to save her.

Just as Bi Ryuyeon is about to subdue the Crimson Twins and put an end to her mother's life, the Lightning Twins appear. Demons that have been infamous for over a hundred years have reappeared. Hyo-Ryong is gravely wounded in the attack, and the Salt and Ice Swords are reminded of the grudge that goes back to their master, the Taegeuk Divine Army.

However, in a twist of fate, Bi Ryuyeon disagrees with the pair's name: the name "Bi Liu" can only be used by those who deserve it. She tests their strength and speed, and one of them is killed and the other seriously injured. After the danger passes, the group interrogates Mo Sailing, but fails to find out who was behind the attack, so they return to the volcano with a heavy heart.

Finally, the group climbs the volcano… and the first gateway appears before them.

Volume 13

Three gateways

Zongqing, guardian of the first gate. He was once unrivaled in the art of kung fu under the nickname Bi Gong Dap Yun, but he was disastrously defeated by "him" during the blood feud a hundred years ago and lost both his legs. His test is to use kung fu to jump over a ravine. Although it seems a bit unnerving, Namgungsang of the Jujakdan succeeds, and the members of the Heavenly Martial Academy pass the test.

He too lost his right arm during the Blood Scare, and his test is to prove his skill by swinging his sword against the scarred wall. Here, Hyo-ryong, who has lost his senses and moves like a vegetable, passes Yong's test by leaving a remarkable mark on the scarred wall.

At the third gateway, the Sword Mausoleum, where 108 broken swords are stuck in the ground and look terrible, the swordsman Yue Yun stands guard. Here, Bi Ryuyeon proves her mettle by slashing at a dragonfly, and Yue Yun Ming lets them through.

They pass through the three gateways without incident, but in their hearts, the past deeds of 'him' told by the three linemen are imprinted like a nightmare, tightening their hearts.

Meanwhile, Eunseulan, a quadruplet who was not selected to climb the volcano, can't get enough of her freedom. While wandering the streets with Hanno, she spots a young Confucius in a fortune-teller's cup that reminds her of someone from her past. Troubled, she decides to hide in the cup at night to see if he's really "him," but is unexpectedly captured. Hanno tries to rescue her, but is thwarted by the masters, and eventually rushes to the volcano to ask for help from the members of the Heavenly Academy.

When Bi Ryuyeon and the others hear the news, they descend from the Heavenly Peak to rescue her. After much sleuthing, they learn of her whereabouts and narrowly save her.

Mo Yong Hwi first takes Eun Seol Ran to safety and fights off one of the men, but he's outmatched. Just as he's about to risk his life to protect her, Bi Ryuyeon appears…….

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