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Book 13 Chapter 19

Awakening of the Hyorong

Lunar New Year (丑時末 : approx. 0300) Hwapyeongjang Sponsorship

We're all fallible.

Yeomdo is human. As such, Yeomdo can be misleading.

So he looked at her. He wanted her to tell him if he was mistaken or not, but she seemed to be thinking the same thing. She looked the other way.

Everyone looked at the two old men and stiffened.

Na Yerin, who was far more trustworthy than Bi Ryuyeon, agreed. Mo Yonghui agreed. Everyone who had been at the Shaman Mountain that day was here. Things had become troublesome.

"What the hell, why are those old people here!

Only Dokgo-ryung, Seokryu-ha, Noh, and Oh-gae, who were not there that day, were dumbfounded.

But it turns out they weren't the only ones who were confused.

"Oh, no……."

"How do I get here……."

The two old men's voices were shaking violently, as if they were making a promise. They were masked, but unmistakable.

The lightheartedness of the thought of exercising before drinking had already fled. Instead, my heart grew heavier and heavier. The two old men's faces had turned blue, as if they had seen a ghost.

The nightmare has manifested.

The nightmare that had haunted them every night was now tangible before the two old men's eyes.

Murder, anger, horror, confusion, fear.

Tens of thousands of thoughts tangled in their minds. Even when they were surrounded by dozens of men in all manner of armor.

Should we yell for everyone to charge, or should we yell for everyone to flee…….

But here he was. There was only one choice.

'Were there any members of the Ssangsal who survived that day on Mudang Mountain?'

The two old men thought for a moment.

The answer was "none.

Two figures flashed across Hyo-Ryong's unfocused retina, two figures he could never forget, not if he wanted to. Shadows etched so clearly on his retina and in his heart with the death of a man.

Thump, thump, thump!

At that moment, Hyorong's heart began to beat rapidly. His heartbeat became louder and faster.

'A dragon, a dragon, a dragon…….'

A nostalgic voice echoed in the abyss where he slept.


Suddenly, his mind flashed back to the events of that day on Shaman Mountain. A man's laughter, the sword that came down on that laughter, death, and blood!

The face of the sword that brought death was his own.


At that moment, the great shell that surrounded him shattered, and the other Hyurong crouched within opened his eyes. His vision cleared as the darkness covering his retinas peeled away. A word of seething rage burst from his throat.

"Heaven and Earth!!! My brother's enemy!"

Without anyone stopping him, Hyorong drew his twin swords and charged toward the second of the two. Dozens of swords surrounded him, but he didn't care; his gaze could only see the two of them, the Heaven and Earth Siblings.

"That's crazy!"

A shout erupted from Yindo's mouth. A scream erupted from the mouth of Binary Snow.

Sword after sword screamed and clashed fiercely.

Hyo-Ryong's solo charge was certainly reckless. But it was also unexpected. His sword, burning with rage, was more powerful than he could have imagined.

He staggered backward as he was pushed by a force beyond his imagination. The men behind him moved out of the way to the right and left, creating a path. It had happened so suddenly that he hadn't even realized it. He hadn't expected it to be so sudden and unexpected.

Chen Shiqi had to step back five long stretches before he could pin Xin Xing. As if one sword weren't enough, Hyorong had crossed them and pressed him, but Chen Shihsan was able to withstand the force with just his left hand.

As the two came to a standstill, Hyo-Ryong's movement was halted in the middle of the enemy camp, which meant that he was surrounded by a horde of sword-wielding Li Li and was ideally positioned to be eaten.


Lee Jin-sul draws his twin swords and runs.

"Stand up!"

Dokgo Ling shouted urgently after him, and when someone else tried to beat him, Yidao's tirade erupted.

"No one moves anymore! "

An ear-piercing rant!

"This guy or that guy!"

He followed the two who had gone before him; he had a duty to protect the three before him.


Yeomdo's right hand burned across Hyorong's cheek.

At Lee Jin-sul's brief curtsy, Hyorong's head turned violently to one side. A trickle of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

Lee Jin-sul turned to run, but Dokgo-ryung stopped her from behind.

"That reckless charge, who taught you that, you're so eager to die?"

Yin Dao shouted in anger. Even if you've lost your senses in anger, you're still throwing your life away……….

"Who's permission did you ask, and who taught you to fight like that?"

His anger was unquenchable, and it didn't matter if others were watching or not, or if enemies were surrounding them or not. Lee Jin-sul, who had been watching, was now almost in tears.

"Do you have any idea how many people your irresponsible behavior has put at risk? "


"You almost killed her!"

At that moment, Hyo-Ryong's head snapped up and he looked at Yidou.

"Well, that's……."

But Yeomdo's eyes were cold.

"Why? Do you want to say no, do you think it's ridiculous?"

"Oh, no."

A squelchy voice leaked out.

"Why, are you bored with life now? Are you empty? Do you not want to live anymore? Do you want this body to kill you without any hassle?"

"No, boss!"

Lee Jin-sul, watching from the sidelines, cried out. She felt sorry for Hyo-ryong, who was mute as the grass died.

"…sin, I'm sorry."

Hyo-ryong replied, unable to look up from his deep sleep, when he felt a heavy hand on his shoulder. When he looked up, he saw that it was Yin Do. His face was very calm, as if he had washed away the fierceness he had shown earlier.

A quiet, compassionate voice came out of Yidou's mouth.

"Are you feeling cooler now? "

Hyo-Ryong, who had been silent with his hand on his left cheek and his head bowed, answered in a small voice.

"Yes…, I'm sorry! "

His voice was hushed, and then a rough hand patted his shoulder. It was as if to tell him it was okay.

"Congratulations on waking up from a long sleep."

"Go, thank you."

His throat closed. A single glistening tear rolled down his cheek and hit the ground.

There were tears in Lee Jin-sul's eyes as she looked at him.

"You fucking flaming piece of shit, what are you doing here when you should be stoking the fire at home!"

Fat old Jisal shouted.

"Uh, how did you know?"

"I'm sorry," Salt replied, dumbfounded. He was more dumbfounded by the revelation of his identity than by the verbal assault.

"Who do you think you are, to think that you can wear such plainly visible blood-red armor and still be able to hide it with just a mask!"

Jisal screamed again, this time at the top of his lungs.

'Well, I'm sure!'

The entire rescue squad nods inwardly.

Certainly his red hair stood out, even in the torchlight of this late night. Moreover, his clothes were still a solid red, and even his sword, with its red sash, gave him a sleek appearance not often seen in the Middle Kingdom, and the entire sword was red, including the handle.

"Chet, you forgot! "

The Yeomdo scratched the back of the sinner's head, the one who had caused the discovery. It was a spilled water, no big deal attitude.

"Go first!"

Yeomdo said.


"Go! It won't take long anyway. But these debt collectors seem to be persistent! I don't know how long it will take, so I'm telling you to go."

The words were directed at Mo Yonghui, but his gaze never left the two old men.

[Go! And wait for us in the open West Akbunta, and if we do not come, take refuge in the volcanic waves!]

Mo Yonghui's eardrums rang with the sound of Yeomdo.


Mo Yonghui's gaze shifted to Yidao.

"What if, what if! Of course I can't lose to that old man, can I? Two games, one draw, one win. Of course I won't lose this time!"

Yeomdo said in a casually confident voice. Then he shouted again.

"What are you waiting for? Go, go, go, and be sure to keep it!"


Yidao lifted his flame. His mourning turned to flame, burning wildly as he activated the Spirit God Gong. A terrifying heat radiated from the center of the flame.

"Run! "

A pillar of flame rained down. At that moment, a tidal wave of flame engulfed the warriors guarding the right gate. Sparks flew and screams erupted, creating a pathway surrounded by a wall of flame.

Mo Yonghui, carrying the silver snowflake, flew into the center of the flame pathway.

Only when he saw that Mo Yonghui was safely out of the way did Yeomdo turn around, and then he sent an electric sound toward Bi Ryuyeon.

[Is this how it's supposed to be?]

Bi Ryuyeon nodded slightly. That was it, nothing more was said.

"What the heck is he up to?

With that decision, Yeomdo turned his gaze back to Heaven and Earth. It's much more straightforward to think this way.

"Here, let's settle some old debts!"

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discord ko-fi