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Book 13 Chapter 18

Nightmare (惡夢)

An old man has a dream.

Hot, hot, hot, hot!

An old man thinks.

Sweaty. As in rain.

I'm thirsty. My mouth feels hot. Burning in the throat.

A searing heat that threatens to consume him from all sides.

It turns its fat body and runs away.

Waves of roiling red flame wash over him. It devours him. Burns him.

Hot, hot, hot, hot!

Shout. to howl. to scream.

But you can't make a sound because your vocal cords are on fire. It's hot in your throat, like you've swallowed burning coals.

Turn around. Run. Run away.

Flames chase after him. Sweating like rain, he continues to run.

Blah blah blah!

Suddenly, red flames erupt in front of you. A wall of flame rises high above you, blocking your path.

This time, turn to the right. Run again. It runs away.

Blah blah blah!

Once again, a pillar of flame rises in his path. The heat threatens to scorch his very soul.

Hot. 热

I turn around and run back, feeling suffocated by the heat coming at me from all sides.

A barrier of flame rises, blocking his path once more.

I look around frantically.

Left and right!

I'm surrounded by walls of flame on all sides. You are trapped in a prison of flames. You must escape.

The infinite heat rushes toward him. It's suffocating. It's hot. It burns his soul.

Then something appeared through the flames. It was getting closer.

It is shaped like a man, but it is not a man. It has hair of blazing flame and is clothed in a robe of searing flames. It is a flame ghost.

You need to run away. But you can't move, as if your legs are stuck to the ground.

The flame ghost cackles and laughs. The flames around his body burn more intensely. The red ghost raises a finger and points to his left arm.

Turn your head to look at it.

It's burning. It is burning brightly. His left arm is engulfed in crimson flames and burning.


With a tearing scream, the old man leapt from his seat.

It was a dream.

The old man breathed raggedly. Cold sweat soaked the bed.

It was like a dream come true, as the old man's left arm was reduced to ashes by the flames.

The fat old man's left sleeve was empty.

Another old man has a dream.

His eyes glow red, like jewels in blood.

Master of the Gem. The sprawling monster collapses on the spot. Two swords fall from the monster's hands to the ground.

I want to scream, "No way!" The monster is not something that can be defeated so easily.

The figure of the man who defeated the scatterbrain is revealed.


It was clear that he was no older than his mid-20s.

You can't see her face. Her bangs hang down like her feet. Suddenly, an unknown fear grips you. It's ridiculous. There was no reason to be afraid of a mere child.

Suddenly, you look down at your hand. It's shaking violently, all by itself.

There is no hesitation in the man's step. The man's hand slowly rises, and his fingers slowly unfold.

Slowly! Slowly! Time seems to be moving very slowly.

Now is your chance.

I have to run! I have to run!

You cry out in desperation, but to no avail.

He doesn't move, as if he's being held down by scissors. In a few moments, that finger will be fully extended. Then it's really dead.

But your body doesn't move. You look down at your feet, stunned.

A muffled scream erupts.

The shadows wriggle, and a black hand emerges from the ground. Black hands grab his legs. There are many hands. They are all the hands of those who have died at their hands. There is one hand, the largest and most powerful of them all. From the pulsing abyss of darkness, the arm's owner emerges. It glows with a blood-red glow. The face of the sprawling monster that fell at the hands of the man before him is there.

Help! Help! Help! Help!

But to no avail. Tears of vengeance flow from its bloodshot eyes. Words of curse flow from their mouths.

When we look straight ahead, we see a man with bangs covering his eyes.

The man is smiling. He is smiling.


The man's fingers move lightly.

No feeling at all. But he knew; that his right arm was no longer his; that it was a thing of the past that his superiority was part of the limb.


Again, the man smiles.

The man's fingers are now all stretched out.

Your vision turns red and your body shatters. My soul is torn to shreds. It's terrifying. I'm in pain. I want to die, but I still can't.

In the darkness, the pull grows stronger and stronger. Red-eyed sporadic monsters glow with bloodlight.

You sink deeper and deeper. Soon, every part of him except his neck is submerged in a dark swamp. Again the hand grabs his face.

Boom, boom, boom!

Darkness rushes down my throat.


The old man jerked out of bed, his eyes wide.


It's a dream.

But the skinny old man's right arm was empty, as if he'd left it behind in the dream, severed.

On the other side, he could see his coworker, who had woken up at the same time as him.

They were sharing a room.

"Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!"

One old man was skinny as a twig, the other as fat as a pig.

Both old men are wide-eyed. Cold sweat trickles from their foreheads down their cheeks, and their backs are damp as if caught in a rain shower.

The eyes of the two old men met. All four pupils were sunken in with fatigue, as if they had been plagued by a nightmare. He didn't need to ask. This wasn't the first time. It had become a regular occurrence lately…….

"Damn, is it that dream again……."

The two old men spoke at the same time. I was sick of it now. I was afraid to go to sleep. Nightmare, nightmare, nightmare, every day since then.

I felt like I would do anything to get out of this nightmare quagmire.

"Ugh, not again… not again……."

The pain of an empty shoulder blade, recurring every time I woke up from a nightmare, wasn't new. An hour passed before I could get used to it, but I couldn't get used to it.

Fear is a monster that nests in the dark depths of the mind's abyss. It feeds on the fears of the mind, amplified by every thought, until it grows and eventually devours the person themselves. A person consumed by fear soon becomes a madman, an idiot, or an invalid. It is very difficult to expect normal thinking, judgment, and discernment from such people.

"Get me a drink here, drink!"

A scrawny old man was yelling at me in an angry voice.


An empty liquor bottle flew through the gate, hit the wall, and shattered. The sound of the bottle shattering pierced the night air. It was the fat old man who threw the bottle. He thought he could communicate faster this way.

I heard shuffling outside the door.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck……."

My dependence on alcohol had been increasing lately. Without it, I couldn't sleep. I could barely keep my eyes open if I had to gulp down the strong liquor like water.

Under the beds of two old men, dozens of empty liquor bottles were strewn about in a disorderly fashion.

Near Chapter 30, Huaping Township, Huayin County, Shaanxi Province, China

"So where do we go from here?"

Na Yerin asked in a quiet voice as she stared at the main gate of Hwa Pyung. The main entrance was now illuminated by blazing fires.

"Looks like your feet are still numb."

As she said that, she smiled broadly.

"Something smells fishy."

I said, sniffing my nose to see if the gnome really did smell.

A total of four fires lit up the darkness, and behind them, six warriors stood with their weapons drawn and their eyes alert. Not only that, but there were other warriors patrolling in groups of two in time. It was a more rigorous guard than I had expected.

"Why did I follow you here?

A beggar blending into the shadows grumbled inwardly.

Open Westphalian Buntazu The night of the Five Dogs was not yet over. The so-called usher had to marvel at the incredible skill of these young men who had dragged him along like a dog. They moved so fast and made so little noise. And once they started running, they were as fast as the wind. His own noisy footsteps were unusually deafening today.

'Is this the power of the Chosen Ones in the Volcano Covenant Chapter…….'

I've never realized that dimensions are different as much as today. I saw the gnomes standing proudly(?) in the gap in a very new way.

"Shall we go then?"

Fourteen shadows lurking in the shadows of the night began to move silently.

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"Ugh, come on. Did you see that?"

Two warriors patrolling in pairs, the taller of the two, with a rugged appearance, spoke to his companion. There was a hint of excitement in his voice, and the listener, who was slightly shorter, nodded eagerly, as if he had been waiting.

"I've never seen such beauty in my life. Is that a well or a person? I'm nauseous and can't stand. ……."

The man's voice is gruff as he answers.

"I got in trouble for having a heart attack. I thought my heart was going to explode! I almost had a nosebleed!"

He seemed relieved that he was able to prevent that from happening.

"If I could just hold a girl like that once in my life, it would be great……."

The big man spoke, his body shuddering. It was a tone that crawled with desire.

"You're right. That was pretty damn good."

Drool could be seen dripping from the mouths of the two Heberlins at any moment.

"You bastards!

An assimilated shadow fluttered on a beautiful tree. It was Mo Yonghui, hiding after sneaking in. He had never missed a perfect score in his stealth classes.

Even without hearing the name, I had a pretty good idea of who it was.

His face flushed with rage as he listened from the shadows. His cold, dispassionate heart became as hot as the inside of a brazier.

'He does not dare to be mocked on the tongues of you three!'

I wanted to run out and punch him in the throat.

He was appalled that he was so impulsive. It wasn't like him, who'd always been cool and collected in his approach to every situation, and had always strived to be.

It was then.



A loud crash echoed through the night air. It was the sound of double-paned windows screaming horribly and something magnetic shattering violently.

The silence of the night was suddenly a mop.

The sound startled the two warriors for a moment, and they looked around with wary expressions on their faces.

Mo Yonghui and his companions who were hiding near him all quickly took cover. Lee Jin-sul was the slowest to react, and she had to struggle to silence the pounding of her heart, which continued to echo even after she hid. When Dokgoryeong called her attention with his eyes, she twitched.

The two men, nervous and alert, quickly returned to their normal behavior. They must have realized the source of the disturbance.

"Not again? Damn it! You're scaring people!" I could hear them grumbling. Apparently, it wasn't the first time, but I hadn't gotten used to it yet.


The Uninvited Talkers of the Night Fourteen Shadows sighed inwardly and patted his chest with relief. They were undetected, at least.

Just then, Bi Ryuyeon, who was hiding just below, signaled. Her finger pointed at the two rude men. It meant, "Let's capture them and interrogate them before we waste time.

Mo Yonghui moved like the wind as if he had been waiting. It seems that he had been waiting for the right moment. He was followed by Bi Ryuyeon.

Their shadows slipped into the darkness.

Early in the day (approximately 0100 hours), Hua Pingjiang Patronage Cemetery

"There it is! "

Hiding in the shadows at one corner of the manor building, Bi Ryuyeon peered out. Apparently, there was no truth in their testimony, for two guards were standing guard at the door, as if they had been spitting out the facts from their mouths. It was quite extravagant for a prisoner.

Having already gained invaluable experience once before, Yan Dao was even more adept at interrogation and intimidation this time. With Bi Ryuyeon and Mo Yonghui caught up in a frenzy reminiscent of King Liu in the Book of Records-they were really good at this-the two warriors lost the courage to lie.

"Are you sure?"

Still, Namgungsang wants to knock on the stone bridge and cross it.

"If it's false, then they should be held accountable for their words!"

It was the Yeomdo of a low, eerie voice.

"If we're still alive by then! "

Bi Ryuyeon said playfully. She didn't look at all life-threatened.

"I'm going to live to hold them accountable!"

The two warriors should be glad they didn't see the expression on Yidou's face right now.

"To get in there, you'd have to go to……."

Bi Ryuyeon smiled at Yidao's words.

"You must have a key."

"Oops! "

A small voice of defeat escaped from the mouths of Nan Gongsheng and Luo Hua. Before them stood two warriors guarding the chamber where Eunseulan was supposedly being held. But they were as unmoved as the monk. If you looked closely, you could see the slender silver needles embedded in their necks.

It was the work of a lone wolf, and she had struck them both with a dagger from outside the chamber.

'Is that the workmanship of his disciple after the sword?'

It's an amazing skill, Su Liuha secretly admired. After all, he was the person she admired most outside of politics.

So far, so good, but here's what happened next.

It wasn't there. I looked and looked.

There was a large black padlock on the door, but the key was nowhere to be found on either of their bodies. I searched everywhere, but nothing.

"How do I do that?

Na Yerin looked at Bi Ryuyeon with an urgent gaze. He was troubled. If I wanted to, I could turn the door into powder in one fell swoop. But then it would be too noisy. That wasn't what they wanted.

It was then.

"Get out of the way! "

It was Mo Yong Hwi.

At his words, the people withdrew from the visit, and Mo Yonghui approached and stood in front of the lock. He hesitantly drew his sword. Mo Yonghui's gaze fell on the lock.

"We can't delay!

For a moment, a silvery curve cut through the darkness.

There was no cheer. There was no sound.

There was no sound of the cold blade cutting through the wind. The silver trajectory clearly passed cleanly over the lock, but no sound rang out.

But the blow landed quietly and cleanly, snapping the lock in half. An unspoken gasp escapes him.

Nice one!

The lock is no longer binding.

"Let's go in! "

The door opened, and Mo Yonghui stepped inside first. Seeing Mo Yonghui hurrying inside, Bi Ryuyeon said something.

"That guy must have been in a bit of a hurry!"

Hochul was a lowly samurai.

He was a junior officer whose only job was to do what he was told.

He was also the lowest ranking of the men on duty with him, and though he grumbled inwardly, he could never bring himself to show his displeasure outwardly.

Just then, the cabinet door to the room he was burning in shattered and something flew out, smashing against the wall and shattering into a million pieces.

"Not again!" he grumbled inwardly.

From the back of the room came a shout of "Get me a drink!

Again, his status here was lowest of all. A few irritated glances fell on him.

Ho-chul was a lowly soldier, so he ran eagerly toward the kitchen. Ho-chul's status was low, so it was always his job to do this.

But there was a setback. The kitchen ran out of alcohol. I didn't have to ask who the culprit was.


He grumbled aloud. There was no one here, so it didn't matter what he said.

He knew from experience and information that the body must be drunk in the shortest possible time in order to grow.

He grabbed a handful of jerky stored in a corner of the kitchen and shoved it into his mouth. Then he popped a cold dumpling into his mouth and sprinted toward the liquor cabinet.

The liquor cellar was deep in the patronage.

The room was quite luxurious, and there was a strange aroma in the air.

"What's that smell?

Hui Hui looked around the room.

It's spacious and colorful.

It was a very inappropriate place to hold a prisoner. I didn't understand the need for such a luxurious place to hold a woman.

Mo Yonghui walked over to the bed on the right. There was an insignia draped over it.


With nervous fingers, he pulled down the insignia.


Mo Yonghui took a sharp intake of breath. His heart was racing.

There was.

The woman lay with her eyes closed and her breathing ragged. Her features were carved from white jade. Her lush hair like a black silk thread unraveling. And a white neckline that was elegant and simple. Mo Yonghui's gaze was drawn in. Suddenly, his heartbeat sped up.

It was the snowdrop, that was for sure. She was quiet, as if in an eternal sleep.

Suddenly feeling uneasy, Mo Yonghui quickly placed his finger on her nose, then on the carotid artery in her neck. He could feel the gentle, powerful pulsation of life through his fingertips.

"Lan sister!"

Pushing her way through the crowd, Pomegranate ran over and embraced Silver Snow. Then she began to examine her carefully, her eyes very serious. Several times along the way, she called out her name and shook her to wake her up, but the beauty was asleep and didn't wake up.

After a moment, Seokryuha spoke in a calm voice.

"I think he's pretty drained of stamina and energy, thankfully there's no trauma, I don't think he's had any bowel movements or anything, he's just fallen asleep, I don't think I've taken his pulse, I don't think I've taken his blood pressure, I'm just guessing, but I think he's been given some kind of medication, some kind of safety measure."

Only then could Mo Yonghui and the others in the room breathe a sigh of relief. It was a relief. Now all that was left was to escape.

Hochul was a lowly samurai.

My status was also the lowest around. With his low status, he wanted to rise to a higher position, which is natural. In order to move up, you have to earn merit, and Ho-chul finally got his chance.

The gate was wide open on this late night, and yet the two warriors who guarded it stood as stiff as monks. They were men Ho-chung knew. They were seniors, much higher in rank than he was.

The formula flashed through Hochul's mind.

The stomach is empty. It needs to be filled. Usually, you fill it from the bottom up, which means that your chances of moving up increase by leaps and bounds. In that case, there was no need to hesitate at all.

But Hochul hesitated for a moment. It was because of the four freshly opened bottles in his arms.

For a moment, he imagined the stomach churning he would experience if this bottle was not delivered properly. In fact, he was overcome with the urge to throw the bottle down and run. But the thought was not a pleasant one.

If I let it go on like this, there would be no promotion, only a joyful (?) beheading. I didn't have to think long.

Hochul carefully set the bottle down at his feet.

Hanaa, doowul, saeet……. And Nae-Et!

When all was said and done, Hochul raced toward a spot, where he found an emergency bell. A red cord that would lead him to the top.

Hochul grabbed the rope paroxysmally and shook it vigorously.

The sound of the emergency bell tore through the silence of the night, tearing at the air, a chorus of sounds that announced his arrival.

The next moment, Hochul took a deep breath and exclaimed.

A thunderous shout shook the cold night air, announcing that the credit for this work belonged to the junior warrior Hochul.

"Intruder, intruder, intruder!"

Bam, bam, bam, bam!

Emergency sirens were blaring into the night sky.

The rescuers were stunned by the commotion; they had barely made it out of the room.

I didn't even have time to think about how I got caught.


Jang Hong let out a short curse. Duke Goryeong's face was distorted. Lee Jin-sul was also pacing around the room, fidgeting to and fro.

At that moment, a hand gently gripped both of Lee Jin-sul's slender shoulders. She turned her head in surprise and looked behind her. It was Hyo-ryong. It was as if he was saying, "Don't worry, just trust me, I will protect you. She hadn't fully regained her senses yet, but Lee Jin-sul was so happy that she could almost cry. She could feel it. It warmed her heart. As if on cue, she regained her composure.

Pomegranate looked at Na Yerin, wondering what she would do. She seemed very calm. Even in this situation, she had maintained a cool head.

Sukiuha practiced her technique and steadied her breathing. If Na Yerin was so calm, even Ogiro couldn't panic.

"Oh dear, I was trying to work this out quietly, but……. I can't seem to get around it."

Bi Ryuyeon shook her head nonchalantly, as if to say, why bother?

There was still a loud "intruder, intruder!" coming from outside the door. I realized that they should have gotten the message across by now, but it was still too loud and I wished they would stop.

"There's nothing we can do about it," he said, "but to be dignified, to climb the fence cowardly on the way in, but to walk out the front door on the way out."

They've kidnapped Eunsulan. We don't know why, but we know they're bad. If that was the case, there was no need to bend over backwards.

"But first, you might want to cover your face, right? "

They don't exist here. So they couldn't have faces. Besides, there was nothing to recognize in their faces.

At that, everyone tied a cloth or sash around their mouths. This was enough.

Ding ding ding ding!

"What's going on?"

One of the one-armed old men exclaimed in a nervous tone.

The old man's nerves were on edge from the nightmare. His irritation was compounded by the fact that the liquor he had ordered had not yet arrived.

"Yes, it's probably an intruder."

One of his men rushed over and reported.


How do I know this place?

Aside from its true nature, this was a very ordinary manor. It was common for ordinary humans to judge things by their appearance.

"Are you a thief? "

Still, it belonged to a fairly large manor axis, so it could have been delivered by an expert in free transfer of goods without fear. But his subordinate's report had watered down one of his assumptions.

"I think they're after the woman we caught yesterday."


Of course, the old man remembered the woman. She was beautiful, which made her even more memorable. He had been ordered to take special care of her. Her identity was not known to him. There was only an order. An absolute order that could never be disobeyed, and he was a servant to fulfill it.

"There are a lot of rats these days! "

Yesterday, I slashed a rat. I was doing my master's bidding.

'That was pretty good…….'

He remembered the rat from yesterday who had dodged his work sword and survived.

The blood was still stained on his dagger, Guigok, and it hadn't dried. He'd felt it, but he'd escaped death. He'd heard reports that the hunt had been unsuccessful, and if so, there was a very good chance he was alive.

Is this the rat's coworker from yesterday?

"Gee, an intruder while he's still here……."

This was not going to end quietly. I didn't deserve to see him like this.

"Great! I can't sleep, so it's a good thing Nobu is going to do it himself."

"Me too! "

Next to me, a fat old man shouted out.


After a good workout and a good sweat, you might be able to sleep better. The two old men looked at each other and thought. There might be some blood, but that can be washed off.

A lanky old man picked up his favorite sword, the Yao Sword Guigong (鬼哭). It was the twin sword of a lost ghost spirit. The fat old man also picked up his beloved Mingfu Sword. He had almost lost it once, but fortunately not.

The two old men walked out the door with light hearts.

It was a loud night.

Chuxi Zheng (丑時正: approx. 0200) Sponsored by Hua Pingzhang Which room?

"You're up!"

"Me, me?"

Mo Yonghui stammered in response to Bi Ryuyeon's instructions.

"No? Then let someone else do it? "

Mo Yonghui hesitated for a moment. Even at this tense moment, his face was burning hot.

It would be very inefficient for a woman to do this. A warrior woman is different, of course, but common sense gets in the way. It just doesn't feel right. Maybe it's the effect of hypnotic repetition of common sense from childhood. In any case, women are excluded from the choice.

The men, on the other hand, had a gleam in their eye as to who would reclaim the role. Ogae was willing to go toe-to-toe with even the highest ranking professor in the department if it meant reclaiming the role. But he didn't dare. He knew that Nohak would not back down.

The glare, forged with a black heart and a determination that would not forgive selfishness or change of heart, was enough to frighten Namgungsang and make him shrink like a straw bug.

Jang Hong was very tempted, but he was afraid of the consequences. Yun Jun was too weak-minded to enter into this fierce competition.

It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hold a quadruple-flowered silver aurantium, the best of the black aurantiums. The competition is high. However, for various reasons, everyone was unable to step forward, creating a strange and delicate balance.

Strangely, everyone looked at Bi Ryuyeon, as if the decision was in his hands. A strange tension filled the room.

"Why is he having a nervous breakdown?

Seokryuha, who was getting frustrated watching, was about to say that she would take the initiative, but for some reason, she felt that the atmosphere around her would not allow her to do so, so she gave up.

What is this strange guilt tugging at the back of your mind……. Mo Yonghui found himself nervous like an adolescent boy, but now was the time for determination. And a little courage.

"Joe, great, I'll take it!"

Mo Yonghui said, gathering up the little courage he could muster. Bi Ryuyeon nodded. The decision was over. Sighs of discouragement broke out here and there.

"This is a precious body, and I want to make sure it comes home unscathed. The princess will suffer if she is not well guarded. From now on, you're in charge!"

Her last words were very serious.

"By my sword, by my honor, by my life!"

Mo Yonghui replied, his eyes shining with determination.


Mo Yonghui couldn't help but feel his heart pounding as the soft, warm, fluffy breasts pressed against his back. The woman's curves radiated through his broad back. The scent of camellia blossoms mixed with the sweetness of her body aroused his sense of smell.

Nice scent…….

I had never smelled anything so soft and comforting in my life. I felt like I was in the arms of nature.

"No, no, no, focus, focus, focus!

Mo Yonghui hastily collected himself as he paced the room.

The operation wasn't over yet. If you let your guard down, you could get stabbed in the back of the head.

His sword now held two lives as collateral. There was no room for error.

Celebration time (丑時正 : approx. 0200 hrs) Hwapyeongjang Guest Room

"What's going on?"

A young man of exquisite appearance, a man who could be described as exquisite, asked in a quiet voice. As they sat quietly savoring the flavors and enjoying the silence of the night, a loud alarm sounded from one side of the manor, and the entire manor began to bustle with activity.

His voice was soft, but his eyes were ice cold.

"Sin, I'm sorry. It looks like we have an intruder."

A middle-aged man was deeply bowed before a man. The middle-aged man was deeply bowed before the young man. The young man's title was Zhuangzhu, the highest ranking person in the marketplace. However, the middle-aged man had adopted the most extreme and respectful posture towards the young man.


Sana took a moment to savor the implications of those words.

'No way……!

His thoughts went mad on a woman. Then one thought after another came rushing out.

'How did you know this place, did your tail get stepped on?'

That can't be right. You've clearly been paying attention. There can be no such thing as a lingering shadow. Of that I was certain. Does that mean he found this place on his own?

"Well, it looks like we have a pretty good one.

For that alone, he thought, he must praise it. But the flower could not be returned, and for a moment its face flashed through the man's mind.

'I'd rather be happy not knowing anything……. Why bother telling the truth.'

The man's eyes sunk deep.

It had already been established that he didn't know much of anything. The old man's supernatural spirit art was very useful in that regard. Silver Snow Lan resisted quite a bit, but she couldn't overcome the old man's two eyes. The interrogation was complete, but she couldn't let her guard down. She couldn't let him go.

"So what's the situation?"

The water was already spilled. It's just a matter of picking it up again, but I had to clean up after myself.

"Yes! Two elders have stepped forward."

The two elders were above him, but far below the young man, so no honorifics were used.

"Then you can trust me."

The elders have spoken, and the situation will be sorted out soon.

What if they lose?

He chuckled to himself.

Of course, that would only be possible if the entire Volcano faction were to invade.

But that was never going to happen.

But what is this nagging feeling of uneasiness in the back of your mind?

The premonition of an unknown fate continued to tug at the company's sixth sense.

'Yeah, just in case…….'

It was annoying, and most likely futile, but he convinced himself that he was doing it just in case.

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