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Book 13 Chapter 20

Pass! Heaven and Earth (天地雙殺)!

"I'll take care of the author."

Flames of rage burned fiercely in Hyorong's eyes. My brother's enemy! I can't hand him over to anyone.

"This is my fight, and I'm responsible for it!

There could be no one else to tie the knot in this fight but himself, Hyo-Ryong thought.

"You shouldn't be trying to keep them both for yourself, you're too greedy!"

When I turned around, the Yeomdo was drawing out the red salt.


Searing heat radiated from his entire body, even as he merely stood. Sparks flew from his flaming red tao.

Red! Yeomdo's two pupils were now as red as a carnelian engulfed in flames. They were as ferocious as the ghosts of hell.

"You're not the only one in debt, I still owe you money!"

It's like the growl of a predator stalking its prey.

"Let me help you! "

Hyo-Ryong now has one of his most trusted allies.

Hyorong and Yin Dao walked side by side toward the Heaven and Earth Siblings. With a wave of their hands, the men in front of them parted to the left and right.

Finally, the two men came face to face.

"Fatty, are you still alive and not dead, and isn't it about time you went to your grave?"

The veins in Jisal's grim face bulged as he listened to Yin Do's words. Poison exploded from his flesh-buried eyes.

"Shut up, you bastard! You've saved me the trouble of finding you, and for that trouble I'll kill you in the most painful way possible!"

Jisal gritted his teeth. Just as he was about to lash out, a voice called out from behind him. It was Bi Ryuyeon.

"You're an ungrateful fat old man."

"Grace? What kind of grace are you talking about?"

Jisal yelled out a whale whale yell, and Bi Ryuyeon gave him an incredulous look.

"How impudent of him! Since one of his arms is missing, he must have lost the weight of his brother, the pig, and his wealth. When you lose weight, you naturally become lighter and healthier, and you still call it grace?"

Bi Ryuyeon's words were harsh. Moreover, each word was an indictment of Jisal's salting.

"You… you… you… you!"

Jisal, whose head was covered in blood, gasped in frustration. Yeomdo laughed a hearty laugh.

"Kahahahahahaha, that's right, I've done a lot of good without even realizing it! I should get an award. Kahahahaha!"

He laughed, and the entire rescue party joined in. Jisal's eyes glistened with blood as he was laughed at in front of so many people, and his face looked like a volcano about to erupt. He had never been so humiliated.

"Why don't you come down here, you little broomstick, are you scared?"

The thousand-year-old man, who hadn't taken his gaze off Bi Ryuyeon once since coming here, spoke in a gruff, but listening voice. His eyes were filled with resentment and venom. There was the one who caused him to have nightmares every night. How could his hatred not boil over?


With a snort, Bi Ryuyeon dismissed Tianxian's provocation.

"There's an order and a step to everything, and I don't think you need to use a cattle prod to catch a chicken, and I don't think you need me to do it."

"You're a fucking rabid little bastard, you!"

Chen Xiaolian said through clenched teeth.

"You're welcome, I think we're evenly matched here, two to two, and I don't want to be called a coward for jumping in here, and besides, we're both old men, and I'm not sure we can take on those two and win, and I'm sure your back is hurting, so don't push yourself too hard."

Bi Ryuyeon said, admiring herself for the thoughtfulness of her mind. It was something she always thought about, but she felt like she was too weak. How can I live in this harsh reality if I am so weak? Reflection, reflection!

It was just the right time for her to take a moment to dig deep inside herself and do some self-reflection.


A sword emitting a strange light spun like a top and flew toward his neck. In the blink of an eye, Bi Ryuyeon's gaze landed on Chen Xiaolian's left hand. The hilt of the spirit sword he'd been holding a moment ago was empty.


A bizarre curvature erupted from the spinning sword. It was the Demon Spirit Soul, the highest level of the Demon Spirit Sword Technique. Uncharacteristically for a Thousand Soul Sword Technique that belonged to the spinning sword, the pressure was less but faster.

The sword, glowing with killing intent, was just moments away from decapitating Bi Ryuyeon.


That's when a bizarre sound burst forth.



People squinted to see what had just happened. What they saw was unclear, as if their minds were foggy. But one thing was clear: something very strange had happened.

What's more, the Heavenly Sword that was flying toward Bi Ryuyeon just a moment ago had disappeared. Where did it go?

"No way!"

Chen Shan's wide-open eyes refused to close, as he tried to recall Bi Ryuyeon's behavior just a moment ago. In his mind, the situation from earlier slowly began to replay itself.

There was something simmering deep in my chest, an uncontrollable rage and hatred. I couldn't even see Yeomdo and the other brat. All I could see was the cause of my nightmares.

You threw a spellblade, Guigok. It spun and flew. Then, with a snarl, the villain's right hand lifted. Something black and grayish glowed from his wrist.

Then he slammed it down. It was like swatting at a fly, and the blow was so quick and so simple that it shredded his skin. It wasn't unreasonable to want to pinch his cheeks and poke his thighs with a needle.

So where the heck did your favorite song magically disappear to?

The answer came from no one else but Bi Ryuyeon.

"Whoa, I wonder where it went, and it's here……."

He spoke as if he had found a lost toy. Her gaze fell on his feet. The eyes of the rescuers all turned toward it. Their ground was higher than where he stood, so he couldn't see it.

The floor was made of solid stone, and in the center of it all was a sword, sheathed and embedded in the stone floor. It was too much of a coincidence to be a coincidence, but the question of how it was done was the question of how it was done. So they agreed not to think about it any further.

"Gee…, how long have I been stuck in this?"


Stooping down to grab the hilt, Bi Ryuyeon pulled the sword out of the stone with one hand with such ease that, from the side, it looked like she hadn't exerted the slightest bit of effort.

After she drew her sword, Bi Ryuyeon looked at the hilt as if she were appraising it. The blade had an ominous black glow to it, and even though it had been immersed in the ore and taken out, there was no damage to the blade.

"That's a pretty good sword, though it does have a Saiyan vibe to it, but that's part of its personality. I'd get a pretty good price for it if I sold it! Hmmm……."

At that moment, the hilt of the Demon Sword Guigok in Bi Ryuyeon's hand trembled. It was as if it was struggling to escape her grasp.

"A sword is a sword, indeed, and perhaps it refuses to be touched by one who is not its master."

Seokryuha, who was watching, said. Bi Ryuyeon looked at Gui Gok's sword once more. Gui Gok was still trembling softly. He seemed to be lamenting his lack of strength.

"Ho-ho, is that so, you are indeed a loyal child, and if so, I should reward you, right?"

Bi Ryuyeon laughed softly. Then she slowly lowered the guitars to the ground. Then she laid down her sword and stomped on it.


Suddenly, the floor shook. Namgungsang and the others jerked back from the shock that traveled through the soles of their feet and up to the top of their heads. Enemies and allies alike stared in disbelief.

How could a man tread on the ground with feet made of flesh and make such a noise? It sounded like a giant's massive sledgehammer smashing a mountain. The dust on the ground rose like a fog.

Raising his Yokai once more, Bi Ryuyeon's mouth was still smiling as ever.

"You're not as Mac-like as you think you are, you boring bastard!"

In his grasp, Gui Gok no longer trembled. Gui Gok, a sword that had never submitted to the hand of anyone other than a thousand years old, had submitted to the touch of a man.

'I'm such an ignoramus!'

Tian Shan rolled his eyes at this absurd sequence of events, but nothing changed.

How many times does he have to surprise me before I'm satisfied?

He could only know one thing. That his nightmares would still haunt him unless he got rid of this thing. The foul flesh wriggled and spewed from the thousand-year-old's body like a viper.

"It's no fun, so let's give it back."


Bi Ryuyeon threw it lightly, sending it flying in a straight line toward Tian Shi. Tian Shi stretched out the sheath in his left hand.

Thwack! Thwack!

With a crackling sound, Guigok was sucked into the sheath with the precision of a ruler.


He was a thousand years old when he threw up. The weight of the song slammed into his left arm.

His left arm was pushed back, unable to withstand the force, but the determination to not make such a disgraceful display in a place like this drove him on. Drawing on his strength, he hurriedly resisted the force that pushed his left arm away. A push and pull tug of war!


The scabbard and the auricles on the hilt tossed and turned like a sculpted ship in a gale. After a few moments, the sword quieted down, as if the storm had subsided, and the reddish-blue color of the thousand-year-old's skin returned to normal. His left arm was stretched out again toward Bi Ryuyeon, his sword still in its scabbard.

"Great……. We'll see!"

Tian Shi shouted in a voice that was filled with impatience as he couldn't get a bite out of Bi Ryuyeon, his eyes still radiating a venomous madness towards Bi Ryuyeon, but he wasn't able to affect her at all.

"Who the heck is this guy?

Sukiyou stared at Bi Ryuyeon in amazement. Bi Ryuyeon? He had never heard of such a name before.

Her gaze flickered to the heavens and the earth. How surprised she was when she realized who they were. In fact, she had even been prepared to risk her life after learning their identity. On the other hand, they were almost too casual. They didn't seem to have lost their fear. They didn't seem to be paralyzed by fear. And yet, they were so vulnerable.

He looked at that man, who had a reputation for cruelty, and he looked at the workshop just now, and he looked as if he took it for granted.

'Is it just me?

I even had that suspicion.

"Okay, now that the entertainment is over, let's get to work, because frankly, I'm bored waiting!"

Yin said. At those words, Hyorong tightened his grip on his twin swords again.

"You're impatient, redheaded gatchaban!"

Jisal shouted nervously. His tone was creepy, with a hint of life in it.

"Heck, today I'm going to sizzle that hunk of scaffolding and turn it into a whole roast!"

"Your brother's enemies, you malicious people, you will not see the sun rise tomorrow."

"You're a brat! I have no use for a brat like you."

Taking his gaze away from Bi Ryuyeon, Chen Xian exclaimed.

"My sword will tell you that."

Hyo-ryong didn't lose either.

"Ahem, you seem to be looking down on us for losing an arm, and I'm going to show you how wrong you are. Don't think we've been playing around, we've got something to show you when we see you again!"

The fruit of their desperate struggle to escape the nightmare. They had it.

Chun Shih, who had only a left arm, stood on the left side of Jisal, who had only a right arm. Then they became the image of a two-armed man. In his left hand was the sword Guigok, and in his right hand was the Ming Dao.

Chen Xiaolian said, his eyes shining sharply.

"It's been a long time… a long time living in a nightmare. And it ends today."


Yeomdo cried out.

"We don't need anyone's permission."

The two lunged at them simultaneously.

"Passed?! "

Na Yerin exclaimed.

Right now, the two of them were swinging their swords and dao as if they were one body. Like cogs interlocking, their attacks were precise without a single gap. Moreover, their sword paths never crossed. It was as if the two of them were one body, pressuring Hyorong and Yan Dao.

"That's a move you must have practiced a thousand times to get it right."


As Na Yerin continued, Bi Ryuyeon's gaze shifted to the battlefield below. The flames of sword and dao and the glow of blood mingled together to create a dazzling harmony of light.

On the surface, the dance was colorful and beautiful, but underneath it all, death smiled.


A groan escaped Yeomdo's mouth as he continued to be pushed back by the relentless barrage of twin blows.

Whereas Cheon Ji-Seoul's attacks were precise and breathless, Hyo-Ryong and Yeom-Do's passes were awkward and haphazard, as they hadn't practiced at all.

They had underestimated him in the first place. He had once been a fierce warrior, but after what had happened, he had killed his pride and humbly practiced the art of passing. The heavy Heavenly Sword and the swift Earthly Dao had compensated for their respective weaknesses and sublimated their strengths, pushing their powers to the extreme.

The Sword of Heaven blocked the Dao of Yin, and the Dao of Earth blocked the Sword of Hyorong. The swords crossed in an instant, and waves of sword and dao crashed down on both Hyorong and Yin Dao.

"Won't you help me? "

Seokryuha asked Bi Ryuyeon, who was looking at the battlefield with an unreadable gaze. From what she could see, the two allies were clearly at a disadvantage.

"Huh? Why would I? "

Bi Ryuyeon asked in confusion.

"Are you really asking because you don't know that?"

"They've been loudly proclaiming that they're going to figure it out on their own, and I don't need to go out of my way to help them. Besides, I don't have a debt to settle with them."

"I think they owe you something, don't they? "

Chun-sal's behavior earlier had made that clear.

"That's their claim."

It was an attitude that said, "I only need to take care of my debts. For a moment, Sukryuha was dumbfounded by her answer.

"But aren't the two allies at a disadvantage right now?"

"They're not going to die, and I don't need an idiot disciple like that."


But she didn't get to hear the answer to her question, because at that moment, a blast of heat erupted from the battlefield below.


With a roar, an umbrella of red flames unfurled from the Dao of the Salt Sea. It was the most powerful defensive move of the Crimson Seventy-Seven, Yeomdo's single-letter dao.

"Beautiful! "

The flame-colored pottery from the Dao of Yeomdo reflected beautifully in her eyes as she enjoyed the color crimson, sometimes referred to as the crimson sword.

Yeomdo's attack paused for a moment, and Hyorong seized the opportunity and swung his twin swords. Blood light flashed from the tips of his blades. Having lost his momentum once, this time he began to be pushed back by the combined attacks of Yeomdo and Hyorong.

Swing to block, block to spill. When it sees an opening, it pokes, and when it pokes, it blocks again.

Offense and defense, defense and offense, offense and defense again, offense, offense, offense again, defense!

It was a squirrelly game of offense and defense, with neither side gaining the upper hand.

Boom! Boom!

Only the sound of swords breaking the silence of the night sky echoed from the manor house. Everyone watched in fascination. Even the moon and stars watched the battle with bated breath.

That was it.


It was detected suddenly and without warning.

Bi Ryuyeon suddenly turned his head and looked to the sky to his right. Something very unpleasant was grating on his nerves.

Who is it?

I couldn't tell what it was, but I could feel its presence, and I was certain that it was more dangerous than the entirety of the heavens and earth in front of me!


That was where Mo Yonghui had taken Eunseulan and fled to.

"Stop! "

Bi Ryuyeon swung his hand once, and two silver flashes from his sleeve split the darkness.

Bang! Bang!

One of them deflected a Heavenly Sword and the other a Jisal Dao. The fight was interrupted by the intervention of a third party.

Yin and Hyo-ryong, who had been fighting without conceding an inch, looked at each other in disbelief. Why did they stop? Just a little longer and they could have slaughtered those evil enemies. Their eyes said so.

[Get people out the front door now!]

[No, suddenly why?]

[because we need to].

Yeomdo's expression became even more grim. He said he didn't need to know why, and he didn't care.

[leaving those two old men alone].

That seems to be the biggest complaint.

[Yeah, because it could be worse than that].

Yeomdo nodded reluctantly.

He then told people about the plan he had just come up with. Predictably, complaints erupted.

"You can't do that. You can't just walk away with the authors in front of you."

As expected, the biggest complaint came from Hyo-ryong, who had a look on his face that said he would never back down.

"Do you think I'm going because I want to go somewhere? "

"Then why?"

I was at a loss for words. I couldn't help but bring up the report of imputation.

"Don't ask, you'll get hurt! There's another threat on the horizon. We can't afford to lose too much time here. As long as we have a strong mountain, we won't have to worry about wood. As long as you're alive, you'll have another chance for revenge."


Hyorong bit his lip tightly, his silence the only answer. Yeomdo patted his sagging shoulder.

"Are you ready?"

Ryu-yeon Bi asked. They nodded.

"Then let's go! "

In an instant, two phantoms flew from his hand, silver tails trailing behind them. They quickly raised their swords and dao to block the incoming orbs, their grips trembling as the immense power within them threatened to tear them apart. "I'm sorry," said Bi Ryuyeon as she retrieved the returning elixir.

"That life, let's keep it for a few more days, and wait for the party to whom it is owed to take care of it."

His words froze the heavens and earth, and there was a pause.

Wasting no time, the rescue party, led by Yeomdo, opened the way out. Fierce swords and ferocious pottery swirled everywhere. Enemies fell in a tidal wave of swords and pottery.

They ran in a straight line toward the front, opening an escape route.


Na Yerin's gaze searched for Bi Ryuyeon, but he was nowhere in her line of sight.

Without joining the group, Bi Ryuyeon moved Xin Xing to the right, the same direction Mo Yonghui had run.

Mo Yonghui ran. He didn't feel tired at all, even carrying Silver Snow Lantern, because he had never been trained to be so weak.

Her breath tickled his ear.

I didn't look back.

With the majority of his enemies clustered around Bi Ryuyeon and Yan Dao's backyard, few stood in his way. A few warriors who had been left behind to guard elsewhere tried to block his path, only to be reduced to sword ghosts in a flash of light.

It was then.

"Stop! "

The voice was very low, like the weight of the night.

The voice rang out quietly, and there was power in it, but at the same time, a cold, eerie energy flew toward his throat. He didn't have time to see what it was.


Mo Yonghui almost unconsciously raised his sword to defend himself.


Naturally, Mo Yonghui stopped and looked at the darkness beyond the curtain of night.

There it was, on the other side of the darkness. I couldn't see its shape. But I could feel its terrifying presence with chilling clarity.

"Who are you?"

Mo Yonghui shouted. His grip was trembling, as if he was still reeling from the blow.

"He who will take your life!"

The answer came back chillingly cold.

There it was, on the other side of the darkness.

The hand was glowing white as jade. A white hand in the darkness. It was like a piece of the new moon left in the shadows of night. The stark contrast between black and white made it all the more bizarre and terrifying.

In its grasp, Mo Yonghui was captured. The hand's owner was shapeless, as if he had never existed.

Intangible cobwebs seemed to spin out of the tips of his five white fingers. It felt like an invisible mass of cobwebs floating in the air.


A part of his mind was screaming at him. But the enemy was fast. It was impossible for him to even run away while carrying the silver snowflake.

Stopping, Mo Yonghui carefully placed the silver snowflake on the ground, then raised his sword and blocked in front of him like a shield, like a wall.

The wind stopped its course, the stars held their breath, and a darkness of anxiety, nervousness, and fear opened my eyes. The darkness began to pulsate.

The darkness beyond was invisible, a space beyond the horizon of this world, but through the skin and sensory organs spread across my body, my fine sensory receptors and my sixth sense made it clear. Danger lurked beyond, and there was a white hand in the middle of it.

He threw his hands up in the air.

It's like holding the darkness of the night sky in one hand.

A chill raced through Mo Yonghui's nerves and instincts. It was an instinctive warning.

Suddenly, a white hand dropped.

Single month (斷月刃)

A blow that seemed to cut through the earth and shatter the moonlight, but Mo Yonghui's eyes could not see it because he was immersed in darkness. All he could see was that something black and dark was slithering toward him like a live snake.

A soul-crushing pressure could be felt. Mo Yonghui desperately raised his sword and swung it, relying on his instincts rather than his eyes.



His clothes were torn apart by his opponent's blow, and blood splashed all over his body. Mo Yonghui almost lost his grip on his sword.

The intangible energy crashed in at high speed, its weight and power immense. I felt like I was blocking a huge boulder rolling down a mountain with a single sword.

His grip tingled. His palm was torn and bleeding.


Mo gritted his teeth.

I felt like I was going to spit out a bowl of sunchokes if I got it wrong. I could feel the fishy liquid rising up my throat and falling back down. I could feel my insides churning.

'I didn't see it!

I could feel it, but I couldn't see it. He could only rely on his sixth sense and swing with all his might. His conditioned reflexes, honed by repeated practice, saved his life.


The shudders and shocks that traveled through his sword and into the muscles and nerves of his hand, wrist, and arm convinced Mo Yonghui that the invisible blade had substance.

'He's stronger than me!'

There was no guarantee that I would be able to block the next blow of my opponent, who blended into the shadows - but whose presence I could feel vividly.

An unknown energy that he had never encountered before. The peculiar thing was that he felt a terrible pressure and presence that oppressed his mind and body, but he didn't feel alive at all. And yet, Mo Yonghui had never felt so close to death before.

'Is it that I have the freedom to end my life? Or is it that you don't need any of that to kill me?

It was only one crash, but he could tell.

From beyond the darkness, the pressure increased once more. A presence weighing him down from the other side of the darkness, where even the moonlight couldn't reach. A terrifying force. An unknown force he had never felt before.

"I can't stop the next blow!

It was a hopeless prediction.

"Damn it!"

From the mouth of a man who had always been a man of fine words (the use of bad language, bad manners, or swearing or profanity had never been acceptable to him) came a harsh rant.

Even Mo Yonghui was surprised when he said it out loud.

'Silver Sojae…….'

She didn't have to look back, she could feel his breath, his presence, his scent. He was the last bastion of her life right now. If she were to lose here? There would be terrible consequences that she didn't want to think about.

'It must be done! …even if it means trading my life for it!'

Mo Yonghui tightened his grip on his sword and swore.

A loss here would mean damage to the silver snowflakes, and at worst, death. This was a battle he could not afford to lose.

Mo Yonghui hardened his heart.

Surely there was a beast flashing its flesh-colored teeth in the darkness, and it had to be contained.

Mo Yonghui stepped slightly forward with his right foot and put 8% of his weight on it.


His sword slowly rose and stayed perfectly centered.

The perfect center. It was the most centered place when drawn in a circle with the diameter of his kidneys as the center, based on the jugular vein running through the center of his entire body.

The gaps that had been scattered across his body had completely disappeared as the center of his love sword, which he had inherited from his grandfather, remained at the very center of his body.

A unique defense created by Sword Saint Mo Yongzheng and passed down to his grandson.

For every distance that could harm him, he could move the same distance in the same amount of time, and that would be the perfect defense. It was a position of extreme security that made him the safest.

He has decided to abandon gong now in favor of shu.

There was a hint of surprise in the white hand floating on the other side of the darkness. It may have been a momentary mistake, but it seemed to be mildly admiring. Mo Yonghui's contrast was quite unexpected, but the white hand had no intention of backing down.

"This is fun! "

The low voice again. Mo Yonghui tightened every nerve in his body.

The pressure I felt on the other side of the darkness was getting bigger and bigger.

I could tell that he was preparing for a one-two punch that would catch me off guard and take my life.

For the first time in my life, facing an enemy, an opponent, I felt my confidence wane. It was a feeling I had never felt before, even against the strongest opponents.

I've never felt like this before.

Mo Yonghui bit his lip so tightly that it bled, and he used the pain to rebuke himself for his weakness, to reflect, and to recover.

Dodging was not acceptable in this situation. If you ducked, it would kill her. As it should be…….

'I'd rather be dead than alive!'

Mo Yonghui's eyes shone intensely.

The white hand moved.


Beyond the darkness, cold murderousness loomed. Cold. Murderous. But again, I couldn't see it. But I could feel it.

It's the neck!

Mo Yonghui extended his sword slightly forward.


A clear iron ring resounded. Mo Yonghui's head was still safely on his body. The first battle had been won by Mo Yonghui, but he hadn't yet figured out why. The intangible blade that came at him had already vanished.

'I didn't see it either!

If you don't know your opponent's numbers, you'll be at a disadvantage over time. And the more you do so, the more dangerous Silver Lily becomes.

Again the intangible blade cut through the darkness. I could feel it more clearly than before, my body adjusting.

Right heart!

Mo Yonghui twisted his sword slightly to block its trajectory.


But it was a trap. Mo Yonghui's sword was slightly off-center, and another Yi Qi swooped in through the gap.


He turned for a moment, his sword still in place, and felt a burning sensation in his left forearm. But thankfully, his heart was unharmed.


The opponent seems to have no intention of giving Mo Yonghui a break. This time, the three intangibles are staggered, and as if Mo Yonghui knew his kendo alter ego, he splits into three to defend against each threat. It's a much smoother defense, perhaps mirroring the mistake he made earlier, but it still cuts his thigh. The wound was inflicted while forcibly blocking the energy that was flying towards Eunseulan.


Again the attack came from the darkness. This time it took shape. A silver-gleaming sword rushed toward Mo Yonghui, but he couldn't help but feel happy that he could see it and stop it. He wanted to scream foul.

No wonder. Suddenly, after three consecutive attacks, dozens of sword qi flashed Sal's young teeth as they flew to oviposit his entire body.


With a chant, Mo Yonghui's sword scattered starlight. Sword Qi like a meteor shower erupted from the sword pole and surrounded him. A round membrane formed, resisting the threat like a shield.

It was a sword shield.


A cold sweat dampened his back. He was already out of breath. He had expended an enormous amount of energy to block each move. Mo Yonghui's appearance was beyond words now. Just a moment ago, the onslaught of white hands had surprisingly torn through the sword membrane, one of the most perfect defensive herbs he had created, and rushed towards him.

He scrambled out of the way, but unexpectedly, he was unable to escape injury. His limbs were cut and bleeding, and the only good news was that he had escaped fatal injury, and Eunsulan was safe.

As frustrating as it was, he had to admit that the master of the white hand was a cut above him.

Again, a low voice came out of the darkness.

"That's good, try to stop the next one, and I'll let you live."

It was absolute confidence.

Hearing those words, Mo Yonghui realized that his opponent had no intention of sparing him; his words meant that he would kill him with all his might in the next move. The only thing the white-handed master wanted was his death.

"Do I have what it takes to stop the next one?

Mo Yonghui coldly assessed his condition. A torn grip, ragged breathing, minor wounds that weren't fatal but were taxing on his body, and an opponent to protect!

No matter how hard he fought, no matter how much he feared for his life, the outcome was grim. However, his position of protecting the snowflakes is extremely limited. His sword can't go beyond the area of her protection. He could not escape the distance in space and time necessary to protect her now. Protecting her was the true goal of this fight.

'There's only one way! The last sealed technique!

But it was a risky gamble. Incomplete herbivory, incomplete acquisition. It's a reckless way to go, bordering on endemic.

His mission was not to die with her, but to somehow get her to safety. That's when a saving grace was stretched out to him.

"Can I make a substitution? "

A laid-back voice that seems completely out of place in the middle of this battle.

Mo Yonghui's head snapped back. And his face lit up.

Standing there was none other than Bi Ryuyeon.

<Continued on page 14 of "Lightning Resistance"

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