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Book 11 Chapter 3

The Betrayer and the Betrayed

"Mighty Lord!"

Mazinger cautiously called out Nabaxian. There was a heavy tension in his voice.

"I have more important things to do than that."

Bai Xiaochun looked at Mazhijin with a sneer on his face that said, "How can you dare to say that there are things in this world that are more important than Na Yerin?


Mazinger's face was set, as if he were about to reveal the most important secret of all. His copper-colored eyes, reminiscent of a castle of steel, were emitting a strange light at this moment. At this moment, Bai Xiaochun was seized by an unknown feeling of anxiety.

"Was the tea good?"

Was it really that hard to get those words out?

"Of course it was delicious. But what does that mean?"

"Because that's what I think will make me feel better."

Mazinger's fingers suddenly moved so fast they were almost invisible.


Bai Xiaochun gulped.

"Oh, my God!!!"

Bai Xiaochun's face instantly turned incredibly grim, and cold sweat began to pour out of his entire body. The emotion on his face was a clear sense of betrayal. It was an emotion that could not be described as anything other than an intense sense of betrayal.

"Now, how could you do this to me!"

His eyes were still wide with disbelief.

"Because the world is cruel."

Majinga replied nonchalantly.

"Sah, catching a man off guard…, don't you think that's too cowardly?"

"Not at all! "

Mazinger shook his head nonchalantly. Even the coldest of the cold-blooded would not be able to act so brazenly.

"It's the fault of the masters who saw the gap, not me, who saw the gap and stepped through it. I think I did the obvious thing."

The tone was still impassive, extremely emotionless.


Bai Xiaochun's face contorted once more into an extreme expression. He still couldn't wash away the feeling of obvious betrayal. The place where Heavenly Martial Hall Master Magin's finger had moved!

There it was, greedily opening its gaping maw to devour his intestines, its serrated teeth flashing. His intestines were nowhere to be found. It was the kind of situation where thatch is a perfect fit. Somehow, the tea had been eaten cold in front of the pupil, but this was not to be.


Despite feeling betrayed, Bai Xiaochun couldn't help but feel horrified inwardly. No matter how hard he tried to find a way out, the Majin family's artillery was definitely threatening his intestines. No, it was only waiting for the final blow to cut off his breath.

The men who escorted his general were long since dead and gone, and no matter how many times he glanced at the board, there were no generals who would stand in solidarity with him. There was nowhere to run.

Bai Chen was devastated.

"What are you doing, bowel? You have a captive Zhang, is that a package?"

Mazinga said, looking pleased. It was clear he was on the rise.


There was no answer. It was as if Bai Xiaochun had temporarily lost his speech. There was a long silence as the Martial Saint panicked mentally. Then, the Heavenly Martial Master casually glanced around.

"Meng Zhunyim~."

After looking in all directions a couple of times, Mazin Ga called out to Nabaxian in a low voice. However, Bai Xiaochun was too busy searching for a way out of the deadly limb. It wasn't until a long time later that he responded to the voice of the current Heavenly Martial Academy's incumbent Guan Zhu.

"What's going on? Did you call me?"

He didn't even look at the marginer. He didn't care.

"I think we need to call in some fresh blood right now."

"Is there something urgent going on? "

Still, his gaze never left the chessboard.

"Yes, I think we should file a missing person's report. Apparently, my organ donor has gone missing. He was right in front of me just a few moments ago……. I've been looking around, but I can't see him. I hope he hasn't suffered some sort of defecation……. He is one of our most valued guests and the pillar of our organization, so any accident would be a great loss to the entire Jianghu."

Smiling, Mazinger said. "For the record, his binocular vision, while not bragging, is very good, enough to distinguish objects outside of the three hundred, but I, Bai Xiaochun, am also an old hand. He wouldn't simply give up everything at such a provocation.

"He's in a bloodless, tearless trap right now, trying to find a way out. So I don't think it's necessary to call in the new guard!"

In a calm but chilly voice, Nie Baiqian replied that he still had one last trick up his sleeve, a trick of the trade. His eyes were filled with a sense of spite. The distraught martial artist turned and shot a glance at the Heavenly Martial Master.


Mazinger couldn't help but be stunned by the fearsome gaze. It was as if he was about to engage in a life-and-death battle.

"Hehehe, see? Seriously……."

His granite face, with its blade-like foreboding, suddenly smiled like a spring breeze, and the majesty, presence, and awe that had swirled around him had gone on vacation, leaving no trace.

Bai Xiaochun sang the majing in a voice that was infinitely soft and friendly. Their clasped hands were filled with fortitude.


Mazinga said, frowning.

"Uh-huh, this guy!"


Once again, a strong rejection followed.

"Are you sure you can't just back off? "

"Absolutely not."

"My, I'm asking you to do this?"

Nabaxian was now threatening Mazin Ga to compromise with power, but Mazin Ga remained stubborn.

"The person I despise the most is the person who gives in to power. I can never do that."


Bai Xiaochun clicked his tongue.

"You're so high-minded, there's still life in the world for pathos."

Having failed to use power and background, Nabaxian now wielded age as a weapon, but to no avail.

"I'll think about it when the world is in two pieces."

"You're so naughty!"

"The world of competition is a cold one, that's all."

"It's only once, so why not? "

The Martial King put on the most pitiful expression he could muster. It was called "Eliciting Sympathy.

How many people in the world know this side of the current Hundred Sword Martial Lord, Mazinger wondered. Other than when he was with himself, he had never shown this side of himself. Of course, Na Yerin was an exception, but to everyone else, Nie Bai Tian was still a majestic and powerful pillar of the White Sword Martial Clan.

Bai Xiaochun's plan had already been well received in many places, but his opponent's defense was like an iron wall. It seemed that not only was his hand an iron fist, but his heart was also made of steel.

"Never! Never!"

"Awww, the cattle prod!"

"If possible, please tell me you have a jijo."

"We lost! This will never happen on the next battlefield!"

Finally, Bai Chen had to admit defeat.

"I look forward to it."

The majinga answered with the air of a winner. Nabaxian wiped away his tears and resolved to make amends in the next battle tomorrow. The next battlefield was outer space.

The universe on a plate!

Go was the next battleground. The game ended in defeat for Na Baekcheon. So the evening's drinks were paid for by Nabechuan. A high-stakes gamble by the upper echelons of leadership on incense! It was a terrifying tale that would have had far-reaching repercussions if it had gotten out. Fortunately, there was no one around them now. Even the guards at the gate were loyal to him, so he could bask in his victory in peace.

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discord ko-fi