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Book 11 Chapter 4

The Disciplinarian and the Disciplined

- Incense Burns

Sweat soaked the earth like rain in the rainy season.

It felt like all the water in my body was being released as sweat.

"Heh, heh, heh, heh!"

"Heh, heh, heh, heh!"

"Blah, blah, blah!"


My thirst was burning and my mouth felt like it was burning.


Yaldo looked at the delegation with a frown. They were walking normally on the surface. However, they were moving at five times the speed of a normal person, as they were now operating a light air defense.

But the swiftness of their pace only served to slow him down, and this is how he saw them walking in formation.


Yeomdo's face frowned slightly.

"Why do I have to go through all this trouble with these youngsters? What did I do in my previous life to deserve this karma, when I didn't have to bring it on myself?

The more he thought about it, the more injustice he felt, but he didn't let his thoughts get to him, and they continued to walk quickly, chatting happily. Of course, that's how it felt to him.

"Beep, beep, beep!

With each step they took, the distance increased by a single sheet. It was a type of training called lightweight stride. It was very useful for traveling long distances on foot, as it allowed them to move at a fast pace, without running, and with minimal internal energy. Although they chose to "walk" as a form of expression, their movements were faster than most normal people running at full speed.

After a while, it was time for the promised break. Regular rest was an important part of such a long journey. But even during this sweet break, there were those who were not allowed to rest and benefited from the evil.

There was a private conversation. It was a short conversation.

"Let them handle it that way, I'm counting on it."

"Don't be alarmed. I'll make sure you have a mental rehabilitation."

Bi Ryuyeon said, and Yeomdo nodded.

She was not the type of person who could easily forget her grudges and anger. Yeomdo, who had been by her side for so long, had not forgotten that fact. He didn't want the young master to know that he had done less than Zhu Zhaodan while the latter had been buried in the pavilion, and that he hadn't even bothered to shovel. To that end, he decided to do his part to make sure that Zhu Zhaodan got his comeuppance.

To keep her gaze there.

"Casting call!"

A gust of wind whipped up at the sound of his shout, and the workmen swarmed toward him. There was no room for fooling around; they had seen the dire consequences of such behavior.


Namgungsang raised his hand and held up a standard.

"One, two, three, four, …sixteen. End of number! Ten!"

As they lined up, they turned their heads to the side and numbered themselves, ending with sixteen. There were no failures.

"All hands sixteen, strings sixteen, no accidents, main crew assembled!"

For now, Namgungsang, who only nominally wears the scepter, finished his report.

Sixteen! This number means that not a single person was left out of the mastermind's garden. Amazingly, the Zhu Jia Clan had managed to pass all of them, even though the other Reaper Clans had suffered countless defeats and injuries. Yeomdo nodded and said.

"Now let the fun begin! "

With those words, the group descended into the fires of hell.


"Heh, heh, heh!"

"Blah, blah, blah!"

The sweat soaked the earth like rain during the rainy season, and it felt like all the water in my body was draining out of my body. The fiery summer had passed, but the red-hot flame of the sun had not lost its power. Still, the unruly man flaunted his heat as if to prove his strength. The air felt as thick as porridge.

Under the scorching sun, the 16 members of the troupe exerted themselves with all their might. No matter how strong they were, their accumulated skills and trained bodies were useless against the harshness of salt water.

The sun was blazing despite the early days of fall, and the air was hot enough to make it difficult to breathe.

But the Yeomdo was relentless.

He argued that if they couldn't even handle the weather, they had no dignity. At the very least, one should be as close to being invulnerable to cold as possible, even if not invulnerable to swords, and even if not invulnerable to water fire, because that is the basis of a martial artist in Yan's opinion.


It was not the sound of rain, however, but the ants, who were walking in single file with food five or six times larger than themselves at their feet, must have felt that it was raining, and for these industrious creatures it was a very great disaster.

"Hehehehe, is it raining or not? Jeggiile……."

The old man gritted his teeth and muttered. I wonder if they'll ever come!

But he suddenly felt compelled to check the weather, because they were soaked to the skin, as if they had been out in the rain all day. The reason they were sweating so profusely was simple and ignorant: they hadn't been running around in a downpour.

They had been undergoing so-called training for some time already. The master of ceremonies was none other than Yeomdo, who was performing this noble task under the guise of strengthening their minds and building their bodies.

It was an unbearable hell, even for the flying and crawling. Yeomdo had no intention of leaving the road. As if he had been forewarned, Bing'er did not interfere in the matter.

Yeomdo's fun wasn't over yet.

"Wake up! Sit down! Wake up! Sit down!"

"Forward to sleep! Backward to sleep! "

At the bidding of Yondo, the cast members had to turn over quickly. There was no room for laziness here.

"Get down on the ground!"

They were certainly different from the prostrations of ordinary people: they were supporting their entire body weight on the index finger of one hand alone. Here and there, pitying glances were directed at them. This was a type of ignorant discipline that few of the other delegates had ever experienced.

"Come on, one mind, two bodies!"

Yeomdo is back in the picture.



Their bodies sank to the ground.



Their bodies moved upward again.

"Didn't you have breakfast, don't you want lunch? "

Apparently, he didn't like the sound of the stomach churning.

"One for the master, two for Changchun, one!"


Their bodies slid back down.

"Two! "


Their bodies came back up.



Again their bodies descended. There was only a fingernail's width of space between the ground and the ship. Their fingers cramped under the strain.

"Keep it that way! "

Then came the chant of salt water, without blood or tears. For a moment, the cast forgot about Bokchang.

"Are you kidding me, have you lost your mind, where is your mind, have you forgotten your bokchang, keep it!"


The stomach churning was more like a sob. With their feet barely touching the ground, they entered a holding position. Sweat poured from their foreheads like rain, soaking the ground. Since they weren't allowed to use the inner cavity, they were working themselves to death now.

"The only truth I've learned in my forty years of traveling the river is that regrets are useless after death. Do you hear me, chicks? Don't get cocky about a subject you've barely scratched the surface of, you're just a bunch of kids with very little practical experience, and there's a big difference between practice and actual combat, so listen to the deepest wishes of this body for your survival!"

It was an excuse, but it wasn't a lie.

"A river is a battlefield! And the volcano we're going to is one of those battlefields. A volcanic meeting is a battle. You must win the battle. How do you win? Good question. It's simple. You win when you are stronger. So I'm going to make you strong, everyone! Wake up! Match the five and ten. Do it!"

With a strong chant from Yeomdo, the cast members, who were lying on their stomachs with only their index fingers, stood up like lightning in unison and lined up the next row and the row in front of them like knives. Even the slightest deviation could be a clue to the trick. Yeomdo, who was shouting at the top of his lungs with a murderous look on his face, had a momentary smile on his face when he saw how the workers matched the rows and columns like a knife.

"Guys! "

Yeomdo called to them in a soothing voice.

"Yes, boss!"

The sixteen master craftsmen answered again and again, their voices strong despite their exhaustion. They didn't want to be caught off guard and have to repeat the process they had just gone through.

"Is it hard?"

Yeomdo asked in a coy tone.

'Of course it's hard as hell. You don't even know it!" The members of the casting crew wanted to shout, but they were afraid of the repercussions, so they stopped speaking their minds. For the truth always comes with a price.


The cast members chimed in.


"Yes! That's fine! "

"Really, really skinny?"

"Yes, I am!"

Again, with a strong voice, they replied.

"Oh, yeah, and you're wearing that, right?"

They knew what the Yeomdo was talking about.

"Yes, of course! "

It was a story about the silent medallions on their wrists and ankles. He knew what they were wearing on their wrists and ankles because he had heard it from Bi Ryuyeon.

"Is it heavy?"

"No! "

"Yes! "

Someone in the crew, either by divine intervention or in spite of having to deny it vehemently, nonchalantly replied that it was, and the next thing you know, "Aha!" but it was too late, and the answer was one that should never, ever be given, even with a knife to the throat.

"Really? You're still heavy? Let's lighten up a bit. There's still time."

Yidao chuckled. The cast members were unnerved by his laughter; they were now feeling fear.

"Gentlemen, do you see that mountain over there?"

Yeomdo pointed to a mountain in the distance. The crew nodded in unison. But their expressions were very unhappy. A terrible anxiety and fear was gripping them.

"No answer! Are you all dumb? Now, do you see that mountain over there?"

Once again, Yeomdo asked in a loud voice.

"Yes, I see it! "

A thunderous reply erupted. It was a military voice. Zhu Zhaodan looked at the mountain pointed by the tip of Yidao's index finger.

The mountain looked quite high.

"Okay, now that you've seen that, we're going to go ahead and do some light air and stamina training."

Then he pulled something out of his arms.

"Then let's start burning incense."

Yindo lit incense sticks in a portable censer. There were five in all. The people were stunned as the specter of the unthinkable materialized. Their faces turned as pale as wax figures.

"Maybe some of them will think, 'I don't need to go all the way up that high mountain if I'm not looking, I can just pretend to go up and then turn around.'"

Suddenly, Yeomdo's tone reverted back to his normal tone. It was a different tone from his usual one, making his harsh words seem even more intimidating. Several people, including Luo Hak, exchanged glances.

"But I'm afraid I can't fulfill your expectations. Everyone has a mirror for signaling."

Of course, everyone had one in their back pocket, as it was one of the required items…….

"What do you think I told you to write? When you get up that mountain, send a signal to the mirror!"

Indeed, it was hard not to be suspicious. If it turned out that he had been moping in the middle, he would be well qualified to climb many mountains tomorrow.

"For those who descend, another climb awaits tomorrow, and if you like mountain views, I won't discourage you from doing so."

The words were soft, but the menace of their meaning was frightening. He didn't speak or act like his usual self. It was as if he had become a different person.

None of them wanted to go up and down the mountain for reasons other than travel, vacation, or wind currents. They knew that if the Yeomdo said it would, it would.

"Now, the last place finisher gets to go again. Do it!"


Without a second thought, the crew sped off, pounding the ground with mortal speed, leaving a cloud of dust in their wake.


They sprinted with all their might and returned when only three incense sticks had burned. Before all five incense sticks had burned, the group returned. Their bodies were covered in sweat from their momentary expenditure of energy, but they were relieved to see that all five incense sticks remained unburned. There were still two incense sticks left.

They expected the praise of the Yeomdo for this remarkable achievement, but it didn't take long for them to realize what a futile wish that was.

"What? Why are you guys here already? "

Yaldo asked, giving everyone a puzzled look.

"What do you mean you're already here? I've definitely traveled to the mountain you specified. I've certainly sent a signal, but……?"

Namgungsang spoke up on his behalf. At this, Yeomdo's face immediately went blank.

"What are you talking about? When did I say that was a mountain?"

"What? It was clear earlier that……?"

Namgungsang's words were interrupted by Yidao's glare. He felt threatened, as if he would be attacked if he continued.

"When did I say that? Are your eyes all sunflower eyes? Are they defective? When did I point that out? Take a good look again! This is the only time! There will be no second time!"

As if to show off his kindness, Yin Dao once again stretched out his index finger and pointed to the mountain in his hand direction (巽方: 1 to 2 o'clock). The gazes of the cast members followed the invisible straight line from the tip of his index finger to the space beyond, and the invisible straight line connected to his finger clearly stopped at the summit of the mountain they had run so hard to reach.

"……? "

You're not wrong, so why argue?

Such naked thoughts existed only in the deepest recesses of their minds, and were never the kind of thing that could be voiced out loud. But Yin Do seemed to notice their thoughts, too. He gave them a look of incredulity.

"Hey, where are you looking, why does your gaze stop there?"

Yeomdo has fallen.

"Isn't your gaze too low, is that a mountain, are you going out in the backyard now, not that one, but that one back there."

I said the goal clearly, as if the Yeomdo was annoying.

"……? "

The top of the mountain they had traveled to was a stopover, not a destination. The intangible straight line still stretched further into the space behind them. Their gazes continued to climb, following the intangible straight line that had just barely skimmed the top of the mountain. Their heads bent harder and harder upward. And they saw.

At that moment they wanted to gouge out their own eyeballs, for they could see behind the mountain they had worked so hard to conquer, a mountain that must be twice as high and three times as rugged.

"Come on…, you can't be……?"

Nangong Shang's mouth trembled violently.

"No…, you've got to be kidding, right?"

"You've got to be kidding me."

"Oh, please tell me you're kidding. "

Namgungsang and the rest of the troupe were desperate.

"Do you really think I'm sitting here with you guys cracking jokes about this? "

The faces of the cast members contorted into metaphysical shapes. But Yeomdo wasn't kidding; he couldn't have been more serious now. They stared in disbelief once more, and he lifted a trembling finger to point to the mountain they didn't want to look at.

"So are you sure that……?"

Nan Gongsheng's tongue was trembling violently. Yan Dao nodded in silence. All of the members of the masterpiece troupe looked as grave as a graven image. The non-masters looked at him with anxiety, fear, and pity, but no one stepped forward to stop him; there was no clear reason to restrain his behavior. What can one say about a master disciplining a disciple!

Those who had managed to escape this desperate situation thanked heaven that they had not been chosen to participate in this misfortune. The reflection in their eyes was very pitiful, and they could feel free to sympathize with them because they themselves were unharmed.

"Come on, if you stand there stupidly, the mountain will jump on you, so let's go!"

Once again, Yidou's tirade erupted, and he added a cruel word.

"First come, first served."

First come, first served!

It was the same as saying that the person who was left behind might have to go through the trouble of going there and back once more. The words "first come, first served" forced them to run with all their might once again. In the blink of an eye, the 16 people were a tiny dot on the horizon.

To the eyes of the delegates who watched the misfortune of the master craftsmen, the Yeomdo seemed like a ghost or a goblin. They were so scared that goosebumps started to run down their spines, and the fear that they could end up like him at any moment if they made a mistake gripped them. They breathed a sigh of relief that they didn't have to run now because they didn't have any ties to him, and they silently offered their condolences to the Zhu Zhaodan in silent prayer.

After a while, one by one, lights began to shine from the top of the mountain. Seeing them, Yeomdo turned to his delegation and ordered them to depart.

"Shouldn't you wait for your seniors? "

Hyorong mustered up the courage to ask. It was still quite some time before they would return.

"You can't stay here forever, do you want to be homeless today?"

"Uh…, no."

Hyorong quickly shook his head. Yeomdo glanced at the mountain, and then turned his head away.

"They'll catch up to you, go!"

The Yeomdo command was chilling.

When they rejoined the group, it was around the time of yushi (5-7 p.m.), when the sun was dipping low into the western mountains. Of course, all five of the newly lit incense sticks had burned out. And there was one more incense stick next to it. Five incense sticks were not enough to measure time.

Namgungsang was the first to arrive, which allowed him to maintain his dignity as the leader of the troupe. In second and third place were Hyun Yun and Qin Ling. Noh Hak was unfortunate enough to finish fourth, which would have granted him the honor of conquering the mountain once again, but he'd rather have a boat.

They were probably running the fastest they had ever run. All 16 of them were exhausted to the point of death. They were told it was first come, first served, but they didn't have the energy to run twice. They had used up too much energy in too little time. If they had climbed the mountain at an average pace, they would not have been so exhausted. But the competition had pushed them all into the pit of exhaustion. All sixteen of them were completely stretched out on the ground, and no amount of fiery chanting could convince them to run again.

"Tsk, tsk, you can't stretch like that for running that far? "

'No, no, no, no, that's…, that's how far?'

The rest of the delegation listened in heavy silence, their hearts sinking. If his arrows were ever to be aimed at them……. They wondered if they should have written a suicide note in advance.

"I did not train you to be so weak. If you are this weak, how will you ever survive the rigors of this tournament, and how will you ever be able to flatten your opponent's nose and win in the tough Volcano Covenant!"

Yeomdo was an abstraction.

"I don't want to see any more of you weaklings today. But if you disappoint me again tomorrow, you'd better be prepared. Farewell!"

No sooner had he finished speaking than the cast members collapsed in a heap of bubbles. Ryuyeon came to Yidao's side as he watched, tongue in cheek, the cast members scattered haphazardly around the room. He glanced at the incense burning in the censer and spoke quietly.

"That's too many, cut it down to three."

Yeomdo nodded in silence. He turned and spoke in a stern voice to several of the delegates who were watching him and fidgeting.


At Yindo's command, several of the male and female delegates picked up the fainting Zhu Jiajia members. Yeomdo also lifted Namgungsang onto his back. The man's hands went limp on his back. There was a strange gleam in his eye.

"…… hat guy, let's go!"

At Yidou's command, the delegation set off again at a brisk pace. They needed to reach their target village before the sun completely set.

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