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Book 11 Chapter 2

Eight hundred thousand

"Are you the child named Bi Ryuyeon?"


Without hesitation, she replied.

It was a private, one-on-one meeting with the Great Martial Lord, but he didn't show any signs of panic or agitation.

Bai Chen was not pleased that Bi Ryuyeon was not intimidated by his presence. Ordinarily, he might have praised her for being "a dignified bookkeeper with a lot of spirit," or even said, "A company bookkeeper should have that much spirit!

However, if only Nie Yilin, the Zhang Zhong Jewel, was involved, it would change the person. Therefore, Nie Bai Tian's current assessment of Bi Ryuyeon was as follows.

'You cheeky bastard!

If Na Yerin had treated Bi Ryuyeon as a roadside boulder like any other man, Bai Chen's heart would not have felt this way. But his keen fatherly instincts told him that Na Yerin definitely recognized her as an entity. He was currently feeling like a father whose daughter had been stolen from him, so it was no wonder that he didn't like her.

Although Nie Baiqian had been assured that nothing had happened to Na Yerin since her return from Fang Ma Dong, he was not at all reassured, which is why he had personally summoned Bi Ryuyeon to meet with her one-on-one.

"You're lucky to have survived the collapse of Hwanmadong, and I hear that our Na Yerin helped you a lot."

"I'm flattered."

"That's a polite thing to say for a kid, but thank you!"

Nie Baiqian said with a meaningful smile on his face.


For a moment, she felt something scratching at her nerves. The words felt like thorns. But that wasn't the end of it.

"I heard you're so lucky that it overshadows your skill that you've been dubbed the Lucky President, and it looks like you've really made the most of your rumored luck this time."

Bai Xiaochun said, placing special emphasis on luck. In a nutshell, he was saying that your escape from Na Yerin and Fang Ma Dong was due to luck, not your skill.

One corner of Bi Ryuyeon's mouth twitched. He was smirking. He would not shy away from a fight. That didn't change even if the opponent was a Heavenly Martial Saint. Whether or not he knew of Bi Ryuyeon's sentiment, Nie Bai Tian quickly cut to the chase.

"So, nothing untoward happened in there during those 44 days, no unfortunate incidents, like…, men and women being different, or anything like that, that you're embarrassed to talk about, can I trust you?"

Immediately, a tremendous sense of pressure erupted from Bai Xiaochun's entire body. It was enough to make even an ordinary master have difficulty breathing, but even in the face of such pressure, Bi Ryuyeon was not weak. Moreover, he didn't even hesitate to provoke.

"Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't! "

It was a vague and meaningful statement, and the smile on Bi Ryuyeon's face that said, "A lot of things happened, I just didn't tell you!" was the icing on the cake.

"What, what, what did you just say?"

Bai Xiaochun's face immediately stiffened. It would be difficult to count on one hand the number of people in the world who could sway this Heavenly Martial Lord with a single word.

"Oops, didn't you hear that? "

Bi Ryuyeon asked with a smile, and the smile seemed to speak to Nie Bai Tian's eyes.

'I know you're old, but you don't deserve to hear that. I get it, I get it, I get it!'

This is how I came to dislike every aspect of Biyouyan from one to ten.

"What I'm talking about is this, so I'll give you a quick, easy-to-understand summary……."

Bi Ryuyeon began to pace in front of the White Sword Martial Master, his instincts clearly taking this as a clear 'challenge'.

"It's just that if something happened, I don't have to tell you about it."

"What the heck does that mean?"

Exerting tremendous self-control, unable to explode out of embarrassment, Nie Baiqian asked.

"Awww, how could I possibly tell you all that? Ahhhhhh."

Bi Ryuyeon made a symbolic gesture of crossing herself slightly and blushing. It was as if she was trying to imitate a trembling, shy daffodil.

'You, you, you, you know nothing!'

It was maddening for Na Baek-chun, who had thrown away his usual dignified face of the Baek-do Murimen, and had become a father of eight.

"I don't know what delusions you're under, but Yerin is no match for someone like you! I understand that you've fallen for her charms like thousands of others before you, but you should give up on a tree you can't climb. He's not interested in you at all. To her, you're just another pebble in the street. So give up!"

But Bi Ryuyeon never felt the need to bring someone else's--even if that person was someone's father and a martial artist--unique, highly personal, and biased perspective into her relationship with Na Yerin. He wasn't a fool who was swayed by a third party's words and didn't even bother to check his own feelings, who was alone in his despair, alone in his heartbreak, alone in his sobbing.

"How can you be so sure? "


"How can you know what's in Yerin's heart if you don't have a mind of your own?"

Bi Ryuyeon said in a stern voice.

"Yes, it's Yerin!"

None of the young people dared to call her Yerin in front of him. He didn't stop there. He wasn't the type of person to hold back what he had to say.

"Is there anything wrong with calling Yerin Yerin? She's not your puppet, she's a living person with her own free will. Why don't you respect her free will? She doesn't just do what you want her to do. So don't make assumptions about her mind, because that's something no one knows except her."

Her words were poignant.

"You, you, you! You have the nerve to speak so bluntly in front of Nobu."

A tremendous intangible force emanated from Bai Xiaochun's entire body, filled with rage. It seemed as if it could crush everything in its path at any moment. However, Bi Ryuyeon didn't even bat an eyelid when she saw this formidable power. It was a face that said, "If you want to do it, do it. To Bai Xiaochun, her recklessness could only be described as ridiculous.

"Stop it! "

The door swung open, a beautiful voice coloring the air, and a woman walked in, a woman who seemed to be sculpted from the very essence of beauty: Na Yerin.

"Rain Confucius, and Father!"

Na Yerin looked back and forth between the two of them. Judging from the look in her eyes, she had heard everything outside. Bai Xiaochun felt ashamed of himself for showing his daughter such a shapeless figure. He, one of the strongest swordsmen in existence, was utterly weak in front of her.

"I've heard it all from outside, and I think it's time for both of you to stop."

Na Yerin's deep eyes turned to her father.

"Father! "

Na Yerin called her father in a quiet voice.

"Why, why?"

Nie Bai Tian's current appearance was such a weak one that the leaders of the Spirit Heaven Sect would have cried out if they saw him.

"Ryuyeon is my life saver, so please don't put him in any more trouble."

Bai Xiaochun's eyes widened in horror.

"Liu, it's Ryuyeon!"

No man since the opening of the city had ever been called by such a gentle and friendly title by Na Yerin. In front of her father, she had initially called him Non-Confucius, but even as Na Yerin, the name seemed to have come out of her mouth unconsciously.

At this time, the shock that Bai Chen received was indescribable. His daughter, who was suffering from male distrust, called a man's name in a friendly way and embraced another man in front of him…….

I was so shocked that I let her go, which was the mistake of a lifetime. Something must have happened! I should have asked more questions that day.

But the ship has already sailed.


Bai Chen still couldn't stop thinking about that day.

"I shouldn't have let her go then, whether she tried to stop me or not. I should have taught her a stinging lesson……."


Mazinger looked around to see if anyone was listening to the conversation, though no one was. The authority and majesty of the Martial Masters over the entire White City had been destroyed in an instant. He had to stop this from getting out at all costs.

In everything else, he was a near-perfect performer, but when it came to his daughter, he turned into an armchair quarterback. This behavior was very troublesome for Nabechuan as a marginer.

"I get that you're an only child, and I get that you love her, but…….

Yes, I get it. What a pampered child she must have been, and that cute, mysterious adorableness of her childhood was magical, making it impossible for anyone not to find her pretty.

'She's in good spirits, a hundred years old and a daughter…….'

He couldn't imagine what it would feel like. He challenged himself to try it once, but that was a long way off. In fact, he was in the position of having a daughter in her twenties at the age of sixty. Of course, he couldn't compare to Nabechuan, but…….

While Mazin Ga was lost in his own thoughts for a moment, Nie Bai Tian suddenly muttered with a sad expression after his outburst of anger.

"I can't believe we barely met and now we have to be separated again like this, Yerin……."

He sobbed like a grown man. She missed her daughter, who had left for the volcano so soon after their reunion.

"I'm going to find out who he is as soon as possible."

Bai Chen didn't look reassured.

"Yeah, I was actually wondering about that car too."

There weren't many places in the current Martial Realm where a disciple could be so spoiled, so ill-mannered, and so gutsy. Even more so, there were few places that could produce someone so proud and confident in front of the martial lord, and who had both the recklessness and guts to scrape by at speed on occasion.

So the problem was that he didn't have a lot of disciples. Furthermore, it was unclear where he came from. The application for admission to the Heavenly Martial Academy listed neither a master nor a master's name.

How dare he enlist under such dubious circumstances, he thought. It was probably because of his guarantor. The person listed in the guarantor column of Bi Ryuyeon's identity was Yeom-do, which was also very peculiar. The majinga couldn't deny that there were one or two things that were suspicious. It was a bit of a mystery. There was no other way to explain it except that one day, Bi Ryuyeon appeared out of nowhere.

"Where did he say he first showed up? "

"The first place it was caught is said to be the Zhongyang marker station, located under Amishan."

As soon as the name Zhongyang Feiqing came out of Mazhijin's mouth, Nie Baiqian opened his mouth in astonishment.

"Ho-oh, you mean the Zhongyang seal that's been making waves lately? It suddenly grew rapidly two years ago, and now they say it's threatening the mighty Zhongyuan Beacon."

"Yes! That's right. What's interesting is that they said that the only time they had such a sudden growth was after that child, Bi Ryuyeon, appeared. I'm saying that because of the timing, not that they actually did……."

"Hmmm… They say that coincidences are inevitable. I suppose we'll have to see if the ship fell as the crow flies. By the way, are you saying that you still haven't found the source of the previous incident?"

"I'm sorry."

"For now, let's focus our investigation on the Sichuan Zhongyang Mark Bureau."

"Yes! I'll send someone to Amisan, the Shinigami, the masters of intelligence gathering and tracking."

"Ho-ho-ho. You mean the new recruits?"


The new recruits were one of the most outstanding of the non-British organizations. Normally, this would not be a matter of such high importance that they would be sent, but after what Bai Xiaochun had said earlier, they had decided to send them specifically.

"You can trust them, please!"

"Plant it. If only the spirits would come calling with good news……."

Up until this point, they had no idea that they were poking the nose hairs of a sleeping tiger.

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discord ko-fi