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Book 11 Chapter 11

Reuniting Mo Yonghui and Eun Seolan

- Grounded Attack

"Silver Sojae, but what about here?"

Mo Yonghui asked, his voice filled with suspicion.

"Oh my God, what a coincidence! "

Eunseulan replied with a wide smile. It was a smile that made Mo Yonghui, who had asked the question with a straight face, feel rather uneasy. Every time he saw that smile, Mo Yonghui wondered if she was indeed the Lady of the Black Sword. It made him wonder if he had been too narrow-minded to label all blackness as evil.

And crucially, Mo Yonghui, who was said to have no rivals in his age group, was also infinitely weaker to that smile. It was as if Silver Snow Lan's smile contained some kind of poison that made Mo Yonghui panic.

"Ooh, a coincidence?"

I wanted to shout, "There's no way!" but I couldn't bring myself to say it in front of her infectious and seemingly innocent smile.

"What brings you to……?"

It was the same question, but this time with a double entendre: "Don't mess with me, answer me properly.

"I'm on vacation and I'm traveling, and when you're traveling, your paths often cross. Wouldn't that be a great opportunity to make some roadies? I've heard that volcanoes are a great place to travel, with lots of scenic spots to visit."

Eunsulan was still emphasizing "chance encounters.

"That's right. There's nothing like traveling with a like-minded traveling companion."

Coachman Zhang No interjected.

"Come on…, you can't be……?"

Mo Yonghui had to stammer as he couldn't think of anything else to say. Eunseulan nodded slowly.

"Are you sure you want to come with us?"

Mo Yonghui was so embarrassed that he raised his voice.

"Why not? "

Eunuch Snow looked at Mo Yonghui with tears in her obsidian eyes and a pitiful expression on her face. It was one of the most terrifying ultimate techniques in the world, the Beauty Measurement Technique, and its effects would be devastating, especially when a supreme beauty like Silver Snow Lan used it.

"Mo Yong Confucius!"

Mo Yonghui's delicate face turned as red as autumn leaves as she listened to his heartbreaking voice.

Even Mo Yonghui, who could be called a schoolboy, an ice bucket, or a piece of wood, could not help but fall to his knees in front of those luminous, deer-like eyes. Reason and instinct together refused to allow him to refuse further.

I'm like, "Seriously, do I want to go with this?

Mo Yonghui's mind raced at the absurdity of the idea that suddenly occurred to him.

"No, I'm going to ask Noh."

It was the defeat of the greatest late-stage cultivator in the Martial Realm, the Qilin'er of the Martial Realm.

'That's a high word!

Bi Ryuyeon nodded in admiration.

"Great, a pretty girl is coming to cheer us on."

Mo Yonghui was dumbfounded as he listened.

"That…, that's a misunderstanding."

The handsome, well-groomed young man was visibly flustered.

"What misunderstanding? What misunderstanding? Have all the misunderstandings in the world frozen to death when the evidence is so clearly in front of you?"

Mo Yonghui felt more and more embarrassed. He felt as if he was standing on a path of thorns. He had never been so uncomfortable in his life.

"What do you want me to do?"

On behalf of the bewildered Mo Yonghui, Namgungsang asked Yin Do. He was asking for her opinion, permission, and consent. He suddenly wanted to punch him in the face, pressuring him with his eyes to make a decision!

Isn't this a way of saying, "I don't want to be responsible for this, so you and your employer are responsible for it"?

I resented Namgungsang for forcing me to make a very difficult and esoteric choice. Mo Yonghui, who was invisibly cheering him on from the sidelines, was no better.

However, there were too many eyes around to punish him by applying the law of stealing, and he was vindictive toward the Southern Palace Master, saying, "Let's see what happens to you!" So no one knew that the amount of training that the master class had to do tomorrow was doubled at this time. And no one else in the group realized it.

"So what you're saying is that this black lady with a volcano to see wants to travel with us for a safe trip that doesn't expose her to the environmental threats around her, am I summarizing that correctly?"

Yeomdo asked, staring at the watery mockery.

"That's right."

Mo Yonghui nodded.

"So this young lady from the Ten Thousand Pavilions wants to go all the way to the volcano with us to fight the kids from the Ten Thousand Pavilions?"

"Yeah, that's right."

Mo Yonghui and Nan Gongsheng's faces hardened slightly.

'Are you guys crazy, are you out of your mind, are you full of shit, do you want me to rip your heads off?'

At any other time, I would have shouted it from the rooftops. But now, there were many variables at play. For one thing, Eunseulan was one of the most beautiful women on the Black Island.

'But she's beautiful…….'

There was too much on his mind to just say no. Being a man himself, he was obligated to protect her according to the most chauvinistic and patriarchal way of thinking. He made the most reasonable and rational decision.

'Yeah, let's do it together, it's not like it's going to make the sky fall. Yeah, it's not like we're committing a big sin, so what's the point? And it's so pretty!'

It was a very common and universal theory and reason that was accepted everywhere, both in the East and in ancient times. It was so logical and reasonable that no one would argue against it.

"Yes! You're allowed to fool around."

"Gah! Boss!"

Eunsulan ran to Warlock Yin and hugged him. It was a sudden act that no one could have predicted.

"No, well…, you don't have to…, you don't have to do this……."

His flustered, awkward, and shy demeanor was unexpected, but not unwelcome. It would be more accurate to say that he was happy.


There were some frank remarks from the women, but no one cared. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that they were deliberately ignored. Thus, the delegation of fifty-four people from the Academy of Heaven and Earth had grown to fifty-six with the addition of the pathfinder and the coachman.

"But is that carriage out there Sojae's?"

Bing'er's seat was on the second floor of Shunping Lu, on the side of the railing that overlooked the outside world. Bing'er, who considered herself dignified unlike Yidao, who was just a horse to Eunseulan, used a polite honorific. After all, Eunseulan was an investigator representing the Black Heavenly Blind. In the first place, it was absurd to treat her like a normal Guan Dao, but Bing'er herself seemed to be the only one who cared about that fact.

"That's a nice carriage."

"Thank you."

"And the more you look at it, the more you realize that Sojae is a great lady."

"Gee, what's so great about an ordinary girl like me, ho ho ho."

It seemed that the usage of the word ordinary had changed drastically these days. Bing'er glanced at Zhang Nao, who was sitting on the coachman's seat, and said.

"No, certainly not, for how can the owner of a carriage driven by such an unusual coachman be ordinary? It is linguistic blasphemy."

For a moment, the coachman's body tensed up, but Bing'er didn't seem to notice, as her gaze was fixed on Eunseulan.

"Oh, you're too kind. A good coachman is only as good as the carriage he drives, and it's hard to find one as skilled as me. I'm lucky, and that's why I'm traveling in such comfort."

Eunseulan replied with a bright smile, not showing any sign of embarrassment.

"Hehe, these days, even the best carriage drivers can't travel safely. The times are turbulent and the sea is rough, so how can we continue to travel in peace with only the skill of a carriage driver?"


Eunseulan was silent for a moment. Binggum was smiling in his own way, but it wasn't lost on Yun Che that his squinty eyes still held a keen sense of foreboding.

"You are indeed an ice-blade warrior!

I never let my guard down. I felt the need to take care of myself even more.

"We can't go together in a carriage, so you'll have to give it away or sell it, otherwise we can't go together."

"Yes, you make a very good point, boss! "

There was no hesitation in Eunseulan's answer, as she had been planning to do all along. Yidou glanced around, ventilating his intestines.

"Okay, I think we've settled this, and from now on, I will never, ever let anyone interrupt my meal again!"

With that, he resumed his chopsticks, and the others began to eat where they had left off.


The main gate of Sunpyeongru was thrown open with a loud bang. The door's hinges shook violently under the enormous force of the instantaneous impact.

"Where are you, you who insulted the Eight Great Houses a little while ago? Come out now, and I will cure you of your stupidity today, and you shall not live after today unless you kneel down and plaster yourself a thousand times."

Loud noise!

A young man in a black uniform kicked in the door of Sunpyeong-ro and screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Get out of here, I'm Tang Chul'ak, the swift hand of the Sichuan Tang family."

Apparently, this young man was the older brother of the five kids from earlier. He certainly looked a year or two older.


Having already been warned of the severity of the Yeomdo, the room was immediately enveloped in an eerie silence. The silence was so deafening that even the sound of a falling hair could be detected. Apparently this guy was more skilled than the previous five idiots, but he'd have to be careful where he stood.

'He's miseducating them!'

Bi Ryuyeon clicked her tongue.

"Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?"

Looking around in one breath, Sichuan Tang Family Heavenly Martial Academy's third-grade student Tang Qilai could immediately sense that something was terribly wrong. Everywhere he looked, cold glowing eyes were staring at him. He could feel himself becoming more and more intimidated.


The sound of the red-haired man's chopsticks hitting the table echoed through the room.


Yeomdo's pent-up anger finally exploded in one fell swoop.

"What kind of son of a bitch didn't learn table manners at home, whoa, whoa, whoa!"

His hands moved like "Papa Pot" pre-mineralization as the Yeomdo spiked.


In the midst of the pure white radiance, Tang Chul'ak's mind became a blank slate and he could think of nothing. Then he turned to white ash and flew away into thin air without a trace.

Tang Cheol-ak of the Sichuan Tang Family had another companion. Puzzled by the silence in the room after Tang Cheol-ak's incredibly powerful charge, his companion decided to take the plunge and go inside.

"Tang Confucius, what's wrong, Tang Confucius…, gasp!"

The young man who followed Tang Chul'ak into the room was stunned by what he saw. He couldn't understand why Tang Chul'ak's full-length robe, which he claimed to be a master of memorization, was pierced with dozens of wooden chopsticks.

And he couldn't understand why a large plate used to hold food was being bitten into by Tang Chul-Ak's mouth, with food dripping out.

He also couldn't understand why Dang Cheol-ak's dazed face, pinned to the wall with wooden chopsticks, was colorful with a greenish glow.

But what he couldn't understand was why there were dozens of cold eyes staring at him like they were going to eat him. He couldn't figure out why his legs, the ones that held him to the ground, were shaking without his command. Then he heard someone pretending to know him. He heard someone pretending to know him.

"What are you doing here?"

In the midst of this crucible of terror, the young man heard a familiar voice, but unfortunately, it was a voice he never wanted to hear again, a voice he wanted to erase from his mind.

"Nu, who is it?

His instincts were warning him fiercely that he should never turn his head to look at the man, but humans are such weak creatures in the face of curiosity. The young man's face instantly turned white as he looked back at the smiling face of the man who had pretended to know him.

"Has it been two years?"

The person who knew him was none other than Bi Ryuyeon. It was a very strange coincidence that she, who had so few relationships, met someone she knew in such a foreign country.


A scream echoed through the room, and for some time afterward, no matter how hard he racked his brains, he could not remember what had happened. He was Zhang Wugang, the son of Zhang Wuyang, the sovereign real-armed swordsman of the Zhongyang Marked Bureau, who had recently become a household name. The Southern Palace Lord rushed to his aid.

"Hey, what's wrong? Wake up! Look at all this sweat! Dude, wake up!"

There was a lot of hand-wringing and slapping going on. Apparently, the complaints had been piling up for the past few days.

Crackle, crackle, crackle! Clack, clack, clack!

At this time, Tang San, who had been watching from a distance, leapt forward, pushed Namgung Sang away, looked at Zhang Wugang's face, and said.

"My pulse and blood pressure are getting slower and slower. Uh, he needs to wake up quickly."

Iron, iron, iron!

There was a strange satisfaction in Tang San's expression as he slapped Zhang Wugang's arm without ejaculating. Just then, another member of the main crew jumped up and switched places with Tang San.

"We're in trouble, my pupils are dilating."

Pair! Pair! Pair!

The rest of the delegation stood around, dumbfounded, wondering when the masterminds had become so evil.

"Hey, wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

Despite being beaten up for hours on end, Zhang didn't feel any pain.

"Ah…, it's warm.

Zhang Wugang felt a bright, warm light envelop him. It was paradise. He fervently wished that he could live forever in this paradise of brilliant light, feeling this full sense of happiness.

I was happy.

"Huh? He's only smiling. What do I do?"

"Quickly give him life support and administer first aid! Hurry! Hurry!"

Something seemed to be touching his body, performing various actions. But to him, it all seemed like a fantasy, taking place in a world far away. More and more, his consciousness fled from reality into a world of unreality. It was a mental escape to find peace of mind.

'Alas…, how warm…….'

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discord ko-fi