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Book 11 Chapter 10

Reunion (再會)

A sharp knife flashed through the air.

And the flesh, or meat as it is called, of something was brutalized under the blade. There was no blood or tears for the sword's owner.



Scissors scissors scissors scissors!

Once! Twice! Three times! Four times…….

After how many stabbings…….

A deep, vibrant red!

Blood flowed like a stream through the stab wounds. Guts spilled out in a beautiful mess.


A sickening laugh curled the knife-wielding monster's mouth. He reached out and cruelly yanked out the protruding entrails.


The creature laughed a sickening laugh and licked the red blood from its hands. It was a horrible sight.


The flames burned bright and brutal.

"Here are 10 servings of five-spice pork belly."

With a shout from Sooksoo, Jumsoi rushed over with the dish.

"Why are you taking so long, are you only going to bring it in after your stomach is stuck to your back?"

The Yeomdo complained strongly. There were still 40 more servings to be brought in. The kitchen was now a total war to fulfill the large order.

"Hehe…, I'm sorry. Sir, I'll be right back, right back."

Frozen by the terrifying momentum of the Yeomdo, Jumsoi hunched over and pondered.

"Make it quick."

Yin Dao said, flashing a fierce glare. For a moment, Zhao Shao Yi felt a chill of terror run down his spine. It was unbelievable that a commoner like him would be facing the eye light of a peak master like Yeomdo.

I was lucky I didn't pee myself.

This was no ordinary, ubiquitous goblet. It was the place to go for the best cups in the castle as soon as you entered the grounds of Samyang. It was a place that proudly proclaimed itself as a first-class establishment, unlike the third-class establishments where it was not uncommon for water to leak from the flimsy ceiling and cause a new flood when it rained.

Sunpyeongru (順平樓)!

The well-funded delegation from the Academy of Heaven and Earth decided to make this their home for the night, and the food had just been served when the Yeomdo threatened to eat them alive if they were late.

"Where has Ryuyeon Yi gone?"

Looking around the nearly full restaurant, Yeomdo shook his head.

"I went out to look around town."

Hyorong, who was sitting with Mo Yonghui and Jang Hong, replied.

"Chet, you must have gone out after Yerin again."

Yeomdo grumbled a little.

"He's still avoiding people.

There was no way that Na Yerin had left the group to go see something; she was clearly having trouble fitting in with this group. Na Yerin purposely avoided large gatherings of people, even if they were alumni. It was easier for her to control the crowd, especially at meal times. No longer did she have to endure the embarrassing sight of Guan Dao spying on her and spilling rice or soup on her clothes instead of in her mouth.

"Whoo! Sang! You guys go out and find them. I hope you don't get into any trouble……."

But Salt himself was well aware of how futile that wish was.


Mo Yonghui and Nan Gongsang immediately stood up and walked out.

"I…, I'll come with you."

A few moments after the two of them stepped outside, the restless Wei Zichen finally lost his patience and jumped up from his seat, saying, "I can't let them meet. He absolutely could not let the two of them meet. All sorts of delusions flashed through his mind.

"Why would you?"

Yeomdo, he asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"That's why……."

Yin Dao didn't let Yu Zichen have a chance to speak, only saying one word.

"No work. Sit down!"

The tone was unacceptable. Unable to help himself, Wei Zichen sat back down in a sulky mood. His cheeks were puffy and swollen as if he couldn't cut the minutes. His cheeks were swollen, as if he couldn't stop himself. Whether or not Yu Zichen was offended, Yin Dao didn't seem to care.

"Why are there so many personal actions these days? Let's eat!"

Yeomdo spat out a blunt word, then quickly jabbed his chopsticks.

"You're dodging again! "

Her graceful strides faltered.

"Yerin, why do you keep avoiding me? You've been visibly distancing yourself from me ever since we left Fangmadong, what's the matter?"

Na Yerin turned her head to look at Bi Ryuyeon. Her face was covered with white cotton thread to avoid attracting attention. If she didn't do this, a huge number of men would try to hit on her without even trying. But it was as reckless as covering the sun with the palm of your hand. Her beauty was too exquisite to be concealed by a single piece of cotton.

As she approached, Bi Ryuyeon moved her hand to grab her wrist. Naerin's caveman instincts kicked in, and she dodged his hand, then used her golden threaded hand to grab his wrist instead. She hadn't intended to grab Naerin's wrist in the first place, but Naerin hadn't yet realized that she had fallen into a trap.

Grabbed by the heavenly beauty by the wrist, Bi Ryuyeon looked downcast, even though she should have been jumping for joy.

"Black, black, black, Yerin. What am I going to do?"

"……? "

Na Yerin couldn't understand why Bi Ryuyeon was suddenly breaking down in such fake tears.

"Moo, what's going on? "

"Blackblackblack, I'm a married man now."

Na Yerin still didn't understand.

"Why? "

Her sobs intensified. She looked like she was in despair.

"I've been caught off guard, and my wrist has been grabbed by a stranger, and now my virginity is tainted, and now how am I going to get married to someone else, blackblackblack."

Na Yerin looked at Bi Ryuyeon's desperate cries with a puzzled expression.

"I've never heard of a man losing his cool when a woman grabs him by the wrist, though I've heard of a woman losing her cool when a non-powerful man grabs her by the wrist……."

Na Yerin's questioning stopped Bi Ryuyeon's sobbing.

"What are you talking about, that's one thing and two things, men and women are equal, so we should share the responsibility, it's not fair that only men do it!"

As if she was about to cry, she spoke up in a strong tone and without hesitation. Then she smiled and added one more word.

"So I'm going to have to hold you accountable."

Bi Ryuyeon's unflinching response made Na Yerin smile.

"Oh, you can't help it."

The tension melted away with the realization, and before I knew it, a lot of the awkwardness was gone.

"Now can you tell me what's wrong, because you're going to hold me accountable."

She was still insisting on accountability. Na Yerin thought she might be able to speak now.

"Ryuyeon…, I'm afraid."

Finally, Na Yerin spoke up, her voice flat.

"What are you so afraid of? "

Nayarin's visions of the phantom tongue have brought back nightmares from her past that she had forgotten, or at least consciously tried to forget. As a result, her misogyny was showing signs of returning. She hadn't realized it when the two of them were in the darkness of the collapse, but it became apparent when she came out and encountered the various men who were bothering her again. This is why she avoided even Bi Ryuyeon. Being around people was too much for her, especially since she had become more sensitive to the various rituals that were flowing in after the incident in Fangmadong. And there was one more reason why Na Yerin avoided Bi Ryuyeon.

"I feel like I'm not myself. When I'm with you, I'm a completely different version of myself than I usually am. I find it hard to stay calm and collected. Somehow I feel like that's not who I am, and I'm so afraid of that."

Na Yerin covered half of her face with cotton, but even the snow-white cotton didn't completely hide her beauty. If anything, it only emphasized the mystery of her beauty.

He looked her in the eye, his eyes as deep as the endless night sky. He was the only man who could look her in the eye without any fear. Everyone else looked away when she made eye contact. They felt as if their minds were being read. And it was true.

Her complexion was very dark. It was clear that she had been troubled by this matter. Bi Ryuyeon did not hesitate to speak.

"That's who she is, and she's good just the way she is, and that's who she's going to be, and that's who she's going to be, and that's who she's going to change, and that's who she's going to be, and that's who she's going to be, and that's who she's going to be for the rest of her life, and that's not going to be fun, and don't worry about being different, because you don't have to be exactly the same as everyone else, because that's just boring, and that's just plain monotonous, and change is natural, so don't try to consciously resist it."

It was something no one had ever said to her before.

"And since you didn't forget and called me by name today, I'll settle for that, so don't forget to take care of me later."

Bi Ryuyeon smiled slightly. Na Yerin could feel a warm, fuzzy feeling in her chest. Bi Ryuyeon continued to speak.

"So don't worry and suffer alone like that, she's not alone, why do you think she's alone, she has me to carry the heavy burden with her, I'll let her, she deserves to be the happiest person in this world."

"류연……! "

Bi Ryuyeon's words echoed in Na Yerin's mind like a magical language. They felt like the sunshine of a spring day. Na Yerin felt the midwinter snow that had accumulated in her heart melt away little by little. A warm rain was falling on her desert-like mind, soaking the earth, sprouting new life in the barren emotional landscape, and it was a very mysterious and unfamiliar feeling to her. Like a frozen river of ice being thawed by a whirling blizzard.

"Don't worry, just say the word, and I'll wipe whatever it is off the face of the earth in the blink of an eye, and if it's the Jade Emperor or the Great King of Yin, I'll smash it to smithereens, who cares!"

She said the most terrifying things with an innocent, wide smile on her face. Even Na Yerin was dumbfounded by the boldness of her words.

'No, not even to the point of extinguishing it,' he thought, but he couldn't bring himself to stop his burning will. A graceful smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.

"Huh? You finally smiled."

Bi Ryuyeon laughed along with her; the cotton threads were covered, but that was no obstacle to her eyes.

"……? "

Na Yerin absentmindedly put her hand to her mouth.

'Are you laughing?

Surely her mouth was smiling, for once again she had done something without realizing it.

"Why does this always happen when I'm with this person?

It was a question she was still working on. The conversation broke off for a moment, and a river of silence flowed between them. It seemed that the current situation was extremely awkward. Bi Ryuyeon felt the need to change the subject as soon as possible. His hopes had reached the sky!

"Why are you doing this, get out of my way! "

The voice was as beautiful as a rolling marble. Their gazes were drawn to the epicenter of the beauty. As Bi Ryuyeon and Na Yerin looked ahead, they saw a commotion in the middle of the boulevard that stretched for miles.

It was a voice I'd heard many times before.

"Who is it?

"Uh huh, why are you so resistant to my invitation to have a cup of tea and a chat? "

"Why are you doing this, let go! "

She shook off the man's hand as he tried to grab her wrist. She was clearly protesting, but the men didn't even pretend to hear her, their ears full of earwax.

"What are you pulling back from? We would never do anything bad to you, so don't be so wary. We're not bad people!"

It was a cliché that bad people always use, and one of the men next to me interjected.

"We're all descendants of the Eight Great Houses, no harm will come to us, so why don't we have a cup of tea and chat for a while?"

The family crest was not meant to be used to woo women, and this man was clearly mistaken.

"Don't worry, we're not trying to do anything bad! "

It's a phrase that's always been used by rapists and criminals, and if only they'd listened, the world wouldn't be the way it is.

"Confucius, please stop. My lady is in trouble."

The woman's coachman stepped forward to stop the men.

"Don't be an asshole, it's cheeky!"

A young man dressed in white silk looked down on the coachman and shouted at him, "You are so lowly that you have no right to interfere!" It was the look of those who have never learned to respect others. The coachman's face, which had been flushed with embarrassment only moments before, suddenly hardened, and his eyes glowed with a cold light.

"What, what, how dare you, you lowly thing?"

The white-haired young man, momentarily blinded by the coachman's glare, realized his mistake and became furious. An indescribable feeling of displeasure gripped his heart. Emitting an increasingly cold chill, the coachman took a step forward, but the woman's hand blocked his path. The woman shook her head. The coachman shot her a protesting glance, but her will was stubborn.

Because there were some familiar faces in her field of vision.

Na Yerin's brow furrowed slightly.

Several men were "hitting on" a woman. The expensive-looking swords at their waists were a clear indication that they were martial artists, and the overly ornate silk robes wrapped around their bodies indicated that they were from well-to-do families.

"Judging by their demeanor, they must be the children of the Muromise family, and they shouldn't do such a rude thing……."

Na Yerin frowned slightly.

"Huh? Oh…, no!

He saw the slight frown on her face and was furious.

"Whether it's Emperor Jade Emperor or King Yanla the Great, we're going to crush them.

He hadn't expected to have to fulfill his promise so soon. Apparently, Bi Ryuyeon intended to fulfill his promise, for he strode forward with a flourish.

"Get your dirty hands off me now. You're an embarrassment to the lady!"

"Who are you?"

I've heard it so many times that I've gotten scabs on my ears, and it doesn't feel like a novelty at all.

"What, Sojae?"

Biyouyan's eyes widened (though it was not visible to others). Na Yerin was equally surprised. They were both surprised because they hadn't expected to meet here.

"Oh my!"

The woman who found them, the heroine of beauty and the heroine of their unfortunate situation, was overjoyed to see them.

"Ryuyeon, Yerin!"

She was none other than the quadruple flowered silver snowflake.

Flirting with a beautiful woman is one of the basic needs of almost all men, ancient and modern, and it's a completely instinctual behavior. This is especially true for rough and tumble men.

There's no way a bunch of scoundrels and minesweepers are going to stand idly by and watch a girl with the eyes of a silver snowflake. If anyone thought so, they were delusional, overestimating the ratty patience of the rascals.

However, she was surrounded by a group of very well-dressed masters, who were apparently the eventual winners of the competition.

"You arrogant bastard, don't you even see these bodies?"

When their presence was ignored for a long time with a simple hello, they lost their patience and screamed.


Toodoo Doodoo.

Bi Ryuyeon's head slowly turned, making an unpleasant sound. It was like the echoing sound of a rusty door opening.

"What a spoiled brat, you need to teach him some manners."

A dark smile crossed Bi Ryuyeon's lips.

"Hey, you know who we are and you dare to mess with us?"

A young man dressed in a white silk robe with ornate embroidery stepped forward with a look of displeasure on his face. This was the same man who had just cursed at the coachman for his rudeness. There were five of them in total. Judging from their arrogant faces, they must be the descendants of the Han Clan. After a quick glance up and down, Bi Ryuyeon spoke up.

"Well, by the looks of it, you're obviously a bunch of idiots who think the power of your family and background is your own, even if you don't have to go out of your way to prove it."

But so what? That's all she had to say.

"You…, you bastard, you…, you insulting remark!"

The five faces flushed red with emotion at Bi Ryuyeon's words. But their barking was merely Maidong wind to Bi Ryuyeon's ears.

"We can't let this go on! "

"Get down on your knees and apologize until your forehead cracks, or you will have no fun today."

Five people let out cries of outrage.

"Heh, it must be a world where telling the truth is considered an insult these days, because the world has gotten so snarky. tsk tsk."

She was unfazed by the raw anger of the five men. It was the kind of attitude that says, "Where's your dog barking?" and that weakness fueled their burning anger. But she had the attitude that it didn't matter to her whether the mad dog was glowing or ranting.


Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Bi Ryuyeon's fingers counted the men's heads.

"But…, one, two, three, four, five!"

There were no more heads to count. Bi Ryuyeon's head tilted. Judging from her puzzled expression, she looked like someone who had encountered a problem she couldn't solve.

"What? I've only counted five. If there are eight, there should be three more. Where are the other three?"

He was the kind of man who would not hesitate to treat his subhuman offspring. He despised the sight of undeserving people being pushed around.

"This…, this guy is……."

Finally, the fury of five, yes five, dogs exploded.

"There are enough of us to tear you apart."



The white-robed young woman in the center drew her sword and shouted. Suddenly, a chilling aura emanated from Bi Ryuyeon's veiled eyes. The young man in white was stunned by the sudden chill.






The questioning voices came from five people at once.

"Why are you messing with me?"

One of the green youths patted the shoulder of the yellow youth next to him and said.

"Hahaha…, why did you do that?"

Huang Yicheng also smiled awkwardly and patted him on the shoulder.

"Hahaha, what about you?"

The white-haired young woman next to him patted him on the back.

"People are mean, hahaha!"

Huang Yi patted the two of them on the shoulder at the same time. Their mouths were currently laughing nonstop, but their faces were not smiling, they were grim. Earlier, along with Bi Ryuyeon's laughter, the sharp Qi emanating from his entire body had caused them to take three steps backward from where they were. However, they couldn't figure out why they had taken three steps back.

"Cluck, cluck, cluck!"

Suddenly, she started giggling and laughing about what was so funny. Na Yerin could intuitively tell that she was very angry. When she was really upset, she always laughed like that.

To make him angry, it was an unspeakable disaster.

"How dare this brat draw a sword! Do you think you can handle the weight on its tip? You who rest on your family's halo?"

There was a sneer.


The young man in white was speechless, as if he had been mute.

"Ryuyeon, stop it, from the looks of your markings, you're a member of the Southern Palace Family. It's not good to stir up any more trouble."

Na Yerin recognized the markings embroidered on the young man's clothes and tried to stop him, but it backfired.

"Foot! Fuhaha!"

Unable to contain herself, she burst out laughing.

"Kik-kik! I thought you were a mindless child of the Eight Great Families, but a child of the Namgung Family… Have you ever heard of the name Namgung Sang?"

The young man's hand trembled slightly as he gripped the sword. His heart was racing and his sword was trembling, a sign of his inexperience.

"How do you know him? He is my cousin, my brother-in-law, and one of the people I most respect."

The young man's name is Namgung-ho!

Of all the people his age in the family, he looked up to and wanted to be like. Of course, Bi Ryuyeon couldn't understand the young man's feelings at all. Bi Ryuyeon looked at Nan Gonghao with a high-pressure stance.

"Pfft, so it turns out you're a loser, and this is your way of trying to show your debauchery?"

At my age, this was the equivalent of failing the celestial exam. There's only one reaction a person has when they're told what they least want to hear.

"You bastard, I'll kill you."

Namgung Ho charged, furious, his sword glowing. But Bi Ryuyeon didn't even bat an eyelid. She was indeed ridiculous, and frankly, plastic.

"You've got some nerve to challenge me…but how dare you dabble in the subject of an egg that hasn't even hatched yet…study for another three millennia!"

Bi Ryuyeon smiled a humanized smile. Aren't they just the cutest little things! I want to stomp on them with my foot!

"How dare you challenge me on the subject of swords and mind and body playing separately, you really have a swollen liver."

Tu was right about Bi Ryuyeon being pathetic, and Nam Gung Ho's skills were indeed mediocre, but that was only in Bi Ryuyeon's eyes, not in anyone else's.

Bi Ryuyeon sneaked up beside him, dodging Nam Gung Ho's slashing sword with ease, and stepped lightly on his leg. Before he could regain his balance, he fell to the ground. Namgung Ho was forced to swallow a mouthful of sand.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I can't believe I can barely get my legs under me……."

Bi Ryuyeon clicked her tongue in disbelief, almost feeling sorry for herself for hanging out with them.

"It seems like we are meant to be, so let me teach you a lesson as your senior in life. The bitter lesson of Kang Ho and the iron rule!"

Bi Ryuyeon exclaimed curiously.

"Be strong or die!" That's Kang Ho's mantra. Keep in mind that sometimes family background doesn't matter. Unless you want to find out firsthand what it means to die a screaming death."

She looked down at Namgung Ho, who was lying on the ground like a dog, and said. Namgung Ho's entire body burned with shame.

"Eh, eh, eh…, ino-oh!"

Another of the Eight Great Families, enraged to see his companion fall, took advantage of Bi Ryuyeon's distraction and stabbed his sword right through her. He, too, was a direct descendant of the Jegal Family, one of the Eight Great Families, but he seemed to have a hairy conscience that cared nothing for cowardice.

But you don't have to have eyes to see everything. People could feel things without relying on their eyes, depending on their level of training.

The sound of the wind, the vibration of the air, the coldness of the living, and other information from the natural world kindly taught her which direction the sword was coming from. With a slight twist of her body, they all sliced into thin air. It was a truly immature sword technique.

With a quick slap to the wrist, he dropped the sword in disgrace.

"What the hell, you don't even have the basics!"

Bi Ryuyeon was dumbfounded, but she didn't forget and delivered a punch to his stomach. This was only the beginning. With two men down in an instant, the other three had no time to think about it. One with a sword, one with a road, and one with a fist.

"How cowardly of you."

Na Yerin nodded slightly at Eunseulan's words.

At this point in time, a man was contemplating various ways to throw people around.

Again and again he toiled on his hands and feet, trying to figure out how to do it in a way that was true, right, and without objection. She didn't have to worry about the materials for her research, because when Namgung Ho and Jegalmu fell to the ground without a single swing of their swords, the masters dropped their honor, dignity, and nakedness and rushed toward her at once.

"Is this it?"

The head of Unkai Zheng in the Imperial Palace, who had furiously thrown his fist at Bi Ryuyeon as she fiddled with him, whirled around, his body drawing a ten thousand figure. He was a direct descendant of the famed Pearl Clan, and his skills were recognized by his family, but in Bi Ryuyeon's hands, he was nothing more than a toy.



With one kick from Bi Ryuyeon, Fang Yanwu of Hebei Fang Family, who had swung his saber to crush his leg, clutched his stomach and hovered in midair.

"Or is it something like this?"


Gongson Seung-woo, a direct descendant of the Gongson family, fell face down on the ground.

"No! This is what can happen. We don't have to limit our thinking to outdated biases and stereotypes."

Ryu-yeon's hands moved furiously.




"That, stop! Please……."

All the while, the screams continued to erupt, but Bi Ryuyeon nonchalantly closed her ears and focused on her work. Who said that someone who is focused on one thing is beautiful?

It was a truly metaphysical pose. It was a difficult form that no celestial yoga practitioner would dare to accomplish. It was a mystery to me that human beings could intertwine to create such a bizarre shape. To be able to intertwine a person's feet and hands in such an intricate way without breaking a single bone, people were in awe that a human being could accomplish such a feat. But Bi Ryuyeon was not satisfied.

What does it look like to be a true spill? How can I make the difference between it and a fall more obvious? ' She continued to ponder.

"This is hard, this is hard! "

Like a meditating monk engrossed in esoteric and profound contemplation, Bi Ryuyeon murmured to himself. At that moment, the so-called scavenger, Nam Gung Ho, felt like crying. He was so unhappy. Today, all the misfortune that should have been spread out over his entire life had come at once. As he was thrown, he hit a fruit crate, and the fragrant smell of the fruit knocked him unconscious.

"This…, how did this happen……?"

Looking at the magnificent mess around him, Namgungsang asked. With an expression of disbelief on his face, he admired the work that Bi Ryuyeon had created. Finding her was simple enough. All she had to do was leave her table and head to the center of the commotion.

"What are you doing…, wearing?"

There was nothing to be gained by stirring up such a fuss, he said, his eyes filled with concern.

"Huh? Me? I was just doing a little rescue work here, and as always, the noble act of saving someone's life seems to be a lot of work and hassle."

Bi Ryuyeon said, wiping the sweat from her brow.

"Is that Sojae saying…, writing?"

The Southern Palace Lord's hand gestured to Eunseulan, demanding an explanation. He knew who she was. He just couldn't figure out why she was here. Bi Ryuyeon shook her head slowly.

"No, the ones I saved are all those eggs lying around on the floor over there."

"What? What's that……?"

"I mean, literally, I saved a bunch of young lives today. Isn't that right, Grandpa?"

Bi Ryuyeon's head snapped around to look at the old coachman who had just stopped the flirtatious masters. The old man who drove the carriage in which Bi Ryuyeon rode was at first taken aback by this out-of-the-blue question, but then he burst into laughter.

"Hehehe, what would a lowly coachman like me know, and by the way, thanks for your help, Confucius!"

"Really? Let's just say yes for now."

At Bi Ryuyeon's chuckle, Eun Seolan gave him a strange look.

'What the hell did this old coachman do?'

Namgungsang still didn't understand what was going on, and dozens of question marks danced in his head.

It was then. A young man with his face buried in the fruit in the fruit stand over there stirred. No one knew how long he had been there. His white robes, once as white as snow, were dyed many colors by the crushed fruit. As if he had barely regained his senses, he turned his head from side to side, touching every part of his body, and every bone in his body seemed to ache.

The young man, his face grimacing in hellish agony, looked around and saw a face he recognized, and he approached with joy. In his eyes, he must have looked like a savior.

"Tongue…, brother!"

His voice was pitiful as he called out to Namgungsang, and his face was too gaunt to be normal.

"Nay, art thou not the second tiger of the second little father; what is thy shape?"

Encouraged by Namgung-san's concerned question, Namgung-ho shouted at Bi Ryuyeon. Inwardly hoping for revenge.

"So that's why that author is……."


Barely recovering from his hellish agony, Namgung-ho was once again silenced by Namgung-sang's gentle and appropriate measures.

"No way…, you didn't hear that, did you?

I glanced over to Bi Ryuyeon and saw that he was currently busy with Mo Yonghui talking to Eun Seolan. Was it a success?

[What happened?]

At that moment, an electric voice struck his ears, and Namgung Sang was startled, as if he had seen a ghost.

[What? Hahaha, nothing happened, nothing happened, no, really].

Embarrassed, Namgungsang made a wholehearted excuse.


The Grandmaster's head snapped back into place, and Namgung Sang breathed a sigh of relief.


Namgung-san's swift action in dramatically saving his cousin's life was commendable. Of course, Namgung-ho couldn't understand.

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