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Book 11 Chapter 12

Is God currently out of town?

"Boom, you!"

A man with his mouth open in such a way that it's a wonder he didn't dislocate his jaw,

He was none other than Zhang Wuyang, the Eighteen Swords of the State of Zhongyang.

"Oh, Buddha! Jade Emperor, Heaven and Earth, are you really up there in the sky?'

What kind of connection is this? There is a theory that karma is a type of causality in the world. Of course, this fate is believed to be a change caused by divine harmony. Today, Zhang Wuyang had an impure thought that he might become an unbeliever, someone who doesn't believe in the existence of God. It's only worth believing in God if he helps you. He was still a snob who believed in God and wanted a favor in return, but this applies to most humans, so we can't really blame him.

We believe in God because we have wishes, no matter how big or small, and that's how religion came to be. If there were no wants and no wishes, religion might not exist in this world in the first place.

"Hello, it's been a while."

Bi Ryuyeon lifted a hand in greeting. However, Zhang Wuyang, who was already half-dazed, did not return his greeting. She had never been in such a state.


She felt sick to her stomach. Zhang Wuyang rummaged around in his pocket, searching for the Huang Family Secret Pill, the Huang Family Stomach and Intestines Pill, which had been gathering dust for the past few months. People couldn't understand why Zhang Wuyang, the Eighteen Swords of the Zhongyang Clan, who was currently doing so well, so well that he was threatening the unshakable reputation of the Zhongyang Clan, the largest clan in the Zhongyuan Clan, would be so condescending to a young man with no reputation or background.

It was a mystery to Zhang Wuyang, who had barely recovered his senses, to find himself face to face with a group of familiar faces. Barely recovering his senses, Zhang Wuyang greeted Bi Ryuyeon first, and then greeted the other members of the Zhu Jiajia Corps face to face. They were once comrades-in-arms who had shared life and death, so there was a special bond between them.

Feeling that there were too many eyes on them, Bi Ryuyeon signaled to Yin Dao, who dismissed them, telling them to retire to their rooms and get some rest. Wolf Qin and Gao Yan also returned to their rooms without exchanging a single word with each other.

Now there were only four people left in the restaurant: Bi Ryuyeon, Yin Dao, Bing Sword, and Zhang Wuyang.

"But what brings you here? It's unusual for you to come in person."

Why is Zhang Wuyang here? Needless to say, it's about marksmanship. But for the grand lord of the already expanding Zhongyang Mark Bureau, which had expanded rapidly in the past two years and now had eighteen branches all over the Zhongyuan region, to come in person would be an incredibly important gesture. That's why Bi Ryuyeon was so intrigued. One of his vital senses, the monetary instinct, was showing a sensitive response.

"Did you arrive today? "

Although Bi Ryuyeon's question was merely a passing remark, Zhang Wuyang's complexion visibly darkened.

"In fact, I've been here for three days now."




At the mention of three days, all three reacted simultaneously in surprise. Some would say it was an act of urgency. Safety and speed were vital when traveling. But three days in one place, unattended, meant that something was seriously wrong.

"Do you do anything special? "

"In fact, it's because I have a big, tough mountain to climb tomorrow."

His words were clearly not about the difficulty of the climb. When Zhang Wuyang answered, Bi Ryuyeon looked surprised.

"Hmmm, surely you don't mean that the mountain is hard to climb, and you're afraid of some bandits… now?"

Everywhere she went, bandits were as familiar as a wife scratching her ass for money. Yeomdo scratched at the brine at Bi Ryuyeon's words.

"You're finally being punished by a bandit, Nabucco? I guess all those rumors about you being the most trusted guardian of life and death weren't true after all. You can't trust rumors."

"Whoa……. That's no problem for a regular bandit, I can haggle my way through any mountain with a toll, but the owner of the mountain I need to climb this time isn't amenable to any such haggling."

"Why, are you waiting for a forest king?"

Yeomdo asked in a sarcastic, joking tone.

"Yes, that's right."

Without hesitation, Zhang Wuyang nodded.


Without realizing it, Yaldo had raised his voice.

"As you say. The Green Forest King has declared it open for business, and with the green wolf flag flying, signifying the hunting grounds of the Green Forest King, Lim Duk-Sung, there's no way I can climb that mountain with normal determination.

"What is that, and who is Yim Duk-Sung?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked. Apparently, he remembered hearing about it in the current powerhouse general faction common sense class. Apparently…….

"I am a hobgoblin who stands at the pinnacle of the Hundred Thousand Green Forests, with seventy-seven guns. He's usually found resting on his gun barrel, barely lifting a finger to passersby, and only moves when he's on his favorite hunting machine. We had the misfortune to be caught in his path and goodwill, which is usually not open for business at this time of year, so I don't know what happened, but there's no going back…….. But the most important thing is that tomorrow we have to get over that mountain at all costs, that mountain where the wolves are gaping at us."

Zhang Wuyang was very worried.

"What about compensation?"

Bi Ryuyeon asks pointedly.


For a moment, Zhang Wuyang couldn't understand what Bi Ryuyeon was saying.

"What kind of remuneration can you promise me if you can get me over that mountain safely, in exchange for the safety of my passage!"

Suddenly, Zhang Wuyang's face lit up. He had spent three days here preparing himself, but he hadn't been able to do it at all. But with Bi Ryuyeon and the delegation from the Heavenly Martial Academy coming along at a time like this, even the Green Forest King wouldn't be afraid at all.

"If that…, then……. Don't mind the cost in the least. I will be greatly obliged if you can get me over the mountain safely. I must get over the mountain tomorrow; I can't delay any longer, but……."

Zhang Wuyang's gaze shifted to Yidao, skeptical that the leader would allow it. It was a natural reaction for Zhang Wuyang, who was unaware of the shadowy relationship between Bi Ryuyeon and Yidao, but Yidao quickly nodded his head without any objection. It was a sign of approval.

"I'm on my way anyway, can't hurt to have company. Besides……."

King of the Green Forest, Lim Duk-sung, was said to be a master of the berserk Marang Dao. It was a dao that ruled over 100,000 green forests……. As a daoist, he was quite intrigued.

"Then we have a deal."

Bi Ryuyeon smiled brightly. Zhang Wuyang suddenly felt like he had met a savior. Her hopelessness was instantly replaced by a feeling of happiness.

"So what happened?"

The story goes like this. From the beginning, Zhang Wuyang narrated her situation one by one. To summarize the situation…….

"So you're saying that right now there's a place called Zhongyuan, and Zhongyang is in a life-and-death competition with Zhongyuan, and they have to somehow get to their destination before Zhongyuan, so that Zhongyang can become Zhongyuan's first beacon."


Zhang Wuyang nodded in admiration at Bi Ryuyeon's succinct explanation.

"What's your destination?"

"It's a volcano."

The reason why the destination was a volcano was because the biggest event in 10 years, the Volcano Covenant Conference, was taking place, and with it came a huge influx of people and vendors looking for a piece of the natural jackpot. It made sense because money goes with the flow of logistics and the flow of people.

A dark room surrounded by darkness.

It was a secret location not far from Sunpyeong-ro.


"They say the preparations are complete. The noose is already tightened."

"Falling behind?"

"That's perfect, they'll never hear from the witnesses."

Red Blood nodded in satisfaction.

"Good. We'll keep tracking. No interruptions, no matter what. Over!"

As his command fell, countless shadows disappeared into the darkness.

"What is it? "

The Grand Duke looked at Qi Sahan, who had opened the door to his office, and asked.

"Reports of upcoming white deer and wolf contact have just arrived, everything is on schedule."

"I hope they don't get wiped out, because a stage needs actors."

A cold smile tugged at the corners of the Archduke's mouth.

"There was one more report. It says that one minor variable occurred."

"Variables? "

The Grand Duke didn't like variables that appeared without his intentions; they were a distraction from his perfect plan.

"Yes, they say a cute little silver fox has joined the deer herd, how about some silver fox fur? "

With a blatant smile on his face, the Grand Duke responded to Qi Sahan's report with a grimace.


The Grand Duke said nothing. For a moment, a deep silence fell between them. Qi Sahan flinched at the Grand Duke's unexpected response.

"Holy shit…, did I make a mistake?

If so, it wasn't fun. A cold sweat trickled down his spine.

"Shall we hunt?"

The Archduke's head cocked from side to side.

"Put the fox hunting on hold."

"Okay, let's focus our efforts on the dynamics for now."

Qi Sahan breathed an inward sigh of relief. He stared silently into the darkness as Qi Sahan turned away,

The Grand Duke's eyes began to glow coldly in the abyss.

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discord ko-fi