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Book 10 Chapter 4

Na Yerin's Sympathy


Bing'er's face naturally frowned as she left the medicinal hall.

He could not have been more pleased with his unexpected encounter with Yeomdo.

Yidou was equally disfigured, but quickly returned to his normal form. Binggum turned away from Yin's face as if he didn't want to look at it.


Yindo narrowed his eyes and glared at Bing, but Bing ignored him. Apparently, he had decided to treat him as if he didn't exist in this world.


Yeomdo ignored the ice sword just as much. The obsession of not being able to lose had gripped him. The two of them stood still, facing away from each other. The place where they met head-on was near a threshold that only one person could pass through. It was not a place where two people could pass through at the same time without turning away. One of them had to step aside, but neither of them had thought to do so first. Na Yerin couldn't help but wonder at the complex and nuanced emotions that flowed between them.

Yeomdo said, still pouting.

"What are you doing here? Have you come to visit your master?"


Oddly enough, Master Bing's teacher was not known to Kang Hao, and neither was Master Salt, so how did he know?

The ice sword glared at him with a cold gaze as the salting of the salt. The sneer tugging at the corners of his mouth was unnerving.

"Don't you know what they say about a dog with shit on it can't bite a dog with chaff?"

It's a lesson in not talking about the obvious.

"Phew, that's not very mature of you to take it out on someone else for your own lack."

Yaldo sneered, then looked at Na Yerin and said, "I'm sorry.

"Yerin, have you ever heard that priests have become a problem for the Jianghu, as it is very frequent these days?"


He'd never heard of such a thing, not even as a rumor, but Bing's face was clearly set. Something must have stirred him.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I don't want to stare at you for long, so move along. How long are you going to be blocking people's paths?"

With that, the ice sword took a step back. He realized that it would be a waste of time and stamina to continue fighting Yeomdo.

Only then did Na Yerin manage to break out of this bizarre confrontation.

"Hmm, are you awake?"

He pointed his chin at the door to Bi Ryuyeon's hospital room. Even if he asked politely, there was no way he could get a good answer.

"You don't have eyes, see for yourself!"

The ice sword disappeared with a cold chill. Yeomdo's face was grim. Na Yerin couldn't understand why the two of them were doing this at all.

"What a rude, pompous priest!"

Luckily, the grumbling and grumbling of Yeomdo didn't reach Na Yerin's ears.

A chance encounter with Yeomdo was the worst. It almost made me lose my mind.

Binggum opened the door to the apothecary and stepped outside. The crisp, pleasant air flowed deep into his lungs, a stark contrast to the strong, medicinal scent that numbed his sense of smell. He felt his head clear a little and his reasoning cool.

"What do you mean, where do we go from here?

I felt trapped on all sides, with no way out. I was so ashamed and embarrassed that I didn't dare to ask for help, and I thought it would be better to remain a secret disciple of Bi Ryuyeon than to be disgraced.

"If I can do the dirty salt, why can't I do it?

But still, his ego was in serious rebellion. It would be natural. But it had to be killed. Gritting his teeth, biting his tongue if necessary, a promise was a promise, a god was a god. An oath, once made, could not be broken by personal pride.


As his thoughts raced through his mind, the excruciating pain struck again. He clutched at his chest. Bingum lifted the front of his robe and glanced down at his chest, a darkness settling over his face.

"Still, what do you mean?"

Still, the stigma of the heart hadn't been erased.

Blue stigma.

Proof that someone else's fist rattled your heart!

The blue bruises felt like the marks of slavery to Binggum.

"What an outrageously embarrassing thing to say……."

He clutched at his chest, roughly. The God of Fate was too cruel.

Not only did she have Yeomdo, but she also had eyes. Entering the hospital room, Na Yerin's eyes immediately widened. The man she'd been told was in a coma due to a devastating injury was awake. She was surprised to find herself saying, "Thank God." Why should she be affected by his health? Nayarin was confused as to why this should be the case.

Na Yerin's face immediately darkened as she realized that Bi Ryuyeon's complexion was noticeably pale. The vigor she'd shown in front of the ice sword just a moment ago was nowhere to be seen, and she looked pale and frail. One thing was certain: Bi Ryuyeon had done this on purpose.

"You're awake, Confucius, thank goodness."

"Hahaha! I can't stay in bed forever when Sojae is worried about me, and I can't commit such a crime as lying in bed when Sojae comes to visit me, can I?"

Bi Ryuyeon smiled weakly. The lack of strength in her entire body was clearly visible. It was as if he was a sickly man who was exhausted after a long battle.

"That… that abomination……!

I can't believe he's acting like he's sick when he's not. The Yeomdo was so unbelievable, I was speechless.

"You're worried about me, Sojae."

The sight of him looking at her and smiling weakly made Na Yerin's heart tingle.

"I don't understand why you think I was worried about you."

A flustered Na Yerin said coldly.

"Whoa, if that's the case, then I don't know what you're doing here, with all this drug smell, all this pus smell, and you're here because you're worried. In fact, I don't think you'd have any reason to be here at all, except for something personal between me and Sojae."

His words were true.

"That… that's……."

When Na Yerin panicked again, Bi Ryuyeon decided not to push her further into a corner. At times like this, artistic tension must be tempered. You don't want to back her into a corner. She might feel overwhelmed. That was the iron law of love.

"It's okay. I'm grateful enough that Mr. Sojae is here. I'll settle for that, because this was unexpected."

In fact, the news of Nayarin's illness was unexpected by Bi Ryuyeon, which is why she is pretending to be sick. Seeing how Na Yerin was fooled by this momentary act, it could be said that Bi Ryuyeon's acting skills were quite high.

"Of course, neither do you, Salt."

Bi Ryuyeon smiled meaningfully at Yidao. However, the pallor of Bi Ryuyeon's face was too much for Yin Do.

"Hehehe, you're welcome……."

"You made me do it!" was the last thing she would say. It was the basket in her left hand that she needed, not her letter.

"A get-well gift!"

Yeomdo put the basket of food on the table next to Bi Ryuyeon's bed.

'Was Yeomdo so attentive as to bring consolation goods when he visited others in sickness?'

Na Yerin had to wonder again. The Yin Dao Master here today was so different from the Yin Dao Master she was used to seeing, it was almost baffling.

"Oh, well, I'll eat it all."

Bi Ryuyeon took the basket with a wide smile. His face lit up when he saw the food. This was something he had been looking forward to.

"Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, I don't know what to say……."

I was like, "You've got a whole list of food to bring!" and I was like, "I can't believe it.

"Here, would you like some of my sausage?"

Bi Ryuyeon struggled to pull an apple out of the basket and offered it to Na Yerin. Na Yerin had no choice but to accept it, considering the sincerity of the gesture. It was a masterful bluff.

"I just woke up from a coma, can I eat something this heavy?"

Na Yerin asked, looking at the red apple in her hand.


His hands were busily darting in and out of the basket, not even realizing that Na Yerin was asking.

"Non-Confucius, what about that bottle you were holding?"

Turning her gaze back to Bi Ryuyeon, Na Yerin exclaimed in surprise.

"What? What apology? I don't remember any, you must be looking at the wrong one."

Bi Ryuyeon stopped moving and looked at Na Yerin, his empty hand fixed just above the basket. With a thin smile that looked like it could melt away at any moment, Bi Ryuyeon replied, "Yes, sir," but Na Yerin saw that Bi Ryuyeon was holding a bottle in his hand.

"How did this happen? No?"

Not once or twice, but several times. There was no way the illusion could have happened so many times in a row. When she looked away for a moment and then looked again, the food in her hand had been replaced with something different. This time, it was a Korean pastry.

Na Yerin was dumbfounded, as if possessed by a ghost. She looked at Bi Ryuyeon again, but couldn't find anything suspicious about him. It was as if the food kept disappearing into an unknown space.

'I don't know, I'm sure you can't even eat porridge in your current state…….'

It was incomprehensible, and the saltiness with which it was viewed was even more absurd.

'That… that monster…….'

While Na Yerin was distracted for a moment, Yeomdo was able to witness the incredible sight with his own two eyes.

"There's no way a normal person could eat that fast! It's not even a trick, he's just shoveling the entire food in his hand into his mouth……."

It didn't take long for the basket to freeze. Na Yerin alternated between looking at the dwindling contents of the basket and the main culprit: the rain.

"Is it just me that somehow my concerns were deemed irrelevant?"

It wasn't unreasonable for her to harbor such thoughts.

"Oooh, you were worried after all!"

Bi Ryuyeon caught the pod from Na Yerin's words.

"Well, that's good to know that I don't have to worry about that anymore."

Na Yerin replied coldly, but Bi Ryuyeon didn't care.

"You said a journey of a thousand leagues starts with a single step, and you said half a step, so we're more than halfway there now, and we just need to chip away at the remaining distance."

She was just as nonchalant as ever.

After Na Yerin and Yeomdo had gone… a while.

An empty basket sat in Bi Ryuyeon's hospital room. The food that had been packed into it just a short while ago was nowhere to be found, so Yin-do had to get another list of things to buy tomorrow. Receiving the list was infuriating enough, but what was even more infuriating was the fact that there was only a list and no money. The money was all in Yeomdo's pocket.

"I've been starving for three days, so it's only natural that I should eat three times as much and faster, don't you think?"

She smiled and said all the things she would shamelessly say to Yeomdo.

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discord ko-fi