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Book 10 Chapter 5

I'm flying!

Food for Thought! Foodie!

Warriors and warrioresses from all the sects and martial organizations flew out of their respective bunkers in unison.

They each hung their traditions on their legs, rode the wind, and flew away with their wings over the expanse.

To fulfill their mission.

They flew at breakneck speed toward the waiting group, their message: all those who were eligible to participate in the selection of the representatives of the Volcano Covenant Branch must pass the upcoming Phantasmagoria Test, and they must come to the Heavenly Martial Academy by the set date to take the test as soon as possible. The news would be welcomed by the many martial artists who had been practicing their skills in anticipation of this day, but it also meant that they would be taking a risk. However, no one would shy away from this good news because of the potential for danger.

They flew across the blue sky to the old schools of Shaolin, Shaman, Huashan, and Ami, as well as to the new schools of Open, Southern, and Sichuan Daoism, and to each of the other small and medium schools.

This is the beginning of a full-fledged Volcano Covenant meeting.

In the future, a select group of elites from each sect would flock to the Heavenly Martial Academy. They were all seniors who had graduated from the Heavenly Martial Academy in the past.

'The seniors who have completed all the courses at Tianmu Academy are coming in droves!

This was more troubling than a nasty nervous breakdown. It wasn't just a nerve war. It was a pavilion that hadn't been reopened in 18 years.

The current members of the Astronomical Academy were not the only ones eligible to attend the Volcanic Covenant; anyone under the age of thirty who passed the qualifying examination was eligible to attend, meaning that the graduates of the Astronomical Academy would also attend in large numbers, with honor and pride at stake. Some of them might have their own deaths, their own homes, or their own blood relatives, but there were no concessions.

Moreover, they had gone through all the classes at the Academy before them. They were also competitors. They were stronger and more demanding competitors than anyone else, meaning that the current students of the Celestial Academy would have to compete with their seniors and surpass them in order to make it to the Volcano Covenant Chapter.

The selection of representatives to the Volcanoes Convention was difficult.

"It's going to be a bunch of monsters and motherfuckers."

Jang Hong muttered with a sour face.

"I can't believe I have to look at the hate when I don't even want to……. I'm not that good. Damn it, damn it, damn it! If only he didn't look at me, I wouldn't want to……."

The way he kept sipping and muttering, he was obviously anxious and irritated, and Hyo-ryong and Yoon Jun-ho, who were watching his behavior, couldn't figure out why.

"Damn it!"

Jang Hong took another long drink. He seemed to be drinking too much to Yun Junho.

"That… that!"

Yoon Junho cried out in pity.

"Let's just leave him alone, he'll get drunk and pass out right there."

Yoon reluctantly agreed with Hyo-ryong. Sometimes people just want to be alone. We don't know why, but now was not the time to embrace, but to leave.

"But that's unusual."

Hyo-ryong didn't mind, but he was puzzled. It wasn't like him to act like an elder brother. His usual easygoing demeanor was nowhere to be seen.

"Is it okay to leave it like that?"

Yoon couldn't shake his anxiety.

"You promised to leave me alone. We all have things on our minds that we can't talk about, and it's best to leave them alone."

Alcohol seemed to be Jang Hong's only comfort right now, but neither Yun Junho nor Hyo Ryong could figure out why he was binge drinking.

A man walking casually down the street was a bookkeeper whose prayers were so devoted that passersby would stop and take a second look. Eighteen of them would look back at him and marvel at his prayer.

The young man was dressed in jade-colored robes that set off his features, and a pure white sword was strapped to his waist, from the tip of which hung the unusual red, blue, crimson, and yellow contemplative fruits.

The young man's steps came to a screeching halt as he looked up and saw the large plaque on the main entrance, which read, in dragonfly-like script, "Tianmu Academy.

"It's been a while since I've been here!"

His voice was full of compassion. He shifted his feet and strode forward, his stride so brisk that even the guards at the main gate let him pass without identification.

The two Heavenly Martial Academy guards on guard duty were dumbfounded.



Zheng Ilgun and Zheng Daiqiu, guarding the main gate, drew their swords, but the young man slipped between them with a fluid movement. The two men felt as if a gust of wind had blown past them. They were dumbfounded at how easily they had been broken through.


Jung pulled out his emergency whistle and was about to call out.

"Hahahahaha. Sorry, sorry. It's been a long time since I've been home, so I was being a little naughty. Hahahahaha! I'm sorry if I startled you. I apologize, so why don't you stop blowing that noisy thing?"

The young man laughed boisterously and stopped Zheng from acting. The two men felt as if they were possessed by ghosts. The drunken young man pulled out a silver plaque from his bosom. Upon seeing it, the two men quickly bowed in respect.

"I'm sorry I didn't know, sir!"

The drunken young man's hand was a sign that he was a member of the Martial League. Moreover, it was neither an iron nor a bronze plaque, but a silver plaque, indicating the young man's high status. Furthermore, the symbol of the Heavenly Sword Dragon engraved on it told them that he was a graduate of the Heavenly Martial Academy. And when their eyes landed on his name below, they were even more surprised.

"Can I go now?"


"Good luck, then."

As the drunken young man's shadow receded, Zheng Daiqiu spoke to Zheng Iljian in a slightly excited tone.

"That… that's him!"

Chung nodded.

"Yes, it must be him, and I can't believe he doesn't recognize the contemplative fruit hanging from that sword……."

"Well, look at those useless, pathetic eyes. That must be Xin Yu Sheng, one of the four powers of the last Volcano Covenant Council."

A gleam of envy grew in their eyes; the young man was what they aspired to be. The drunken youth was one of their idols.

Xin Yu Sheng's eyes widened as he walked toward the Guanzhou Pavilion. A familiar figure had just flashed by his side.


A man's face suddenly flashed through Xin Yu Sheng's mind, but he couldn't be here, and he looked much younger and gentler than him, but he couldn't pass him by.

"You look a lot like someone I know, you!"

Hyo-Ryong was surprised to see a young man appear out of nowhere and block his path. He was on his way to the restaurant with Eunseulan and Mo Yong-Hui.

"Who are you?"

Hyo-Ryong asked, a face he had never seen before.

"Are you saying you don't know me? How can you not know someone as famous as me?"

That's all well and good, but Xinyusheng's frivolous side sometimes pops up out of nowhere.

"The problem with not knowing me is that I'm an alumnus of this academy and a quarterfinalist in the last Volcano Covenant Competition. I'm so famous that no one in this powerhouse knows me, and if you don't know me, you're considered a kansei, so do you really, really not know me?"

His enthusiasm was unstoppable.

"Old? Muh… what do you mean?"

It was a frivolous and innocuous joke, but it caught Hyorong off guard. He was lucky his heart didn't jump out of his throat.

"Calm down. Tsk, tsk, tsk, who would think you're a ganse when you're acting like that……. It's too messy."

"Sin… I'm sorry."

Despite his words, Hyo-Ryong's back was already damp with cold sweat.

Sometimes no malicious intent is the worst thing you can do.

"Da… you are……."

Eunseulan was surprised when she finally realized who the man was. It was Xin Yu Sheng who was more puzzled.

"Sojae, have you ever met me? That's odd, because there's no way I wouldn't remember a dazzling beauty of Sojae's stature."

"Ah… no, I'm just surprised to see the Divine Sword Xinyue Sect, which I've only heard rumors about, for the first time. Never mind. It's indeed a great prayer as I heard."

There was a hint of embarrassment in her demeanor, but Xin Yu Sheng didn't notice it at all. When he finally got a good look at her, his mouth dropped open in admiration. Who would have thought that he was a quarterfinalist in the previous Volcano Covenant Branch when he was looking at her now, but it was unmistakable.

Xin Yuxing smirked at the thought. Who wouldn't be offended by a supreme beauty like Eunseulan's affirmation?

"Hahahahahaha, you're welcome, Sojae is giving me gold on my face today, and in honor of today, I'm not going to wash my face for the next week, hahahahahaha."

"Ho-ho-ho, thanks for the interest, but the work can wait."

Eunsulan added, smiling brightly.

"And you have to go through a process before you can do it, right?"

"Procedures? Oh, is there such a thing?"

Xinyusheng's curiosity was piqued.


Mo Yonghui was surprised to see Eun Seolan suddenly wrap her arms around him. Eunseulan smiled broadly. It was a smile like a million flowers in full bloom.

"That… is a Sojae… no… that's……."

Her words and abrupt behavior were misleading. Mo Yonghui was embarrassed.

"Ho-oh, are you a 'love person'?"

Xin Yuxing looked Mo Yonghui up and down. Mo Yonghui was in a very unpleasant mood.

"What, you're going through their stuff without their permission, isn't that considered rude?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just taking a look at the man who will be competing with me for a woman in the future. I'm sorry if I offended you. I heard that the people of the Mo Yong family are inflexible……. Judging from the sword qi emanating from your body, you must be Mo Yonghui, the Seven Festivals Divine Sword, who is making a name for himself these days."

Xin Yusheng was not sorry at all. Some people are foolish enough to think that just saying you're sorry is an apology, but that's a big mistake. An apology that doesn't come from the heart is no apology at all.

Mo Yonghui was stunned as Xin Yu Sheng quickly realized his identity. He looked like a lightweight, but his eyes were sharp.

"Won't you do me the honor of knowing Sojae's name?"

Xin Yu-sheng asked in an overly polite manner.

"I apologize for the late greeting, but I'm Eunseulan, sent by the Black Heavenly League on an investigative mission."

"Ah, Sojae!"

It was only then that he realized who she was, but despite her surprising identity, he didn't seem too shaken.

"Hahahaha, don't they say love knows no borders, it doesn't matter where you come from or where you belong."

"Ho-ho-ho. Why should I be worried, when there's absolutely no reason to be?"

Eunseulan laughed and waved him off.

"That's one for the books, hahahaha."

Xin Yu Sheng laughed coolly once more, this time looking at Mo Yonghui, and said in a stern tone.

"You and I are going to be competitors, so I'm going to take care of you. We'll both do our best."

"Yes……? toYes……."

Mo Yonghui, who had unintentionally greeted them together, had to feel very embarrassed.

"Hey, Hyo-ryong, Hui-yi, if you're going to eat, come with me……."

It was Jang Hong's voice that came from behind Hyorong's back, shouting at them as he approached, but it paused for a moment: the moment Jang Hong saw Xinyue Sheng.

"Why is he… why is he here?

Hyorong's eyes widened. He had seen one of the last things he wanted to see in the world.

"Where have we met before?"

Xin Yu Sheng glanced at Jang Hong and asked, feeling that he had met him somewhere before. Jang Hong laughed heartily and replied.

"Hahaha! I don't want to be hit on by men. You can't do this to me just because Silver Sojae said no."

"You think I'm going to flirt with an old man like you because I'm crazy, don't accuse me of anything!"

At that moment, Xin Yu Sheng's face widened. He bellowed out.

"Wow, that's such a noble hobby of yours."

With Eunseolan by his side, Shin Yoo-sung was going crazy.

Hyo-ryong's expression was grim.

"Does that mean you pretended to know me, too……?"

Hyorong's face paled.

"I can't have that."

Mo Yonghui said with a straight face.

"No… that's… no… that's me……."

The sudden wave of misunderstandings almost made Xin Yu-sheng feel sick to his stomach.

"I think you've misunderstood something, so I'm going to try to calm down and see you next time, and I'll see you then."

After hurriedly bowing, Xin Yu Sheng quickly disappeared in front of them.


Jang Hong said, looking in the direction he had disappeared.

'If it weren't for him, those four susils would be…….'

It was not a pleasant memory to recall. Hyorong, Eunseulan, and Jang Hong took turns looking at each other's faces and smiled approvingly.


Eunseulan could not hold back her laughter any longer.


The same was true for Hyo-ryong.


Mo was the only one who didn't seem to know what was going on.




Their simultaneous bursts of laughter filled the rehearsal hall. They laughed belly to belly for what seemed like forever.

"Confucius, watch out for that guy."


Her face was serious. It was a transformation that made it impossible to recognize her as the same person who had been laughing belly to belly with him just moments before.

Mo Yonghui and Jang Hong had been sent ahead for a while on business.

"That's the man who was one of your fiercest competitors at the last Volcano Covenant, and despite his apparent lightness, his blade is no lightweight. We had a close fight, and although we narrowly lost, you nearly fell victim to his blade more than once. He may be a flirt, but he's no pushover. The contemplative fruit on his sword is proof that he's a finalist in the Volcano Society, and he's earned it. He didn't get it by accident."

Hyorong's face quickly darkened. He doubted that he could defeat a man who was considered to be on par with his brother.

She stood up and looked at the bed she had been sleeping in, which she had been indebted to for quite some time.

"Are we finally leaving?"

"Yes, thank you for your service, Senator Hsu."

"Heh heh heh, I did something……. You're almost self-healing, I'm sorry I couldn't help you. Are you feeling better now?"

"Yes, it's much improved."

When Bi Ryuyeon replied, a look of regret appeared on He Zhuoyun's face.

"With such a frail body, can you take the Patriarchal Test?"

There was a hint of resignation in He's voice.

"You've got to try hard, and if it goes wrong, what's the harm in having Mr. Heo around?"

Bi Ryuyeon smiled thinly.

"Well, well. Don't give the old man a hard time, and take care of yourself. Take care of yourself!"


He was a very anxious person.

Ryuyeon packed her books and other belongings. Until that day, she had been playing in her hospital room, putting aside her training. Night after night, moonlighting was his daily routine. He studied the books to learn a few tricks of the trade in order to be more perfect, but other than that, he didn't do much else.

"Go ahead, then."

"Yes, thank you, I'll leave you to it."

With a snap of his fingers, Bi Ryuyeon shuffled his feet and stepped out of the medicine hall. The cold sunlight permeated his entire body.

"Alas, how long has it been since I've walked boldly in the midday sun……."

Bi Ryuyeon was overwhelmed. The pink color returned to her pale cheeks, and her slightly hunched shoulders and back stiffened. It was as if the waning moon had turned into a blazing sun in an instant.

"It's so hard to play the sickly pretty boy after all……."

It was like he was trying to do something that didn't suit his constitution, and his whole body was reacting to it. He vowed to avoid such settings in the future.

His acting skills had been improving lately, as he'd managed to trick the attention of the Heavenly Beast God, He Zhu Yun.

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