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Book 10 Chapter 3

Biyue Yan vs. Ice Sword

- Lightning and Ice

Quack, quack, quack!

A wave of white light engulfs the earth with a binge that vibrates the heavens and earth!

In the blinding white flash of light, like the light of a burning sun, Bi Ryuyeon did not close her eyes.

The gap between them has now been reduced to zero by this collision, meaning that they are now contained within each other's gap.

In a duel with a superhuman, to blink while within striking distance of your opponent was to invite death. It was a taboo of taboos, never to be taken unless one had a life to spare. This was true whether it was raining, windy, or stormy.

Whoever winds up first dies first. That was it. Life and death can be decided in a split second, which is why masters put so much emphasis on training their eyesight so that they can see the enemy's movements no matter what. What good is the most powerful martial art if you die before you have a chance to use it? A momentary lapse can literally cost you your life. If he had blinked at this dazzling white light for even a moment, Bi Ryuyeon would have already fallen under the blade of the ice sword.

However, Bi Ryuyeon had been trained from a young age to keep his eyes open and his gaze unwavering no matter what, so even in the midst of this blazing light, he was able to watch every move of the ice sword without closing his eyes. Of course, it was the ice sword that had been trained in this eye technique. Besides, it would be a fool's errand for him to close his eyes while practicing his art. No matter what, vision had to come first; it was the foundation of martial arts.

The Ice Sword pierced through the pure white light and stabbed into Bi Ryuyeon's face at a dazzling speed. The speed was so exhilarating that it could be said to be the purification of a sword. However, Bi Ryuyeon was also a 'one-speed' human. He had yet to lose to anyone but one person in terms of speed.

He twisted and turned with an undefeatable speed. He didn't think that this attack from the ice sword would be a single, one-second strike. Naturally, he knew better than anyone else that two or three of them would rush at his body in succession.

Pah! Pah! Pah! Pah! Pah! Pah! Pah! Pah! Pah! Pah!

It was as expected. A cold sword qi that seemed to freeze the moonlight flew toward Bi Ryuyeon's throat and Ming Qi, as well as the other four great blood sources. None of them dared to be neglected.

"Hey, motherfucker!"

He cursed as he squinted against the burst of light. It was troubling in more ways than one that a Bing sword with the rank of General Laborer of the Heavenly Martial Academy would unleash such a lethal attack on a mere Kuan Daoist. His status should not have allowed him to do so, but as his attacks continued to fail, he had forgotten to be considerate.

Although he always seemed cold and distant, he was human, and he knew how to lose his temper. He didn't do it in crude, lowly words, but rather with actions. Seven stars shone brightly in the dazzling white light.

Ice Spirit Stream Sword (氷靈水流劍)

Sword Cold Qi Righteousness

Extreme Light Incandescent Dance (極光白烈幻舞)

Arctic Seven Stars (北極七星刃)

Seven sword qi resembling the Big Dipper erupted from the mysterious polarized light that hung like silk in the North Sea sky, seemingly tearing apart the enemy. The seven streaks of cold sword Qi blazed toward Bi Ryuyeon's entire body. The ice sword was confident that it would not need to attack anymore. This Herbivore was far too strong for his liking.

Bi Ryuyeon didn't even have time to spit out an expletive: "Holy shit! She didn't even have time to get angry, because she had to focus all her energy on dodging the ice sword's cutting edge.

Phoenix Dance Righteousness (奧義)

Chapter of the Illusory Immortality

Moonlighting (月影飛翼)

Remnants (殘霧)


Seven streaks of ice-blue sword Qi pierced through Bi Ryuyeon's entire body, carving the Big Dipper into the earth. Yeomdo's eyes were tearing up. In his eyes, it was clear that Bi Ryuyeon had been skewered by the seven spears, piercing her entire body.


The ice sword was also stunned. He hadn't expected to be struck so directly. …But there was no blood.

Like the mist that disperses at the first light of dawn, Bi Ryuyeon's shadow vanished before Bing'er's eyes.



After disappearing like a mirage, Bi Ryuyeon's body suddenly reappeared right in front of Bing'er's nose. It was so close that he could even count the pores of sweat on her face. It was a strange and mysterious technique.

"Oh… no!"

Bing'er doubted her own eyes; what flashed across his retina was a clear sign of agitation. Bi Ryuyeon's right hand was curled tightly into a fist. The wide-eyed ice sword twisted sharply to get out of the way of his attack. There was too little space and too little time for him to make another move against her, who was already ready to strike. With the speed she had shown up to this point, he could easily be outmatched. At this moment, Bi Ryuyeon had received a tremendously high evaluation from the Ice Sword, but she was completely unaware of it.


Bi Ryuyeon's fist stretched out at a speed that cut through the wind and bisected even light.


In an instant, Binggum felt excruciating pain rush from his chest like a runaway wild horse. He barely swallowed the scream that erupted, but at least he had some dignity.

"Ha-ha-ha… monsters are monsters, dammit!"

Yeomdo spoke in a bitter tone. He hadn't expected that Bi Ryuyeon would be capable of practicing a light body technique of such a high level. To be honest, his current speed was not up to that of an ice sword, so he hadn't been able to experience the extent of Bi Ryuyeon's speed.

"Damn, I'm not going to make it through tonight without a drink."

Yeomdo muttered, making an impression as it was. The taste in his mouth was bitter. But his gaze remained fixed on the battlefield. The iceblade's face was set so hard that it was pale, the unbelievable reality darkening his complexion once and for all. Yeomdo had to take comfort in his expression.


Binggum, whose immovability was unlikely to be shaken under any circumstances, drew a harsh breath.


A low moan escaped his frozen lips, and he clutched at his chest in agony. The pain was excruciating, almost bringing him to his knees. The ice sword captured a chill in its cold inner light and shot it at Bi Ryuyeon. Bi Ryuyeon was pierced by the ice-cold inner light of the ice sword. It was clear that Binggong wanted to turn her into a hollow garden tree or a decorative bonsai. Of course, creative freedom should be guaranteed, but individual rights cannot be infringed upon. Wait, is this a separate issue?

Bi Ryuyeon Yan's instantaneous leaps and ghostly divine arts were so unorthodox that they could not possibly be human.

"How did this guy manage to be the subject of such a ridiculous rumor?

Bing'er couldn't understand it. He couldn't believe that the vast majority of people in the Heavenly Martial Academy had refused to recognize Bi Ryuyeon's skill, instead blaming it all on heavenly nurturing and luck. Otherwise, how could she still be able to perform such vivid, unflinching movements under his blade without succumbing? And this time, she even managed to counterattack… …….

Bi Ryuyeon's first counterattack sent a chill down Bing's spine.

'Either this whole thing has been miscommunicated from the start, or he's the most cunning guy in the world. I'm surprised he's only exposed that much of his true power in nearly two years. What possible reason could there be for that? Is there something he has to hide?'

It was never her intention to do so, but Binggum's dogmatic thinking had already made that assumption.

'What could be so sinister that he would hide his true identity so desperately? A spy for the Black Heavenly Blind? Or, worse yet, is he a spy of the Netherworld?

With all due respect to Bing'er, Bi Ryuyeon had never been desperate to hide his identity; he merely followed his usual motto of being a little devious, very rational, and a little smart. He just didn't deliberately go out of his way to be bothered when he shouldn't have, and he didn't hold back much when he was angry. He just followed his heart and acted boldly, that's all.

However, it was natural for Bing'er to misunderstand, and there was no way for Bi Ryuyeon, who currently had no talent for reading his mind, to clear up his misunderstanding. Of course, even if she had, it's doubtful she would have been able to.

So Bingham made the error of reckless and hasty generalizations based on misconceptions, prejudice, and his own intuition.

"What is his true identity, a thief, an assassin, a manipulator, a trickster, an unseen spirit?

Fifty thousand doubts raced madly and furiously through his mind, and even the sharpest mind could not come to a conclusion. The more he thought about it, the deeper he seemed to fall into a quagmire, but it didn't matter now. Bing'er had already made up her mind.

"This man will surely harm the Heavenly Martial Academy. Therefore, I must kill him with my own hands today.

Full-blown flesh began to erupt from the Ice Sword's body like ice picks.

"Uhhhhh, what's wrong with that darn thing?"

As he watched Bing Sword, Yeomdo was dumbfounded by his sudden change in momentum. He was dumbfounded. Why did this bastard suddenly emit such a man-eating, despicable flesh?

"What the hell are you trying to do today? Hey, you goddamned ice bucket, why are you suddenly spewing such vile flesh, why?"

Binggum didn't even respond to the cascade of Yeomdo questions; he merely chewed on them.

"Ugh, this Nomadic bastard……."

Heat began to radiate from his face, and he was on the verge of opening the lid.

But Binggum could not afford to be distracted by answering him. She was determined to give it her all.

It was a Bing sword with no intention of losing.

There was no stopping what they had started, and their fight was growing in intensity. Now it seemed unlikely that the God of Fighting would let them go until he saw blood.


Steeling his will to kill, Binggum calmly raised his sword and brought it to his centerline, and his body vanished, leaving only the sword to exist in the world. It was as if the sword and he had become one.

"New Sword Combination! Not just anyone can do that."

Yeomdo muttered.

When your sword and body become one, and you can use your sword as a second limb. It was one of the stages of ascension that led to freedom from the sword. Anyone who walked the path of the sword could reach it after passing a certain stage, and there were many people here at the Heavenly Martial Academy who had reached this stage, but not many were able to demonstrate the appearance of Divine Sword Unity with such certainty. Bing'er's current demonstration seemed to have gone beyond the Divine Sword Combination and reached the level of the Heart Sword Combination.

The blade of the ice sword was sheathed behind his back. His stance was strong. It was the equivalent of a strong herbivore. Had he decided that he couldn't win without a stance?

'No, no, no, no!!!!'

The words spilled out of his mouth like a waterfall. He knew all too clearly that Bing'er's current stance was a preparation for what was to come, and he couldn't resist the hot lust that welled up in his chest.

"Hey, dude, that's foul play!"

Yin Dao was furious and rushed out of the room. It was a terrifying blow that he was still reeling from because he had received it in his youth. It was a killer, not a subduer. It was a killer, not a subduer.

"Is that ice bucket crazy?

It was a very uncharacteristic behavior for Binggum, whose emotions were all frozen and packaged so tightly that all that remained was reason.

'…Or are you saying that you've already noticed her true skill?

It was the ultimate defensive herbivore, a voracious fleshweed that could only be escaped by unfurling a wall of flame.

"Hey, asshole, are you going to use that?"

Yeomdo screamed, wide-eyed.

He knew all too well what that vile, hateful meal was: a meal reserved for the life-or-death encounters of ice swords. It was a fantasy that hadn't been played out in nearly a decade, and it was also a very vicious and vindictive one that had mortally wounded Guan Dao twenty years ago, playing a crucial role in his defeat. It was not the kind of herb that could be used in a confrontation with Guan Dao like this; it was stealthy, frightening, vicious, and strong.

Even if the opponent was a monster in the guiding light, just because he was a mere child with no chance of dying without some sort of trick, that didn't mean it was acceptable.

"Has the young master so cornered him that he has no choice but to break the seal of the secret?

Iceblade's eyes froze as cold as a container of northern winds.


Bing Lu, the ice sword, began to glow with a bluish chill.

"Holy shit, shit, shit!"

Yeomdo inhaled sharply, his eyes wide.

"It's dangerous!"

Yeomdo shouted, but Bi Ryuyeon couldn't hear him.

Ice Spirit Stream Sword (氷靈水流劍)

The Secret Sword of Extreme Righteousness

Unseen (無影無痕飛月刃)


Iceblade swung his sword like the wind, and two blue flashes split the air in front of his body.


Bi Ryuyeon shook her head.

For such a grandiose single action, there was little that came of it. The sword wind didn't cut the earth, the sword qi didn't split the sky in two; nothing happened. There was only a brief flash of blue and then it was gone.

"What are you doing?"


Bing Sword didn't reply, still emitting a formless glow and pointing his sword pole at Bi Ryuyeon.


Bi Ryuyeon felt more and more out of sorts.

It was then. With a snap, Bi Ryuyeon took half a step back.

The Scourer!

A cold, nauseating sensation ran down his arm: the hem of his shirt had been cut, revealing flesh beneath. Fortunately, there was no wound. A piece of paper was the difference.

'There was no sound, but…….'

It happened out of nowhere.

Apparently, instincts-especially Bi Ryuyeon's instincts-shine in moments of crisis. Survival instincts seemed to have a way of showing up like a flash of light in the most dire of circumstances.

To have allowed the blade of the invisible, formless sound to cut through the hem of his garment was to be blamed on the inability of instinct and sense, but to have preserved his neck from escape and prevented the shedding of his blood was to be praised.

"I can't believe this happened to……. I can't believe it!"

There was a look of disbelief on Bing'er's face. He hadn't failed a single time yet. He had never imagined that he would fail against a youngster like Bi Ryuyeon.

"How did you do that? That's a very clever trick."

It was an unheard of and unheard of herbivory that I had never experienced before. I didn't see the moment of attack at all. All I had was a hunch. An instinctive gut feeling of danger, a realization that I was about to be cut. All I remember is the cold, icy sensation of the hem of my shirt being cut.

"I don't need to know."

Binggum replied coldly.

"You despicable bastard, with your dirty tricks, do you really intend to kill me?"

Yeomdo screamed, his face flushed with rage. It was no wonder he was furious. He had been the victim of this attack many times before, and not only that.

Yendo was firmly convinced that this was the very essence of the Iceblade's despicable, lowly, vicious nature. Harder than the iron walls of Venus, harder than diamond.

And it wasn't until five years ago that we were able to develop a herbivore that could fend off those despicable, cowardly, and amoral - to borrow a phrase from Yeomdo - herbivores.

An intangible, unseen, and unstoppable executioner.

It was a miracle that Bi Ryuyeon only gave away the hem of her dress.

"What kind of a damn symbolic gesture is that, to go on a killing spree?"

Chisilsu was Yidao's own name for the spirit of the Shadowless Flying Moon. It was a bitter name for the deadliest herbivore in the world, a name that reflected his own bitterness at having once fallen victim to it.

"What's a cheat? What's that?"

Even as she sensed the enemy's presence with every nerve in her body, she asked. It was as if she was boasting that she still had time to spare.

Yeomdo said, still not hiding his displeasure.

"His sword, the Ice Blade, always has dew on the blade, called binglu, which is like a sword's tears, and it's called binglu because it can be gathered together to form an invisible, intangible sword. A transparent ice 'line sheet'!"

Except for the blade, the ice sword was wrapped in a thin layer of ice, forged by Bing Lu's uneven freezing.

He could also control whether the ice covered the blade or exposed it. The depth of an opponent's wounds would change as the blade was revealed or concealed by the ice. Killing and living would be in the hands of the ice sword.

The Intangible Shapeless Rainbow was a herbivore that used this flat ice to hurl formless, soundless blasts at its enemies.

No wonder the Yeomdo was eating away at them. The memories associated with it are the ones you can't forget until you try to forget.

"Watch out! The vicious side of that thing is that once it's past you, that's not the end of it! It'll keep circling your target until you give in, constantly harassing you. It's a fucking lethal fucking herbivore!"

Apparently, the resentment was deep enough to "cut to the bone.

"An invisible, intangible, silent blade of ice……. Hmph, then I can see it."

Bi Ryuyeon smiled broadly and said confidently. His answer was so cool that it felt like it was really going to happen.

But how on earth?

Both the salt and the ice sword seemed surprised by his ironclad confidence.

The words stung, and Binggum couldn't let them go. The destruction of his own herbivory was a matter of honor.

"Do you think it's possible? The recklessness of saying you can do something you can't is not guts, it's bluster."

Bing'er's words were stinging, but Bi Ryuyeon didn't stop smiling; it was clear that his elevated confidence still lingered.

"If it's not there, you don't know, but if it's there, you maximize not only your five senses, but your sixth sense to catch it."

It's that easy.

Seeing the unseen!

That was the teaching of the Lotus Sutra, and what made it possible was the realization of the Hallucination Sutra.

When it came to fighting, Bi Ryuyeon was never one to lie. Even if she did skillfully hide the truth.

"If you want to do it, do it, I'm not going to stop you."


Bi Ryuyeon replied obediently.

"You're really going to do this, but how?

Yeomdo still looked at Bi Ryuyeon with suspicion. As usual, he was not pleased to see her, but now he was on her side. It didn't matter what else happened, as long as he could make her suffer, as long as he could stroke her pride.


What she did was enough to stun them both. She boldly closed her eyes. It was a crazy thing to do, but she did it. Without any hesitation.

"Are you crazy?

Yeomdo's eyes narrowed. It wasn't unreasonable. Binggum also looked incredulous.

"You probably can't detect sound by closing your eyes."

Binggum said coldly.

He thought he was trying to rely on his hearing, like everyone else. But what Bi Ryuyeon was about to do was something else entirely. He closed his physical eyes, but the eyes of his mind were still open.

Then… as he maximized his senses, as if responding to his will, he could see the faintly transparent trajectory of a blade. It hovered around him like two crows that had gathered after smelling a carcass. The transparent blade hovered around Bi Ryuyeon in a graceful curve unbefitting of a crow seeking death.

There were two of them. One had a large trajectory and the other had a small, fast trajectory, allowing for staggered attacks.


Ryuyeon's pinned-down body moved slightly forward, and the small trajectory of the swordsman grazed his back, but it didn't accomplish anything. By taking a step forward a moment ago, she had already pulled herself out of the trajectory.

"No way!"

Binggum's eyes widened. He had to see it to believe it.

Even with his eyes closed, Bi Ryuyeon didn't feel any discomfort at all. On the contrary, he could clearly sense the presence of the two supreme beings hovering around him in silvery lines. They were hovering around his body like two swallows. Tracing a graceful spiral trajectory…….

Once again, the icy supremo was flying toward him in the same spiral as before.

"Then you can't move at right angles!

Bi Ryuyeon moved his body to a position perpendicular to Bi Yueyin's trajectory, which was the safest position he could think of.

That turned out to be a fatal flaw.

This was Bi Ryuyeon's biggest mistake. He was caught off guard too easily, despite the fact that it is a vice that a strong man should avoid, and that caught him off guard and put him in immediate danger.

Binggum slipped through the gap.

"No way!"


He was flying in a curve, then turned at a right angle, like a swallow on water. His speed had increased dramatically.

Two icy blades stabbed into his front and back, angling momentarily in directions Bi Ryuyeon hadn't expected.

If Yeomdo could have seen this, it would have shouted out.

"Yi Qi Sword!

Clearly, this move was a variation of the Yi Er Sword, for there was no other way to make such a drastic adjustment to a sword that had escaped his grasp and was hovering in midair in a steady trajectory.


Bi Ryuyeon demonstrated movements that I didn't think were possible with a human body. In the blink of an eye, his movements were so fast that they were almost impossible to see with the naked eye.

His body seemed to pause in midair in a moment of crisis. Still, the two Intangible Immortals on Bi Ryuyeon's body were as terrifying as the touch of a grim reaper. Moreover, their speed was also threatening enough to take a person's life.

Two invisible trajectories and a human body intersected in one place.


His body spun fiercely like a top in midair, then landed with a thud on the ground. Bi Ryuyeon didn't move for a moment after landing.

The blood did not drip. According to the plan, the blood should have soaked the earth. Even the Yeomdo agreed, but their expectations had been shattered.

He was in a kneeling position with his hands crossed in front of his chest. His forearms were crossed from side to side, resembling a crooked cross, with only his index and middle fingers extending straight out. This was true for both his left and right hands.

A chill ran through the index and middle fingers of his hands.

"Oh my… no way, this is a dream, this is a nightmare!"

Never in his life had Binggum written so many words in surprise and astonishment. This was clearly the first time.

"What do you think?"

Bi Ryuyeon looked at the ice sword with a triumphant smile on his face, and the two ice blades in his hand were clearly the ones he had sent flying.

"Uh, how do you get to……? By what means?"

Suspiciously, so was the Yeomdo. The shadow of the nightmare that had troubled him so much had been completely crushed by Bi Ryuyeon's left and right fingers. The eyes that protruded from his bulging eyes looked like they were about to roll to the ground. But fortunately, it didn't. The cast members should thank God that they had the good fortune of never having to see the terrifying, eyeless face of Yidao.


Ice crystals shattered in Bi Ryuyeon's hands, and the clear crystalline fragments glistened in the sunlight.

In the presence of an adept, one cannot even blink an eye when an opponent is confining himself within his gap. For the moment his own eyelids cover his own eyes, that is the day his life will fulfill its mission in this world. In that regard, Bing'er could be said to have been uncharacteristically vigilant. When he saw that his secret technique had been broken, he had a momentary panic attack.

Bing'er's momentary panic had created a small hole in his body. Bi Ryuyeon wasn't foolish enough to miss it. Countless tracks of white light flashed from Bi Ryuyeon's hand. Bi Ryuyeon was a very fair person, and as proof, he was now deploying the same herbivory as he had when he had defeated Yan Dao. A phantasmagorical attack that would bring nightmares on a summer's day!

Three Strikes Law (三伏毆打拳法)

Redundancy (中伏)

Infinite looping blow (無限連環毆打)


Silver dust sparkled in front of Bing's eyes, mocking his mind. His defensive instincts were paralyzed by the nightmarish herbivory. That was it, a complete defeat.

"…Ouch! I… lost."

These words were the last of the strength Binggum could muster.


And then he fell to the ground and blacked out. It was so traumatizing for him.

At this point, he must have forgotten about his promise to grant the three favors, or he would not have admitted defeat so easily. By the time he recalled this to his mind, the ship had already left the dock.

I wish I'd never woken up again…, he thought sincerely.

It was a long time before the iceblade opened his eyes again, a long time that seemed like a thousand years to him, and then, just as he had hoped, they finally opened with a slight twitch. He blinked several times and looked around, trying to make sense of his current state.

"Are you awake?"

The first thing he sees when he wakes up is Bi Ryuyeon's face, and next to her is the even more unfortunate face of Yeomdo, which makes him feel even worse.

Binggum jumped to his feet, finally understanding what he had gotten himself into.

"You certainly seem to be awake, so let's get down to business."

Bi Ryuyeon smirked. He swore he had never seen such a sinister smile in his life.

"Now, then, I must fulfill my promise, and I don't suppose you, the prestigious Binggum Nosa of the Murim, would have the temerity to change your mind about me, a mere child?"

Bi Ryuyeon said, giggling.


It was the ice sword that had protected him like his life.

남아일언(男兒一言) 중천금(重千金)! Il guian (一口二言) 二父之子 (二父之子)! His usual theory was that it was impossible for a man to say two things with one mouth. But…….

Bi Ryuyeon stuck out a single finger and held it in front of Bing'er's eyes, and he spat out the words that carried enormous significance without any hesitation, with a smirk on his face and no change in his expression.

"Then I'll tell you the first condition, and that condition is that Binggum Nosa become my disciple, easy, right?"

Upon hearing Bi Ryuyeon's first condition, for the first time in his life, Binggum was forced to struggle with an intense urge to destroy his beliefs.

"That's ridiculous! That's ridiculous!"

He shouted. It was a natural reaction. Of course, she wasn't surprised because Yeomdo had gone through the same process. "Why?" she asked nonchalantly. As if she really didn't know why.


"Of course that's impossible. That can't happen."

"Did someone write a law that said that couldn't happen?"

"That… that's……."

Of course, there was no such law. Binggum was speechless.

"There are a surprising number of people in this world who have someone younger than them as a lodger or a queen. It's so commonplace in this powerhouse of antagonism that it's not surprising anymore, it's just part of life."

He was right. If there was someone in the school whose rank was higher than yours, even if he or she was younger, you had to call him or her a master and serve him or her dutifully. For example, in a school, there was a ten-year-old disciple, K, and a thirty-year-old disciple, E. They both entered the school at the same time. They were both initiated at the same time, but unfortunately their teachers were different.

The ten-year-old K'ung, though young in age, was recognized for his talent and potential and was accepted as a disciple of the master, while the thirty-year-old disciple, Eul, was not as talented and was accepted as a disciple of the master's disciple, Byung. In such cases, no matter how old they were or when they were initiated, they had to call Eun's brother a master. There could be no exceptions, no refusals-that was the law of the land. This was nothing unusual.

"You can call someone younger a student, but you can't call them a master." Think about it. It's just a myth, a prejudice pervasive in the kung fu world that a younger person can't be a master, and because the cases are rare, we sometimes forget that fact, and it's undeniable that the tiresome and archaic teachings of the Confucian Analects of Zhang Yu Yu have added a fog to that fact, but still, can't a younger person be a master of an older person?"

Bing'er was speechless and didn't dare to retort. Bi Ryuyeon inwardly sang a happy tune.

"It's not something you can think about and do in your sleep, because of course you can, but we need to break through the prejudices and vices that are so prevalent in this society and learn to think more freely, flexibly and rationally.

Confucius once said, "Where three men walk, there must be a teacher. The great, wise, and famous Confucius said that wherever three men walk, one of them must have a teacher, and this was said by another, who is not as famous as he, that the path of learning is endless, and that even a boy of ten years of age has something to learn, even though he is over sixty years old. Is it impossible for me to be your teacher?"

Bi Ryuyeon's tone had now changed to a questioning tone. Bing'er still had no answer.

"That's sophistry, and there's no precedent for it, is there?"

Even though he was calling it sophistry, Bing'er herself hadn't noticed that her tone had risen, and she was getting more and more caught up in Bi Ryuyeon's momentum.

"There's no precedent? Who told Binggum Nosa such a lie? To think that there's such a vicious group of people… I'm worried about Kang Ho's future."

It wasn't that big of a deal. Bi Ryuyeon stared at Bing'er and said, "It's not that bad.

"There is a precedent, and I can show it to you right now if you want. I can even hold the evidence in front of your eyes before you take a breath. If I can't show it to you, then you can pretend this condition of mine never happened. How about that?"

It was a smug attitude.


Binggum asked in surprise.


Without hesitation, Bi Ryuyeon coolly replied.

It was like rain in a drought to Bing'er. He looked around cautiously, but of course there was no one else around, since they had been brought to a deserted place for a private confrontation. If there were, he could only see the familiar face of the scoundrel he had known for twenty years. Bing's gaze lingered for a moment on Yidao's face, but soon moved elsewhere with a shake of his head.

'Of course not. I don't know what kind of a man he is to accept such ridiculous terms. I'd rather take my own life, but he's not gutless enough to accept such a lowly, shameful existence. No matter how much you don't like him, you have to give him credit.

Bing'er had been too confident in her preconceived notions about Yeomdo. That was the catch, the final trap that Bi Ryuyeon had cleverly laid.

"Very well, I accept, and if you don't move from this spot right now and show me the proof, I will make you my master for all eternity."

Binggum finally nodded his approval.

Bi Ryuyeon smiled a smile of conversion. Of course, if pushed, the initial conditions were enough to secure the Ice Sword as a disciple, but Bi Ryuyeon liked to trap his prey with a more perfect snare, and then drag them into a quagmire from which they could not escape. In this matter, he wanted to drive a complete wedge.

"Nam aleen (男兒一言)!"

Ryuyeon Bi said.

"Heavy Heavenly Gold!"

Binggum replied.



Bi Ryuyeon let out a hearty laugh. It was the laugh of a winner. A loser would never be able to imitate such a laugh.

"Hahahahaha! Great, then I'll keep my word and show you the proof right here, right now… living, breathing proof that can't be undone, can't be manipulated. Yeomdo!"

Bi Ryuyeon called out loudly to the island. However, she didn't need to call out so loudly because the location of the salt lick was right behind his back. This was a kind of staging.

"You called, Master!"

Yeomdo replied, his tone slightly domineering. There was a great deal of respect in his demeanor, as this was a golden opportunity to weaken Bing'er. So much so that even Bing'er didn't dare to raise an objection.


His icy cold eyes widened in shock and disbelief. The Yeomdo was extremely high as the ice sculpture panicked as if the sky had fallen. Bi Ryuyeon laughed merrily.

"Hahahaha! That's great, Yeomdo, I hope you'll try even harder now that the priest is here."

"Of course, Master, I'll make sure to train you very well."

He was barely able to contain the laughter that was now bubbling up. Inwardly, he was shaking with glee and calling out for joy.

At this moment, Bing'er felt like fainting, but she couldn't bring herself to do it.

"What do you think?"

Bi Ryuyeon looked back at the ice sword. There was nothing to say to him, and the best thing he could do was to be dumb with honey.

"Uh… how did this happen……."

Bing'er couldn't believe it, his face still filled with disbelief as his intense gaze swept up and down Yeomdo's entire body.

"Did I get something on my face?"

Binggum shook his head.

"Then what's wrong with you, offend me!"

Yeomdo said bluntly. Binggum asked.

"Are you sure you're salt?"

"What is it?"

The Yeomdo was fierce. But Binggum was unperturbed.

"Isn't that skin on his face?"

"What, you think horses are sweet?"

"I can't believe how you've fallen into such a state, I was wondering if you were a fake with bast noodles on?"


"You pompous ass, do you want me to crush you?"

Yin Dao was rambling and cursing, and it wasn't until Bing'er saw his outburst that she was convinced.

'That hot-tempered dog, he must be salty.'

Suddenly, the world seemed to go black. My whole body felt like it was being drained.

"…I lose. I accept your terms."

At that, Bi Ryuyeon frowned slightly and clicked her tongue in front of him, her left hand clasped around her waist and her right index finger waving from side to side.

"Tsk, tsk, that's not it."

Then Binggum corrected himself, assuming a domineering stance again.

"I lost… …Master."

"Take care in the future, apprentice."

Bi Ryuyeon smiled again, this time with her trademark satisfaction. I still hadn't gotten used to the terms respect and master. Bi Ryuyeon laughed and said that it was the same with the Yeomdo, that it was an adjustment period, and he would soon get used to it. But Bing'er was not at all pleased by his words.

"Oh, and the other two conditions."

For a moment, fear crossed Bing's face.

"Are you telling me there are still some left? Not one, but two?

He was overwhelmed just to take on the first condition now.

"Do you still have anything left?"

If he received any more shock than this, he might as well kill himself. Bi Ryuyeon only stared at the ice sword for a moment.

Bi Ryuyeon smiled slightly.

"Let's liquidate the other two later; it wouldn't be fun to say them all at once now, would it?"

Binggum felt the tension drain from his shoulders.

"Thank you. Master…"

"Of course, I'm a good teacher who cares about his students."

This must be one hell of a nightmare, Bingum thought again.

When he woke up the next day, he still couldn't shake this terrible nightmare. Only then did he realize that it was real. The feeling of helplessness was the first he had ever felt in his life. He still couldn't feel the reality of this situation.

So why is it Bingum who is clearly the victim, but Bi Ryuyeon who is hospitalized, and in an intensive care unit that usually doesn't even let you in unless you're in critical condition……?

This was Bi Ryuyeon's suggestion. After making Bing Sword a disciple, Bi Ryuyeon said.

"Ummm……. I guess I'd better check myself into a hospital somewhere."

"No, who says, everything looks fine?"

Yeomdo asked. The ice pick took a beating, but not enough to warrant hospitalization.

"Of course I do!"

The tone was one of asking the obvious.

"No, what's wrong, do you have a major internal injury that I can't see?"

For Yeomdo, then, it was golden.

"What? Are you going to congratulate yourself? I'm sorry, but no, I'm fine and dandy, and I'm good to go for another five hundred years."

She knew how to use the same words in different ways to make the listener feel better about themselves.

"But why?"

It wasn't just the Yeomdo that I was curious about, but also the ice cube.

"Now that several people have witnessed me going to the rain dance with Binggum Nosara, I need to find an excuse to give them. No one will believe me if I'm walking around unharmed, so I need to give them the results they want. Results that will convince them!"

It was Bi Ryuyeon, who had one good head on her shoulders.

"Is that really for that ice bucket?"

Yeomdo made him suspicious. It was a hunch that had developed over their time together.

"Of course, I'm not doing this because I don't want to go to class, and I'm certainly not doing this to neglect the escort. Of course, Mo Yonghui will have a hard time without me, but there will be good things. I'm escorting a beautiful woman……. When are you going to suffer while you're young?"

It was a straightforward answer, but it was full of things that bothered me. She could have just said, "I hate studying so much that I'm going to skip a few days." ……. It was still a disingenuous answer.

But Dye knew there was no point in grasping at straws anymore.

"Have it your way!"

Once the two men agreed with her, she dictated the details. First, the winner of the duel would have to be an ice sword, so that he would have a reason to be hospitalized. In her mind, this would kill two birds with one stone: it would make it easier to convince people and save the disciple's dignity, and it would also make it easier for them to accept the ice sword. Although she had left this part out without explaining it to the two of them, it was actually a way to kill two birds with one stone, not one stone and three birds with one stone. The other was the fact that I could lie on a fluffy bed and be comfortable while everyone else was sweating to the bone in hell training.

Since the Heavenly Beast God He Zhu Yun might see through Bi Ryuyeon's deception, I also added the setting that he was wounded by the Ice Sword Poison Tattooist and needed to be treated with the Ice Sword Poison Tattoo technique. I also specifically instructed him to use his strength to obtain the poisoned seal.

Whether he liked it or not, Bing'er had no choice but to obey. After all, he had now sworn to serve her as his master. Besides, he had no qualms about protecting his public image, which was why he was able to get her to lie down in a comfortable hospital bed in such good shape.

This is why she had been hospitalized for several days straight. And in her current condition, she didn't seem to be willing to leave the hospital for another few dozen days.

It was clear that even though he was skipping class, his night out plans were already packed with make-up classes.

Food Gain!

It was the sound of fluttering wings that brought him down from his infinite nightmare to the ground of reality. Lying unharmed in his hospital bed, he stretched his left hand out to the side, and without a sound, the window opened wide, and through it flew the blue-feathered Thunderhawk, Lord of the Expanse, who gracefully folded his wings and landed on his shoulder. He rubbed his face against his hair and teased him. Bi Ryuyeon laughed and returned the favor.

"Ahhhhhhh! Stop, stop, stop, it's ticklish! It's ticklish……."

I hadn't played with him much lately because I didn't have time, and it seemed like he was only getting more stupid.

Beep! Beep!

The thundering hawk's affectionate onslaught was so intense that it could peck out her eyeballs with its beak if she made a mistake. It had the potential to make her look like a human being being attacked by a bird of prey, but she didn't seem to mind.

"Isn't a cold breeze a bad thing for a patient?"

Binggum said in a cold tone. His words were blunt, like a twisted tongue.

'Alas, how is it that my disciples lack such affection and respect for their master……. After bemoaning the problems of the current world for a moment, Bi Ryuyeon answered his question with a broad smile. ''Isn't it a master's duty to teach his pupils what they don't know?

"Usually, yes, but there are exceptions, right?"

Of course, there are obvious exceptions to the rule, but Bingum had the good sense to keep those words out of his mouth.

"But what's the matter with you, you visit places where you want to keep your nose out of the smell of drugs?"

"I was just concerned……."

He didn't mean it, of course, but it took a lot of courage and patience for him to be willing to look reality in the face. To get to where he is today, he has had to control himself from hundreds of raging homicidal urges and dozens of intense suicidal thoughts. It was never easy.

"You're a good student."

My heart sank when I heard the language she spoke with her smiling face.



It was a groan that seemed to tear at his heart. It still hurt his lungs every time he heard it, every time he thought of it. It always made him feel uncomfortable. Even now, when it assaulted him, it never seemed to go away. He hadn't gotten over the chill of the language, the inescapable feeling of discomfort. It was a humiliation he'd never experienced in his life, and he hadn't gotten used to it like someone else had. Not yet!

In matters like this, Bi Ryuyeon wasn't so impatient. He liked perfection, especially when it came to things like this.

"Don't look at me like that. It's embarrassing!"

Bi Ryuyeon spoke to Binggong, who had remained silent and staring at her for a long time. He was still a strict rationalist. He had no intention of changing that belief now.

"Are you feeling okay now…?"

It seems that no matter how much they hate each other, alumni are alumni. It's amazing how they're repeating the same behavior they did in the beginning…….

"Is it okay? Of course it's okay, because how can it not be when you're not hurt in the first place?"

The words were full of life, like springtime when all things come alive, and it was a moment that made the warning hanging menacingly outside his hospital room, "Do Not Enter! Absolute Stability!" seem unnecessary and embarrassing.

"Isn't the blood color too good…?"

"Kukkukkuk, should I be more tired, I'm still in critical condition……. Kukkukk."

Ryuyeon Bi found the situation quite amusing.

"How dare you deceive He Zhenzhu, no trick ever escaped his eyes and his hands……."

Even Bing'er herself hadn't been confident that she'd be able to deceive the attention of the divine Lord of Hezhou in such a subtle way, but Bi Ryuyeon had done it.

"As long as you have complete control over your own body, it's not that hard."

In her characteristic nonchalant tone, she said.

"Didn't I tell you that last time? I don't want to do the inefficient thing of repeating an answer I gave once."

"Is that really why you're here, truly?"

He wanted to know the real reason why she was doing this now, why she hadn't proudly proclaimed her defeat, why she had disguised herself as a seriously ill person to do so. He had come to this place to find out the true reason behind it, the true purpose. He had lived too long in this world to believe anything she said at face value, but it was ridiculous to ask her for a more sophisticated reason.

"Well, do you really need more reasons than that? I needed a disciple, not the prestige of defeating one, and I can avoid training when it's hardest, and I can rest easy for twelve hours……. Now that I think about it, that's a lot of reasons. I guess it was an excellent choice after all!"

Bi Ryuyeon laughed softly in response. It wasn't mocking, to be sure, but it wasn't a trustworthy laugh in Bing'er's eyes.

"I really want to know. I can't accept this reality without understanding it, so please teach me!"

Binggum exclaimed, uncharacteristically emotional.

"Well, well, well, you're being too condescending to your master. Don't forget, from now on you're to call me master, that's the result of that bimu and the pact between you and me!"

He was still smiling, but his words were as hard as a knife.

"I don't forget."


Bi Ryuyeon nodded.

There was nothing left to do. It was better to turn back.

"I'll be back then, please make yourself at home."

"Goodbye, and don't forget the get-well gift next time you come by. You know how grudges can build up between people over the smallest things, so you have to be careful."

Bi Ryuyeon waved her hand to see Bing'er off. Apparently, it had been bothering her that Bing'er hadn't brought her a gift for her illness.

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