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Book 10 Chapter 2

Heaven's Hand Physician He Zhu Yun and the Bizarre Intensive Care Unit

The pungent aroma of medicinal herbs instantly made Bing'er flinch.

But he soon moved on and entered the pharmacopoeia.

Recognizing Bing'er's face, one of the receptionists jumped to his feet in surprise. When Bing'er raised her hand to indicate that she was done, he rushed inside. To deliver a message. Bing'er stood still in the medicinal incense surrounding her and waited. After a few moments, the medicinal master who had received the message, He Zhuoyun, approached him and bowed lightly, taking in his surroundings.

"Heh heh heh. Welcome back, General Laborer. It's been a while since you've been here."

He greeted Bing'er with a broad smile. Binggum returned the favor.

"It's been a while, Senator Heh. You've been doing a lot of hard work caring for a lot of people."

A divine healer with the power to bring the dead back to life! There was no one in the Heavenly Martial Academy who hadn't passed through his hands for one reason or another. A powerful man's life was always lived on the edge of a dangerous blade, so everyone was bound to be in his debt at one time or another. Naturally, Bing Sword remembered being indebted to him many times. He was not to be trifled with, not even as a Bing Sword, but as a member of the Heavenly Martial Academy.

"It's unlikely that someone like you would have come here because you're sick or injured somewhere……."

He Zuoyun stared at the watery ice sword with a quiet gaze. This man could be called a god. He could pretend to be anything, and he could see his opponent's condition with a single glance.

"I feel like I'm sick in my mind, even though I'm not sick in my body. What is troubling you these days?"

Upward celestial navigation, downward geography! This was a skill that could make even the Tweezers Master, who carried the banner of fierceness that said he could comprehend all the will of the heavens above and the reasoning of the earth below, weep. For a moment, the ice sword's complexion clouded, but it quickly returned to its original color, so He Zhuoyun couldn't help but notice this brief change.

"I'm fine, it's just that I've got a lot of work to do for the upcoming Hwanmadong exams."

Just like that, Bing'er was done. His cold expression made it difficult for He Zhuoyun to pry any further. He Zhuoyun, who had gotten the general idea, said.

"I have a pretty good idea what you're here for. You're looking for that kid, the one who was put in intensive care a few days ago after being beaten up by the General Laborers. His name is……."

He searched his memory for a moment, and Binggum helped him out.

"I am Bi Ryuyeon."

The bluntness of his tone was chilling. It was hardly the kind of tone that helps you build social skills.

"Ah! That's right. That's exactly what it was. However, while your cultivation is good, you went too far this time. Even though you look fine on the outside, you're a mess on the inside. How can a person's pulse beat so irregularly, like a foal with horns… Besides, even though I knew that you had fallen victim to Nosa's unique trick, the five elemental energies in your body are all messed up, and I don't know where to start."……. I'm aware of many different signs of being victimized by martial arts, but I've never seen anything like this before. Anyway, I'm doing as you instructed and not taking any action, just keeping him absolutely stable."

Bing'er, who had been silently listening to He Zuoyun's long-winded words, nodded.

"That was enough. You've been struck by my unique poison, the Snowy Formlessness, which required special measures on my part. I've already taken all the necessary measures, and your body will gradually recover. For the time being, don't touch your body and let it rest in absolute peace. That's enough. I will take care of the rest."

"Okay, if that's what you're saying, then I'll walk you through it."

Binggum followed his lead, passing through the wards of the minor patients to the intensive care unit, where only those with more serious conditions were housed.

The door to the ICU was no different from the door to the ICU, but the inside was a world of difference from the ICU. The door to the ICU was no different from the door to the ICU, but the inside was a world of difference from the ICU.

When Bing'er walked into the ICU, she was greeted by a strong, medicinally cloaked odor that was nothing like that of the light ward. A normal person would have fainted in an instant.

"It's toxic!

Binggum had to grimace for a moment.

A bed stained with pus, a strong medicinal scent that stung the tip of your nose, and a normal person would have immediately grimaced, covered their nose, and sprinted for a window with fresh air to prevent suffocation. It was so dense and intense that it would have paralyzed the sense of smell. In the middle of it all, Bing Yue stood with a frown on his face. He Zuoyun was now as weak as if he had become chronic.

"Here, this way."

He Zhuoyun led the way, and Bing Gum followed. The groans of patients here and there assaulted his ears.




The Bing Sword's gaze naturally fell upon them, a sight that could not be said to be aesthetically pleasing, but He Zuoyun didn't even care; this was just another day for him.

The intensive care unit, as it was called, had a different set of symptoms than the acute care unit. Many people were being treated here with some pretty scary and horrific injuries, or with unique and bizarre conditions. No matter how careful you are, there is no way to ultimately prevent accidents from happening to people. All we can do is try to reduce the frequency and damage they cause. Nevertheless, there were people who were not able to prevent accidents from happening, and they were being treated here. Their symptoms were as varied as the pacifiers on the table.

A man who practiced poison kung fu and was instead poisoned by it, causing reddish spots to spread over his body, his hands tied with ropes on either side of his bed.

"The venom penetrates the skin and it itches all the time. They don't tie him up like that, they scratch him until the skin comes off, until the flesh falls off, and that's why he's tied up like that."

He explains it simply.

Next to him was what looked like trauma.

"That's an unusual wound."

It was impossible to tell how or what he had been eaten, but seven scars were carved into his chest in the shape of the Big Dipper.

"I heard he got into a fight with his best friend over a girlfriend and ended up like that. Don't get me wrong, he didn't do it on purpose to be cool. I feel sorry for him. Even when he's healed, that scar will stay with him for the rest of his life. This is a friend who used to practice the Big Dipper."

"I see."

Binggum nodded at his kind explanation. It was then that Bing'er's gaze settled on a patient. His pupils were completely dilated, and a steady stream of saliva was dripping from his open mouth.

"Hmmmmmm… heh heh heh heh……."

If he wasn't an idiot, he was definitely mentally ill. He looked like a man out of his mind. Drool dripped from the corners of his mouth, and his face was covered in untrimmed facial hair. He also looked quite old. He had to be at least 50 years old. If he shaved his beard, he might look a little younger.

"Who is that patient?"

"I… so……."

He Zhuoyun seemed a bit reluctant to answer. His hesitation only fueled Bing'er's curiosity. What could possibly be keeping him from answering? The answer came soon enough.

He was reluctant, but not evasive in his answer.

"That's Gwando, who had an accident during his last hwanmadong exam 18 years ago, and he's been living like that ever since, 18 years later. He can't remember who he is, where he's been, or what he's done. It's a shame, because he used to be a prominent volcanologist."

He Zhuoyun's answer was astonishing. Even Bing'er, who was usually synonymous with unflappable calm, was a bit surprised. What in the world is this phantom pill that can turn a once-prominent Volcanic Sect Technician into that shape and form? If this gets out, nothing good will come of the Heavenly Martial Academy. It was understandable why He Zhuoyun was trying to avoid answering.

The intensive care unit was filled with patients with all sorts of symptoms: a man with his left arm twisted at a geometric angle, a man with a chain of fractures in every bone in his arm, and a man with needle-sized pins embedded in his body. It was a horrifying sight. One by one, the councilor carefully pulled out the stigmata with thin tongs.

"I escaped instant death because it wasn't poisonous. It would probably take me half a day to remove all the memorization that was embedded in my body. When it comes to dangerous martial arts practices like memorization, safety is everything……. Nowadays, too many kung fu practitioners rely on blood and don't pay much attention to safety, which is a shame."

Listening to He Zhuoyun describe the patients in the ICU, one by one, even the cold-hearted Binggum couldn't help but frown.

I've had patients who are still alive and wondering why they're not dead.

There were also those who accidentally let their opponent's sword slice through their stomachs, causing their intestines to spill out through the gap. If the healer hadn't been He Zhu Yun, he would have been a man with no business in this world. All sorts of people with unknown diseases, strange symptoms, and fatal wounds were undergoing intensive medical treatment.

After pushing my way through a crowd of critically ill patients, many of whom were still alive, I came to a door, which had a sign hanging at eye level that read menacingly, in red letters on a white background, "Do Not Enter! Absolute Security!

It was here that He stopped in his tracks.

"This is the place. I've prepared a solitary confinement cell for you, as requested."

He Zuoyun looked back at Binggum and said. Bing'er nodded. It meant that he had no objection to He Zhuoyun's actions.


When I opened the door, I could feel the clean air in my lungs, barely smelling the horrible medicinal odor from earlier. Because no medicines were used, the room was filled with clean air, unlike other hospital rooms. He further explained that a special device was installed to neutralize the smell.

This was one of the few privileged rooms in the pharmacopoeia. Ordinary Guandao had to share a room with several other people, but she had the room all to herself. ……. Bi Ryuyeon was a pretty good patient to sell.

In a neat hospital room, a large bed was set up, and there was a patient lying on it, his eyes closed, as if he were dead, and in a state of domesticity. His long bangs covered his eyes even as he lay there, making it impossible to tell whether they were closed or open, but seeing isn't always everything; sometimes you can tell everything by feeling. Judging by his regular but thin and weak breathing, he was clearly still unconscious.

That patient was Bi Ryuyeon.

"Hello, General Labor. As you can see, he's still unconscious. He's been in a coma for several days now. Do you have any questions?"

"No, and I'd like you to keep it that way."

"I see."

He replied cheerfully.

"I'd like to be alone for a moment."

He asked to be excused. He nodded.

"Then I'm off."

As He Zhuoyun bowed and turned to leave, Bing'er returned the favor, grateful for his consideration. The door closed behind them, and they could hear He Zhuoyun's footsteps fading into the distance. Bing'er and Bi Ryuyeon were the only two people left in the desolate, empty hospital room. Bing'er stared at Bi Ryuyeon for a long time, her gaze filled with complicated and subtle thoughts.

She didn't move at all, even when someone came in to see if she hadn't regained consciousness. Her breathing was much longer than that of a normal sleeper, so it was clear that she was in a domestic state.


Suddenly, pain shot through Bing's chest.


Binggum clutched at his chest with his right hand, squeezing as hard as he could. He wasn't sure if he was still standing in reality, or if he was wandering in a dream.

'Is this real? Or is this a dream? If this is a dream, then I am in the grip of the world's most terrible nightmare.

Otherwise, it was impossible to explain the day's events. His silence fell again, and it would be a long time before it was broken.

"How long are you going to lie there like that?"

Finally, Binggum, who had been silent, spoke up.

Then the eyes of Bi Ryuyeon, who had been said to be unconscious, flashed open. However, there was still no focus in his eyes. Of course, Bing'er hadn't noticed because of his long bangs. A moment later, his body trembled, and a white stream of air was released as if the pores of his entire body had opened at once.


The air in the room began to revolve around him.

Woof, woof, woof, woof!

Then his arms and legs, which had been as stiff as wood, twitched. His bloodlessly pale skin began to regain a crimson hue. His bones and muscles came to life, evidence that his entire body's qi had begun to flow smoothly. It was a marvelous sight, like an inanimate object coming to life. Bing Ke gazed at the spectacle for a while, mesmerized.


The white currents of air that had been floating around his body spun with the flow of the air, until finally, they were sucked into his nose. A dull light returned to his pupils.


Bi Ryuyeon slowly raised himself from the bed. A faint smile hung on the corners of his mouth as he stared at Bing'er.

"Do you enjoy playing patients?"

Binggum asked.

"Well, it's tolerable, except it's boring."

With a paroxysmal twisting of her whole body, Bi Ryuyeon replied.

"What a sneaky little engineer."

It was honest admiration. In fact, even with his help, the Supreme Lord would not have been able to deceive the attention of the Heavenly Beast God. To be able to deceive the attention of the Divine Physician He Zhuoyun, the second-ranked medicinal master in all of heaven, would be nothing short of an unrivaled trickster divinity. And the caster, Bi Ryuyeon, was definitely worthy of being called the greatest trickster in the heavens.

"Call it the heart-stopping ghostly sleep method (心停鬼眠大法), the supreme method of survival hospitality."

It was a martial art whose effectiveness-whether it deserves to be called a martial art is questionable-is simply this: once mastered and practiced, it could be used to survive being buried in the snow for three or four days. In fact, when she was in Amishan, she had used this technique to survive being buried in the snow for days on end. Of course, even dreaded diseases like the common cold did not dare to touch his body.

When one exercises this skill, one's pulse and breathing slow down, as if one's heart has stopped, and one's whole body's energy gradually sinks into the depths of the body, making one look like a dead man. However, this was due to the nature of the Xin Gong to minimize the amount of energy consumed by the body.

With this qigong, Bi Ryuyeon had managed to fool even the godlike He Zhuoyun. Bi Ryuyeon, who was now completely normal, looked at the ice sword and smiled deviously. Smiling brightly, he said without any hesitation, "I'll take it.

"I'm glad to see you after all these years… but you're a little short with your words, aren't you?"

The Winter Man's face instantly turned an earthy color at the sound of his words. Could it be that Bi Ryuyeon had lost her fear? How dare she criticize Bing'er for her shortness of speech? ……. In the face of such disrespect from Bi Ryuyeon, Bing'er was unable to respond for a long time. He was literally frozen.

His eyes, cold and clear and icy, were once again wandering into a nightmare from not too long ago.

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