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Book 1 Chapter 9

The unlucky white tiger

It was an event that changed my life forever.

It taught me a new destiny.

You might accuse me of being purely interest-driven, but I'm not.

I thought it would be fun, so I did.

One day when she was 20 years old…….


It was a great tiger. It was a white royal tiger, at least four times the size of Bi Ryuyeon Yan, with eyes that shone like the sun and fur that was silvery white with a bluish tinge. Judging by its size and the look in its eyes, it was clearly the boss tiger of the mountain. No other beast in the mountains would be so reckless as to challenge a creature of such size and power. It was probably just wandering around looking for lunch. And now, in front of the King of the Hundred Beasts, stood the naturally virtuous Bi Ryuyeon, the heir to the Thunder Gate, who had a vicious evil incarnation as his master.

The silvery-white great white glared at him with a ferocity that threatened to overwhelm him at any moment, its eyes shining like the sun. Right now, it was probably searching for prey. It's a preliminary step to making sure it's cooked. However, standing in front of the tiger the size of a house, Bi Ryuyeon's eyes were anything but calm. On the contrary, there was even a thin smile of conversion at the corner of his mouth. Why was he smiling? Surely he wasn't enjoying the thought of an after-dinner walk with the white tiger in his stomach. The reason soon became clear.

"Yay, what a windfall, I don't remember having a piggyback dream last night, and here's a watermelon rolling in, and it's a pure white watermelon, or should I say, a silver-white watermelon, and I posted a big one today, so you're in luck."

Even the tiger's stunning black stripes, called the King of the Hundred, look like white watermelon stripes to Bi Ryuyeon. The King of the White Tigers was no more than a cute kitten in her eyes. But she was not without gratitude for the tiger. It had been a year since she'd had her last fight, and this was a golden opportunity to make some easy money.

It was last year. I was hunting, scouring the mountains, when I met him. It was a giant bear that resembled a dead tree. I caught it without difficulty (I caught it, but I never hit it with my hands), and I took off its gallbladder, or what people call its gut, and sold it for a very high price.

It was known as a panacea, as if it were the inner circle of a spirit. Even if it wasn't a cure-all, it was still a valuable medicinal ingredient with great medicinal properties, so there was no problem bargaining for it. What's more, he even had the skill to skin the beast and sell it to a very high ranking person in a certain Martial Sect. I got a pretty good price for it, so it was a satisfying trade.

Bear skins were not a very popular item on the market, so he did not expect to fetch a high price for them. However, he was informed that a vice-patriarch of the Murong Sect named Huang Wufang was looking for a bear skin as a birthday present for his wife, but he was unable to find a good quality bear skin to present to her, and he heard that Bi Ryuyeon had one. He was overjoyed, saying that he had never seen a better quality bear skin [熊皮] without any scars like the one she had. He paid a lot of silver for the skin and took it away. It was an unexpected windfall.

The bear's paw pads were cut off the top, bottom, right, and left paws and sold to the largest and most famous restaurant in town. It was a very high quality meat and sold for a high price. I sold everything I could sell in this way, and took the rest home to make bear soup. The flavor was quite good.

The money she earned was so substantial that she deposited two-thirds of it in the largest bank in town, the one with the highest interest rate. Of course, how much she earned from the bear and how much she deposited was her own secret. Of course, he didn't tell his master. No, it was something that must never be revealed to him. It was horrible to even think about, but if he did, it was obvious that almost all of his earnings would be taken away from him, leaving him with nothing.

When Bi Ryuyeon took the bear home, its carcass-or flesh, to put it mildly-was cut into dozens of pieces, so the master had no idea that the meat he was eating was bear soup. Using spices, the chef cleverly made it taste like wild boar, and then convinced the master that he was cooking a mixture of wild boar and two other types of meat. Of course, the master was easily fooled. To his delight, a large sum of money was secured.

A year later, the heavens gave him another chance to make a big splash. The heavens had not abandoned this poor man. Right now, that chunk of money is floating around in front of Bi Ryuyeon's eyes.

The White Tiger himself has no idea that he looks like a criminal on the run, a bounty on his head, screaming, "Catch me! How can he realize that he's always been feared by people, and now he's seen as nothing more than a wad of money!

Unaware of the vile and horrific crime that Bi Ryuyeon was planning to commit, the White Tiger, the Emperor of the Hundreds, continued his routine search for what to cook for lunch. As he pondered whether to tear him to pieces or bite him to death, he decided to leap upon the frail human in front of him and kill him in one fell swoop, his massive body moving like lightning. His intended target was the nape of the human's neck.

His attack was a killing blow that had never missed before, so the white tiger was completely oblivious to his mistake. The white tiger opened its mouth and showed off its sharp fangs, howling so loudly that the mountains could be heard. But even in this moment of crisis, Bi Ryuyeon was happily thinking about how to hunt and make the best use of this chunk of money.

As if a decision had been made, Bi Ryuyeon's gaze compressed the distance of five zhang towards the charging white tiger. His left hand casually drooped. A saber slid down his left arm and rested in his left hand. Bi Ryuyeon lightly grasped the handle of the saber, and the Thunderbolt revealed its hidden form from within. It appeared in a graceful semicircular curve, emitting a bluish aura.

At that moment, a fantastic flash of lightning flashed from Bi Ryuyeon's left hand and flew into the white tiger's maw. If one were to look at it from the side, it would appear as if the white tiger had swallowed the lightning bolt. At that moment, the white tiger, which was about to leap through the sky and pounce on Bi Ryuyeon, shuddered violently, lost its balance, and fell helplessly to the ground. The Hundred Beasts King was unable to withstand the enormous power swirling fiercely in his stomach as it exploded violently.

It was a ridiculous end for the Silver White Tiger, the king of the beasts, the beast of beasts, the ruler of the forest. He had long reigned as the king of kings in these mountains, but this time he had failed to recognize how dangerous, ruthless, and absurdly strong the man he thought was his lunch was.

With a single flick of his left index finger, the sword that had left Bi Ryuyeon's hand returned to Bi Ryuyeon's hand like a lie. The sword was clean, without a single drop of silver tiger blood on it. It was a strange thing. With this, he would be able to get his hands on a tiger skin without any scars.

The holy sword, which he had always carried with him, swam freely through the silver white tiger's body and skin. In an instant, the silver white tiger's skin was shed, and it left its master's body forever. Bi Ryuyeon's skill was so masterful and skilled that one could tell he had been doing this for quite some time. Now all that remained was the mangled body of the skinned, unruly tiger.

As the saying goes, when a tiger dies, it leaves behind its hide. What's more, the pelt was extremely valuable. This hide would now sell for a lot of money. Tiger pelts of this size are rare, so they will undoubtedly fetch a high price. Furthermore, a silver-white leopard skin with a bluish tinge is a rare commodity that is not readily available.

This thought made Bi Ryuyeon feel very good. He decided to destroy the evidence and cut the tiger's stomach in half. A large amount of blood flowed out of the tiger's stomach, which was not surprising since it had been stirred up by the birodos in its stomach. Without wasting a drop of blood, Bi Ryuyeon collected it in a leather bag. The tiger blood of a great white tiger of this magnitude was sure to fetch a high price, so there was no way she would just throw it away on the ground.

After cutting open the stomach, she rummaged through the entrails and found that the tiger's liver was still intact. Bi Ryuyeon breathed a sigh of relief. The tiger's liver was an important commodity that would fetch a high price. As the saying goes, if you boil a tiger's liver and eat it, it will enlarge your gallbladder. There was also a story that the liver might swell as a side effect, but regardless of its authenticity, it was a highly prized commodity.

They cleaned out the tiger's intestines, pierced its body from anus to mouth with a wooden skewer, and hung it over a wood fire. Again, I sprinkled salt and other spices and seasonings on top of it, then slowly turned the skewer around and waited for the meat to finish cooking. As the meat heated up and began to turn golden brown, the aroma was wonderful, and Bi Ryuyeon, who had just had an unexpected morning of exercise, devoured the whole roasted tiger with its delicious aroma. The Emperor of the Hundred Beasts found the meat to be exquisite.

The aftermath of the meal was a mass of white bones, presumably belonging to the former king of the forest, with not a shred of flesh on them. At this point, Bi Ryuyeon thought that she would not be able to have a funeral with the bones left behind. But as she walked away, she hesitated for a moment, then returned to her meal and began to collect the bones of the tiger that had once been a white tiger. As she gathered the bones, she paused for a moment of silence to honor the beautiful sacrifice of the silver white tiger, and then happily carried the tiger's skin down to the village.

His gill net was filled with 20 tiger claws, which he had pulled out before cooking, and the bones he had collected afterward. There were as many bones left over as there were big animals. With the claws, I planned to make a tiger claw necklace and sell it to a comic book store. I thought I could get a good price for it. I had never seen a tiger claw necklace with claws this big and sharp before. When something is rare, the rarer it is, the more valuable it is.

And these irresistible white bones will be sold to apothecaries at a high price. Tiger bones were widely recognized for their medicinal value. Truly, the tiger would not throw away anything, from skin to bone. Apparently, a spirit animal is a spirit animal.

The money raised would be used to carry out his great and far-reaching plans. His steps were as swift and light as a flying tiger's as he made his way down to the village.

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discord ko-fi