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Book 1 Chapter 8

Stuffed animals from heaven

By having a job, my destiny is to be a full-fledged, wide-open, endless

It was complete with a path of misery. It was indeed a tightly woven path of misfortune.

You wake up at dawn, you practice, you train, you hunt, you forage, you eat.

I had to do laundry and in the afternoon go to the blacksmith shop and work until the sun went down.

He had to spend his days handling that heavy, rough metal.

That alone was enough to make my flesh scream.

But when I staggered home, exhausted from my work at the forge, it was not the warm, comforting embrace of rest that greeted me. Instead, I was greeted by a mountain of side work. Of course, I wasn't the least bit happy. After a full day's work of stringing beads, I would be back to carving wood without a break.

At first, my daily workload for beaded necklaces was 100 pieces, but as I got better at it, it became more and more erratic. After three years, it finally grew to 500 pieces. It was the same with carving. My carving skills improved day by day until I was able to carve about three simple woodwork pieces a day. As my skills were recognized, so was the amount of money I was paid. My work became a popular item in comic shops.

But to me, all of this meant nothing except that I had more work to do, and of course my master was happy to do a little dance about his increased income.

I stared at the sky and wondered why I was so unhappy. Tears blinded me. This was the darkest period of my life, and I spent many nights in tears, and it was a very difficult time. Three years passed like that.

Had it not been for the good fortune of that day, I would surely have died of overwork and been buried in a field of nameless grass. It was a day when the white clouds held back the sun and spewed out golden shards, when a blue-white clear wind swept over the mountains, and when the forge was closed once a week.

But even on the honey-sweet days of rest that came only once a week, I had to run through the mountains and fields to gather herbs and hunt. Such was the typical life of an unfortunate handsome boy under the spell of an evil spirit.

When I first found it, it was blooming in the sky under the shade of a tree. It had a soothing, mysteriously clean scent and a clear, noble quality to it. Suddenly, my brain began to sound a fierce warning.

'This is a surefire money maker! I'm sure of it!

A flower of such fragrance and dignity would surely sell for a fortune. Just look at its wonderful fragrance and graceful form. Even at first glance, it seems to be worth a fortune!

I carefully began digging around the flower, making sure not to hurt any of the thread roots. If I damaged the roots, it would be less valuable, so I had to be as careful as a lover. After a while of careful digging, I was stunned. There, buried beneath the ground, was a dazzling, naked woman the size of an adult's palm, buried in a crouching position with her face buried between her knees and her legs pulled up to her chest. The radiant naked woman exuded a beautiful and virtuous aura.


The sound of spit sliding down my throat was loud. I stared at the naked woman in a daze, like someone possessed by something. Faced with such a sudden, bizarre, and mysterious experience, I had no idea what to do.

A waft of clean, fresh scent wafted into my nostrils. I snapped out of it. I questioned my mental state and the wide-eyed glazed look in my eyes. Reason commanded me.

"This is impossible. How can there be a woman the size of the palm of my hand, however much the world seems to think it is? If there really is such a woman, I can hold her on my ten fingers. I must be possessed by something at this moment. Come to your senses, Bi Ryuyeon! Calm down, calm down!

I squeezed my eyes, which I suspected were failing, until my eyelids were flaky, and cautiously peered at the naked woman I had dug out of the ground. But somehow, I couldn't help but be surprised again: there was no naked woman there, but a single root of wild ginseng.

It mesmerized me by taking the form of a human, so I thought it might be the legendary spirit medicine puppet Snow Sam. Perhaps I am not mistaken! It must have been a giant of great age, not to mention considerable power, to be able to dazzle my eyes with its harmonious appearance.

For a moment, the feeling of holding the bong dominated my thoughts. I even briefly thought about selling it. But I quickly corrected myself. Money isn't everything. On the contrary, my health was deteriorating due to heavy labor, and I was in desperate need of taking care of myself. Besides, the whole point of training under this damned master in the first place was to become the best tax collector in the world. Rather than be swayed by the temporary lure of money, he resisted the temptation with a heart of steel and decided to take the doll ginseng himself.

Of course, the administration of these elixirs requires a great deal of caution, so I was very careful and cautious. First of all, before taking the Puppet Snow Ginseng, I carefully and carefully reviewed the precautions for taking elixirs that my master had taught me. Unlike me, there were many people who ignored the precautions for taking elixirs and became sick, stupid, or even died after taking elixirs. Elixirs taken improperly could be poisonous.

Even if this is not the worst case scenario, there are often laughable rumors that the energy of the elixir has not completely dissolved and remains in the body as potential, or that it has seeped into the bone marrow and has enormous potential, and that if it dissolves, one will possess the greatest internal force in the world.

Potential is just potential. It's an unknown force that doesn't have much use in the real world. Potential is just a possibility. Possibilities are of no use in the real world. Potential is an unstable force that isn't immediately available when you need it, and it's a force with a nice sounding name. To hope for the fulfillment of your potential just before you die is a foolish and irresponsible attitude that relies on luck.

Relying on an unreliable and uncertain force is a dangerous thing to do when you're living on the edge of an unforgiving river with blades sweeping past you. To avoid this dangerous and ridiculous situation, you should familiarize yourself with the precautions for taking elixirs and then take them with care. Only then will you be able to make all the energy in the elixir your own.

Precautions for taking nutraceuticals (靈藥服務時主意事項)

-Includes the inner circle of the movie.

However, when you take the elixir, you must continue to practice the Yun Qi Breakfast so that its energy is completely dissolved and merged with your own power. And never stop until you are fully empowered. Be very careful not to stop abruptly, as this can lead to serious side effects. After taking the elixir, you can go without food for a few days without affecting your life.

Second, do not take elixirs or medicines that contain an excessive concentration of either yin or yang. You may end up taking the wrong one. In this case, it is better to consult a professional. You should always look for compatible herbs and take them together. If you take an incompatible elixir, it will cause mortality, which means you will surely die. In order to take opposing elixirs (or inner dans) together, you must find an elixir to neutralize them. If you can't find one, don't take it. If your life is precious and you want to live a long life, you should keep this in mind. Also, always pay attention to the proportions when taking complementary elixirs. If the proportions are different, the risk of side effects later on is very high. Be very careful.

Third, there is no harm in consuming simple elixirs such as the Great Patriarch. Of course, a Yun Qi breakfast is a must. Single-pill formulas are usually formulated with the cost of all ingredients taken into account, so there is no risk in taking just one of the more famous ones. Therefore, always be wary of no-name supplements, fakes, or similar products.

Fourth, take it about an hour after eating (30 minutes). There are no major side effects from taking it on an empty stomach, but it's best to avoid it. Also, be careful not to take it right after a meal, as a large part of the medicine will be digested with the food. Of course, you shouldn"t take it after a heavy meal.

Fifth, always be aware of the risk of side effects. If you notice any signs of side effects, it's a good idea to seek advice from your doctor or a professional immediately.

Six, read the precautions carefully before taking it.

After calmly recalling the precautions my master had taught me about taking elixirs, I gulped down a mouthful of Panax ginseng. The fresh aroma wafted through my mouth, accompanied by an ecstatic sweetness, and the ginseng melted like snow, flowing down my throat and into my stomach. A moment later, I felt a tremendous shock, as if a huge unexplained force was swirling inside my body. I was still too young and inexperienced to control the immense and enormous power of mysticism that I was experiencing for the first time in my life.

The power of the dolls' sulsam swept over me like a raging tide or a giant whirlpool, threatening to engulf me. I had the illusion that my soul was shedding its physical shell and being sucked into a vast golden vortex. I had no choice but to unconsciously and desperately operate the Thunder Spirit Heart Technique. If I had let my guard down a bit, I would have been swallowed up by a huge unexplained force, leaving no trace behind. Eons of time passed.

How much time had passed? Returning from unconsciousness to the world of consciousness, I slowly opened my eyes. A wave of light washed over me and I came to my senses. I had no idea how much time had passed. I felt reverent, like a seeker about to experience a new world. I felt a refreshing, powerful flow of energy throughout my body, and at the same time, I felt light and airy, like I was about to fly.

My mind was like a clear, tranquil lake; all the turbid energy in my body had drained away, and only clear, clean energy remained in my body. I had gained strength. It was quite a strong, clear, huge power…….

I returned home in a flying state of mind and body and was scolded by my master, who asked me where I had been for four days and what I had been doing. He accused me of fooling around because I didn't want to work, but I remained tight-lipped and silent. I didn't feel the need to explain the situation. No, I thought, I must keep it a secret, no matter what.

I can't believe I'm telling him the truth just to get in trouble for it! I knew it was coming out of his fucking mouth, I didn't need to hear it.

"You lowly, lowly bastard. If you had such a precious thing, you should have come right away and given it to this old man, or at least shared it with him, so that you could live a long and healthy life by yourself! Even if the heavens grant you a long and healthy life and the Puppet Master helps you, I won't tolerate it. You will die by my hand today."

If not,

"If you had sold it, you would have made enough money to live off of for two hundred years, and you threw away the opportunity of such a stroke of genius without a word of consultation, what a waste!"

I knew I was going to hear this. I wasn't sure I could handle what happened next, so it had to be kept even more tightly classified.

After that day, my Thunder Spirit Heart Technique improved tremendously, and my Thunder Hand easily surpassed the six-star level, finally reaching the stage where I could play the thunder koto. In addition, I've been able to take lessons in the art of flying swords, something I've only dreamed of.

What's even more remarkable is that after a full day of hard labor in the forge, he didn't feel tired at all; in fact, he was so full of energy that he could barely control himself. If he hadn't taken the ginseng at that time, he would still be suffering from the heavy labor and inhumane treatment of his master, barely able to keep himself alive, or he would have died of overwork and been buried in the ground. People need to think about the future with a long-term perspective rather than the immediate outcome. From this point of view, my choice was a brilliant one.

"Boom! Boom!"

The sound of a sledgehammer striking iron jolted Bi Ryuyeon out of her reverie. A long reminiscence, a short one. After waking up from her reverie, she suddenly looked at her left hand.

"What the hell is this, or rather, what's this hunk of scrap metal here, where did the sword that's supposed to be go, and what's with the shabby scrap metal stick?"

Obviously, the sword that Bi Ryuyeon had tried to forge by hammering the forged iron was nowhere to be seen, and the only thing that remained was a crumpled up stick of scrap metal that held itself up in shame. To be precise, it was a stick of scrap metal held in the tongs in her left hand.

It was a piece of iron that was meant to be a shining, pure white sword, to show off its majesty, but someone's mistake had turned it into a stick of scrap metal, dented like a gnarled fingernail. If I left it as it was, my master would not hesitate to deduct the cost of the damage from my wages.

"Holy shit, I can't believe I was thinking about other things when I was making the sword! I should have been focusing all my attention on the sword……. It's all because of that damn master. Phew, I can't do it, I'll have to make it from scratch. It's not working in the first place, help."

Ryu-yeon's gaze suddenly fell to the window, where the sun was already beginning to set, staining the sky red.

"Wow, the sun is already setting! Where did the time go? I can't do this. I'm supposed to protect my quitting time like a knife. Working overtime without compensation is against my beliefs."

Burning with a sense of duty to honor her quitting time like a knife, Bi Ryuyeon tossed the scrap metal stick that was supposed to be her sword haphazardly into a corner and got up to leave. The sun had already set over the western mountains. With the reddish sunset behind her, she headed home. Home, where her boring, damned master was waiting for her…….

After three years of working at the forge, his skills were recognized and he became a swordsmith, and his pay increased from three silver coins a month to eleven silver coins a month, but his work attitude remained the same.

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discord ko-fi