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discord ko-fi
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Book 1 Chapter 10

Do you know the rain of thunder?

"Shake… Shake……."

Now, under each of his hands, the four brainwashes are holding up the

at regular intervals, at regular speeds, without tangling or bumping into each other.

It was constantly swaying from side to side. Slowly crossing each other,

It was a regular movement, like scissors.

Bi Ryuyeon looked at the cypress tree in front of her with a serene gaze.


His right arm, hanging down toward the ground, curved gracefully in a half-circle. Stretched out in front of him, level with the ground, the speed of his right hand was not invisibly fast, but a normal, everyday speed. Just because the arm movement is not fast does not mean that the lightning is not fast. One of the two scissoring sabers swaying under his right hand flew toward the large pine tree standing in front of him. It was a beautiful flight, flying with a graceful tail like a river of light.

The other leapt up from a point just above the ground and was caught in his right hand. The moment the graceful curve of the thunderbolt flew in front of the nose of the giant pine tree that stood about eight zhang away, the index finger of Bi Ryuyeon's right hand, which had been stretched out in front of him, folded inward in a horizontal direction to the ground.

Following the tune played by his long, slender fingers, the lightning bolt circled the pine tree, splitting it in two at the base and returning to its master's hand. The cross-section had been angled so that it sloped forward, so the tree would fall toward him. It worked as intended.

As she stared at the falling tree, her left hand moved in a semicircle to look at the sky again. In an instant, a thunderbolt of light appeared and disappeared as if bisecting the world, cutting the falling tree exactly in two.

The index finger of his left hand made a small circle, wrapping around the Thunder Spirit Thread once before pressing the thread with his index finger and folding it inward. The lightning sword that had been flying through the sky instantly changed direction, returning to Bi Ryuyeon's left hand and settling down. The tree was still bisecting vertically and falling toward Bi Ryuyeon.

The four lightning bolts recovered by the two hands were joined by two more, and the six flashes flew simultaneously like lightning toward the falling tree. The trajectory of the six lightning bolts was like a painting.

As the six streaks of thunderbolts flew toward the tree, the fingers of both hands extended in front of her chest began to run over the six thin, transparent strings of light, as if she were plucking a string of gold. As Bi Ryuyeon played, the six thunderbolts first divided the falling tree precisely into six equal parts, then swam between each piece of wood and coiled around it with their thunderbolts, shattering the pine to pieces. A single pine tree was broken into thousands of pieces and scattered into the air.

It was a long story, but it happened as quickly as a dream. The six viridians had completed their mission and were safely back in the arms of their master.


A thin smile tugged at the corners of Bi Ryuyeon's mouth.

'Thunderbolt River Song. That was a decent performance.'

It was a majestic performance by a thunder god bent on destruction. It's been three years since I've been able to wield a single thunderbolt. I was finally able to unleash six thunderbolts. The more she thought about it, the happier she was. Bi Ryuyeon could feel a lot of weight on her shoulders, but she didn't feel the need to relax at all.

"Gel gel gel. Amazing, amazing. Six already, congratulations, apprentice!"

Her master's voice came from behind her, accompanied by an odd chuckle. Bi Ryuyeon turned her head back slightly.

"Master? What is it?"

It was a short question, but it said it all.

"Boy, you talk out of your ass!"

Bi Ryuyeon immediately wore a wary expression as her master suddenly spoke softly with a hint of mercy.

"Disciple, don't worry. No matter what you've done, this master can forgive you. Don't underestimate this master's heavenly and vast dao!"

"What? Where does that unchecked old age come from? I'm afraid that if anyone sees me, they'll mistake me for a criminal, and I'm not sure what that is, because I don't remember seeing it once in all the years I've been by your side."

"Heh, heh, you're trying to doubt me, and how is it that you've already been able to use six unreliable swords without some sort of dirty trick? That's nothing short of verbal theft, isn't it?"

"I'm right, so you'd better blow it!

As the master's piercing gaze swept over her, she couldn't help but feel a chill run down her spine. It reminded her of the doll ginseng she had eaten behind his back on that day years ago, and she felt like she was going to crash, even though she had already finished digesting and absorbing it. Fortunately, Sensei didn't dwell on it for long. Knowing his student's personality, he probably didn't want to waste his time.

"Well, whatever. Now that you have six lightning bolts, you can finally move on to the advanced course. Follow me."

Suddenly, Bi Ryuyeon's face contorted in a strange way.

"Advanced? You're telling me I'm still intermediate after all this practice? Where the hell is the end of it, so I'm still intermediate?

Bi Ryuyeon followed his master, unable to erase his doubts. The master took him to a small waterfall about half a kilometer from his home, the water bubbling white against the surface. Judging by the color of the water rushing under the falls, the dam must be quite deep. The trunk of the waterfall wasn't very strong, but it wasn't weak either. On one side of the waterfall stood a broad rock wall, five zhang high, with a path leading up to it. On the rock wall, Bi Ryuyeon sat facing her master.

"Disciple, didn't I tell you the legend about the Sect Master the other day?"

"Oh, you mean the golden axe massacre, of course I know."

"Did the friar then tell thee how he fetched those heavy axes from under the lake?"

"Uh, no. From what I can gather from my extraordinary memory, you said at the time that once you mastered the upper levels of the non-religious arts, you'd know it on your own, so you're not backpedaling now, are you?"

There was still a hint of doubt in her voice.

"Exactly. I'm going to teach you how to master the advanced courses. This advanced course was developed to overturn the common beliefs of the flying sword and to compensate for its weaknesses. The advanced course above it is an extension of the advanced course, a training method developed to overcome the weaknesses of the flying sword. Listen carefully. Don't ask 'I don't understand?' and get beaten up later."

Bi Ryuyeon's master, the self-proclaimed Heaven's First Person and Heaven's Invincible, explained in great detail what she needed to do next. But as she listened, her face began to twist and turn, becoming more and more pinched and wrinkled. The words "no way, no way?" were muttered in his mouth, and he even let out an involuntary murmur against his will. In the meantime, the master's long explanation came to an end.

"Do you understand? This is the advanced course of the non-lethal art, which is called Water Raiding."

"Hot, hot, yuck! My master is a good joke teller. That was a great joke, Master!"

"What a joke. Then work hard, my dear disciple."

"You're not kidding?"

"Absolutely not!"

With a firm word and a gentle smile, the master left her in despair. At the same time, the sole of his foot, which was attached to his folded leg, swept up onto Bi Ryuyeon's stomach and stayed there.


As his folded legs stretched out straight, Bi Ryuyeon's body was flung into the air, and soon his body was flailing in the air with no support.


Flapping in the air like a chicken longing to fly into the unreachable expanse of space, Bi Ryuyeon slowly plummeted toward the black water, as if to prove the truth that falling has no wings. For no matter how hard he flapped, his arms were not wings.

"Pung Dung!"

It sounded like a large boulder falling.

'Uh-uh, save me! Uh-uh… Master said my wrists, uh-uh, and ankles are ah-uh, kicked… Uh-uh, you've already forgotten what it is? Uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh, purr…….'

As she struggled to keep from sinking, her body slowly began to be sucked into the water. It was as if she was being held back by a water demon. As she shuddered in despair, she let out a gnashing of teeth.

'You, you devil, you enemy, you know what's in my hands and feet, and you've brought me to this… We'll see.'

His arms and legs-which continue to sink beneath the water, and he continues to struggle to stay afloat-have a pair of ink-colored dragon rings, each embossed with a dragon ruling over lightning.

The ink-colored dragon circles on her wrists and ankles were no ordinary dragon circles; if you asked her where she bought them, her fist would crush your mouth in an instant. It was what Bi Ryuyeon herself called a cursed demon.

It wasn't some mystical treasure that could be transformed into a sword or other exotic weapon with the push of a button, or some mysterious yin-yang energy that could do myriad things to your body just by being worn; it was just an ignorant object whose worst flaw and characteristic was that it was damn heavy as hell. So, he named it the Shackles of Damnation.

On Bi Ryuyeon's 11th birthday, her teacher bought her two pairs of shackles as a gift. At the time, they were just black, plain shackles with no dragon designs. But I still remember the horrible feeling of putting them on, and how they felt like shit. It was so heavy that it felt like his arms were falling off, and the pain was excruciating, not to mention his body couldn't move properly. Still, a year's worth of chopping wood and washing clothes had prevented the worst from happening: his shoulder and elbow joints giving out at the same time.

There are 20 roots in each, totaling 80 roots, his teacher explained. He then cautioned the glowering pupil (with a good deal of threat) that from now on he must wear them at all times and never take them off. He kindly warned him that he must wear it not only when practicing, but also when working, hunting, and even when relieving himself in the back stall, bathing, or sleeping.

It took some time for him to get used to this hostile silent circle, and by the time he was comfortable with it and didn't feel any discomfort, he knew it wasn't the end, but only the beginning.

On his birthday, when he was 12 years old again, his master gave him another 30 rods of mukhuan each and stuffed them into his arms and feet. After a year of wearing them, they felt like an extension of his body, and were sent to the forge for recycling. The common thread among these priests is that they don't throw anything away if it has the potential to make money. In a good way, it could be said that they had a strong thrifty spirit, and in a bad way, they were cowhide cobblers. However, not being bound by the common sense of the world or the eyes of others was another commonality among the priests. They didn't care what anyone thought of them. In fact, it worked in their favor that there was no one around to care.

Receiving the master's sincere-whether it was good or bad-the gift, Bi Ryuyeon said,

"A gift is a gift to a freezing bastard, a gift is a shackle, a gift is a shackle.

He tried to curse his master, but it didn't work. As Bi Ryuyeon grew older, the weight of the mukhuan on his arm increased by ten muscles each, and he was able to carry it steadily. What's more, after his 16th birthday, the weight doubled to 20 muscles. This was due to the master's belief that he was an adult from the age of 16, and the master's ridiculous theory that an adult should be treated as an adult.

Still, for her 19th birthday, I felt a little bad, so I gave her a rosary with a dragon on it. All of the other rosaries I had received were plain iron rings, with the ridiculous inscription on the inside, "From my master, congratulating you on your many years of life.

Bi Ryuyeon is 19 years old today. A single dragon ring weighs 140 pounds. All four limbs together weigh 560 pounds. His master had tied his body to an iron pole and ropes, then thrown him into the water. Wearing an iron ring that weighed as much as a girder, it was impossible for him to stay afloat, much less swim with it. Perhaps diving would be much easier. Even if it was a dive from which he would never resurface.

He had to find another way out of the deep water. He had to live, even if it meant leaving the Dragon Ring behind. The only way to find the Muklong Ring was to perform the ridiculous exercises his master had taught him. Whether he succeeded or not. If he lost it, he would be beaten to a pulp by his master.

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discord ko-fi