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Book 9 Chapter 22

Non-English speakers have human rights

Hyo-Ryong has a whole bunch of useless

You've seen the despair in your friends' eyes, and you see it as your only lifeline.

The being Eunseulan is now requesting Hyo-ryong's salvation.

I was unacceptably busy.

She had finally found a clue. And it was surprisingly close to home. The key to solving the Mudang Mountain case was her own receptionist, Bi Ryuyeon.

It was only after Bi Ryuyeon's name came into the picture that the events became disparate, the factual statements became inconsistent, and the testimonies became muddled. Until then, there was no difference in the statements of events.

"What is so great about this insignificant man?

That was the first thing she knew. The investigator's job is to literally investigate those questions and suspicions. And that investigator was herself.

She began to fulfill her mission.

One of the basics of investigations is to ask around. Investigation is the act of searching for and asking about unknown rumors or facts. First of all, the basics of investigations are common sense: get testimonies from the people involved in the case.

Eunseulan had no intention of breaking this rule; she had other things to worry about.

What she's trying to do is a kind of internal investigation, which means she's investigating a group of people, and there's a risk that they're covering for each other. It goes back to the question of how much credibility you can give someone's testimony. She never overlooked that and was always paying attention.

After her meeting with Hyo-Ryong, her suspicions were not allayed, but only deepened.

"What on earth happened that day that this Confucius is hiding the truth from me?

I don't know about anyone else, but this Confucius was a man who shouldn't have been.

"What is the truth that you can't even tell me?

Things you can't say to yourself while screaming!

To clear her mind, she had to investigate. Only by digging into the case and getting to the bottom of it would she be able to lift her heavy heart.

However, as I had anticipated, it wasn't as easy as I had hoped.

"First of all, is it Bi Ryuyeon?"

Something about Bi Ryuyeon had always been on her mind. The exact reason for this was still unknown to her. Moreover, something that had happened a few days ago was fueling her suspicions even more.

The right to walk freely on public sidewalks is a general, universal right that everyone has. A public road is never a private space that is paid for by a person's money. But now Eunseulan's sacred personal rights and freedoms were being violated by others.

"That's great!"

Eunseulan said quietly. Even on second thought, it was definitely tingly.

"Did someone spill the beans?"

Eunseulan looked at Bi Ryuyeon and said.

"What? No. How dare you!"

"Who could have done such an inhuman thing?" asked Bi Ryuyeon with a serious look on her face. Her question took Eun Seolan by surprise. A cold sweat broke out on Eunseulan's face at the unexpectedly radical reaction.

"Ho-ho, no, it's just that someone keeps trying to pick up money they didn't spill."

Eunseulan's gaze shifted slightly behind her, and Bi Ryuyeon could clearly see what she meant.

"Alas, it's him! He's trying his best, but he's not as good as he was yesterday… He's not that good at following me… I can see him clearly in the mirror… Tsk, tsk, tsk!"

Bi Ryuyeon clicked her tongue, and the content made Eunseulan's eyes round like a startled pigeon.

"So you're telling me you had a follower yesterday, too?"

Yesterday, I didn't feel a sting in my back. I was caught completely off guard.

"Sure! Well, I'm not going to tell you that it's a big secret, but as you may or may not know, silver Sojaes are quite popular these days amongst spies, and I've never actually been truly alone."

Eunseolan was stunned by Bi Ryuyeon's explanation, which was too meaningful to dismiss as a joke.

"Now what?"

"Let's just get on with it, if that's what you want, of course!"

Bi Ryuyeon smiled.

"I want it!"

Eunsulan nodded.

"As you commanded, then!"

As she walked forward, her steps came to a screeching halt. She braced herself and kicked the ground with her toes.

Easy profit!

At the same time, Bi Ryuyeon's new model stretched out behind her.

The threshing has begun. It's a very bad habit to try to solve problems with fists and violence before talking about them. Ironically, however, most bad methods have one common characteristic: they are either very effective or very convenient.

However, the method, which is widely recognized as highly effective, was a death sentence for the non-British member of the Tenth Secret Squad.


Always loyal to his mission, Palby had gone beyond the call of duty and was now on the brink of martyrdom, but all avenues for help were closed.

A sense of crisis had set in. I didn't want to bring comfort to my family by dying at such a young age, and the thought came out of my mouth unbidden.

"No, no, no, no, I'm not."

Falby's screams echoed in the high autumn sky.

"Excuse me?"

Eunsulan shook her head.

"Yes, it is, so clear up the misunderstanding."

Palvi's face was disfigured by a workplace injury. He was worried about paying for medical treatment and whether he could file a claim.

"So it wasn't me you were targeting, right?"

It was Eunseulan who asked the question. The fact that the person he thought was following him was not his target was bound to arouse suspicion. Palmyra remained standing and spoke quickly before a punch could be thrown.

"Yes, of course, but I can also prove my identity if you have any doubts."

The plaque on his waistband clearly indicated that he was a member of the Non-Younger Hall. Clearly, Falbi's behavior disqualified him as a spy. It was shameful, but the consequences of his actions were immediate.

"So who were you following?"

It was the first thing to go.

"That… that person."

Eunseulan, Na Yerin, and Mo Yonghui's eyes widened. At the end of Falbi's finger was Bi Ryuyeon.

"So who asked you to do this?"

"I can't tell you that, not even on my deathbed!"

It was the only time Palbi showed any semblance of Zen, but the point had already been lost.

Eunuch Lan's gaze turned to Bi Ryuyeon, her eyes filled with suspicion.

"You mean this guy was important enough to follow?

He was certainly an unusual and unique type of person.

"This guy might be the key.

As it turns out, the only part of the Mudang Mountain incident that remains hidden behind a silver screen is Bi Ryuyeon. The only thing that hasn't been made clear is her role in the incident.

For the first time, Eunsulan was concerned about the value of the existence of the Bi Ryuyeonn.

"We need to look into this further.

There were just too many things that didn't add up. There was definitely a need to dig around a bit more.

Did we mention that fall is the season of the high horse?

The sky was very high and blue.

Na Yerin stared at the autumn sky in silence.

For some reason, there seemed to be too much commotion around him lately. The unplanned escorting job, the attack by the raiders, the stolen lips, the encounter with the Maha spirit, the events that followed, one after the other. I felt like I was being swept along by the tide of fate.

Her mind had never been so troubled as it was these days. Her head and heart were as clear, cold, and calm as the waters of the Buddha. No distractions or thoughts had ever invaded her. But Na Yerin was desperately aware that she had been thinking a lot lately, and it wasn't something she could deny.

She knew the cause: it was Bi Ryuyeon, the one who was causing ripples and confusion in her mind. Why she was causing so much confusion in her mind was beyond her scope.

A pair of birds were chirping and playing in the sky.

"I'm alone.

She said quietly to herself.


It was a beast, and its boundaries and distinctions were blurred. Except that it stood on its own two feet… or at least it did to her.

No one around her had a positive view of men. Of course, it's questionable whether any good can be found in a man who is ridiculous, sometimes immature, and very often destructive, but…….

Bad experiences in the past were fueling her frustration.


The man's crushingly clenched hands trembled with rage. A soul-searing rage consumed his entire body, and he was none other than Wei Zichen, the Great Wind Sword Dragon of the Qing Sheng Sect and Grandmaster of the Ice Peak Spiritual Guard. He hadn't left Na Yerin's side today, watching her from afar. Of course, regardless of his subjective beliefs, this was a huge inconvenience to Na Yerin, not a help.



Wei Zichen gritted his teeth until they were crushed.

Always on her side, he was one of the few people who noticed the change in her. He hadn't told anyone, but he couldn't help but recognize it, even if he didn't want to. He had to feel it, even if he didn't want to, and he had to see it, horrifying as it was, that Na Yerin wasn't the same as she had been before, and that something was changing her.

Even more unbearable was the realization that she belonged to the same Black Sword Clan as him. Of course, Na Yerin's inclusion in the Black Sword Sect was ecstatic, but that ecstasy was torn in half by the presence of the pesky Bi Ryuyeon.

"If only he were here!

Wei Jichen had the same thought over and over again, dozens of times a day.

These days, Na Yerin seemed to be in turmoil. Certainly, much of her formerly human appearance had disappeared. She was definitely breaking down her thick walls and getting closer to reality, but Wei Zichen couldn't be happy about it at all, because he had an almost certain feeling that the cause of the change was that damned human, Bi Ryuyeon.

The thief, the bastard, the human stallion, who had stolen the lips of the fair maiden, the eternal idol of his heart, was named Bi Ryuyeon. That damned bastard had fearlessly taken a magnificent red jewel that she hadn't even dared to dream of, and now, under the guise of being the Beauty Inspector's reception escort, he had stuck close to Na Yerin. In reality, the distance between her and herself was more than five zhang (about 15 meters), while the distance between Bi Ryuyeon and Na Yerin was less than five zhang (about 165 centimeters), so she couldn't help but have a tantrum.

As one by one, two by two, expressions appeared on Na Yerin's face, which seemed to be carved out of the cold moonlight, Wei Zichen felt as if his heart was being torn apart. He felt so ashamed that he hadn't been able to fulfill his vow that day to rip out Bi Ryuyeon's tongue, chop it into pieces, and float it away in six pieces.


Again, a sigh escaped Na Yerin's fine mouth. It was a mournful sigh, one that could make anyone's heart ache with sadness. It was something that had never been seen in her before. Even when she was alone, Na Yerin maintained a sculptural expression. Until he, Bi Ryuyeon, showed up.

"Yay, I'm Sojae!"

It was a lively voice that shattered the tranquil silence of the Yun Xiang Pavilion in one fell swoop, and an even richer expression appeared on Na Yerin's cold face. Wei Zichen gritted his teeth.


That sound was the voice of the same vile bastard that Wei Zichen couldn't forget even if he died.

"Let's go, what are you doing there, everyone else is waiting, come on!"

She was the one who dared to shout at Na Yerin, who was too intimidated to speak to her.

"I'm on my way."

Na Yerin replied.

"Come on, I'm drowning."

I heard Bi Ryuyeon's stern voice again.


Na Yerin answered again. Apparently, she didn't hate Bi Ryuyeon's urging so much.

Staring at the sky with tearful eyes, Na Yerin turned and left the Yun Xiang Boat. In the silence and desolation, only Wei Zichen remained.

"I will kill him. I will… I will kill him. B… Ryu… Kite!"


He was a scumbag. He was cancerous. It was a boil. Flames of uncontrollable rage burned through his body.

"You… scumbag, you fucking maggot!"

He shed tears of blood and burned hatred in his heart. He hoped someone would respond to his heart… and they did.

"Are you that angry, are you that hateful, if so, don't hesitate!"

"Who… who is this?"

Startled by the mysterious voice that came up behind him without warning, Wei Zichen angrily shouted out.

"Da… you!"

Wei Zichen's eyes widened.

"Do you want power?"

He chuckled and said.

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