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Book 9 Chapter 21

When the Maharajah is angry, the sword is sad!

- Innocent Hyo-Ryong


It was never meant to sound cheap.

Questioning the price of simple plain sounds that are neither music nor rhyme.

Some people may have the idea that it's a very, very expensive sounding

You wouldn't dare argue with that fact.




The sound of an object called cloth being forced apart by an external force was not just any sound; it was a very expensive sound that most people would never have the chance to hear, because it was the sound of a woman's hands tearing a piece of expensive, fine silk to shreds.

The reason for the tearing of the silk cloth was simple. It was a scapegoat for a woman's anger.

The man who tore the expensive silk cloth and let out his anger was none other than the chairman of the Warriors' Association, the Iron Jade Sleep Maharishi, who had been called fat by Bi Ryuyeon. It was clear that the owner of the Warriors' Association had a very different level of anger than the average person.

If she had seen it, she would have gone beyond indignation and considered burying them alive. It was an unthinkable thing to devalue an expensive silk cloth into a useless object, or even a valueless object, based on trivial personal feelings. It was also a story that would have made her go on a rampage.

"Be patient, my lord!"

The treasurer of the Warriors' Council, Zegali, tore open a bottle of wine. He honestly didn't want to spend any more money in the name of anger management.

"Ughhh… Ino-ohm… Byul-yeon!"

Squawk! Squawk! Squawk! Squawk!

Once again, the pile of silk had lost its value. His heart sank at the thought of the poor treasurer, but his mind was not in it, and the Maharajah continued his destruction.


She had embarrassed herself in front of everyone! She had spent a lot of money on various ways to get rid of her anger, but the image of Bi Ryuyeon's hatred in her eyes could not be erased, but only became more and more pronounced. Therefore, she was even more enraged now.



Now, as if silk cloth wasn't enough of an irritant, he smashed the fine rosewood table next to it with a single blow. Splinters scattered in all directions.

"Ugh, what the heck is that supposed to be?

As he mourns over the shattered rosewood table, he adds one more thing to his list of concerns.

"That's enough for now."

The echoing voice!

As she reached for another strip of silk, her white hand faltered. Her head snapped back. The person who had stopped her was someone she knew all too well. Zegali felt as if she had met a savior.

Island Dragon Tianyajin!

He was the man who, along with Maharishi, had taught her the secret from her maternal grandfather, the sword saint Hahusik, the founder of the Driftless Sword Method.

Many people thought that the strongest martial artist in the tournament was the co-winner of the previous year's Samsung Festival, Storm Lord Ha Yunming. Of course, as a member of the Divine Sword Gate, which was responsible for some of the city's advancements, Storm Lord Ha Yunming's martial arts were extraordinary.

But even his sword was no match for the dao of the Island Dragon Tianyajin, for he was a disciple who had received his training directly from Hao Huxiong. He was also a priest whom Maha Ling trusted greatly. Having trained with him under her maternal grandfather, her trust in him was absolute.

"I'll take care of this one!"

Her face seemed to relax a little at his words. Chen Yajin can be trusted, Maharishi thought.


"Of course, sir!"

She gently let go of the silk cloth she was holding. In her hands, a piece of silk that was destined to oxidize to death was saved and given a glimmer of hope of becoming a beautiful garment.

"Phew… did I lose weight?"

He breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he'd saved a little bit of money that would otherwise have been spent on discretionary items.

"Surely you're releasing my Han?"

I don't know if I'd necessarily label that emotion as Han, but that's what he seemed to want to do.

"Of course, he's probably trembling with fear right now, and he wouldn't dare mess with the Iron Jade Dragon Maha Spirit and think he'd be safe."

"Is that true?"

"Of course! Trust me."

A man with a chilling impression. Island Dragon Tianyajin nodded and assured him.


Maharishi bit his lower lip hard.

Now she was feeling a very complex and nuanced emotion. Of course, it was an emotion she didn't even recognize; it wasn't just hateful.

For a girl who has always been supported by her peers since she was born, Bi Ryuyeon's departure was devastating.

After what had happened that day, the proportion of Bi Ryuyeon in her had become too great. It was, of course, a crystallization of malice, hatred, and resentment, with not the slightest hint of love, friendship, or goodwill.

In proportion to the shock, his presence had grown in her mind. It was the first time she had ever felt such a shock in her life, and it was a strange, erotic feeling she had never felt before. The crystals kept reminding her of him.

One thing was for sure, the presence of Bi Ryuyeon in her heart was huge.

"I can't forgive you, I'll never forgive you!"

Cold fury flared silently in her eyes.

The means didn't matter now. Her emotions were so furious that she didn't care about the means. It was the most intense emotion she had ever felt in her life.

It wasn't just the Maharishi who was fired up by the Bi Ryuyeon; there was another person, the Chang Tian Dragon Yong Tianming, who held an equal or even greater position in the Heavenly Martial Academy than the Maharishi.

"That man, did you say Bi Ryuyeon?"

I wanted to forget, and I tried to, but I couldn't get her face out of my mind.

The last words she'd spoken to him were imprinted on his brain, refusing to come off like a leech.

"Next time, I'd like to see that the sword isn't an ornament."

Long Tianming couldn't forget the last words that Bi Ryuyeon had said to him as they parted, those arrogant words. It was a ridiculous, condescending, and insensitive remark, but strangely enough, Yong Tianming couldn't get it out of his mind.

"Is it something that's worth giving my whole heart to?

It wasn't time to pass judgment yet. That he wasn't a mere bluffer was all he could make out at the moment.

This was a new type of person for him, too, and he wasn't sure how to handle it.


Long Tianming gripped the Nephrite Goddess Sword at his waist with all his might.

"This sword should not be drawn before such a man!

As of yet, he hadn't sensed anything about the true power of Bi Ryuyeon Yan.

'But that fierce lady won't stand still…….'

I assure you, if she stays silent, she's not a Mach force, she's just another monster in disguise.

What would happen next was impossible to predict, even for a man with a self-proclaimed brilliant mind. That part was even more unpleasant for Yong Tianming.

Nothing good ever comes from being misunderstood in this world. It's always someone else who gets hurt. However, misunderstandings are often unintentional and unwanted, and they often happen by accident and embarrass people.

"What am I going to do about this……."

It was one misunderstanding after another. The more I thought about it, the more amazing and ridiculous the misunderstanding became, and now the hole was so deep that it was impossible to mend.

"I'm torn."

It was very frustrating to have to use my brain.


The words spontaneously came out of my mouth. I tried to control myself, but I couldn't.

"How do I clear up this misunderstanding?"

I thought and thought and thought, but I couldn't think of anything else. At times like this, I resent having a dumb head-no one ever said that to me. I felt like I'd spent a lifetime thinking about it, all in one night.

'But I've been witness to it, so I'm not going to…….'

I was caught with another woman on a spontaneous night out, and to make matters worse, I was caught in a steamy embrace, so I was surprised that it wasn't misleading.

Moreover, his arms were tightly and unapologetically hugging the tear-stealing silver snowflake. Unabashedly crying herself to death!

The problem was that Lee Jin-sul had witnessed the momentous occasion, and he felt a sinking feeling in his stomach.

"Ooohhhh!!! What am I going to do… I'm going to do this……."

It was a real headache, but we had to figure it out. I didn't have time to sit back and think about it.

He was in a hurry. His ass was already on fire and burning brightly. He needed a knight's trick.

Again, this is where…….

"You mean I have to give up everything and pray to the sky!

The outlook was bleak. Hope had abandoned him and moved away without a word.

"I'm wronged!

He was so frustrated.

Hyo-ryong was frustrated. He wanted to plead his case, but the judge who was supposed to hear him was ignoring him like a cold wind. Nothing could be resolved at this point.



Next, I planned to call her "Sojae" out loud. By chance, he bumped into her at a considerable distance along the way. It was an opportunity, and somehow he wanted to seize it, but he never got around to calling out to her. As soon as Lee Jin-sul sensed his presence, she quickly ducked for cover elsewhere.


Hyorong's head snapped downward.

The first attempt failed.

My second opportunity came surprisingly quickly. It was at lunchtime in the Tianmu cafeteria. As long as we are born as animals, we must eat.

"This cow……."


Hyo-ryong couldn't finish singing "This Sojae" this time. Lee Jin-sul would rather go without a meal than confront him. It was clear that she was planning to take advantage of the truth that a person doesn't die if they don't eat, but it was still too much for her to just throw her plate away and run away. Hyorong was beginning to feel increasingly frustrated.

He would have had to confront her one-on-one to make the least excuse, but she wasn't giving him even that minimal chance.

No wonder Hyo-ryong's shoulders sagged.

The reaction around him seemed to be that he was desperate to be picked on.

"Bam! You're a terrible person, too, to let such a cute little Sojae go and have two hearts. What a disappointment. Disappointing!"

He sounded like he already knew everything. How he knew that was the first thing he wanted to know, but he didn't want to dig his own grave by asking the source.

But there was a need to appeal to a level of injustice.

"I'm being unfair."

"That's what people who get caught in the act always say!"

Namgungsang clicked his tongue.

"It's so, so, so unfair!"

Hyo-ryong's face was so sad that he couldn't look at it. However, Namgung-sang couldn't resist the fun of picking on him. For the first time in a long time, he'd been elevated from being teased to being the one to tease. This golden opportunity was too good to waste.

"What can you do, man is a poor animal……."

Namgungsang said he understood, but that didn't comfort Hyo-ryong at all.

"Now what?"

The water had already been spilled. Since I couldn't pick it up, I had to think of a way to get new water, and I thought the statue of the Southern Palace, which has a strict master, Jinling, might be able to help. But when I opened the lid, he was useless.

"How could I, a mere mortal, know that? The world is a harsh place. It is a profound world of hardships and adversity. But the path cannot be walked for you by someone else, that is impossible for anyone."

"What do you mean by that? Just say what you want to say."

I said bluntly, with a pouty face. I had already learned the hard way that it was foolish to get my hopes up.

"Huh? Oh well, I'm just saying, work hard. A man can only work out his own problems, especially when they're so deeply rooted between men and women……."

Namgungsang stammered out his answer.

"I'm disappointed in you, sir, for turning your back on me like that!"

"Uh-huh, disappointment… The deep, philosophical, and arcane issues between the sexes are beyond anyone's help. Try to appease him somehow. I don't know. If it's a matter of the sexes, how can I afford to help you, when my own problems are daunting enough?"

The cowardly Namgungsang cleverly deployed the Footsteps God Gong to evade Hyorong's request. Hyorong tried to attack with his trusty Axe God Gong, but it slipped through his fingers, causing him to stab himself in the back of the foot. With a feeling of utter despair…….

The road ahead was daunting.

'I want to cry…….'

At this point, Hyo-Ryong had no choice but to ask for salvation.

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