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Book 9 Chapter 19

Nasty Special Training

"Well, I'm out of here for the day, but someday I'd love to see your ship in the

Give me a chance to see the gala, I beg you."

"What do you mean……."

Wolfgang didn't bother to hide the puzzlement in his gaze.

If you have questions, it's best to ask them on a case-by-case basis.

It was much better than dragging myself backwards and getting sick.

"I can't sleep because I'm worried about your health. I'm not trained in medicine, but I want to make sure your organs are still attached!"


"It's no big deal, I just wanted to make sure your liver and gallbladder were properly attached. That's all, rest assured, no hard feelings!"

The words were spoken, but they were spoken with enough malice.


Wolfgang's face hardened instantly at the stinging words. His shoulders shuddered. And his stomach churned. He felt sick to his stomach, even though he had no illness.

Apparently it's true that the mind makes the sick, but my stomach ache with gastritis wasn't what mattered right now.

Apparently, he didn't like his behavior.

'That is indeed a high singular.

But we weren't about to lose.

"I appreciate the gesture, but I must decline. How dare I, a young man, ask you to do something that might be a burden to you, an old, sickly man, while you go about your daily chores……."

"You disgusting cheating bastard!

"Grumpy old bastard!

Their gazes met and sparks flew. As expected, the old ginger was spicy, and the young fox was clever.

"Chet! Fucking inspiration!"

Snapping back to reality, Wolverine gritted his teeth as he remembered the nasty face of the man he'd labeled as a damned inspiration.

It was well into the night, but the lights were still glowing brightly in the abode of the White Sword, who was currently in charge of the actual preparations for the Volcano Covenant Chapter.

"What you're doing is too risky. They might know something."

"You haven't noticed yet, have you?"

"Yes, of course… but it's dangerous. The suspicious looks you've been getting lately are alarming. It's a clear sign of hostility."

The respectful one, however, was the wolfish one, whose voice was heard but not seen anywhere in his dwelling.

"Even so, we shouldn't be guilty of jumping to conclusions. We can't jump to conclusions!"

An unseen voice put the brakes on his impatience.

"Don't you think we should sanction him before he poses any more threats? He's too extreme, and he's going to do damage at this rate."

Apparently, the presence of the nasty was bothering him.

"All right! It's not the time yet. He's probably not even aware of it yet! Don't expose this side of him! There's a season and a time for everything! Move now so you don't put any pressure on him! He won't forgive you for betraying his trust!"

"I'll keep that in mind.

"I am the one who speaks the word, and I give the command."


Falling to his knees, Wolverine offered his utmost respect.

"Do everything quietly and stealthily."



With a sharp sound, Hyorong's twin swords swept toward Bi Ryuyeon.

"Do we really need to do this?"


"It can't be helped!"

With a sullen face, Hyorong replied. But his sword pole was still pointed at Bi Ryuyeon.

Left hand in defense, right hand in attack! This was the most basic stance of the twin sword, and the most stable and solid.

"I knew this day would come."

Hyorong said, his gaze fixed on Bi Ryuyeon's movements.

"Really? That's good foresight, I'll give you a pat on the back!"

Bi Ryuyeon smiled. To him, this was not the same Hyorong that had been his corpse friend until yesterday. It was as if he had shaken off one of the shackles that bound him.

"Ho-ho, did something good happen to you, and you're not the second archer, Hyo-ryong, who was lying dead until yesterday?"

"Humph! Nothing… what good? That didn't happen, don't get me started!"

Despite his words, he could not hide his blushing face. The events of last night at the Yunxiang Pavilion suddenly flashed before his eyes. It was too much for his naivety, but when he remembered the next scene, where a woman was sobbing, he suddenly felt like his whole body was drained of energy.

"Hmmm… did I overlook something?"

"Don't blame me!"

Hyo-ryong shouted at Bi Ryuyeon, ignoring her words. He meant let's stop making small talk and get to work.

"Of course! You're the one who shouldn't blame me! There's a grade at stake, and I can't back down. If you want to blame, blame the old man, who has a nasty temper."

"I wouldn't do that!"

Where they stood now was on a thin rope, suspended about a foot in the air.

The entire Black Sword Clan was watching the two of them.

Before Hyo-ryong and Bi Ryuyeon fought, there was a festival of fairies. It wasn't originally planned. It all started with a special training session, a special tour of the Silver Snow Lanes.

The training she'd gotten the chance to observe was a special one, specially designed by the Earsplitting Sword Master, and it was new to her as a silver snowflake who had seen and heard many things in both the Heavenly Palace and the Heavenly Martial Hall.

In this particular training session, a thin rope was suspended in the air with no rules, with different heights, slopes, and tensions, and the participants balanced on it at their discretion, competing with each other in martial arts.

The tension on the line is low, so it's natural for it to flail around! The challenge was how to balance on that flailing line and execute a powerful martial art move.

It's important to note that you should never break the line. If the line breaks or you fall off, you've lost.

It's something you can't do unless you've mastered your balance and kung fu.

"The heat is on, and I can feel it just by watching!"

The hard work and passion that people put into the Volcano Covenant was palpable to Eunsulan, who was also on the tour.


Mo Yonghui replied in a proud voice. As a disciple of the master, it was natural for him to be pleased.

Even if those around him doubted it, he was certainly a human being, and he certainly possessed the emotion of joy, one of the Five Noble Truths, and at this very moment, in a rare moment, he was contemplating and feeling it. But he did not make eye contact with her in the end.

Ever since that night, Mo Yonghui had been unable to look at Eunseulan's face properly because his face had become unbearably hot, and it was very difficult for him to make eye contact with his escort.

But now that he had the heavy responsibility of being the incoming escort and couldn't shake it off, there was nothing he could do but meekly carry out his duties.

Her unhesitating praise of others suggests that there is a part of her that believes, which means that she still doesn't feel threatened by her skyscraper.

It's called a winner's margin… If that's the case, it's understandable that he would be so smug and praise the strength of others.

"What kind of training did you have to do to be able to take such pride in that?

The question came to my mind, but I didn't ask. If it were Bi Ryuyeon, he would have just asked it straight out, without hesitation. He had feelings beyond dislike, bordering on hatred, for everything in this world that held him in bondage, no matter what it was. Mo Yonghui, on the other hand, was so bound by the rules, common sense, and conventions around him that he was always trying to act freely.


Then another kendo player fell off the rope. Victory or defeat had been decided.

"That's pretty harsh."

Eunseulan watched the special training of the Goryakhan. It was more difficult than it looked. It seemed difficult to perform without maximizing the human body's abilities.

"Because if you don't, you can't be strong!"

Mo Yonghui's answer was blunt, but the difference was that now his bluntness was not from the heart, but was deliberately disguised.

"I see! The passion and commitment to the Volcano Covenant Society is the same whether you're in politics or business, and it's a shame that you have to choose sides."

"Because humans can't help it!"

Mo Yonghui couldn't come up with a better answer.

"Still, it's an unusual practice, and I'm surprised that you'd think of it, so you're not just an ordinary person who uses impressions."

Eunseulan seemed to be very interested in the practice, and admired the nasty old man who devised it.

"Would you like to give it a try?"

Surprisingly, it was Na Yerin who spoke up first.

Really? Really? No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah.

"Really, can you deal with that?"

Na Yerin nodded. It was a sign of approval. The idea was very tempting to Neyrin.

For Na Yerin to reach out first was as rare as beans in a drought. Eunsulan was curious about the rumored skills of Na Yerin, and so was Na Yerin. There was no distinction between men and women in the Muu.

"Shouldn't you ask permission first……."

Eunseulan trailed off, but Gao Yan had already nodded in approval.

Their movements were so fluid and colorful that one might have mistaken them for fairies dancing in a circle. Everyone was mesmerized and watched their dance-like choreography.

Ding, ding, ding.

The rope rang quietly as they stepped lightly over it.

Eunsulan and Na Yerin, both of whom were just starting out.

"Good work!"

Even as she displayed her dazzling skills to the fullest, Eunuch Snow Lan couldn't help but smile. It seemed that the quadruple queen wasn't just a pretty face and a good head; her martial arts skills were also outstanding. Everyone could not help but be impressed by her ability to match even Na Yerin's sword, which had made progress after the sword. It was the same for Na Yerin.

"That's a lot of praise for a silver Sojae."

"Great words!"

The five-colored sash used as a weapon by Silver Snow Lan stretched toward Na Yerin. It was intended to contain Na Yerin's limbs. But Na Yerin's sword would not allow it to intrude into her space. A sword qi reminiscent of a pure white snowflake flowed from Na Yerin's blade.

The two nymphs exchanged sums of money as they flew on a slender string. It was a dazzling, herbivorous exchange. Eunseulan and Na Yerin had no choice but to recognize their opponent's skill.

As they mingled, Eunseulan's playfulness kicked in as she realized that she wanted to learn more about Na Yerin's deeper skills. As it was, it would just be an exhibition match for show. It would be a shame if that happened. So she made up her mind. She decided to take her game to the next level.

"It's going to be a shame if this ends, isn't it?"

Na Yerin's eyes sparkled at the words. She understood what Snow White meant.

"Seven Colors Yunmu (七彩潤霧)!"

True to their name, the seven colors of the mist, the silver lily's pole glowed with seven iridescent colors, creating a dazzling floral display. Na Yerin dared not let her guard down.

It was the ultimate in mutability. The only way to break it was to create more change, or to develop a second that would end all change. The time to choose was short.

Cold Jade Spirit Sword (寒霜玉靈神劍)

Righteousness (奧義)

Moonlighting (月下飛燕)

Without a moment's hesitation, a single streak of white sword energy swooped down into the storm of flowers. In an instant, the tens of thousands of petals that had been dazzling the eye disappeared, revealing Silver Snow Lantern in full view. She was stunned that her season had been broken so easily. She quickly retrieved her whip and took a defensive stance.

However, Na Yerin's sword herb did not lead to the following equation.


A double clap sound.

"That's it!"

With a clap of his hands, he halted their dazzling dance. Much to the chagrin of the male spectators, who had mortgaged their souls for the moment.

In his view, the game would not be won or lost easily unless both players gave it their all. He decided that any more close games would be a waste of time.

"Thank you!"

Eunseulan admired Na Yerin's martial arts and thanked her.

"Thank you."

Na Yerin turned to face her and answered her. She, too, admired the other's martial arts. They looked at each other and smiled slightly. It had been a long time since Na Yerin had laughed.

The two Heavenly Goddesses' Brain Smile Combat was too much for the fiery youths, and they were forced to suspend their cultivation for a while.

It took a lot longer than we thought to get people's attention back.


Hyo-ryong and Bi Ryuyeon were the first to respond to the call. It was their turn next.

"So this is your first time crossing swords?

Hyo-Ryong was a little nervous. Although they had always been close since the beginning of their enlistment, they had never had a direct confrontation like today. He had always been curious about his abilities, as it was a characteristic of Bi Ryuyeon's that he couldn't figure out his true abilities just by watching from the sidelines.

"Let's give it a try.

What he didn't know was how serious she was. Hyorong still didn't know her limits, but the occasional lie was enough to amaze him. Would she show him some of that today? Hyorong steeled himself.

"Come on!"

Hyo-Ryong shouted confidently.

"Don't regret it!"

Ryuyeon Bi replied.


Light as a feather, Bi Ryuyeon stepped onto the line.

It was a movement that made him feel weightless. Hyo-ryong felt ashamed of his slow movements.


Hyo-Ryong finally drew his sword at his friend.


And with that, the rain began.

No matter how much I thought about it, it seemed like she was lying when she said she had never done this before. Her movements on the rope were too fluid to be taken at face value. While everyone else was awkward with this unfamiliar exercise, I didn't see any awkwardness in her movements. She was like an expert among beginners.

"Are you not lying when you say you are new to this practice?"

"No! It's definitely the first time!"

Without hesitation, Bi Ryuyeon replied.

"That's a lot of movement for a first hit!"

Hyo-Ryong was still skeptical.

"I don't have a hobby of being tutored by a cranky old laborer!"

"I know… you were an emissary of beauty nosado if you were a tutor!"

"Then! Then!"

She answered in the affirmative. However, her cool answer didn't completely dispel Hyo-ryong's suspicions.

Somehow, as she balanced herself, Bi Ryuyeon easily dodged his sword blade, but she didn't show any signs of panic.

She also taunted Hyo-ryong by occasionally wrapping her foot around the rope to increase or decrease its momentum. It was like playing hide-and-seek blindfolded. Of course, Hyo-ryong was the mastermind.

"Come on, come again, it'll be boring if we end this."

On the fragile rope that now dangled in midair, ready to snap at the slightest lapse, she remained as steadfast as a pine tree rooted to the earth.

Hyo-ryong's balance and finesse were commendable, but compared to Bi Ryuyeon, they were new blood. Her performance on the ropes was something to behold.

He used the rope as if it were a part of his body, unlike the others who were desperately trying to balance themselves as part of a desperate attempt to avoid falling.

Hyo-ryong drew his sword to strike at Bi Ryuyeon, but the rope wrapped around his ankle threw him off balance and he failed again and again. He hadn't executed a single proper martial art move. A martial art performed in an unsteady stance would be greatly hindered in its effectiveness, and the constant interruptions that followed so kindly on his heels could hardly be expected to inspire him, so he was unable to execute a proper attack.

Finally, Hyo-Ryong had to admit his defeat.

"Ryuyeon, I lost."

I had to admit it.

"This is it? We can't give up here."

Bi Ryuyeon made a face of disapproval.

'So you're not just an inexperienced player, you're definitely above average! You're not an average player.

A gleam flashed in his eyes.

Contrary to the rumors of dumb luck, she was definitely above average. Apparently, it wasn't just luck that got her this far. Gao Yan was forced to drastically revise his assessment of Bi Ryuyeon.

"Maybe we need to look into this further? Maybe a new variable……."

He decided to hold off on rushing to judgment on Bi Ryuyeon for now. There was still plenty of time. Only time would tell if Bi Ryuyeon was just paying lip service, or if she was truly a true Qin Guo and would survive to the end.


"That's it! Bi Ryuyeon has won. Come down!"

He clapped his hands again, twice. He decided to make a compromise: He'd put Bi Ryuyeon on the spotlight for now.

When he returned to his quarters at the end of the day, he was always alone, but never once did he feel lonely or lonely; the burden he carried was too heavy for such luxuries, and he had no time for them.

Observing today's special training session, they were in much better shape than he'd expected. He'd hoped for more. At least he didn't have to give up, but he still wasn't completely satisfied. His dissatisfaction with the current members still lingered in his mind.

"Not yet!"

From his point of view, this was as far as anyone could go; to surpass it would require another trial, but that trial would be an inner trial, and there was little that could be done to help it.

"But it's possible!"

The fact that they have a chance means they don't have to give up before they get there. It tells them that they can afford to be stronger.

Once the sword of vengeance was in his hands. How he would forge it depended entirely on his ability. It is said that iron is forged in fire and tempered on an anvil to make it stronger. In the same way, a man can be made stronger by the quenching of trials. The man who took up the hammer was a nuisance.

"If the intensity of the training is this low, is it too weak? Hah! I guess it can't be called a trial."

Without the threat of death, it wasn't an ordeal. This was only the beginning. The road was still long and difficult. How many people would be able to make it through these trials and tribulations?

"You can't die like this yet, you've got a long way to go, you've got to entertain me more, more, more, heh, heh, heh."

A sinister laugh leaked from the lips of his darkly shadowed face.

"I'll be busy tomorrow, too!"

He blew out the flame of the tarnished silver lantern, hoping that the children would be able to survive tomorrow. The flame's life was quickly extinguished by his breath. The only light was gone, and darkness fell.

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