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Book 9 Chapter 18

The misconception is that moonlighting

- Midday Tea Fragrance

Ebony long hair, plunging neckline!

Slender and elegant!

It's like dewy freshness in the morning sun.

A woman was sitting in front of him.

The beautiful woman was now looking a little embarrassed, unsure of how to react to the reaction in front of her.

"Ha… whoa… ha."

It was a hazy gaze, filled with envy for a woman who looked like a piece of jade, but there was no heat in it because it was coming from a man of the same sex. It was a gaze of envy.

"Why are you sighing like that? It doesn't look good in front of the guests!"

As Lee Jin-sul watches in awe, Na Yerin gives her some advice.

"She's really pretty, isn't she?"

Lee Jin-sul said admiringly. Na Yerin was of course an unrivaled beauty, but there was something else about Eunseulan. It was like the difference between cold moonlight and a warm spring breeze.

"I see."

Na Yerin nodded. She was certainly a woman of beauty on the outside as well as the inside. Even for a woman with a frozen heart, she was likable. For Na Yerin, such unseemly emotions as jealousy of another's beauty had never existed.

"What a classy lady. Ooh, I envy her."

Lee Jin-sul was obviously very fond of Eunseolan. Eunseolan didn't seem to bother her at all. There weren't many women who could say no to being complimented on their beauty. Especially if it came from a cute and adorable girl, because you could tell right away that she meant it. Eunseulan blushed slightly and said.

"Thank you, but it's really embarrassing to be complimented on your looks in front of me, Sojae."

"No, sis!"

Lee Jin-sul shook his head vigorously. No, it wasn't, and he should think again.

"Obviously, your beauty is out of this world, but there's something about you and Eun that feels different! I love the way you feel, and I mean that."

Lee Jin-sul said with a smile. How could I not believe her when she spoke with such emotion?

"Ho-ho-ho, thank you, that makes me even happier."

Lee Jin-sul was a pleasant young lady who became more pleasant to talk to as the meeting progressed. The two stared at each other for a long time and burst out laughing.

"Does anyone like this Sojae?"

It was a surprise question from Eunseolan. Eunsulan's surprise caught him off guard and left him speechless.

"What? Joe… who… likes. No… that… who… is… me……."

After blushing for a moment, Lee couldn't quite connect the dots. That was enough for me to notice.

Eunsulan smiled slightly. She was indeed a cute young lady the more he looked at her. It was as if he had gained a new little sister.

"Oh, there it is!"

Eunseulan purposely let out a loud bellow.


Lee Jin-sul closed his mouth like a clam, not sure if he was embarrassed or ashamed, which made Eun Seol-ran smile even more.

"Who is this?"

Not asking these questions was a punishable offense, a blasphemy against knowledge and wisdom, a crime Nsulan would not commit.

"Filial piety… filial piety! You're the one who uses filial piety, right?"

"Neh? What… what?"

An exclamation burst from Eunseulan's mouth, her eyes pigeon-eyed and her mouth hanging open in bewilderment. The question had shocked her. It shook her out of her near-perfect self-control.

Na Yerin's eyes widened as she listened. It was the first time she had ever seen such a violent reaction from Eunseulan.

"Horror, perplexity, suspicion, confusion, and fondness, joy, and exultation…….

A mixture of emotions were bubbling to the surface of her consciousness. She was very confused. It was the typical state of mind of someone who had been attacked in the middle of the night.

"Seo… you mean that Hyorong Confucius?"

The extent of the shock must have left him stuttering.


Lee Jin-sul's face blushed deeper and deeper, until it rivaled the red of the leaves in full autumn.


Eunseulan was silent for a moment, searching for words. No words came to mind.

"Is there a problem?"

Seeing Eunseolan's normally smiling face stiffen, Lee Jinseol felt a strange feeling and asked her.

"No way, you Sojae, not as much as that man, can't you reconsider?"

Silver Snow said in a desperate tone. She wanted to prevent the misfortune she knew was coming.

The response was so unexpected that it caught Lee off guard.

"What… what do you mean by that?"

To Lee, it sounded like the sky was falling.

"I can never be happy with him."

Eunsulan said flatly.

"What, I can't trust you?"

Jinseul asked.


"Do you have a bad heart?"

"No! It's too revealing."

"Does it identify her?"

"No, it's almost a vein."

"Is it a lack of accountability?"

"No, I'm embarrassingly committed."

"Are you stuck with unbridled male chauvinism?"

"No, it's not like that."

Eunseulan strenuously denied it. The problem lay elsewhere. None of Lee Jin-sul's questions were straightforward, and even if they were, she couldn't answer them.

"But what's the problem? You seem to know too much about Confucius."

Lee couldn't help but wonder.

"No… no way!"

Lee Jin-sul's eyes widened. Horror flashed in her eyes.

"Oops, did I talk too much?

If you noticed something, you were in trouble.

As tears welled up in Lee Jin-sul's eyes, Eun Seol-ran couldn't help but panic.

"Why… why is this?

It was a surprise. Eunseulan couldn't think of a suitable response.

"Seriously… you don't have a separate girl you're in love with, do you? And it can't be……."

Lee Jin-sul's teary-eyed gaze was directed at Eunseol-ran, and the meaning of her gaze was clear: Is she not yours?

This misunderstanding meant that only a hasty evacuation could ensure their safety. Eunsulan was quick on her feet.

"No, it's not like that, but there's a barrier between him and this Sojae that can never be crossed, and you can't jump over that high wall, that goal of emotion that's been dug deep for so many years, as long as you're in this world, that's the law of the land."

I wouldn't have given this advice if I didn't owe Lee a favor. It was completely unnecessary. However, Eunseolan liked the cute little girl in front of him very much, so he gave her advice from the bottom of his heart. Risking it… But it didn't seem to have any effect. In fact, Lee Jin-sul seemed relieved, which made her even more puzzled.

"I know."

Lee Jin-sul replied firmly. It was Eunseulan's turn to be surprised.


It was inconceivable to common sense, for if he knew that, it would be impossible for him to be here. Who would open their eyes to the existence of a secret chamber, and yet this young lady in front of him is speaking as if she knows everything about it.

"Sure, but I'm not giving up that much."

"Think before you speak."

Na Yerin, who had been listening, gave me a stern warning. I kept my mouth shut because of the delicate situation, but it was definitely not a good feeling.


Yin Xue called out to Na Yerin in a loud voice. There was a hint of resentment in her tone, but there was no change in Na Yerin's cold demeanor.

"You know full well that it's not an easy thing to do, so don't do it lightly. Don't say anything you can't be held accountable for."

"I can do this."

Lee Jin-sul shouted.

'This child has raised his voice against me…….'

It was the only time in his life that Lee had ever raised his voice in front of Na Yerin.

"What the heck is affection?

Na Yerin still had no idea what it was.

Suddenly, the face of a man named Bi Ryuyeon appeared in front of her as she struggled with the problem of binary snow. What's more, he was shamelessly smiling at her.

"Huh? Why is this guy's face popping into my head at this moment?

Na Yerin tried desperately to put Bi Ryuyeon's face out of her mind. He was a man who had never done anything useful in her life. It would only add to the confusion in everyone's minds.

For now, I had to take care of the binary first.

"I think you should quit, it's not just a matter of coming in and being enthusiastic."

Na Yerin wanted to shatter the binary somehow.


The binary theory was nonsense.

Listening to their conversation, Eunseulan's face changed from moment to moment. Her face and mind were now filled with question marks.

'You mean to tell me that neither I nor Sojae know the true identity of this Confucius, you silly…….'

This was not going to happen.

Eunseulan wanted to conclude that more than one, let alone two, was too many.

"What the heck is this in English?

Ever since she arrived, everything has been a mystery. Eunseulan couldn't help but question this unexpected, dreamlike situation. Her head began to throb with pain.

"I'm not going to give up no matter how much you try to stop me, no matter what happens! What does Sister Sullan think?"


The question was too big to answer immediately. Eunseulan had to think about it.

"My sister……."

Lee's words stuttered with anxiety.


However, Eunsulan quickly relaxed her stony expression and did not answer the call.

A change came over her statuesque face: movement began to appear. It began in the center of her red pomegranate lips, curving gracefully to the edges.

It was like spring buds sprouting on the winter earth. At last, the silver snowflake smiled broadly.

"Ho-ho-ho! No, you Sojae, you really do have a way with people, congratulations, I salute you from the bottom of my heart, go for it, I'm rooting for you, I really am!"


The over-the-top congratulations, praise, and cheers were enough to leave the party dazed.

"Oh yeah, of course, he'd never do anything that would make a girl cry or anything like that, because he's so pure, so go for it, I'll be rooting for you!"

"Yes, sister!"

Before she knew it, her face was beaming with a smile so bright it could have outlasted the sun. Na Yerin shook her head silently at the sight.

"Did I put too much wind in my sails?

Eunseulan took a moment to recall her actions earlier, when she had acted on a whim. It hadn't yielded any results yet. She couldn't help but wonder if she'd done the right thing by bolstering her resolve.

The question of whether Lee Jin-sul and Hyo-ryong would be able to overcome the biggest obstacle ever to stand between them was a question between the parties that no one could answer. Only the heavens now knew the outcome.

'It was only yesterday afternoon when that happened…….'

The next evening, in a secluded location, you witness this embrace in full view of the world.

"What do I do? What do I do? Ugh! What do I do…….

In the tree she was hiding in, a spider was living peacefully, building a home, flapping its beautiful wings, and eating butterflies and other insects that fluttered by. But then the spider became interested in a giant object that was hovering beneath its home. The spider bravely attempted to swoop down on the intruder who had invaded its territory.


A sound that can be heard by even the most casual observer. To the ears of a master, it sounds louder than thunder.

"Who is it!"

Hyorong looked up, tears streaming down his face. He looked a little ridiculous, but it didn't seem to have completely relaxed him.

Lee Jin-sul couldn't get away. She was nailed to the spot.

Lee Jin-sul stepped out of the darkness and into the moonlight. The moon grumpily revealed her face to the world. The blue moonlight made her face look even more pale. It was as if she had suffered a severe mental blow.

"This… this Sojae!"

Hyorong's eyes widened. He hiccupped, as if the air had been knocked out of his lungs. The panic on his face was evident. His mouth gaped open like a crucian carp out of the water, which is typical of someone who is at a loss for words.

'This… this Sojae! It's a mistake! It's a mistake! It's a mistake!'

A furious Hyorong quickly removed his hands from Eunseolan's body and shouted a cheer, but he had already seen enough. Hyorong tried with all his might to defuse the situation, but tears were already welling up in Lee Jin-sul's eyes. The tears were about to turn into crystals and drip.

"Hmph… hmph… black!"

Unable to control her overwhelming emotions, she turned and ran.

"This Sojae!"

Her slender back slipped farther and farther from his sight. He called her name at the top of his lungs, but pathetically, his legs gave out and he couldn't run after her. Not to be misunderstood, he was weak because he lacked the strength to chase after her and catch her and say something.


Hyo-ryong immediately fell to the ground. His discouragement was palpable.


Eunseulan cautiously approached Hyo-ryong, who was sighing heavily, looking pitiful and haggard, and spoke. Very carefully…….

Hyorong turned his head and looked at her with a pitiful expression. Eunseulan couldn't help but feel a twinge. Her perception was above average, so she had immediately sensed the subtle emotions between the two of them.

"Maybe I've been misunderstood?"

The slight smile on her face said, "You're in trouble, aren't you?" She couldn't help but feel sorry for herself. She couldn't help but feel sorry for herself, for she had played a very crucial role in setting the scene for this misunderstanding.


He was at a loss for words. He couldn't think of any way out of his daze.


She poked him lightly in the back with her fingertip.


Two lips still sewn together! A tongue that had been suspended! That was enough to answer the question.

"…I guess that's it. Phew……."

She sighed heavily. She hesitated, then, unable to find a place to look, stared blankly at the moon.

It was a very out-of-place sight, but the moonlight was beautiful.

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discord ko-fi