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Book 9 Chapter 16

Divine Status of Galhyo Bong

- Recollections of a Silver Lily

He was the hero of the Black Sea and the idol of all.

In both black and white, his brilliant dancing and keen sense of

No one had any objections.

His abilities were too extraordinary to be jealous of.

He was regarded as one of the finest cultivators on the Black Isle. At this time, no one doubted his future glory and honor.

"What's your name?"

A man with a green gun crossed over his head, wearing the Heavenly Weather and Dragon Stature, asked his opponent.

"My name is Feng Mado from Fadobo, and it would be an honor to compete against you."

Zhong Fei's voice trembled lightly with tension. His palms were damp with moisture.


The man gestured lightly.


He'd made it all the way to the finals of the Volcano Covenant Chapter's selection tournament, and it was a matter of pride to be defeated so easily.

Of course, there was no dishonor in losing to Galhyo Feng, the greatest swordsman of all time. On the contrary, it was an honor to have earned the right to fight him, which is why he had to give it his all.

Gal Hyo-bong, a master at the top of his game, was always able to win in the simplest and clearest way possible in the shortest amount of time. His ability to win quickly and accurately would not be possible without a significant skill gap with his opponent.

This fight with Zhong Fei was no different. Zhong Fei was well aware that he was no match for Galhyo Feng. He wasn't so self-conscious as to be overconfident in his abilities.

If so, he had to win the game early, or he had no choice. The Ildo, carrying the full force of the final blow, fell upon Galhoubong's head with a momentum that could split a mountain, but Galhoubong didn't even bat an eyelid at its ferocity. That's a lot of courage.


Galhoubong merely flicked the dao he held in his saber to the side with his wrist, but it was effective enough.



A scream erupted from Zhong Fei's mouth. The Ildo, loaded with his own power, was instantly pushed to the outside of Hyorong's body.


Losing his target, the dao slashed through the empty space, then fell to the ground with a thunderous crash.


Zhong Fei groaned involuntarily.

My grip on the saber twitched with shock. It was a complete failure. His dao was already bound, and his entire body was exposed and defenseless.

Zhong Fei drew his own sword with a special attack on the bare ground and tried to position himself once more, but Hyo Feng's sword on the tip of his sword would not allow it. The pressure of a thousand muscles pinned Zhong Fei's sword to the ground.

Swoosh! Chuck!

Hyo-fong took a single step and brought his sword to Zong-pae's throat. It was a neat finish.

"What do you think?"

Hyo-bong asked how it felt.

"You lost."

Not only did he have to admit that he was overwhelmingly outclassed, but he also questioned whether or not he was the one who had made it to the final, but he knew that if he didn't admit it here, it would only make him look even worse. In order to create a society that accepts victory and a beautiful world, Jong-pae obediently admitted defeat.

Unexpectedly, the final of the Volcanoes Covenant Regionals ended on a high note. It was a complete, dominating victory.


A thunderous roar erupted from the heroes gathered around the offstage area.

"Winner! Fourth year, Bloodstain Galhyo Feng!"


Once again there was an eardrum-splitting roar that echoed through the hall. People were going crazy.

The referee, Mazoku Jeon Wol-tae, raised his hand and declared.

"I declare that Bloodstain Galhyo Bong is elected as the delegate to the Volcano Covenant Chapter. All those in favor, please raise your hand."

No one objected. In fact, the cheers only grew louder. The attention of the entire Black Isle was focused on one man, and in comparison, the rest of the Volcano Covenanters were mere bridesmaids. The expectations and enthusiasm for him were immense.

"Well done, big guy!"

Eun Seol-ran rushed over to Gal Hyo-bong, who had won by an almost overwhelming margin, and greeted him with a smile that could outshine the sun and flowers.

"Hahaha! Thank you, Sullan, your cheer was very encouraging!"

"Neee~ Really?"

His words made her soar with joy. She and Galhyo Feng were arranged marriages.

How grateful she was to her parents when she learned that she had been chosen as his fiancée. Galhyo-feng was an admirably handsome man, so much so that she was mesmerized at first sight. She was overjoyed to be the wife of such a man. Although she was the object of much envy, jealousy, and envy, she was nevertheless delighted. She could choose to be his wife over many other women, and she felt she needed nothing but him.

It was also one of my happiest times.

"Hahaha, congratulations, Mr. Chairman!

The man who approached with a curious smile on his face was Bi, the only son of the Grand Duke (he was not yet called the Grand Duke).

At this time, Galhyo was also the president of the Heavenly Council, the supreme unmanned force of the Heavenly Palace. He was also the vice-president of the Heavenly Demon Council, and one of Galhoubong's closest followers.

Although Mu Jie was considered to be as good as Gal Hyo Feng, he was also the one who caused a stir when he said that he was giving up the Volcano Covenant Tour because he hadn't achieved the Grand Duke.


Eunsulan clutched at Galhyo Feng's sleeve.

"What's wrong, Sullan?"

Galhoubong asked, puzzled.

Eunseulan simply shook her head and didn't say anything. But for some reason, she found Bi to be a difficult person to deal with. He was always smiling at her… there was nothing rude about his demeanor… but for some unknown reason, he always made her feel uncomfortable. He was an odd type of person that she instinctively avoided.

"Come on, why are you being so awkward, you're about to make me awkward too, hahahahaha!"

Galhoubong tried to change the mood by laughing out loud, but it didn't work as well as he'd hoped. If it hadn't been for the arrival of a man, the atmosphere would have been even more awkward, putting Galhoubong on the spot.

"Brother! Brother!"

It was a boy who could not have been more than fifteen years old who ran up to him, shouting at the top of his lungs. The boy came running, a proud grin plastered across his face.

He pounced and clung like a monkey to one of Galhyo-bong's arms. He was so happy that he couldn't help himself. It reminded me of a puppy on a snowy day.

"Oh no! Oh no! You're here too, Hyo-ryong!"

Gal Hyo-bong greeted his brother, Hyo-ryong, and as an act of affection, he stroked his hair boldly enough to make it unruly. Even if the neatly combed hair fell into a state of disintegration that required reworking from scratch, it would not be a criminal offense because it was a form of excessive affection.

Eunseolan had seen Hyo-ryong many times during her visits to the Black Heavenly Blind. He was always a cute boy, and Eunseulan had always thought he was very cute.

"You win, you win, you're the best, you're the best, you're the best, you're the best, you're the best, you're the best, there's no one else like you."

"Hahaha, kid, stop it, stop it, you're making my head spin. I am still young. How can I be satisfied with this when there are so many strong masters in my generation? Even if I'm the best in my age group, I'm still far from being called the strongest. It's too soon to be proud. The strongest in the sword… Wen, not even close!"

Gal Hyo-fong said to his younger brother, Hyo-ryong, with a serious face. But the younger Gal Hyo Rong didn't seem to mind.


The boy clung to Hyo-bong's arm, giggling as he asked what was so good about it.

"Come on, that's enough, I have a gift for you."

Hyo-feng said with a fond smile.

"What is it?"

Hyo-Ryong asked, his eyes shining, and Hyo-Fong unwrapped the green gun from around his head and held it out to him.

"Here it is! I'm sorry it was my brother's, but I'm giving it to you, and I want you to treasure it!"

What Hyo-bong gave to Hyo-ryong was his signature green gun, which he wore crossed on either side of his head. It was a precious object that he always wore on his forehead like a talisman.

"Thank you, brother, I really appreciate it, and I will definitely try to be more like you!"

"I've always wanted one," Hyo-ryong replied, his face full of memories. It was something he had always wanted. He couldn't help but be overjoyed now. Huo Feng laughed out loud at Huo Long's powerful answer.

"Hahaha! What use is it to be a man like me? You must be a man who surpasses me! Do you understand, Hyolong? You must be the one who surpasses me. I'll always be waiting for that! Do you understand?"

"Yes, brother, I'll keep that in mind."

Hyo-Ryong replied in a serious manner to Hyo-Bong's words, and Hyo-Bong smiled broadly.

"Yes! That's great. If anything happens to me, I'll ask for Sullan. Can you do it?"

Hyo-bong's hand stroking her hair was overflowing with tenderness.

"Sure, I'll take it!"

"Okay, I'll look forward to it then!"

Then he turned to face her, his eyes brimming with gentle affection, and she was so happy that he didn't have to say a word to show it.


Vi, who had been watching the moment, flinched.


"Yes, Dagga?"

Silver Snow Lan looked back at him with a smile like a million flowers in full bloom. It was a beautiful smile that could mesmerize the soul of anyone who saw it.

"Hahaha, Sullan, I want you to always smile, no matter what, because your smile always gives me strength! May there never be a day when the smile fades from your face……."

Her face turned bright red in an instant.

"Sullan, when I get back this time… Mmmm, Curham!"

But Galhoubong did not follow up. It seemed that even he, who had nothing to fear in the world, had something to be ashamed of.


Eunseulan smiled gently and answered vigorously.

Even though she didn't get to hear the rest of the story, she was just happy, which made what happened next seem like a dream that was completely devoid of reality.

The broad back of the man who stood tall and confident!

That was the last time she saw Galhyo-bong.

Exactly one month later!

Tragedy struck.



"Is anyone there?"

In a moment of panic, Eunseulan looked behind her, but she saw nothing. It was already long gone, but it wasn't uninhabited, just out of sight and out of her senses.

"What am I doing hiding now? I'm just here to give my opinion to the Silver Sojae, and I haven't done anything to deserve this kind of disappearance.

He thought he was confident in front of her, but his body wouldn't budge. He suddenly didn't have the courage to appear in front of her. It was the after-effect of secretly spying on the woman's tears.

"Did I see something I shouldn't have seen?

He had never imagined that such sadness could be contained in a woman who was always smiling and cheerful. Mo Yonghui's heart felt strange as he listened to the woman's mournful cries in secret.

'Tears like the sorrow of the moon, flowing down cheeks whiter than pearls!

The sight of Eunseulan, so mournful, so vulnerable, so sensual, captivated his heart at once.


Mo Yonghui suddenly felt his heart pounding and his face burning. He felt an unexplained fever and heart abnormalities.

"What is this?

For the first time in his life, Mo Yonghui was overwhelmed by unfamiliar feelings. He had never been in a relationship before, so he couldn't help but feel nervous. He couldn't step away from the gazebo. His feet were stuck to the ground and he couldn't move away. He didn't remember putting a nail in his foot, but…….

Still, he stared at the moon in disbelief. He didn't know why, only that he could feel a pang of sadness in his heart, and the more he did so, the faster his heart beat.

I felt like I'd rather be a witness to a murder than a victim of one, and I felt guilty.

And once I saw that, I couldn't say I was going to stop listening.

"How can you look at something like that and say you're quitting……? Phew, that's not good…….

Mo Yonghui had no choice but to abandon his plan to visit Mazinger tomorrow and tell him what he thought. It seemed like he wouldn't be able to leave until this was over.

'Is that as good as it gets…….'

Mo Yonghui kept seeing his face shining in the moonlight of the silver snowflakes and the tears streaming down his cheeks. It seemed to be an optical illusion.


"Where did I go wrong?

Worry was the first word that came to mind. Fear of the unknown was creeping up on him. He felt like he had to get the hell out of here.

"We need to get out of here fast!

I felt like my heart was going to burst at this point.

"Who are you? Sneaking around is not a good habit."

Her words echoed through the chilly night air.


Mo Yonghui couldn't help but be stunned.

"What did I do wrong?

Despite the frantic pounding of his heart, he hadn't bothered to hide it, but he must have been spotted. A cold sweat ran down his spine.


Fleeing was not a cowardly word in his dictionary. He couldn't run away now that he had already been discovered. Mo Yonghui was about to emerge with a grim expression on his face.


The sound was coming from the trees on the other side of the room from where the morpheme was hiding.


Mo Yonghui turned himself in and slowly stopped looking for Guangming. Seeing that Eunseulan wasn't frightened at all, he realized that he was right-that her presence hadn't been discovered yet. He breathed a sigh of relief.


His eyes widened to the size of firelighters. It was someone he knew all too well who had emerged from the darkness. What was even more surprising was Silver Snow's reaction.

"This… this Confucius!"

It was an almost panicked shout, not the kind of thing you'd call a man of the cloth.

"When did they ever say hello properly?

Apparently it hadn't happened in his memory. Suspicions welled up in his mind, but now was not the time to resolve them. Very quietly and stealthily, Mo Yonghui slipped into the shadows of the night, hoping that the darkness of the night would erase his appearance, but it was too late to back out.

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