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Book 9 Chapter 15

Lu (淚)

- Tears

The night is for those who want it and those who don't.

Always visiting equally. The night, when a calm darkness envelops the world, is the night of the

It has the power to make people think a lot of different things.

Mo Yonghui was also the type of person who became unusually thoughtful at night. He chalked it up to a lack of practice, but he didn't force the flow of consciousness.

"Maybe I should quit after all… I've been working as an incoming escort for……."

Mo Yonghui was thinking about it now.

No matter how much she thought about it, escorting didn't seem like the right fit. Moreover, the more time he spent with Bi Ryuyeon, the more he felt that even he was being colored by her freedom. His emotions were very confused right now, feeling like his usual self had disappeared.


"Yong Tianming!"

The name stuck in his head, but it was the first time he'd ever put a face to a name, and it's the biggest reason he wants to get out of the receptionist job now.

There were only a few people of his age that he was truly impressed with, and among them, Long Tianming's prayer was exceptional.

"Did I tell you to take care……."

He didn't want to lose, not to him. For the first time in a long time, the instinct to fight was stirring in his chest.

"Not like this!"

He felt that if he continued to pay attention to the Receptionist position, he would fall further and further behind Long Chen. Right now, he just wanted to tune out everything around him and focus on his cultivation, and to that end, the thing that was most distracting him right now was the receptionist position.

"If you don't tell me you're quitting too……."

But the question was, "How? He didn't have the confidence to gently communicate his intentions with nice words.

But the need to speak was also his self-contradiction. For the first time, there was an opponent he wanted to beat, even if it meant putting off his own responsibilities. Back in the days of Qing Shui, they had only deeply admired each other, but they hadn't felt this way. It was definitely different from the time when Qing Shui was in his twenties.

So Mo decided to make a move and see.

It was deep in the night, deep in the hours of the night, and all things were resting comfortably in the cozy shroud of night. But there was one man who was so intoxicated by the moon, the stars, and the night that he could not sleep, even in the dead of night.

Yunxiangtai, a pavilion located in the center of Tianmu Hall (where Na Yerin received her first kiss from Bi Ryuyeon).

Apparently, Yun Xiangzheng likes beautiful women. Even now, there was a woman there, her eyes wistful as she gazed at the mirror-like moon that reflected her heart.

She had once been a man's betrothed, and now she was a mere little bird who had lost the man she loved with her life. The moonlight shining on her heart made her feel pitiful and lonely. Her name was Silver Snowflake.

"What am I doing here and now?"

I sat on the railing of the gazebo and sighed deeply, wondering if the moonlight would be enough, but it wasn't.

I've been here at Tianmu Academy for a month now.

But she could find no clues, no trace of the deaths of the Mudangshan Warrior and Galhyo Feng. She had no intention of running away from the hardships she was already facing, but a barrier of darkness still stood in her way.

Of course, she wasn't expecting them to cooperate; she knew that wasn't realistic, but after some time had passed since she'd started her investigation and she hadn't made any progress, she began to grow impatient.

Their attitude was clear.

It was a different sense of hiding. It wasn't as if they were encouraging the concealment of the truth; it was as if they really didn't know any better and were being unfair.

There's only one clue.

The only rumor is that heaven and earth appeared there.

"The Heaven and Earth Twins! Once known as the Terror of Sapa, these martial masters and brutal murderous maniacs! Why were they in the Shaman Mountain at that time?

It was too much of a stretch to think of it as a special mission. There was already a sense of urgency in their departure, as they'd been practically on probation to secure recruits for the escaped Hyo-bong.

Then there's only one conclusion: unauthorized behavior.

'If not, then…….'

As much as I hate to think about it, I couldn't rule out another assumption.

'I also received a command to another system…….'

If so, it would be very troubling. Treason has never been a problem throughout the ages.

"Who dares to challenge the authority of the Black Panthers?

None of the current factions in the Sect dared to challenge the authority of the Black Heavenly Blind. In reality, no matter how hard they tried, they were no match.

She could only sink deeper into the labyrinth. The moonlight was casting an even more bluish glow. Eunseulan's heart ached. On lonely nights, whenever she felt lonely, a person's face would always be superimposed on the pale blue moon.


He was the one who cried out with a wailing heart, but now forever unanswerable. Now that person is no longer in this world, so…….

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discord ko-fi