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Book 6 Chapter 23

Red, red, red, red.

A member of the Green Forest Seventy

The behemoth is a pretty large group of people, and the

Nonviolent Negotiation Mindful Selling

It was usually selected.

No fool would dare to take a chance on something this big.

It was customary to pay tolls. Besides, a head-on collision with such a powerful beast would surely result in more than a few casualties, not to mention damage to a trophy or two.

Damage to your credit, payouts, loss of work, and embarrassment if you get it wrong!

The Sujiang Sea wasn't brave enough for such a risky venture.

'but…… but…….'

Whose work is this unbelievable reality you're holding in your hands and seeing in front of you?

In this book, you'll learn how to create a new way of life for yourself and your family, and how to make the most of your time and money.

But Su Zhanghai was not pleased.

"Why did you catch me, me, me, what?"

Fang Chen, who had become a hostage in an instant, panicked and asked.

"Huh? Because, of course, two hostages are more effective than one. Don't you know that hostages are a multi-benefit good?"

Fang Chen was stunned by Bi Ryuyeon's nonchalant response.

Once the bondholders and debtors were caught, Red Wing Chae looked like a bear with his head blown off.

"Uh…how much do you want?"

"Hmmm……, is that confidence that I can give you as much as you ask for?"

The smirk on his face was ominous.

"Come on…they're human, they have a conscience!

Bangchun, who prides himself on being a pretty conscientious businessman, thought so.

"If it's not impossible, I'll listen."

Even if the kids knew he was from the Tianmu Academy, they couldn't say anything back.

"Really? If you say so, then I'll say it in good conscience. Give me half of what you've got, because I'll have to spend the rest to keep you alive."

"Ah… okay, everybody loosen your pockets!"

Fang Chen ordered, and just as everyone was about to pull on the pockets they were wearing, Bi Ryuyeon asked in disbelief.

"What? What are you doing?"

"As you can see, you're unpacking your pockets to give away half of what you have!"

I said, "Why would you ask me if you know?" and she said with a look of excitement on her face.

"No, are you crazy? Who said anything about giving up half of what you have? I said go get half of the wealth in the larder, and that's not how this conversation works……!"


At this one word from Bi Ryuyeon, everyone's eyes widened and their mouths dropped open. Isn't this a thief's symbol?

"That…that's too much to ask! It's impossible."

Fang Chen flatly refused.

"Huh? Is that it?"

Suddenly, the sword pointed at the enemy's collar began to emit a piercing light. It was enough to send a shiver down the spine of the person whose neck was being held without resistance, as well as the heavens watching.

"Dao…Dao Kang!"

Indeed, the reputation of the Academy of Heavenly Arts was unquestionable. The eerily cipher-like pottery was perfect for intimidation.

"If you can't give it to me, how can I get this job, huh, mister?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked, playfully fiddling with the sword that spewed out the Siffern pottery. He was so nervous that he broke out in a cold sweat, because now, whether he realized it or not, a single playful strike would guarantee his immediate demise. The difference in power between a sword made of porcelain and a sword made without porcelain is immense.

"Give us a break. We have some dignity, don't we?"

As Fang Chen was being held by Hyo-Ryong, he begged for his hands to become feet.

"Why does a bandit need prestige, what use is it?"

"Go…Confucius, bear with me for once!"

Even the fed up Su Jianghai stepped in to dry her off. He's not the kind of guy you'd expect to be dried, but he had to try.

"What's wrong? Mister?"

Ah…you mean Mr. ……!

He felt bad, but now was not the time to worry about that. If things go this way, Zhongyang Peking and Red Woongchae will now be enemies.

Next time, we may have to fight until one side's foundation is completely shattered.

"Why don't we just leave it at that, they're trying to make a living, and it doesn't do them any favors to mess with the practices of a powerhouse."

I wiped the sweat from my brow and began my pitch.

"Hahaha, now that's karma."

Su Zhanghai's face turned pensive as he heard Bi Ryuyeon say that it didn't matter. If this continued, their Zhongyang Clan would have to suffer the consequences of the bandits instead.


"Non-Confucius, forgive them just once. Just once, just once, just once, just once, just once, just once, just once, just once, just once, just once, just once, just once, just once, just once, just once, just once, just once, just once, just once, just once, just once. I will return and make my case."

"A case?"

Li Liuyan's ears perked up at the words of Shu Zhanghai. When Bi Ryuyeon expressed interest, Su Zhanghai didn't waste any time in freezing him.

"Very well, I will make an example of them. So please forgive their rudeness just this once."

"Do you think so? Hmmm……."

At this point, even Bi Ryuyeon was a bit troubled, and the anxiety of Su Zhanghai and Meng Zhiqing watching him was enough to make their blood run dry.

"Hmph! If that's what you say, I can't do it. Then I won't touch the Zhongyang Pekingese here in the future, because it's because of your efforts that Red Wing Chai is safe here today."

"Moo, of course!"

"Can you swear to it?"

"Hawk, I swear."

"Then I'll just take what I have, and I'll consider it a lesson learned, a lesson learned that I won't make this mistake again."

"Yes, yes, whether or not!"

With a grim smile on his face, he quickly called out. "You never know when Bi Ryuyeon will change her mind again.

"Everyone unzip your pockets and bring them to this man Confucius!"

The bandits screamed, and the Red Woongchae bandits were forced to take their entire fortune and bring it to Bi Ryuyeon. They had robbed others countless times before, but never like this. After collecting all the bags of money, Bi Ryuyeon's party strolled by them.

After that day, Red Woongchae had to tighten his belt for a month to make up for the money he lost.

"Alas! Does this mean that my fortune is stuck? Is it still attached to my neck?"

Kang Chang stroked his own neck once, just to be sure.

The raid on the waterway was bad enough, but to have to go through something like that twice was enough to make one wonder if there was something wrong with the fairness of the heavens. Right now, Du Kangchang, the representative of the Zhongyang Marking Bureau, was seriously skeptical and distrustful of the fairness of the heavens.

When I got off the ship and stopped in Wuhan, the amulet I bought from a reputed fortune teller didn't seem to do much good. The situation was telling.

As the bag of money from the thieves was handed over to a young man named Bi Ryuyeon, Kang Chang had to squeeze his eyes shut in dismay. The road to Hubei was looking bleak.

"What, you impostor fortune-teller, if I have this, I shall be fortunate, and all danger shall pass me by? Try to meet me alive again, and I'll split your legs, and crush your snout so that you'll never lie to me again!"

Representative Du Kangchang gritted his teeth and shouted at the sky in a gravelly voice.

"Maybe it's time to kick this life to the curb……."

Now that I've been through the water, I'm not sure I'd want to be asked to try my hand at mountain biking. It's just too much of an intrusion.

I wanted to do something about it, but my fox-like wife and rabbit-like children kept me from doing it.

"Two more days to go.

He couldn't wait to get to Mudang Mountain and cut ties with them. His only wish was that the next two days would pass without incident.

Kang Qiang unfolded the Four Sun Goddesses Sword that he and Zi Guozhu had obtained in Wuhan and began to pray fervently.

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discord ko-fi