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Book 5 Chapter 7

Mo's first experience

"Mmm, that's kind of unpleasant."

"What do you mean?"

"It's almost as if

You feel like you're the hero of the day!"

Apparently, today, she felt like she wasn't being noticed, and her cheeks were puffy.

And it wasn't just a feeling, it was a reality.

Hyo-Ryong asked, his eyes narrowing.

"Stand…, no, no, you mean you thought you were the star of the show?"


Looking at Bi Ryuyeon, who nodded hesitantly, Hyorong was left speechless. I never thought she would lack self-awareness to this extent…….

It was not an illusion, but a clear fact that the protagonist of the day was not Bi Ryuyeon, but Mo Yong-hui. In fact, it was Mo Yonghui who was the hero of the day. There wasn't a free and easy-going person in the academy who would pay attention to Bi Ryuyeon's inelegant fight.

It would be abnormal for them not to be interested in Mo Yong-hui, the next big thing who will one day be their top competitor and rival. Moreover, today was the official debut of the famous Mo Yong-hui.

Hyo-ryong wouldn't be surprised if all the attention in the world was on Mo Yong-hui.

"This is too many people, ewww."

The bleachers surrounding the unarmed area dedicated to the Sword Battle were packed like a marketplace. There was no room to sit and watch, so I had to draw on my inner qi and summon my self-defense qi to avoid being crushed.

I could tell at a glance that more people had gathered for this match today than for any other match in the past. Moreover, the nerves of the people seemed to be sharpened to a point where they were sharper than any sword.

She didn't understand why there were three times as many people as usual today, but she knew.

It's about seeing a man. There's nothing wrong with a man looking at a man (even if Mo Yonghui is incredibly handsome enough to make a woman blush), but right now, they were all gearing up to scour the man's every move, skill, and habit. It was a kind of espionage. And the man was none other than Mo Yonghui, who shared a room with her. This was one of the things she didn't understand the most.

She didn't understand why other people insisted on calling him a genius even though he didn't look good and she didn't think he was. They're so persistent, even though he says he's not.

I've been victimized more than once by this guy who just wants to scratch his head and collect unnecessary stares. He doesn't seem to care that the people around him have suffered dozens of times more because of him, and are still suffering. I don't know if he's intentionally ignoring them or if he doesn't recognize them at all.


Jang Hong whistled and let out an exclamation. He looked like a child who had just seen a great sight.

"I don't know about that."

Looking to his left and right, imitating Jiang Hong, Bi Ryuyeon spoke up. His knowledge of strongmen was like water in a dried-up well.

"I didn't expect that. I'll teach you. Listen, for it is all nourishing golden words that become blood and flesh, hahaha!"

"That's a long introduction, ah, me, mister!"

Bi Ryuyeon bluntly fired off a few words at the arrogant uncle Jang Hong.

"Heh, heh, heh, how many times do I have to tell you that I'm not an uncle before you listen to me properly?"

Jang Hong's finger pointed to a spot, where a fine-looking young man in a white robe reminiscent of a pure white crane sat. His prayer naturally drew the attention of the crowd, even in the midst of a pack of dogs. On the other hand, the black youth sitting next to him had a qigong that was as sharp as a single sword, and his eyes were as sharp as a sidewalk, staring at Mo Yonghui as if he were an egg. The diagonal sword scar on his right cheek made him look even sharper.

"That white youth you see over there is the head of the Warrior Eight Families, the eldest son of the Dantian Clan, the Heavenly Qi Dragon, Dantian Wu! Next to him is the Island Dragon, Tian Yajin, a master of the swiftness of the sword called the Heavenly First Swift Sword. Rumor has it that he's one of the greatest sword saints of all time……. He is a fearsome master and one of the few opponents recognized by the Non-Celestial Dragon Qingxin. His sword is said to be capable of cutting through the sun in the sky. Both are members of the Celestial Nine Dragons!"

What a contrasting pair of prayers. Again his finger pointed across the stage to the other side.

Two men sat surrounded by a few uninvolved people, each with a prayer that was never less than the last. Their prayers were as calm as the flow of water.

"That's Bai Muyoung, the brains of the Gu Zheng Clan, and next to him is Cheng Heng, the Gu Zheng Clan's current number one martial artist, the Celestial Dragon. His other star is the Triple Sword, who hails from the Wudang Sect and is one of the strongest contenders for this year's Sword Tournament. Together, they're known as the Wushu Twins of the Nine Kingdoms, especially that fellow, Cheng Heng, whose martial prowess is said to rival that of Huizhou."

As if desperate to show off his erudition, Jang Hong continued to speak without pause. His knowledge was endless, to the point where even though I was listening, I doubted I could remember it all.

"That's a good way to put it, since all the bigwigs who think the rest of us are just pebbles on the street have come out to watch. They're afraid they won't be able to sleep if they can't see his skill with their own eyes!"

Bi Ryuyeon was rather curious to see Jang Hong turning his head this way and that in admiration. How does he know so many people? The more she thought about it, the more she wondered.

All she could do was listen and nod.

"All these tycoons are gathered together to see Mo Yonghui's skills……. Truly, his reputation is great!"

Hyo-ryong, who was listening next to me, exclaimed, "Isn't he also nervous right now?" It's completely understandable.

"After all, this is the first official match of the famous Seven Deadly Divine Sword Mo Yonghui!"

These were the words of Yoon Joon-ho, who was too embarrassed to come forward and always followed like an appendix. Mo Yong-hui was an idol to him, as he was always ignored and bullied by others, so he couldn't miss this mission.

"Is he really that great, I don't even know him after living in the same room with him for half a year?"

Bi Ryuyeon shook her head.

"What are you talking about? He's the grandson of the Sword Saint Mo Yongzheng Tian."

Hyo-Ryong said with a look of disbelief.

"So what? Just because his grandfather was a sword saint doesn't mean his grandson will automatically be a sword saint. Wouldn't it be nice if the world was that convenient? If he's a great swordsman, it's because he's a great swordsman, not because his grandfather was a great swordsman!"

Hearing Bi Ryuyeon's words, Hyorong felt a tingle in the back of his head. He had never thought of it that way before. In a way, she was right. No, it might be the truth. No matter how good an environment you are given, if you don't have the qualities and willpower to digest it, what good is it?

"You have a point. But what makes a family famous is the power that is passed down from generation to generation. In the great houses, the relationship between master and student is something that cannot be ignored, and is sometimes an absolute measure."

Hyo-Ryong wasn't wrong.

"Well, I don't think he's worth all this fuss, even if he is a bit of a nuisance, though his obsession with cleanliness, neatness, organization, and tidiness is frightful, and I must admit, I never saw a man in my life who was more eager to clean and tidy than he is, and his evening whites, which are always so pure and white, are a wonder to behold!"

What surprised Bi Ryuyeon the most about Mo Yonghui was not his martial arts prowess, but his cleanliness, especially his white robes, which were always immaculately white and free of dirt. But no matter how good he was at cleaning and maintaining cleanliness, I couldn't figure out how his fights could attract more attention than my own.

"Well, I guess we'll see now……."

Compared to Mo Yonghui, Bi Ryuyeon's luck in the battlefield was very good. Whether Mo Yonghui was envied by the heavens or the organizing committee, his first opponent was not a good one. Jang Hong's face hardened slightly when he saw his non-martial opponent.

"K'un-Lun's K'un-Lun Sword, Zhu Shui……. 만만치 않은 상댄걸……."

The man in the cloud-embroidered robes characteristic of the K'un-Lun sect was Zhu Shuyi, the K'un-Lun Rain Sword, the first of the K'un-Lun swords. He was also a member of the Eight Swords of the Eight Swords of the Nine Elements.

He was a different master than Dan Ping of the Haenan Sect. He was also different from the Kunlun Twin Swords that Mo Yonghui had faced before.

"I have heard that you have taught our children! That if the priests owe a debt, it goes to the death penalty!"

For whatever reason, his priests had been treated badly, and he wanted to pay them back. This would tarnish their reputation. Of course, it remains to be seen whether the stain will be erased or doubled over.

"Consider yourself lucky to have met me in the first edition!"

Joo Soo Soo was still speaking with an arrogant expression.

"I'm rather pleased."

Mo Yonghui didn't seem to be losing at all. Rather, it was a look of relief.

"Ho-ho? Why?"

"The stronger the opponent, the stronger my sword will be. If I had faced a weaker opponent, I would have been disappointed."

Depending on how you look at it, that's quite a rant. It could also be interpreted as saying, "You're just a tool to increase my experience.

"You're so confident, do you really deserve it?"

"The sword will answer everything."

Mo Yonghui drew his own sword. There was no longer any need for words between them.

Mo Yonghui was actually pleased by this terrible cloud. The stronger opponents he encountered, the stronger his sword would become. His studies were not low enough to be intimidated by meeting a strong opponent.

Sword and saber have been drawn. Now all that remains is the outcome.

Judging by Joo's loudly shouted demeanor, a fierce battle was expected, but the brawl ended with a ridiculous simplicity.

Indeed, Mo Yonghui's sword deserved a shout out.

"I…, no way!"

Tian Qilong's eyes widened to protest how horrified he was now. The battle had produced ridiculous results.

"I…, I can't believe that Joo Soo Soo is being taken advantage of like that! Hehe……."

I was expecting a pretty intense bimu, but Joo Soo-soo didn't have much to shout about. Incredibly, he was finished in one blow. It was a very quick and concise bimu.

"We're going to have to get that guy on our side asap……. He's definitely one to watch!"

Seeing Mo Yonghui's absence made Dan Mokwoo covet his presence even more. With Mo Yonghui, they could recover from the losses they had suffered during the Lunar New Year.

"That's fast and accurate!"

These were the words of Chen Yazhen, a male island dragon that resembled a sack of dao. Dan Moxue turned and looked at him in astonishment. This was the highest praise he could bestow, and an expression of his own astonishment.

"Uh, somehow……."

Zhu Yun, the so-called Kunlun Rain Sword, had to stare dumbfoundedly at Mo Yonghui's sword, which had arrived at his uvula throat vein before he could even properly perform the Yunlong Great Nine Forms, which were his organ and his secret martial art.

In one breath, he performed the flag ceremony, and in two breaths, he struck out with the sword. Before the third breath had even begun, the sword was already at Zhu Shui's throat, and he hadn't even made his first move. He had been caught off guard and had committed the ugly trick of being overpowered before he had a chance to make his move. With all the attention focused on him, the match ended in futility.

After loudly proclaiming Mo Yong-hui's qualifications, Jo Soo-soo realized how unqualified she was and admitted defeat. Her shoulders sagged as she walked offstage. She must have felt ashamed. Mo Yonghui had proved the rumors to be true with a single sword. Now the attention on him would only increase.

"That's great, I was so caught off guard! What do you think?"

Bai Muyoung, a dazzling white-robed man similar to Mo Yonghui, waved his saber and asked Qing Shui, who was sitting next to him, if his martial prowess was also not low, but he knew that he was below Qing Shui in terms of sword mastery.

"It's no big deal, don't worry!"

It's no big deal," said Qing Shui with an air of indifference. Then Bai Muyoung's eyes sparkled slightly.

"Hoo hoo, I've never seen you like that before, that must mean Mo Yonghui's skills are excellent!"

Baek said with a light chuckle.

"Ho-ho, may I ask why you thought that, I clearly said it was no big deal!"

"The body is honest, there's no point in trying to hide it."

"I thought you said you weren't very strong!"

Qingfeng's voice was a little stiff.

"Put that on the back of your hand. You're more honest with your instincts than your mouth."

Qingfeng quickly looked down at the back of his hand, his brow furrowing slightly. The backs of his clenched fists were beaded with cold sweat.

'You mean your body reacted instinctively to his strength…….'

Sometimes the body is more honest than the mind. This is because the mind can be deceived using the will, but the body cannot.

"You gotta give credit where credit is due, right?"

'Well, well, well! You're honest, aren't you? You'll have to repay me for making you so nervous.'

Cheong Hyeon said with a bitter smile.

"Don't forget to repay me for keeping you on your toes by having your Lunar New Year's Eight Swords defeated in such a futile manner. I never expected to lose so easily! This will boost morale in the Military Order, don't you think? That man seemed very curious about what's up in the sky."

Qingfeng quickly understood what Bai Muyoung wanted from him as he smiled wryly at him. He wanted him to demoralize the Gungwoong Paladins, who were about to rise to the heavens, and to remind Mo Yonghui of the existence of the Heavenly Beast.

Cheng Heon nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Leave it to me to show you that there is a flying one above those who run, and another heaven above the heavens!"

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