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Book 5 Chapter 6

Tantrum (彈琴行)

He was only half right.

In any case, it was the first math mistake she'd made in a long time.

As a first-time practitioner of yin gong

He wasn't thinking about distance himself.

Surprisingly, Yin Gong was a martial art that required more attention to distance than spear or bow. Distance is the difference between victory and defeat, so even if I tried not to pay attention to it, I couldn't help it. But it was too late. By the time Bi Ryuyeon realized it, it was too late.

His opponent had neither the time nor the patience to listen to him. It was necessary to seize the one who was lacking, by force, and make up for it.

Dan Fei's sword grass was fast and sharp, like a well-educated disciple of a prestigious school. Moreover, he was charging with excitement, exuding an aura of madness that could not be ignored. However, Bi Ryuyeon's action to dodge his sword herbs was too simple.

With a single bow of his head, Bi Ryuyeon's body moved forward as if sliding across ice, and before he knew it, he was behind him. With just two movements, he had rendered Dan Fei's sword herbs useless and gained the upper hand. It was a skill that anyone could admire.

In his rage, his hastily thrown sword misses, and before he can recover from his mistake, Dan Fei is taken from behind. Bi Ryuyeon's unexpected movements while seated were unexpected and surprising.

"Tan Geum Hang (彈琴行)! When is that kid going to put that……!"

The Heavenly Yin Master Hong Lan jumped to her feet, a gasp escaping her lips for the first time in a long time. As far as she was concerned, Bi Ryuyeon's kung fu was flawless and seamless, so it was no wonder she was so impressed. She hadn't taught it to her yet, and it was one of those visions she couldn't dare to teach in the future. It was no wonder that Hong Lan's eyes popped out of her head.

Tandem (彈琴行)!

It is precisely because of this difficulty that those who have mastered the Qin Yin Gong, which is far less athletic than the Jade Sword, are required to master the T'an Qin Hang, a secretive form of kung fu that is said to be extremely difficult.

Tan Geum Hang literally refers to a set of feng shui techniques that involve moving the body while strumming a koto. According to tradition, it is a technique for moving the body in an upright position, like a marble sliding on ice, and it is considered one of the most important secrets of the art, as it involves no use of the knees, thighs, or pelvis.

The K'ien Yin Martial Arts, which has the vision of this T'ang Kum Hang, is merely a physically disabled person with a crippled leg.

Tantric practice, it's not just handed down to anyone. It is the lowest of the low of the low.

This is what Bi Ryuyeon did, even though Hong-ran had no memory of teaching her. I can only imagine Hong Lan's surprise. He must have felt like a master poet whose vision had been stolen.

If Bi Ryuyeon hadn't done anything else, he would have been praised for this performance alone. Even if he had lost the match, Hong Lan would have praised her. However, when he saw Bi Ryuyeon's next move, he could not recall the brilliance of this tangent from memory, and Hong Lan's face grew red with anger. For her next move was just as outrageous, and just as outrageous to the people of the world.

It wasn't that Bi Ryuyeon had any new tricks up his sleeve; his move was very simple, and also very ignorant: he held five mukgums (each about 33 centimeters long) in each hand, and with each one he slapped his opponent, Dan Ping, on the back of the head.

Mukgeum, which is quite heavy for its gaudy colors, spins fiercely and smacks Zhao Jiafu in the back of the head with its sharp edge.

If Danfeng had simply ducked his head and avoided this move, it would have been more graceful, and he himself would have been spared the disgrace, but he was too cowardly to do so. The consequences were terrible.


With a loud crash that seemed to echo through the sky, Danfeng's body tumbled toward the ground at a terrifying speed.


The result was devastating. Even Danping's steady training at the Heavenly Martial Academy was not enough to withstand this blow, and he was knocked off his feet by the enormity of the impact. Bi Ryuyeon had taught Hong Lan in the most horrifying way possible that there was such a use for the koto.

The eyes of the three onlookers widened at this unexpected turn of events. They had never seen such a fight in their lives.

It was the kind of game where you win, but you don't get the credit. Everyone was shaking their heads in disbelief, but no one was admiring or applauding.

Upon seeing Bi Ryuyeon's ignorant and crass (in her opinion) move, the Heavenly Yin Adept Hong Lan was stunned, and then insanely angry. She was so angry that all reason had fled from her. In her anger, her beloved Tian Yin Sword, which she cherished like her life, was almost damaged by the force of her grasping hand!

The place was chilled to the bone. No one dared to speak. A heavy silence descended upon the offstage area. Even the Saints were unable to make a rash judgment on this one. They had won, but something was bothering them. Like a fishhook in the neck…….

When there was no applause or cheering, it was as if he had suddenly gotten bored, and he simply stepped off the stage. The only thing left on the offstage area was the man who had once been hailed as the Great Frog, lying in a heap like a dead frog.

The stars in the night sky are beautiful. However, if you can't recognize the beauty in them, it's because your mind is not stable.


Hong Lan sighed in frustration, wondering why her mind was in such turmoil……. The reasons were obvious, but she resented her position of being unable to do anything and the Samsung rules that had put her in that position.

With that, Bi Ryuyeon advanced to the second round.

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discord ko-fi