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Book 4 Chapter 12

A roundtable discussion with Ryu-yeon Bi and her crew

Ryuyeon Bi : Hello. This is Ryu-yeon Bi and her crew. It feels like a dream to be reunited with you, our readers, in Volume 4. When we closed Volume 4, we were in the midst of a 20-year cold snap, followed by a 32-year snowstorm that broke a 20-year snowfall record and paralyzed traffic. And we're not going to ask you if you sent us chocolates in honor of St. Valentine's Day on February 14, 2001…….

Hyo Long: You're pouting because you didn't get chocolate this time, but you can't break the news like this.

Ryuyeon Bi : Mr. Woo, in other countries, they send us chocolates too.

Hyo Ryong: Give up, give up! As the saying goes, don't look at a tree you can't climb.

Ryuyeon Bi : If you can't climb a tree, you have to build a ladder.

Hyo Ryong: Regardless of whether or not Bi Ryuyeon gets the chocolate, book 4 is finally out. For those of us who didn't have even a speck of hope for the author's diligence, it's a miracle, and we're still giddy.

Ryuyeon Bi : A lot happened in Book 4.

Jang Hong: A lot of work? What a lot of work? I'm a Jinshi Chowen?

Ryuyeon Bi : If that's the case, why tell the truth and embarrass people?

Efficiency: Nothing embarrasses a person like the truth.

Ryuyeon Bi : That's true, you only have to look at the stepmother in Snow White to see that.

Hyo Long: (beeping) This…… Hey, don't you think that's a little off-topic?

Ryu-yeon Bi : Anyway, I'm sure the readers who didn't have any expectations from the author were really surprised. Oh, and by the way, we have our own cafe at www.daum.net. Thank you to everyone who made the first cafe. It is my humble hope that the cafe will grow and flourish.

Jang Hong: And don't you think that Mr. Ryuyeon tried to be too reckless in the end of the book?

Ryuyeon Bi : What? I didn't do that. Isn't reckless endeavor supposed to be reserved for writers?

Jang Hong: Ah! Of course, it would be unreasonable and ignorant for an author to claim that this book is a genuine wuxia. It would be as unreasonable as claiming that this book is a New Age New Type Oriental Sword Fantasy.

Hyo Ryong : Still, I think that kind of criticism is a nail in the writer's coffin. I'm a person who doesn't get criticized very often……. Shouldn't we just accept it as the idea of writing something that the new generation of readers or female readers can feel comfortable reading?

Bi Ryuyeon : Seo…… So, does this mean that there will be a steamy, erotic, sexual homoerotic story of me and HyoRyong in the future?


Bi Ryuyeon: Wu Xiu, why are you hitting other people's expensive hair?

Hyo-Ryong: Wake up, man! Is that what you're talking about?

Ryuyeon Bi : Then what is reckless?

Hyo Long: You really don't know and ask? Ryuyeon, are you really confident?

Ryuyeon Bi : What?

Hyo Long: You came to Samsung with a bribe. Your skills are barely up to par. Do you suddenly want to be a yin gong master?

Bi Ryuyeon: Don't be so classist as to say that. You don't have to use a cattle prod to kill a chicken. I've been practicing a lot!

Jang Hong: I'm afraid I have nothing to say to you, given your self-important verbal display. Good luck with that. But there's a more important matter. Your content and behavior are becoming more and more bizarre. You know what bizarre is.

Hyo Ryong: You sneak into her dorm room late at night, you try to steal her lips twice without her permission, and you peek into her bathroom like a voyeur (ugh…… that's enviable).

Ryuyeon Bi : That's a problem with the writer's consciousness. We're not to blame. We are the so-called innocent victims.

Jang Hong: Mr. Ryuyeon, you have the audacity to say such a thing. I am truly defeated by your iron-skinned divine art. I really can't stand up to you.

Hyo Long: He's right. There's no way I can break Ryuyeon's super-strong Skin Subcutaneous Tissue Iron Transformation Technique.

Bi Ryuyeon : Well, do you realize that you're persecuting the protagonist too much? The story only works if you support the protagonist.

Hyo Long: What are you talking about? The supporting cast is what makes the work work. I seriously doubt your reading skills.

Bi Ryuyeon & Hyo-ryong & Jang Hong: Well, dear readers. We will see you in the next volume 5. If you saw us in volume 4, you won't see us in volume 5. Please don't lose that faith. Thank you. Oh, and on a completely unnecessary and unworthy note, the author's email address is redacted입니다. That's really boring, so bye-bye.

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discord ko-fi