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Book 4 Chapter 11

Swordsman Advancement Test

The off-stage area within the Sword Dragon Pavilion is called the

An equilateral octagon of length ten sheets across and ten sheets down.

and near the vertices of each side there is a

There were eight pillars in all.

From the very beginning, the octagonal offstage was filled with the life of the maple tree. The momentum was terrifying, as the sharp flesh, like a knife's edge, filled the offstage area.

"Isn't this dangerous?"

One of the judges, Lee Kwon-sa, a sword lawyer, asked Zhang Cheng-sa, a martial arts lawyer, next to him. It had been a long time since he had rolled on the floor of the river.

"This may not be a simple matter, I've never seen Feng Yi exude life like that before."

Elder Zhang frowned and replied, "It's not a pretty sight to see fellow Guan Daoists spewing their flesh at each other.

"I can only pray that Feng Yi will keep his things in his hand. I hope no lives are lost. I hope this doesn't escalate……."

Next to him, Kanghu Nosado, the spearmaker, was also worried. But since the dance had already begun, there was no way to stop it. As long as no lives were lost, that is. None of the current judges thought that the White Tiger's talent, Dan Dafeng, would lose this match. All three of them could only click their tongues at Bi Ryuyeon's recklessness.

Offstage, their auras were diametrically opposed. Dan Dafeng's Qi was exuding a terrifying flesh that looked like it could eat Bi Ryuyeon, while Bi Ryuyeon, despite her sharp flesh, was carefree as if she were a dog. The flesh exuded by Dandanpung was a waste.

"How dare you spill your guts in front of me?

How to keep things out of the hands of discipline. Now all that remained was to deliver the chastening blow. It was Dan Dafeng who lunged first, like a man of growing strength, and slammed his sword into the back of Bi Ryuyeon's head. The momentum in his sword was terrifying. It looked as if Bi Ryuyeon's head would split open like a watermelon, revealing the red inside. But…….


Something unbelievable happened. The judges in the room jumped out of their seats like people sitting on a cushion of thorns. Even they, who were supposedly peak masters, couldn't believe what had just happened. Obviously, Bi Ryuyeon was standing defenseless. There was no sign of a counterattack, not even a hint of insanity. Her hands weren't moving faster than the speed of light. The cuffs hadn't even moved from earlier. Even if he had moved so fast that their eyesight couldn't catch it, which was impossible, they would have seen the slightest movement of the cuff. But there was no sign of it.

As far as surprises go, the judges' surprise paled in comparison to Dantai Feng's horror. Sure enough, his opponent hadn't given him any warning, and the downward slash of Dantai Feng's sword had bounced off the top of his head, as if blocked by an invisible membrane. It was a strange sensation, as if it had cut through the heavy air and struck soft cotton.

Bi Ryuyeon smiled brightly at Dan-dae-poong, who was looking puzzled.

"Are you curious?"

Unconsciously, Dandanfeng nodded.

"Do you want me to teach you?"

Bi Ryuyeon's subtle tone made Dan Dafeng nod unconsciously again. Suddenly, Dan Dafeng's face turned bright red. His face quickly turned red as he realized his unconscious action. He had shown weakness in front of his enemy.

Seeing that, Bi Ryuyeon stuck out her tongue and said.

"Merong, I'm not going to teach you."

Only then did Dan Daofeng realize that he had been taunted. Rising to the top of his head, he struck again. But his second attempt failed. His sword was still pushed back by the intangible force. It was a ghostly sight.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!"

Again he lifted his sword and struck down, and again his efforts, however imaginary, failed. Once again, an invisible, intangible force blocked his sword like an iron wall.

"Is that…… guy a goblin or something?

His liver cooled rapidly. As a result, his swollen liver, which was threatening to pierce his stomach, shrank. After all, cold compresses are the best for edema.

After dozens of attacks, all of which came to nothing, he was now too exhausted to attack. A strange sense of dread broke through his discipline and arose from the depths of his heart. Man is often afraid of the unknown.

"Oh, that's it, you're done, is it your turn then? I guess you weren't able to break my spell after all. Try a little harder, and you'll be ready to go."

A dark smile curved her red lips. Her fist flew like a beam of light toward his ribcage. The blow caused a compression fracture in his ribcage. Luckily for him, the broken bone hadn't pierced his lungs, so he'd barely escaped with his life. If a bone punctures a lung and shrinks it like a punctured pig bladder, resuscitation is nearly impossible.

But that was just for this one hit. I had no idea what would happen next. After all, things don't always work out the way they're supposed to, or according to a script or plan. Variety and change are the laws that keep the world going.

Kang Hyun-chu, the Wushan Sect's spirit swordsman, who had been chosen as Bi Ryuyeon's second opponent, withdrew. He didn't think he had what it took to defeat the stronger Dan Daofeng, who had defeated him without breaking a sweat. The sight of Dan Dafeng, who had suffered a compression fracture in his chest and had been beaten to a pulp all over his body, had sapped what little fighting spirit he had left. What's more, he couldn't figure out what Bi Ryuyeon's secret trick was for blocking Dan Daofeng's sword, even if he stared at it from the side. If he couldn't figure it out, he'd already lost the battle.

With that, he and Mo Yonghui became the Sixth Year Sixth Sword Dragon and qualified for the Samsung Festival. Now all that was left was to participate and win the Samsung Festival, which everyone else was saying was impossible.

The summer had passed, and under the fierce tutelage of Yidou, the troupe's skills were improving day by day. Of course, the price of this excellence was that they were dying every day.

With the foundation laid by Bi Ryuyeon in the Amishan training camp, what they needed was more experience fighting against masters who could bring out their latent skills and performance. Now, even if they fought against minions for a hundred days, they couldn't expect to achieve more than a certain level of success, so she thought that the Yeomdo of the water would be enough to familiarize them with the feeling of fighting against a master.

That's why he entrusted the main work to the masters. Of course, he had another reason in mind: he didn't want to have to deal with them personally.

In any case, much to the chagrin of the masterminds, Bi Ryuyeon's calculations had been eerily accurate. Yeomdo's training, which was meant to be a training match, was rough and terrifying. It was a beating that bordered on brutality, and he beat them to a pulp. The emotional resentment that had been building up against Bi Ryuyeon was thick, and the entire troupe had to scramble to survive under his fearsome sword.

And with the excitement building, the opening day of the Samsung Festival arrived.

One hundred and twenty years ago, the three heroes of the Martial Kingdom, along with the Martial God of the Taijiquan Army, Liu Yuelin, faced off against the Heavenly Blood God, Wei Tianmu! It is the opening day of the Tianmu Sammu Festival to commemorate the Tianmu Three. The winner of this martial arts competition, known as the Sammu Festival for short, would be rewarded with honor and a host of great injuries.

The first of these is the first-class elixir manufactured by the Medicine Pavilion. As its name implies, the Medicine Hall of the Tianmu Academy has two functions: one is to treat the injured and sick, and the second is to manufacture elixirs using traditional methods and independent research. Many of the elixirs dispensed at the Tianmu Academy are rumored to be of great medicinal value, even in the strongest countries.

The Materia Medica has a department dedicated to the manufacture of these herbs, the Department of Herbal Medicines. This department is divided into three parts: the administration, the dispensary, and the collection department. This is to ensure smooth maintenance. The number of elixirs and herbal medicines in the Tianmu Museum is unparalleled, and they are strictly guarded and protected. This is because elixirs and herbs are very sensitive to temperature, humidity, ventilation, and sunlight.

The storage of these elixirs made them extremely sensitive to quantity and counting. If someone steals them or secretly gives them to someone else, it's a big deal!

The elixirs held by the Tianmu Academy are categorized into three levels. First of all, the third-grade elixirs include various elixirs such as the Vigorous Heart Elixir and the Rejuvenation Elixir, which have the effect of rapidly restoring fatigue. They may not be as valuable as their first-grade counterparts, but they are still very useful in the life of a powerhouse. It's especially useful when you're in a tight spot, as it instantly restores fatigue. It is often used to honor people for their achievements.

This class of elixirs is composed of elixirs that have specific effects in specific areas, such as high-performance detoxification elixirs, very good wound healing elixirs, and healing elixirs. Many herbs that are effective for internal injuries fall into this category.

The first-class ganoderma, which is given to the winner of the Samsung Festival, is the most highly prized elixir, as it has powerful medicinal properties that can help anyone who is strong enough to see the benefits of improving their internal organs. Of course, you can't just take one pill and instantly become the most powerful person in the world overnight, but everyone wants to take it because of its powerful effects. The most famous and effective of the first-class herbs is the Shaolin Temple's Great Circle Dan.

These first-rate spirit stones are very few and far between, even in the Heavenly Martial Academy. This is because they are difficult to obtain, difficult to donate, and even more difficult to create.

In addition, rumor has it that there is a special, heavily guarded place in the depths of the Pharmacopoeia where the elixirs are stored. There are only a handful of elixirs classified as super elixirs, and they are kept in such strict secrecy that their authenticity is not even known. Rumor has it that they can even bring the dead back to life, but this has yet to be proven.

In this way, the winner of the Samsung Festival will receive a first-class gongdan, which has the effect of enhancing the inner gong that every strong player dreams of. Moreover, the winner will receive not only a first-class reishi manufactured by the Medicine Book, but also a part of the martial arts proficiency left by the masters of the previous generation as a prize.

Moreover, winning this competition was the surest way to make a name for oneself and solidify one's position in not only the Heavenly Martial Academy, but also the entire Jianghu. It's the surest way to make a name for yourself, and it's the reason why the entire Celestial Academy, and even Kang Ho's various sects, are buzzing with excitement. At this point, all of Kang-ho's attention is focused on the Tianmu Academy. The Samsung Festival was a big event, not only for the Heavenly Martial Academy, but for the entire Hundred Swords Martial Forest.

The opening ceremony of the Samsung Festival was about to take place.

Jang Hong's eyes widened as he watched Bi Ryuyeon stroll into the Grand Theater, the opening event of the Samsung Festival. The reason was an object on his back.

"So, what do you have on your back right now, if you don't mind me asking?"

Jang Hong asked in disbelief. Was the thing hanging down from Bi Ryuyeon's back that strange? No, it wasn't. The problem was that it didn't belong there. Why would a musical instrument be needed in a place that judged a martial artist's worth, and what good would it do?

"Wouldn't you know it? It's my taboo. Isn't that what I always use?"

In Bi Ryuyeon's hand was a bribery bomb, something he had always used. There was nothing strange about it. The problem was its use today.

"Are you saying you don't know what day it is?"

"Of course I know. Isn't it the opening ceremony and first qualifier of the Samsung Festival, and I'm supposed to compete today?"

She was very knowledgeable.

"And yet you walked out with it, empty-handed and with no other weapon? You don't think you're going to use it as a weapon, do you?"

Ryu-yeon's expression changed to one that said she was just asking for it.

"Of course I'm carrying it as a weapon. There are many masters of music in the world who use not only the zither but also the oxbow and flute as weapons."

Of course, Jang Hong knew better than Bi Ryuyeon that there were many such Yin Gong masters. But this was an exception.

"But you're not a Yin Gong master, are you?"

"What are you talking about. I'm a master of the Yin Gong now. This golden silencer is enough for the preliminaries, so sit back and watch."

Jang Hong and Hyo Ryong didn't participate this time around, citing ineligibility, which is why Bi Ryuyeon's advisor, Naji Ji, is now a smoker himself.

"You've only been studying yin for half a year, don't you think Samsung is some kind of child's play?"

Jang Hong shouted with conviction. "Even if you don't know the world, this is too much. It was not enough for him to display all of his Qin Shi Yan, but to come out with weapons and martial arts that he hadn't even fired yet, let alone formed. Jang Hong felt frustrated in front of Bi Ryuyeon, who he had known for nearly a year and still couldn't figure out what she was thinking.

"Don't worry about it. I'm fully aware of that. Just watch. I'll show you what we've been working on here today. It's the first public showing, so keep your eyes open. It doesn't come every day."

Until now, the only people she's been able to work with are plants that can't speak or move. From now on, however, it will be animals that are alive and well, and intelligent enough to speak.

"In the meantime, let me show you my skills in overgrowing the flower beds in front of the dorms."

Balling her fists, Bi Ryuyeon said.

"What? So you're saying that the flowerbeds in front of the dorms that have been reduced to total ruins were your doing?"

"Ah, well, nature is always changing, so I'm not surprised, so keep your secret. I don't want to be called in by the iron-blooded and heartless Kang Ha-yun."

Ryuyeon urged them to keep the matter to themselves. If it got out, it would surely set off a firestorm in Mr. Kang's eyes. The last thing she needed was to meet the iron-blooded Kang, who would be ranting and raving about putting her in the accounting wing.

The achievement of drying up the flower garden next to the Sword Marriage Hall would now be displayed in front of everyone. Jang Hong closed his eyes tightly at Bi Ryuyeon's words. As a third party, he didn't want to interfere anymore.

'Have it your way. Now I've given up too…….'

Jang Hong was always unpredictable, which made me sigh with relief.

The second-year celestials, wearing their silk robes, joined the first-year celestials where they were standing. Everyone stood in an orderly fashion, unabashedly honoring the name of the Tianmu Academy. As the time for the ceremony approached, one by one, the elders who had been invited to the ceremony came and sat down at the prepared seats. All of them were senior decedents who had made a name for themselves in Kangho, and it was a great relief to see them just once.

Among the old schools, those who were unable to attend due to circumstances sent their representatives, who were also masters of great importance, with no lesser proportion of power.

At this point, a man appeared in the audience on the dais. It was an old man with an unusual aura, and his prayers were so powerful that they overwhelmed everyone in the hall. He was followed by two men and two women, whose prayers were equally as powerful as those of the old man in white. The place began to stir.

'Ooohhhhhhh! Look at him! He's a god!'

Yes, they were invited to attend the tournament as observers. It was not an easy task to see the Three Realms of Heaven and Earth in one place. It's an honor. Still, it didn't make sense for him to be absent from the opening ceremony of a tournament in his honor.

"Look! It's the Sword Saint Mo Yongzheng Tian's Dai Hai."

"There's also the sword saint Hafu Shik Daihyo."

"Oh, you're here, too, from the Yi Jing Sang Women's Association."

The entire hall was thrown into a frenzy of excitement. The three Heavenly Immortals, the current idols of the Hundred Sword Martial Sect, had gathered in one place at one time on one day. It was no easy feat to see these half-divine beings even from a distance, and here and there, people craned their necks to get a closer look at them. They were tycoons who were rarely seen in real life and not in portraits. It is natural to want to take a closer look at them at least once to improve your discernment.

However, not all of those gathered at the ceremony, as well as Cheonmusam, would stay here for the entire duration of the Samseongmuje. That would be absurd, as the Samseongmuje is as long in duration as it is in scope, lasting nearly half a year. It's not a simple three-day event.

Since there are dozens of competitions to be played, the bimu is practiced over a period of almost half a year to ensure that each bimu is performed to the best of its ability without interfering with schoolwork.

The next time the invitees to the opening ceremony would gather, it would be on the day of the finals, the culmination of the Samurai Wars. The eight martial artists who have made it to the finals of the Sword Battle, the City Battle, the Sword Battle, and the Samsung Battle will all compete in the finals at once after postponing their respective finals. This is when the culmination of the Samsung Mujie is achieved.

Once all the powerful dignitaries and honored guests had taken their seats, the opening ceremony of the Tianmusan Festival finally began. Loud ceremonial trumpets and drums sounded majestically, and the breeze blew hundreds of flags around the offstage area, each one representing a different school of martial arts.

The Great Martial Sect's Ice Sword Guan Chulsu conducted the entire ceremony, and finally, the Heavenly Martial Sect's Iron Fist Mazinger stepped to the front of the stage to declare the tournament open.

First, the representative of the Heavenly Guild, the Three Absolute Swords, Qing Heng, stepped forward and swore in as the representative.

"We, the entire Tianmu Academy, do hereby solemnly swear in the presence of our seniors below Tianmu, that we will not lose sight of the Tao, will not lose faith, will not disrespect life, and will compete honestly and with all our might in all our future bouts."

"I solemnly swear."

At the conclusion of the representative oath, all the kendo in attendance raised their voices in unison. Their voices boomed as if they were leaving the hall. Master Iron Fist Majinga of the Heavenly Martial Academy raised his right hand and spoke.

"I, the Heavenly Martial Master Mazinger, do hereby declare that the Thirtieth Heavenly Martial Festival has begun as of this hour, and I call upon each of you to use all your talents and skills to fight fairly."


After the Iron Fist Mazinger's declaration, a roar rang through the hall. The grand finale of one of the two great martial arts festivals of the Tianmu Academy, the Tianmu Three Martial Arts Festival, had finally begun.

<Continued from "Fault Tolerance" Volume 5

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