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Book 3 Chapter 5

Anxious Volcano Disciple

What I initially thought was a far-fetched story

The assortment takes on a more concrete shape.

Inside, Yoon began to feel increasingly uneasy.

Sitting on a cushion of poisonous, blackened thorns.

I wouldn't be this anxious if I were playing with a bunch of vipers.

His dark, pale face was covered in cold sweat that trickled down his forehead, a sure sign that he was nervous.

"Hey, hey, hey……."

Through the tension that threatened to suffocate him, Junho Yoon barely managed to get the words out. His throat was so tight that he wasn't sure he was even communicating.

"Why? Is there something else you're worried about?"

He couldn't say it out loud, of course, but it was clear that he had enough worries to fill five wheelbarrows.

"Oh, no. That's all there… I thought we might as well try something else……."

"No, come on, there are few ways to be sure. We're lucky we're in the Academy of Heaven and Earth. Anywhere else, you'd be a gadgeteer. You'd be better off just pushing through and not regretting it."

Hyo-ryong said firmly.

But as I stared into his sparkling eyes, I couldn't help but wonder if he was doing it out of interest. His eyes were shining like those of an innocent child with a toy in front of him, which made him even more unsettling and eerie.

"What's wrong, are you worried they won't accept you?"

"That too, but……."

Yoon Jun Ho lied like a fool. Why did he do it?

"Don't worry about it. Any researcher who doesn't like fresh, young flesh like yours must be insane, because it's not every day that a sturdy specimen like you walks in the door."

Now that I heard these words, I realized that I could not put myself in the hands of a poisonous researcher. I felt a sense of urgency that if I stayed nice, I would be beaten to a pulp.

"It's okay to have regrets, so why don't we do something else? I really appreciate that you're trying to help me, but I don't want to rely on drugs to change my body, because I don't think that's fair."

Despite breaking out in a cold sweat, Yun Junho managed to say everything he needed to say. His heart was full. Then,

"You're right, it's a bit of a cheat."

Hyo-ryong replied with a no-big-deal attitude.

"Excuse me?"

With a look of incredulity on his face, Yoon Jun-ho replied, and his short retort included a rebuke as to how he could casually advise a friend to do something so out of line. He decided to put into words what his expression contained as an addendum, as he felt it would help him communicate better.

"How can you casually recommend something that's out of line, as if it's someone else's business?"

"But it's the most feasible way. Most of all for you, because no matter how much I think about it, it seems like the best way to go. Why don't we just pretend we're taking a pill and go for it?"

Hyo-ryong still had no intention of giving up.

"Please, can you do something different because it's much less likely to happen, and I won't forget this favor."

When Yun Junho blinked his rabbit-like black eyes and spoke in a pleading tone, Hyo Ryong's heart stopped being weak. In his heart, he kept telling himself that he shouldn't be doing this, that he shouldn't be doing this, but he couldn't force himself to do something that he absolutely refused to do. This was because his own will was the most important thing.

'A degree, but is there such a thing? Here's how to fix your intolerance without resorting to medication…….'

Hyo-ryong was deep in thought. Jang Hong began to think of other solutions as well. But they couldn't come up with anything so easily. Even the unorthodox idea of modifying humans was something they'd only come up with after thinking about it for a while.

They'd been floundering for a while, drowning in a well of self-conscious worry.

"Do I really need to address my plum intolerance?"

The voice that ruthlessly shattered their preconceived notions was none other than Bi Ryuyeon.

What are you going to shock people with this time…….


The unexpected words made the three of them focus all their senses and eyes on Bi Ryuyeon.

"What about human mods?"

Hyo-ryong, who was already actively diving into the human modification problem and racking his brains, asked wistfully.

"Well, it's a big waste, but he doesn't like it, so what can I do?"

"I see, so how about this one?"

"What I'm saying is that you don't necessarily have to focus your troubleshooting on trying to solve Yoon's hypersensitivity."

"Why? Otherwise, Yun Jun will never be able to perform the Plum Blossom Sword Technique, and he will forever be their laughing stock."



Hyo-Ryong said with a puzzled look on his face that he still had no idea what he was talking about.

"It's not necessarily about the sword incense. It's about the scent, right? As long as there's no plum scent, there's nothing stopping Jun Ho from practicing his sword art, right?"

As if to confirm, she looked back at it again.

"That's it."

Even as he spoke, Hyo-ryong's expression showed that he was still not convinced.

"Don't you get it? You're so dumb."

Hyo-ryong's dainty lips curled slightly.

"It's sad that you're insulting my intelligence, but I'll forgive you. So speak quickly."

I told him to hurry up and tell me, because I'll forgive him for once if he lowers himself to the level of an idiot.

"So let's just remove scent from his swordplay altogether."

"By what means?"

"The fragrance emanating from his swordsmanship comes from the unexpected and unexpected realm of sword incense, so we just need to break through that realm of sword incense. Then everything will be solved simply."

But no matter how much they thought about it, it was never simple. There were countless people who had dedicated their lives to breaking through such barriers, and this was the Murim. How could such a difficult and arduous task-one that could take a lifetime to accomplish-be relegated to the level of child's play?

"Is that even possible?"

The human modification theory was much more feasible.

"Of course, that makes sense. The sword incense, although it looks amazing, common sense tells us that the fragrance emanating from it is a kind of qi dissipation, which means it's a wasteful use of qi. Only if the fragrance is not poisonous will it be of any use in enhancing the power of the sword technique. So, judging by my extraordinary mind, I'm guessing that the sword incense is a transitional state just before the plum blossom sword technique is perfected. His qi is not yet fully controlled. Furthermore, among the commonly known martial arts cultivation techniques, there's also the cultivation technique of Vanquishing Guizhen, which is said to become rather mundane after a certain level of cultivation. Therefore, once he surpasses that level of cultivation, he will probably stop smelling like plum blossoms, and all problems will be solved. Your swordsmanship is stronger and you don't smell. Killing two birds with one stone, don't you think?"

Ryuyeon looked at the three with an amused expression on her face. However, they looked very serious, as if they were trying to decide whether or not to agree with her ridiculous idea.

The cultivation of sword incense alone was an extraordinary feat that rarely succeeded in the Volcano Sect, but to surpass that level of sword incense and attain an absolute sword realm? It was indeed an incredibly difficult and unattainable feat, but even if the chances of achieving it were slimmer than half a grain of rice, Bi Ryuyeon's words were not logically incorrect, although it was as impossible as counting all the stars in the night sky. Hyorong carefully opened his mouth, forcing himself to calm his uncontrollable bewilderment.

"How are you supposed to get to that level, when you can't even do sword techniques?"

"Does it have to be physical? No, it doesn't. Once you reach a certain level of proficiency, you can get more out of virtual sword training and meditation. You know what you're talking about, so let's work on that."

To be honest, he wasn't wrong. Adepts who have advanced beyond a certain level of martial arts use meditative enlightenment, rather than physical rigor, as a springboard to higher levels. Beyond a certain level of cultivation, one is no longer limited by the state of physical cultivation. If one did not attain enlightenment, one would remain stagnant and rot miserably, like a stagnant puddle in a swamp.

"You're not quite right, but I don't think it's just my ears that make that sound like a really unrealistic story……."

Hyo-Ryong was still skeptical, and judging by the steady nods beside him, Jang Hong felt the same way.

"Trust me, you're not that freaked out about a mere step up in swordsmanship. Don't worry, it's nothing more than an after-dinner cup of tea."

It was Bi Ryuyeon who was loud and confident, but what good was a loud voice? Hyo-ryong, who had been looking at Yoon Jun-ho, who was sitting restlessly, opened his mouth as if he needed to summarize the current situation. His tone was full of skepticism and hesitation. There's a saying that you can tell a good tree by its leaves. But in this case, he had to question whether the seeds were rotten, let alone the leaves.

"It's too time-consuming, the chances of success are slim… and my willpower is very low."

There was still skepticism, but that didn't deter her.

"Give the impossible to a passing dog. And if some pompous asshole won't take it, force it down his throat with a pacer that won't kill him."

Like a teacher teaching his students, Bi said.

"What does that mean?"

"Don't worry, Shinjouji, I specialize in making the impossible possible. We have a lot of talent and know-how in that department. Stay tuned, hehehe……."

When he heard her strange laughter, Yun Jun couldn't shake the ominous feeling that he was a prey being hunted by a killer. The sound of her laughter had a mysterious power that made him feel uneasy. Anxiety and fear enveloped his entire body as he wondered if his future was as dark as the night before. This would prove to be the case. That the ominous feeling of the day was by no means a mere apprehension…….

Jang Hong decided to take it slow and take it one step at a time, knowing that it would be much more helpful to Yun Junho if he did the same.

But if they didn't find a solution as soon as possible-whatever it might be-Yoon Jun-ho's skill would overwhelm Jong-ri and Chu-yeon and give them the bitter cup of defeat before pushing them into the bottomless pit of despair.

It remained to be seen whether Bi Ryuyeon's plate would be covered in blood, or whether Yun Junho would get a new speculum, or whether his body would be modified in some way, or whether he, I, or Jang Hong would give up sooner.

Yoon Jun-ho has been called a volcano slacker, a volcano inferior, an earthquake child, and many other notorious names. This, coupled with his timid and vulnerable heart, caused him to lose all confidence in himself.

His inferiority complex and self-blame were exacerbated by his own self-doubt, which destroyed his spirit, and by the hard work of those around him. This sense of inferiority became a shackle that prevented him from achieving even half of his potential. The most deadly, of course, is his plum intolerance, but…….

In fact, if Bi Ryuyeon wanted to make a mess of Jong Li and Chu Hua, the two amazing people who were both rude and unapologetic at the same time, she had the ability to do it tomorrow. But she decided it would be too simple, too trivial, too boring, and that's how today came about.

Moreover, even though Bi Ryuyeon didn't speak, she was able to recognize Yun Jun's hidden true skill, potential, and jewel-like talent at a glance. Although he was still only a crude raw stone, he had the potential to develop into a treasure of immense value with further refinement. She was probably the first person to recognize his hidden inner potential since the Tasabu Plum Blossom Sword Test.

Moreover, the situation he found himself in was a strange and interesting one, and she was suddenly intrigued. His philosophy of behavior, which was originally too free-spirited and over the top, was often dictated by his mood swings and interests of the moment.

Once again he was delighted, his eyes shining like those of a child who has just received a new toy. However, it is a well-known fact that his excitement and irresponsible behavior had brought him profit and joy, and great loss and sorrow - almost despair - to others. In any case, as long as Bi Ryuyeon was interested in him, Yoon Jun-ho's future could never be said to be flat.

Still, the road to Yoon Jun-ho's future was bumpy and rough, with construction work left in progress due to the laziness of the gods and goddesses of fate. However, the goddess of fate in charge of the road has no plans to resume construction anytime soon. To make matters worse, his encounter with Bi Ryuyeon might be the ultimate example of poor construction. If so, Yun Jun-ho would have to spend the rest of his life cursing the Goddess of Fate.

With a small set of actions and guidelines for the future, they decided to wrap up the discussion to find a solution and head to bed early.

He had a lot of work to do, as tomorrow would be the day he would sign up for an important martial arts class that would determine his half year of training at Tianmu Academy. Depending on which martial artist and which field of study he chose to attend tomorrow, a lot could change.

So they decided to go to bed early and build up their strength. On the day of the class, Jang Hong had advised them that for some reason they would be very lethargic. However, Jang Hong avoided mentioning any of the reasons.

I figured if I shut up tomorrow, everyone would know enough to be sick of it anyway.

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discord ko-fi