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Book 3 Chapter 4

How to best modify humans


After looking troubled for a moment, Bi Ryuyeon giggled.

"Isn't that our challenge now to think about that?"

"In other words, you have no idea, and you're being irresponsible."

Ryu-yeon Bi's irresponsible and ridiculous idea to create a

Jang Hong gave him a cotton gourd.

"It's not like there isn't a way!"

In an instant, his gaze fell on Hyo-ryong. He had been skeptical earlier, but he had suddenly changed his mind.

"As far as modifications go, changing the body's response to a drug is the most promising. It's also the most feasible."

"Ah, yes, the enhancement of bodily functions by drug injections?"

After all, Jang Hong had a way with words. Hyorong nodded and continued.

"That's right, you're constantly putting different drugs into the body to see how it reacts, changing the concentration, proportions, and ingredients… Of course, it's a lot of trial and error, and you're going to have to deal with a lot of bodily abnormalities……."

"But that, that's kind of scary."

Yun Jun's complexion visibly paled, and a cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He had the ability to discern between seriousness and jest, and right now, his discernment and judgment were warning him with heartbreaking clarity that what Hyorong and Jang Hong were saying was serious.

"It's scary, but we're going to use a lot of anesthesia, so you won't feel much pain, you'll just be drugged and drifting through your dreams, though you'll have to watch out for side effects and drug addiction."

It was Hyo-ryong who spouted off the horrifying tale as if it were nothing to Yoon Joon-ho, the listener, and his face was filled with the intention of saying, I'm serious, don't take this as a joke.

"But with our medical knowledge, isn't drug therapy to improve constitution a bit risky?"

Jang Hong questioned the likely failures in the practical implementation phase.

In fact, the idea of attempting to improve the human constitution by pharmacotherapy was outrageous, with medical knowledge limited to applying gold poultices to lacerations, lacerations, lacerations, lacerations, and lacerations, and then bandaging and plastering sprains and strains. If it went wrong, it would be murder.

"Well, I'll lose two or three of my five senses, like my optic nerves, or I'll lose my sense of taste, or I'll go deaf, or something like that. In the worst case scenario, I'd be a quadriplegic, or maybe a paraplegic. Worst case, worst case, paralyzed and a vegetable? I'd have to die, which is no big deal, right?"

Hyo-ryong spoke in such a casual tone that it sounded like he was just going about his day.

"No, I think that's a bit of a stretch, and it's scary because it feels very dangerous."

"Hmmm, so you're saying you have major doubts about the safety of this method."

"How could you not suspect that?"

Jang Hong nodded in understanding.

"Honestly, for that matter, you should seek professional help. If you're a master of pharmacotherapy, the most reliable and surefire way to do that is to seek the help of a Dok Yin manufacturing development researcher or a Jiangxi manufacturing development researcher. No one knows more about the correlation between drug input and human biological changes than they do. They are the foremost authorities in their field, although they are extremely rare."

"Where do you get such valuable people?"

The pale-complexioned Yun Jun asked cautiously, his current state of mind desperately hoping that they would fail to save such a rare person and that their plans would be disastrously foiled. But his desperate hopes were crushed, and he was forced to groan under the pile of rubble. The answer did not give him the slightest respite.


Jang Hong and Hyorong's index fingers pointed to the floor at the same time.


Ryu-yeon Bi and Jun-ho Yoon looked confused and pointed to the floor, but Jang Hong explained confidently.

"Yes, here. Here, in the Heavenly Martial Academy, research in strange fields and the development of martial arts that would be considered bizarre outside are as numerous as grains of sand on a riverbank. You can find them here, and you can find them now."

Horrified at the prospect of being honored with the knowledge that he might make a significant contribution to the advancement of poisonous research as an experimental material, Yun Jun-ho shuddered.

His mind was so full of ideas about how to get out of this dangerous - and for the rest of us, very exciting - position that his other thinking skills were completely paralyzed.

But whether he knew of Yun's distress or not, or whether he was pretending not to, Hyo-ryong continued to ramble on with his thoughts. The plan was now becoming more and more concrete, crossing the ridge of his imagination.

"The study of poisonous yin is the ultimate goal of anyone who dedicates themselves to poisonous arts. The two most famous poisonous yin researchers today are Dang Gun-hyuk, the Poisonous Handless Physician of the Sichuan Party, and Pichul-ha, the Ya Poison of the Poison King Party. These two are the most famous masters and rivals of poisonous arts and poisonous yin research in the strongholds. Aside from the fact that Pichulha is from the Shi sect, it is here in the Tianmu Academy that Tang Gunhyeok and his followers are currently continuing their research on poisonous plants. I've heard that he occasionally helps out at the Medicine King's Hall. A master of poison is also a master of medicine. Poison and medicine are but a sheet of paper apart, and their origins are the same. If you ask him, it's not impossible to improve your constitution with medicines."

"What about Jiangxi research?"

Jang Hong was puzzled by Hyorong's dismissal of the Jiangxi research aside in favor of the Dokyin research, his tone suggesting that he didn't care about the Jiangxi research.

"Oh, of course, we don't have no Kangxi researchers here, and if you had to find one, it would probably be here at the Heavenly Martial Academy. If you tried to do it anywhere else, you'd be hunted down by the sect, and the sect would be declared extinct, or at the very least, sealed off."

Yun Jun and Jang Hong nodded in agreement. In Zhongyuan society, where corpses were revered and sacred, fooling around with them-at least in the eyes of the public-wouldn't get the researcher a good reception.

In the first place, it is difficult to justify the idea of developing Kangxi and Kangxi as a combat killing art, when it was developed in conjunction with Taoism to facilitate the transportation of dead bodies. How can the desecration and dishonoring of the dead be justified?

However, it was also an area of intensive and sustained research on the part of the factions due to its high lethality, combat power, and low maintenance cost. So even if they didn't want to research it, they couldn't afford not to. They couldn't afford to be blindsided. Therefore, this is probably the only place in the entire martial arts world where Kangxi research is officially tolerated under the idea that if you are tired, you will win.

"Kangxi is also skilled at using drugs on humans, but they're studying dead bodies, whereas poisoners are studying living humans. The difference is as great as the distance between the heavens and the earth, so if you're not planning on turning Junho into a corpse, poisoners are much more likely."

"Oh, right, I hadn't thought of that."

Jang Hong nodded his head in agreement with Hyorong's words. They needed a living Yun Jun, not a dead one.

Outrageously, they are attempting a risky method of human modification that has no precedent, is unclear, and whose success is uncertain.

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discord ko-fi