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Book 3 Chapter 2

Young Man in White, Young Man in Blue

Also this afternoon, a portion of one of the celestial dormitories, the Swordsmanship Hall, was destroyed by the

There was a bizarre event that turned into ruins.

Of course, it had to be good for them.

It wasn't a damaging incident.

"Jong-ri and Chu-yeon must have been in contact with them. This is really a day of many things happening at once."


The young man in blue looked at the young man in white with interest. The blue-robed youth wielded three swords, while the white-haired nobleman held an ancient saber in his hand.

"Hoo-hoo, they said the atmosphere wasn't that great, so I guess I made a bad first impression."

The young man in white smiled slightly.

"Really? That's not good news, my relationship with my beloved junior is already on the rocks. But since you're not going to have anything to do with him anyway, it's not that big of a deal, is it?"

"Sure. He and we are incompatible anyway, let alone coexist……."

The young man in white lightly flicked his left hand with the concave line in his hand to show his agreement with the young man in blue. They would never be able to stand on the same side anyway.

"How did this come about? You hadn't planned on contacting him yet, had you? Don't you think it was a bit rash? I don't think someone of your stature would make such a small mistake……."

"Of course, I was only going to keep an eye on him for now, but it seems that in the Celestial Cafeteria, the department's pyrographer went to pay attention to their idiot priest and accidentally bumped into him. It was an unfortunate coincidence."

"Stupid priest?"

"This is a boy named Yoon Jun-ho, who came in as a special selection this year. To borrow a phrase from the department, he's an idiot, a fool, and a disgrace to the Order."

The Qing youth's right brow furrowed slightly. He had always disliked their intolerant nature. He had always disliked their narrow-mindedness. It was their theory that the successor of the Nine Sects should always be as bright and upright as the pillars of the main sect. Of course, the young man in white was not unaware of this tenet of his life.

"I told him that, too, but he ranted and raved about how he wasn't even his own priest if he couldn't do a single plum blade."

For a moment, a puzzled look crossed the young man's face; he, like everyone else, was now beginning to suspect something was wrong with his own hearing.

"A Volcano Sect disciple can't unleash the Plum Blossom Sword Technique?"

"Not even one bite."

The young man in white nodded and said.

"Is that a new joke these days? You don't expect me to believe it, do you? What does a disciple of the Volcano Sect learn if he can't perform the Plum Blossom Sword Technique, which is the Volcano Martial Art itself?"

The young man in white shook his head with a faint smile.

"It's a ridiculous story that sounds like a joke, but it's true. I doubted my own ears the first time I heard it."

"That's ridiculous, and if that's the case, I can't blame you, but how did you get in here with that kind of skill, and is this such a nice, easy place?"

The young man's question was a natural one. What kind of place is the Heavenly Martial Academy, and how dare a child who can't even perform a single plum blossom sword technique enter?

"He was highly recommended by Plum Blossom Swordsman Yu, but he would have narrowly missed out on the top spot. Even if he hadn't been eliminated by three people due to an untoward incident in the special screening test, his acceptance would have been in doubt."

The young man in white was referring to a series of incidents during this year's special selection exam, when an unknown person appeared out of nowhere and left three participants incapacitated in the exam room. The young man in blue was familiar with the incident.

"By the way, what happened to him?"

The young man in Qing was referring to Bi Ryuyeon.

"To my surprise, he was eating at the same table as Mo Yonghui, and he was seated with the priest of the department that triggered this incident. In addition, there were two other new students present, who were also with Bi Ryuyeon during the incident at the Sword Marriage Hall in the afternoon. Their names are Hyo Rong and Jang Hong, but their exact identities have not yet been revealed. We're investigating."

To say that he was investigating was the same as saying that he would give the most complete and detailed results in three days. His ability to gather information was unrivaled and near perfect. The young man from Qingdao had never once questioned the young man from Bai's ability to analyze information.

"I'm not surprised they're in the same room; it's only natural that the winner of the Ascension Test and the top of the privilege test would be in the same room."

The young man in white smiled at Qing Shui's sharp point.

"Hoo-hoo, that's a good point. I'm glad to see that your powers of perception are becoming more and more astute. Indeed, as predicted, they are at the same table, but there is still no sign of collusion. Furthermore, given his near-idiotic nature, it would be almost impossible for him to work with others. He is not the type of person who would work with others. His flaws won't allow it."

"Like you?"

The young man in white's eyes widened at Qing Shui's offhand remark. It was as if he had been caught off guard.

"What does that mean?"

"You have an extreme aversion to working with people who are lesser than you. They can only be your servants, not your colleagues. You, like Mo Yonghui, are a defective person. Am I wrong?"

"Hehe, I can't take you anymore. You're getting sharper and sharper, aren't you?"

The young man in white dropped his pack.

"Haha, such a lie is not at all convincing. No one can escape the cobwebs of your clever brain, and if they can, they are either a genius or a monster."

"Haha, that's flattering. If anyone hears that, they'll think I'm a monster, yes. I don't want to be called a monster at this ripe old age. It would be undignified."

The young man in white smiled back.

"Anyway, I'm relieved to hear that there are no signs of collusion yet. So what are you going to do about his case? They've stabbed him once, so it's our turn. I'm already getting him ready. We need to finish his case quickly to restore the honor of our sect. There are reports that the Eight Families and the Warriors' Association have joined forces, so we'd better hurry things up."

The blue youth asked the white youth in a serious tone.

As they had hoped, the small and medium-sized clans and the Martial Family had failed to retaliate against Bi Ryuyeon, and now that their reputations had been destroyed in return, there was no need to give them any more chances to recover. If they succeeded this time, the Eight Families and the Warrior Clan would once again have their dignity and pride completely destroyed.

"Fair enough. It would be much easier for us if we could finish the job before he and Mo Yonghui collude. I like to keep things simple."

"That's to be expected. I like to make things easy, too, so I guess I'd better get ready."

The young man stood up, collecting himself.

"Good luck."

The young man in white spoke with a gentle sweep of his hand. His tone was relaxed and confident; he was not a weakling to be agitated by such a trivial matter. Such relaxation and calmness was certainly comparable to that of the culprit, and was enough to give him a sense of superiority. Moreover, he had a firm belief in the Qing youth's abilities. He firmly believed that even if he did not take the initiative himself, he could not fail in a task of this magnitude.

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discord ko-fi