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Book 3 Chapter 1

The Unsociable No Fun Guy

Tianmu Restaurant, what an uncharacteristic and disingenuous name.

With no love or consideration for architects, the

It couldn't help but be an asexual name.

It's a restaurant inside the Tenmu Museum, so if it's a Tenmu restaurant, it's a

What's the difference between that and the second son of the Wang family being named Wang Yi?

He thought about protesting to the higher-ups at the academy that had given him this name as part of a movement to make the world a better place, but he realized that nothing would come of it, so he gave up. It was against his general tenet of life to get involved in something that didn't benefit him.

But the name was even more surprising than the food. In the dorm's only communal dining hall, there was only one name hanging lonely on the vast menu board: "Tianmu Set Meal," which is really just a name… …….

The truth is that it's unrealistic to ask for a wide variety of menus and flavors in such a large, communal restaurant. The ideal is far away and the reality is harsh. With nearly a thousand people to feed, I can't blame them for settling on a simple diet for the sake of efficiency.

But even if I understood all that, it was too much to have only one. At least two flavors would give me something to choose from.

But as long as the rice was free, she was willing to tolerate it, as long as it didn't cross the line into something that would make her frown. It was much easier for her to sacrifice her taste buds to a tasteless, dry, and simplistic diet than to face the horror of a silver coin slipping out of her pocket and the pain of losing weight.

With a determination as hard as granite, Bi Ryuyeon entered the restaurant, but fortunately, the situation was not as dire as he had imagined. Upon entering the restaurant, his olfactory senses were assaulted by an aromatic and fragrant smell. It's safe to say that if a dish smells good, it rarely tastes hopelessly bad, so Bi Ryuyeon was inwardly relieved.

Tonight's dinner consisted of a chicken dish, two types of vegetable marinades, and dumpling soup, but it was clear that she had put a lot of thought into it, as she served me a cup of tea for dessert.

The bowl was a rectangular iron plate with three small square indentations and two large rectangular shapes recessed into it, apparently designed to hold rice and soup in the larger one and side dishes in the smaller one. It was made of iron, so it was a bit heavy.

It was one meal and three dishes, not including the soup, so I felt a bit short-changed, but I still gave it a pass. The meal was served in two lines on both sides of the street, but luckily there was no rush so we didn't have to wait long.

"Who is this, a retard from Huashan, a disgrace to the sect?"

Sitting around the six-person dining room table, the family was enjoying their meal when suddenly a voice interrupted them from behind. It was an unpleasant voice that would offend anyone who heard it. To see who dared to interrupt the elderly lady's elegant meal, she turned her head to follow the source of the voice. The others followed her gaze to the source of the voice.

Where his gaze stopped, a young man and woman dressed in red robes stood with arrogant eyes. In an instant, Yun Junhao jumped to his feet, his complexion very dark for some reason.

"Dead, dead……. How have you been?"

Yun Junhao stammered out a greeting, using the example of tyranny. His lack of composure caused the young man and woman who had come to speak to him to frown again. When Yoon Jun-ho pretended to know them, Hyo-ryong asked.


"Yes, the alumni of the Hua Shan Sect and their residences are named Zhong Zha, Li Zha, and Scholar, and the residences are named Chu Zha, Gao Zha, and Yan Zha."

Even though they had been formally introduced by Priest Yun, the former disciples of the Volcanic Fallen Peak Red Warriors could only shake their heads once. Even though Bi Ryuyeon and her companions were juniors in the academy, this was not polite. It was clear that they were very arrogant and liked to pretend to be bossy. Their arrogant behavior didn't sit well with the group, and the group simply shook their heads, thinking that there was no point in greeting them if they weren't coming.

"How did you get in here?"

In a place like this, it's normal for alumni to rejoice and greet each other, but I couldn't find such a cheerful atmosphere. Rather, it was cold and chilly, like a blood feud.

"How did you manage to get in here?"

It was almost intimidating.

"The death penalty……."

As Jong-hyun raised his voice, the weak-minded Yoon Jun-ho was helpless. He was saying that he was unhappy that his alumni priest had been admitted to the academy, but where was the reason for him to be unhappy and unhappy, when the admission of an alumnus should be considered an honor for a priest?

"Hmph, you must have run out of all the dirty tricks and flattery you can muster to get in here despite your inadequate skills."

Chu Ji-yeon said sarcastically, as if she were cheering on Jong-hyun as he pushed Yoon Joon-ho. She didn't seem to be happy about Yoon Joon-ho's entry either.

"Oh, no, I don't think so, how could I, it's an unfortunate misunderstanding."

Yun Jun-ho tries to make excuses, but it's no use; his execution and death had no intention of listening to him in the first place.

"What is it, you've been pampered by Master T'ai since you were a member of the Volcano Sect, and now you dare to enter this Heavenly Martial Academy with skills that don't even encourage Master T'ai? You're a disgrace to our Volcano Sect, a disgrace!"

The Department of Jongri and Chu Ji-yeon pushed Yoon Jun-ho to the point of devouring him. After being alternately criticized by his alumni, Saeksik and Chu Ji-yeon, Yoon Jun-ho quickly became depressed. His tender heart was saddened by the severity of their criticism. Moreover, he could not even dream of fighting back. Yun Junhao was unable to say anything, like a man whose mouth had been sewn shut.


Jang Hong, who was even worse, stood next to Yoon Junho.

"Isn't that a bit harsh? The way I heard the story, it sounded like Junho's taiji master gave him the Seungryong plaque even though he didn't have a heart for him, am I wrong?"

Jang Hong didn't like it, but he had to use the honorifics for now, because they were his seniors, even though he didn't want to be called ugly, disliked, or an asshole. But if he didn't like it, he didn't know when it would change to a half word. Jang Hong was not a person who was bound by hierarchy to be polite.

"Wrong, but very accurate. You're the one who embarrassed the Tao Te Ching with your inadequate skills, and now you've gotten your hands on the Sublime Dragon Plaque. Shame on you!"

Zhongliu looked like he was about to spit. Jang Hong asked again.

"As far as I know, there's only one person in the current Volcano Sect who can be called Master Junho, and that's not the Plum Blossom Sword Sect's former master, isn't it?"


Oncology replied coldly.

"That's weird, right?"

"What's wrong?"

"Isn't Plum Blossom Sword Master Yu Huanquan the best sword master in the Volcano Sect for fifty years, whose sword cultivation has entered the Harmony Sutra? I don't believe that such a person is bound by mere recognition, seeing things wrongly and making poor choices. He is the spiritual patriarch of the Volcano Sect! If you question his choices, interpret them arbitrarily, and then fail to believe them, what's the difference between doubting him and doubting yourself?"

"Shut up! How dare you speak so impiously of the Tathagata."

Jang Hong's sharp counterattack caught them off guard for a moment. He had struck them where it hurt the most, and so they let out a loud cry, the clichéd trick of the panicked. It was an instinctive behavior, fearing that their agitation would be seen by others. Jang Hong looked at them and sneered proudly.

"Huh, blasphemy, I hadn't thought of that. Are you not committing an even greater blasphemy by doubting the choice of such a great man with such poor discernment?"

Zhang said, emphasizing the word "discernment" in particular.

"Where is such restraint, that you cannot shut up!"

Oncology exclaimed with a sour face. It was a pathetically typical reaction of a human being who'd been stabbed in the back.

"I think you're the one who called the shots."

Jang Hong's sharp gaze landed on Zhong Li's face, and Zhong Li's face turned red with insult. It was obvious that he was thinking of him as an arrogant bastard, daring to speak to a senior like him on a junior subject.

It wasn't a matter of whether Yoon Jun-ho was talented or not. The fight had already begun, and once it was fought, he couldn't simply walk away. He couldn't let his pride be reduced to a mere rag. The two men's faces were already hardened like iron that had been milled in anger.

"Don't talk about things you don't understand. How can a fool who can't even use the Plum Blossom Sword Technique be called an enemy warrior disciple of the Volcano Sect? I'm ashamed and embarrassed of my mouth."

Hyorong and Jang Hong's eyes widened. They began to seriously doubt their hearing and ability to read language. They had just heard their opponent say something they couldn't understand. Only Bi Ryuyeon remained silent, watching the situation unfold with wide eyes.

Again Jong-hyun's fierce gaze turned to his priest - whom he was quite doubtful he recognized as a priest - Yoon Jun-ho.

"A volcanic retard like you, who can barely draw a plum blade, is a disgrace to this sacred academy. If you have a conscience and still have any shame left in you, pack your things and leave this place immediately."

Onomatopoeia's rant was unwarranted.

"Death… death penalty!"

No matter how much I think about it, he's a terrible asshole. How about I slap him across the face? It'll make me feel cool and refreshed……. Hyorong thought to himself.

"If you have no more shame left in you and wish to remain here, take great care not to press on the gates, though your very presence is a nuisance."

He was arrogant. His words, actions, and facial expressions were all filled with the conceit that he stood firmly above Yun Junho. There was no way that his arrogant behavior could have made a good impression on Bi Ryuyeon.

"Watch what you say!"

Impatient with his opponent's arrogance and disrespect, Hyo-Ryong spoke up, and Zhong Li's dark eyebrows twitched.

"Ho, what are you talking about, Volcano Earthquake and his friends?"

Hearing Zhong Li's tone, Huo Yong and Jang Hong's faces hardened in indignation. However, Bi Ryuyeon hadn't reacted yet, so it was hard to guess what was going on inside. His gaze seemed to look down on people, and he seemed to be full of authority, arrogance, and self-righteousness from the bottom of his bones to the top of his head. In short, it was clear that he was an asshole and not worth dealing with.


But Yoon Jun-ho was silent. He hadn't a word to say in response to Zhongli's insulting remarks. As the atmosphere was turning more and more toxic, Bi Ryuyeon glanced at Yoon Jun-ho, who was fidgeting, and asked Hyo-ryong a question, since he knew a lot of things and was very easy to ask, unlike the freshman who had just joined the school this year. However, his question was enough to send Zhao Zhong into a state of shock.

"But what is the plum blossom sword method?"

When asked about the Plum Blossom Sword Technique, one of the 12 most famous sword techniques in the Jianghu, Bi Ryuyeon asked Tou Lo Hyorong if there was anything else like it in the world.

"No, you don't know that?"

Hyorong was surprised. How could he not be surprised that he didn't know one of the twelve most famous sword techniques in the world? If Bi Ryuyeon had asked him, "Do you know which side the sun rises on?" he wouldn't have been this surprised.

Zhong Li and Zhu Zhiyun looked at Bi Ryuyeon with fierce but meaningless gazes. Their eyes said, "What are all these people? ''If there's anyone in the stronghold who doesn't know how to use the Volcano Sect's Plum Blossom Sword Technique, then he must be an idiot or a fool. In a world where there is such a thing as common sense, how could that make sense?

But his question was neither a joke nor a prank; he was asking politely out of a simple desire to satisfy his curiosity because he didn't really know anything.

Although Bi Ryuyeon had once had Huo Shoujie and Zhao Tianwu from the Hua Shan Sect as disciples during her time at Amishan, she hadn't even heard of the Plum Blossom Sword Technique from them during her training. This was because he hadn't had the opportunity to taste it.

Granted, much of what was taught and done to the disciples was domestic work and side jobs that had nothing to do with their festivals, and the teachings-although Bi Ryuyeon still claims them as teachings-were largely one-way traffic, so the festivals of the Huashan School and all of the Jujak Dan disciples were a blank slate.

With all sixteen members of the troupe constantly cooking, washing, chopping wood, beading, and doing whatever else they had to do, when would they have time to reflect on their own martial arts festivals. It was not the kind of troupe that allowed for personal leisure time. Therefore, his question was a natural one. Even if it didn't change the fact that it was outrageous and absurd.

Regardless of the absurdity of the question, Hyo-Ryong was kind enough to answer it, his mind barely able to comprehend the absurdity. Perhaps it was Bi Ryuyeon's imagination that made him feel like a cold sweat was forming on his forehead, or perhaps he was seeing things exactly right…….

"The Plum Blossom Sword Method is a self-taught sword method of the Huashan Sect, and is said to have been inspired by the way plum blossoms flutter in the wind. The history of the Plum Blossom Sword Technique is so famous and ancient that it can be said to be the history of the Volcano Sect. It consists of 36 verses, 72 seconds, and 864 stanzas, and countless offshoots have been created and studied from it. However, no one has ever said that they have seen the end of the Plum Blossom Sword Technique. Throughout the history of the Volcano Sect, countless sword masters have been produced, but no one has ever dared to say that they have seen the end of the Plum Blossom Sword Technique. It is an extremely difficult and profound sword technique.

It is my speculation that the Volcano Sect has another plum blade, one that is unique to them, in addition to the common plum blades currently known to the powerful clans. The current plum blossom sword method is actually not enough to diminish the pride of the great swordsmen of the Volcano Sect. There are countless advanced and improved versions of the Plum Blossom Sword Technique in the Volcano Sect.

For example, the Plum Blossom Tree and the Falling Flower, all of which are based on the principles of the Plum Blossom Sword Technique, so when people think of the Plum Blossom Sword Technique, they think of the Plum Blossom Sword Technique. It's not an exaggeration to say that it's the mother of all martial arts festivals. The fact that you don't know the Plum Blossom Sword Technique, which is known by every three-year-old snotty-nosed child walking by, is truly astonishing in many ways. It's amazing, it's amazing, it's amazing!"

"Haha, what's the big deal, I'm just naturally good at this. By the way, you know so much, it's really easy for me to be comfortable with you, even though I know so much that sometimes it's kind of freaking me out."

"Well, why should I be surprised, it's all because I'm so good, hahaha!"

At Bi Ryuyeon's words, Hyorong scratched the back of his head. He really did know a lot. At times, he looked like a seasoned powerhouse, and at other times, he looked like someone who had spent years in the Heavenly Martial Academy. This meant that he knew the ins and outs of the academy and the powerhouse situation.

Anyway, what the heck does she have to do with the development of a very famous claimed sect named Huashan Sect? Did they give her rice, did they give her food, did they give her shelter, did they give her a job? Isn't she in a sorry position of not having done anything for her?

Yet something that had nothing to do with him had dared to interrupt his sacred mealtime, and to do so in a way that made it so much less palatable. An intense feeling of displeasure began to stir in the back of his mind. His heart and head were speaking to him.

'Displeasure Index rapidly rising. Concerned about decreased taste sensitivity. Urgent action required to reduce discomfort level.'

His inner self nodded approvingly at this request of his mind. The oncologist's words seemed to have dealt a decisive psychological blow to Yun Jun-ho. It was a rat poison that hit him where it hurt the most. He could feel his motivation dwindling, and he could feel it with his whole body. His heart began to ache from the depths of his soul.

'These bullshit things…….'

Jang Hong's eyes lit up as he looked at the ever-shrinking Yun Junho. Jang Hong was familiar with this kind of person. Arrogant, clueless, pig-headed people who looked upon those of lesser skill and position as nothing more than objects of ridicule. It was clear that they deserved to be despised.

We are all born with different talents and personalities, and some of us may be less skilled and talented than others. If everyone was a genius, how monotonous and murderous this world would be, but with such a trivial assessment of inferiority, they could castigate their fellow classmate, their priest, as if he were trash……. Jang Hong was enraged by their ungrateful attitude.

Meanwhile, unlike Jang Hong, who was increasingly consumed with anger, Bi Ryuyeon began to seriously think about how to deal with these people who were contributing to the rapid decline in her appetite. Couldn't she come up with a clever way to lower her unpleasantness index? While he was thinking, he suddenly saw his plate, which was taking a break from eating. Suddenly, a thought flashed through his mind like a bolt of lightning.

"Should I just smack it with the corner of the plate?

She didn't think much of it, and of course her expression didn't change, but she seriously considered the idea of taking a thin, sharp edge to the crown of her head, since it wouldn't do much damage if she hit it with a wide area.

Obviously, the edge of the plate would have a much greater impact on the target than the cross section. The concentration of force is different. Thinking about it again, she silently stroked the edge of her plate, telling herself that it was a very good and appropriate idea.

He was very forthright and serious now. He was also quite capable and willing. At a moment's notice, and with a single indulgence issued by the academy-a simple (?) permission not to be held guilty of this murder-he could, with the mere pair of wooden chopsticks he held in his hand, have pierced the brow of both of them, a kind and cool vent to cool their low-capacity defective brains. So, a steel plate, no less.

Listening to the clear resonance of a light blow on the plate with his middle finger, it seemed to have no problem with its strength (硬度: the amount of force a metallic material resists from breaking, not 强度). As a skilled swordsman with nearly six years of experience in the forge, Bi Ryuyeon knew at once that the plate was the work of a skilled craftsman, with little wear and tear and very high strength.

The corners were slightly rounded to prevent any possible hazards, but that didn't seem to be a hindrance to her. The creator may have had the foresight to anticipate the current situation. He may have had the foresight to realize that he didn't know when, where, or how his plate would be turned into a weapon.

When she realized that the contents of the plate were now sufficiently nourished and contained within her stomach, she didn't hesitate to let it fly. With no regrets and no hesitation, her hands gripped her plate with the attitude of "If it doesn't kill me, it'll do!". Just as the solid plate was about to fly out and split the two men's skulls, his hand paused, forcing him to stop.

"Stop it!"

The voice was low, but clear and powerful. Where the two men, who had been raising their voices to criticize and ridicule Yoon Joon-ho for a long time, turned their gazes, there stood the protagonist of the voice they had just heard. The protagonist of the voice was Mo Yong-hui. Mo Yong-hui finally spoke up when he couldn't stand their crude language and impersonal behavior anymore.

Mo Yonghui's greatest aversion was to those who acted unashamedly, overconfident in their shallow skills on subjects they were not competent in. He was the embodiment of honesty, morality, and rule-following. As mentioned earlier, he was a severe sufferer from an incurable disease called kleptomania, which is also equivalent to saying that he had an extreme hatred of evil and wrongdoing, as his kleptomania demanded extreme cleanliness, both materially and mentally.

As the embodiment of law and order, Mo Yonghui's sharp but delicate nerves would not tolerate such rascals.

"Who are you?"

Their gazes met with a rebuking glance, as if to say, how dare this bald-headed fellow interrupt a senior's conversation. A face of observance enough to make most women's hearts skip a beat, a prayer as polished as a peak cilantro, and seven peony blossoms embroidered on the right breast of a white robe as white as snow.

But the peony was more famous as a symbol of a family than for its scent or appearance, and they knew it because they were powerful. Among this year's freshmen, there was only one person they could recall who could exude such a level of prayer as the owner of the seven peony blossoms. At that moment, Zhong Li's complexion subtly changed.

"Are you the famous Seven Deadly Swords Mo Yonghui?"

I knew the oncology, but I asked anyway, just to be sure.

"That's right, Bulcho is a lowly man named Mo Yonghui."

After receiving the authenticity papers and his own signature, Zhongli was immediately stumped. This wasn't someone she could just deal with without taking any measures. He was a big name in the Nine Ordinaries, the organization she belonged to, who was paying the most attention and care this time around. He was not someone who could be dealt with on his own authority. Zhong Lingli began to think about how to deal with this situation. The sudden appearance of Mo Yonghui and the sudden intervention of the Seven Festivals Divine Sword was completely unexpected.

"If you can't be a senior and embrace a junior, aren't you ashamed to belittle and mock him like that?"

Mo Yonghui did not hesitate, for he had both the skill and qualifications to make his intentions clear at any time and in any place. Therefore, there was no hesitation in his demeanor.

"Right, right!"

Jang Hong and Hyorong nodded their heads together, as if in full agreement with his words. Their demeanor was devoid of the slightest trace of courtesy toward their senior, and because of Mo Yonghui's unexpected appearance, they decided to postpone the food price action plan and wait and see how things would develop. However, I couldn't stop myself from unconsciously tasting my food again as if I was missing something.

The matchup was now boiling down to a showdown between Hwasan's Yonome and Mo Yonghui. There was a clear venom in the eyes of Zhongli and Chu as they glared at each other. They seemed to feel insulted.

"It's none of your business, it's within our purview."

Standing next to Chu Yan, who shot them a venomous glare, Zhong Liqi said. Originally, it was customary for the Jianghu to not interfere in the domestic affairs of other sects, in accordance with the silence of the Murim. They were now rebuking Mo Yonghui for interfering in another sect's domestic affairs. But Mo Yonghui didn't even bat an eyelash from his magnificent eyebrows.

"But he is my motive at any rate; and to persecute a priest under penalty of death, is it not something to be laughed at in the narrowness of one's own mind, if others knew?"

The face of Oncology flashed through my mind again. There was a glint of disbelief in their eyes, as if they couldn't believe the arrogance of their junior colleagues. This was the first time they had encountered such a harsh case in their lives. Yoon Jun-ho, who had a weak heart, could not help but feel restless and shaken by the harsh atmosphere in the hall. It was impossible for him to change the harsh atmosphere in the first place.

"I don't like it when anyone interrupts me in the middle of a meal, and I don't think you deserve such rudeness, even if you are a senior in the academy. Why don't you excuse yourself now, I'd rather finish my meal than have someone else's rudeness ruin it for me."

Their words were polite, but in essence, they were saying that they were less important than Mo Yonghui's meal. At this moment, Mo Yonghui furrowed his brow, indicating that he was very unhappy, but handsome people look good when they frown.

If an ugly person frowned, he would look twice as ugly, Chu Yan thought without hesitation. She was only at this level. In reality, she was just an ordinary woman with a bad temper. Her instincts had failed to deny that Mo Yonghui was a handsome man. As a result, she no longer had any ill feelings toward him. However, Jong-hyun, who was unaware of Chu-yeon's change of heart, spoke in a threatening tone.

"We'll see how good you are. You'd better be careful."

The two men turned and walked out of the restaurant. The others around them, who had been watching the confrontation with interest, turned back to their plates and resumed their meal. Not surprisingly, their food was cold.

One is a renowned Heavenly Master who has been vibrating the heavens since before he entered the Academy, and the other is a second-year student of the Academy and a member of the all-powerful Ninth Order. It would be strange if the prospect of a three-way battle didn't pique your interest. Of course, by this time, Bi Ryuyeon and his group (Hyo Ryong, Jang Hong, and Yun Junho) have not entered the scene. The attention of the audience was focused on Mo Yonghui alone.

"Death penalty, buyer beware, go in peace."

Even in the face of such insults, Yun Junho was gracious enough to see them off.

"Hey, Junho. I don't think you need to be polite to people of that level of disrespect. Civility is a two-way street, not a one-way street."

Jang Hong, who hadn't seen Yun Jun's unruly behavior, said. To think that someone like him would dare to enter the Heavenly Martial Academy and disturb the waters of the Heavenly Pavilion, this sacred place of martial arts, made him sigh inwardly.

"I'm sure we'll see each other again sooner or later."

"I can't wait to see it again."

"What's the point of looking at them? It's better if you don't, and if you do, I can guarantee you that the next time we meet, there will be no more meetings. There will never be a third time, rest assured of that."

That unfortunate bastard-or should I say yanom- was the kind of person I never wanted to see again. In fact, if they were to run into each other again, even by chance, he would make it impossible for them to get back together. Her heart was not generous enough to allow them to meet a third time.

This thought was shared by his friends. As the unfortunate faces disappeared before him, he could only stroke the sharp edges of the table in front of him to ease his disappointment.

'Dang, what a waste…….'

As if she was disappointed that she hadn't managed to smear blood on the corners of her plate, she bit her lip. The table, too, seemed to regret missing a golden opportunity to freshen up and change from its neutral color to a reddish-oil color.

Since Mo Yonghui suddenly intervened, there was no room for him until the end. Moreover, he had stepped aside too easily than he had expected, and in the end, it was nothing short of a blessing in disguise for Zhong Li and Chu Yan. It would not be enough to repay Mo Yonghui a thousand times over. He was a lifesaver, so what's wrong with me a thousand times over?

Thankfully, this prevented the tragedy of a dormitory cafeteria plate being stained red, but if there had been a slight break in their conversation, Bi Ryuyeon's plate would have taken the shortest route to their craniums.

Boys go to the corners, girls go to the wide side because they're still girls…….

'Maybe I shouldn't have given him credit and just shot him…….'

As if disappointed that his meal hadn't ended in blood, Bi Ryuyeon took another bite. She had to put her curiosity on hold because she hadn't been able to verify the efficiency and effectiveness of the two methods of striking. Vowing to experiment the next time she had the chance, she looked forward to the next time.

After returning to their room from eating at the Tianmu Restaurant, Bi Ryuyeon and his companions, Jang Hong and Hyo Ryong, dragged Yun Jun back to their room and began talking to him almost semi-forcibly.

Mo Yong-hui didn't join their conversation; he simply went back to his room. However, he didn't say anything about being high-minded or arrogant, as he had been seen supporting Yoon Joon-ho in the restaurant earlier.

"A boring guy with no social skills!"

This was the end of her assessment of Mo Yonghui, but she had no intention of forgiving the men who had saved her life, so she decided to devise another plan to frustrate them and drive them to despair.

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