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Book 3 Chapter 19

A roundtable discussion with Ryu-yeon Bi and her crew

Ryuyeon Bi: Hello, dear readers. I'm Ryuyeon Bi. As a writer, you've come up with this as a novelty project.

Jang Hong: Blah, blah, blah. Don't say that, Mr. Ryuyeon. It's too pitiful for the writer.

Hyo Long : Exactly, we are the main cast of this show, and we have an obligation to advocate and support the writer.

Ryu-yeon Bi: That's why it's called an outdated idea. Nowadays, it's a world where you can speak your mind. Freedom of speech, assembly, and association have been persecuted, and that's not the way to be a citizen of a large liberal democracy.

Hyo-Ryong: Shhh! What are you going to do if you get fired? Watch your mouth. They say the root of all evil comes from the mouth.

Ryu-yeon Bi : Don't worry. I'm the main character, and it's hard to find a super, super, super hot Commando Galactic Universe boy like me. I'll tell you the short and simple truth: it's impossible.

Hyo Long: You must be the lead actor. No matter how important we are, we're still supporting characters, which is synonymous with the phrase "fleeting life," because we don't know when we're going to die.

Jang Hong: That's true. Supporting roles in martial arts are like dancing on a tiny blade. But you're the lead, Mr. Liu, so you won't die until the last book. I envy you.

Hyo Long: I hate that old man's tone. You never know, the writer might have a change of heart and make an emergency casting call.

Bi Ryuyeon : That's because you're lying about your age. Anyway, it's obvious that readers will criticize the production for being sloppy and irresponsible. Don't worry, I'm calculating everything.

Hyo-Ryong: But be careful, or they might take the radical step of making you appear less and less. Take advantage of the writer's privilege of being able to tinker with the script. After all, you didn't really do anything special to stand out in Volume 3.

Ryuyeon Bi : Bang (desk banging)! That's right, it's true. I'm not going to lie, she didn't play much of a role in this volume, not to mention the number of appearances. It's all because of that that I'm now so antagonistic towards the author.

Hyo Long: I see, but you're a woman now. She's incredibly beautiful, and that's something to celebrate. I almost fell in love at first sight.

Bi Ryuyeon: A girl? Of course she's pretty, but don't you think it's a bit too much? The first day we met was almost my sacrificial day. I thought I was going to lose two waists. Do you know how hard I worked to do it without a substitute? It's probably just the writer's bad feelings expressed in another form. It's a smokescreen.

Hyo Long: It's not out of the question, but there's a girl in there somewhere. I haven't seen a single finger of a female partner yet, and the writer threatened to drop the partner thing if I didn't listen.

Ryuyeon Bi: That's why you've been quiet today. You've fallen for a dirty trick, which is my specialty. Threats, blackmail, fraud, etc…….. This is patent infringement.

Jang Hong: Don't be so condescending, Mr. Ryuyeon. Did you say anything about me, Mr. Hyorong?

Hyo Long: You're a married man, you'll be punished if you think otherwise.

Jang Hong: Yeki, whoever said that, don't fall for such rumors. It's called black propaganda. Will you be responsible if my innocent fans run away because of such rumors?

Bi Ryuyeon : Huh? That's weird, I thought I heard you were definitely married……. I can fake my age, but I can't fake being married! And I need a fan to run away to.

Jang Hong: Alas, through this world of distrust and order.

Hyo Rong: Come on, forget about being an unfaithful and ineffectual writer. I'll say hello anyway.

Ryuyeon Bi : To whom?

Hyo Long: Who is it, of course, the readers. You're the masters of lack of common sense. It's finally the third volume. After three volumes, I'm surprised at myself.

Ryuyeon Bi : That's right, I didn't think the writer would make it in time either.

Hyo Long : I was surprised too, because it took you four years to write the second book, but you wrote the third book in two months.

Jang Hong: That's a miracle. Miracle!

Ryuyeon Bi : No, this is called a blowup.

Jang Hong: There you go again, stabbing a writer in the heart……. Nice work, Nice Shot!

Hyo Ryong: But there might not be a fourth volume. You know how irresponsible writers are, so I'm sure he's still working on it somewhere.

Ryuyeon Bi : I couldn't agree more! You're absolutely right.

Jang Hong: Ugh! You can't be so pessimistic. Maybe I can give you a little hopeful observation.

Bi Ryuyeon : Oooh… flattering remarks! Making such unfriendly flattering remarks to a writer doesn't mean there will be a girl in the next book……. What an asshole the writer is!

Hyo Rong: You never know, you might have a brother-in-law who shows up out of nowhere.

Bi Ryuyeon : Zhang Hyung, your face is pale. Are you sick?

Jang Hong: I suddenly felt a chill in my body……. You guys, no matter how empty your words are, you don't say such scary things. Haven't you heard of the scary thing about horses becoming seeds?

Bi Ryuyeon : Okay, I get it (you're my sister-in-law!), I'll be careful in the future!

Ryu-yeon Bi & Hyo-ryong & Hong Zhang: All right, dear readers, we'll see you in the next four volumes. In the meantime, take care.

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discord ko-fi