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Book 3 Chapter 18


Ryu-yeon Bi has just finished her class and

I was on my way back. Today was no different than any other day and

Similarly, if nothing else happens, you can use the

It's been a long day.

Except for the explosion of the demonstration organ mnemonic in the morning's "Memorization Application Class" at the Cheonsu Dehon Dangpyeong monastery, and the shrapnel that injured three kwan-do students.

The divorced Tang Ping had a bad habit of being interested in strange and dangerous things. Lately, he's been working on an organ mnemonic that uses both molten iron and gunpowder, and he's been irresponsibly entrusting his students to test the new product, which has led to a number of accidents.

Recently, there was something that kept getting on her nerves. For some reason, flies kept swarming around her. It wasn't that she was giving off a rotten smell that attracted flies, but she didn't know if they were circling her frantically in search of something to eat. She couldn't stand it if she didn't know, so she started thinking about how to effectively eradicate the pests. He didn't have the patience to think about it for a long time, so he had a plan to get rid of them quickly.

It was a beautiful afternoon with blue skies and crisp sunshine when suddenly there was a commotion at the main entrance of the Tianmu Academy. People gathered in threes, fours, and fives, and soon became a crowd. What could be piquing their interest? The number of people gathering was only growing.

"What's going on?"

Bi Ryuyeon, who had just returned from brutalizing his brain with a class on the Qin system, asked Hyo-ryong. His mind was still reeling from the yin-yang theory, the Eight Elements, and the mathematical calculations required for the installation of the Qin system.


Hyorong shook his head. There was no reason for there to be a commotion at the main gate at this hour. He hadn't heard of any events taking place at the main gate at this time of day.

"Let's go there, shall we?"


He was a voracious curiosity and intellectual seeker who believed that holding on to questions for too long made you sick.

The front door was wide open. But the crowd was so large that it took a lot of patience and effort to break through the human barrier to see what was inside. When I finally broke through the human barrier and stuck my neck into the last line of resistance, I was greeted by a group of dozens of Guan Daoists. It was clear from their demeanor that they had been away from the Temple for many days. Their tattered shoes and dusty, worn robes gave it away.

"Who is it?"

Grabbing one of the guards who was cheering and welcoming them, Bi Ryuyeon asked.

"You must be new."

One of the cheering spectators looked at her and said, "I'm sorry. She nodded. If he knew it was obvious and had to check it out, would his intuition be unlocked? What would be the benefit of such a futile endeavor? She couldn't figure it out.

"Take a good look."

The man's finger pointed at the herd. Of course, she could see. But no matter how closely she stared, she couldn't create and transmit information that her brain didn't have.

"I'm watching."

He gave me a look of disapproval.

"You didn't see anything, look closer."

What's the point of going around in circles when you can just teach it to me……. I still wasn't happy about that, but I took a closer look.

"That's 16 people."

Looking at them again, she realized that they were a mixed-gender group, with nine males and seven females.

"Tsk, tsk, you still haven't seen anything."

"I'm not blind, I've looked closely, what more do you want me to see?"

He clicked his tongue.

"They say he was a blind man who saw someone like you and opened his eyes."

The kendo master's index finger was pointed at the group's chest. It was an unspoken demonstration of what he could see.

If you had eyesight, you could read a poem written on the spinning beads as they flew by. How could a blind man open his eyes to such a person……. If he is blind, there is no one in this world who is not blind. To have his sight doubted was an injustice.

"They're the famous Third Grade Blue Dragon Corps, the best talent in the Heavenly Pavilion."

On their left chests were the numbers of the Seven Sword Dragons. Even if they were only at the level of three or four sword dragons, their strength would be superior to that of a normal sect's enemy warrior disciples, but with seven sword dragons, they didn't even need to make fun of their mouths and tongues.

"Ahhhh, I see."

She nodded in understanding. It was a nod of understanding.


Suddenly, the cheers grew louder. The crowd's eyes were not on the Blue Dragons, but on the still-wide open gates behind them.

"What is it this time?"

Bi Ryuyeon's eyes flickered around Yan Xin. The Qinglong Clan's gaze fell on their backs, as they, too, wondered why the cheers had suddenly grown louder.

The victorious smiles on the faces of the Blue Dragons were gone. They had just watched a group of people cross the bridge over the moat of the Heavenly Martial Academy and enter the main gate. Now their faces were as hard as granite chiseled by a severe rainstorm.


Bi Ryuyeon's eyes widened in horror. The sixteen people who had just walked through the front door were all people he was familiar with, people he knew almost like a blank slate when it came to the Jianghu Situation and the Heavenly Martial Academy. Their relationship with Bi Ryuyeon was not an ordinary one. They were bound by a priestly bond that was said to be thicker than blood and harder than diamonds. The men responsible for this outrageous miracle were none other than…….

"It's Zuzakdan!"

The guandao gathered to his right cried out at the same time. They were, after all, his loving, nostalgic admirers, whom he had relentlessly pampered and exploited during the previous summer.

"I've been looking for you, but you've been out and about, so no matter how hard I look, I can't find you……."

Bi Ryuyeon said in a despondent tone. Their presence was one of the biggest reasons why he had come to this Heavenly Martial Academy. He had entered the Heavenly Academy because he couldn't forget the sacrifices and services they had made for him. He hadn't come in to eat or pamper them again. Maybe…….

"The Jujitsu returned at the same time as the Blue Dragon Corps."

There was an air of disbelief in the crowd. What were they disbelieving?

"So what's the odds?"

The huge, black-robed man asked the skinny, yellow-robed man next to him, the contrast between them reminiscent of a fat man and an elderly woman.

"The Blue Dragon Corps, who came in half an angle earlier, deservedly won."

The short man got on the fat man's nerves with his tirade about not asking for the obvious.

"No, sir. Although the Blue Dragon Corps was the first to step through the gates of the academy, how can it be said that the race was evenly matched?"

Fatty shook his head, skeptical.

"Why not, it's a game."

"You're not one of those idiots who thinks that just because they walk half an angle faster than someone else, they're a superior martial artist?"

"I didn't say anything wrong. Anyway, the rules of the game are who can complete the task first and return to the academy the fastest. And no matter what anyone says, the Blue Dragon Corps meets that requirement."

The lanky young man replied, undeterred. His thin frame made his face look even more nervous.

"Thank you."

The lanky young man was dumbfounded, and it was clear that he was thinking, "What the hell is this guy talking about?

"What, because I'm helping you improve your woeful comprehension? If that's the case, I don't mind."

The giant shook his head at the hunchback's words. He had been wrong for a long time.

"No, because your words made me feel like I could forgive myself for calling you an idiot. Thank you."

The lanky young man's eyes narrowed to snake eyes. He looked like he'd been punched in the back of the head.

"I should be thanking you for relieving my guilt. Consider it a good deed."


The sneering giant's words made me forget my stuttering. He vowed never to serve him again. Apparently, the joust had ended in the lanky young man's favor.

The bickering on the left was getting more and more intense. The men had returned from their summer training camp, where they had almost disappeared the previous summer, and they were changed. Their minds and bodies had been sharpened to the point where they seemed to shine with a combination of tenacity and wildness. The eerie premonition was enough to dwarf the Heavenly Master Sword.

Before they left for their summer training, they had been ranked at the bottom of the four major divisions, the Blue Dragon, White Tiger, Shenmu, and Zhu Zhu, but upon their return from Amishan, they were no longer the same people the Heavenly Pavilion had known before. Their display of strength during the year-end evaluation examination was astonishing. They had easily defeated the White Tigers and the Shenmu, leaving them with an irreparable mental shock, and had quickly become the talk of the town. Now, all that stood in their way was the snobby Blue Dragon Corps, which was said to be composed entirely of the best third-year talents.

The result was unexpected. Even Qinglong Dan, who had spent three months training at Mudang Mountain and practicing martial arts, had to settle for a draw after a desperate effort, unlike the overwhelming confidence they had at the start.

And with that, the situation was over. It was a result that no one could have predicted. No one could have imagined that the lowest-ranked of the four clans, the Zhu Jia Clan, would be able to draw with the highest-ranked, the Blue Dragon Clan. To bring closure to an unfinished story, the Blue Dragon Clan and the Zhu Jia Clan would face off once again.

The next assessment was not an individual versus an individual, but a group versus a group. It was all about who could solve the tasks set by the Heavenly Pavilion and return to it safely.

This was an exception to the rule that only third-year students and above were allowed to intervene in Kang Ho's affairs outside of their jurisdiction as part of their original assignment.

It took longer than expected. Two different assignments, selected through a rigorous vetting process - but judged to be of equal difficulty by the vetting process - took up more time than anticipated, resulting in a three-month process.

However, as you can see, the results were poor for the amount of time spent. The main objective of the evaluation was to determine the strength of the two groups. Their dreams of becoming the best players in the third year of the Heavenly Pavilion were dashed.

"Aha, so that's what happened."

After hearing from Lim Sung-jin, who had a touching encounter in the crowds, Bi Ryuyeon finally understood what had happened. She was fortunate to have met him.


"What do you mean?"

Lim Sung-jin was puzzled by the random noises coming from the knuckles of Bi Ryuyeon's fingers.

"It's a finger-joint sound, kind of a warm-up."

"Did I hit anyone? That's quite the warm-up."

Bi Ryuyeon smiled wryly and shook her head.

"Don't bother. You're not the one who needs to take care of business."

"Then who?"

"They are my students, who I love and adore."


Lim couldn't understand what he was saying.

'My disciples, each one of them, could barely defeat them, let alone draw with them. It's all my fault, and it's not too late to make them reborn once again with thorough mental training and rigorous cultivation.

A thin smile tugged at the corners of Bi Ryuyeon's mouth as she hardened her heart with affectionate (?) determination for her disciples.

<Continued from "Fault Tolerance" Volume 4

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discord ko-fi