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Book 3 Chapter 16

I almost died kissing you

Cheon-Su-divorced Dang-Pyeong Nosa

"108 Reflections on Memorization in the Powerhouse.

For many students, the first lesson is a

It was a great class with a lot to learn.

But unlike the other students, who listened intently, she found the class boring, yawning all the time.

"Why does this person take something that's obvious and teach it like it's a bloodbath? Isn't it obvious, and why does he make it so unfamiliar? Besides, it's not like I'm going to throw an iron bar at you for yawning at a story that everyone knows. If you want to turn your opponent into a hedgehog, I think you should politely ask for his permission first, which I'm sure he'll give you.'

Contrary to Nosa, the head of the Heavenly Zodiac, and Ok Hyun Jin, the embodiment of gentleness, there seemed to be many people in the Heavenly Pavilion who were as fiery as Yeomdo. The vigor of an old man of 90 years of age was something to be admired.

"By the way, how many days has it been since you've seen Yeomdo?

I hadn't had a chance to see her in the last few days since I entered the Academy. Thinking of how happy she must be to not see him, I decided to pay him a visit sooner rather than later.

To relieve her unrelenting boredom, Bi Ryuyeon decided to take a look around the Tianmu Academy for a change of pace. She'd been here for almost a week now, but she'd been so busy signing up for classes, visiting clubs, and doing other things that she hadn't really seen much.

Although he was still unfamiliar with the geography of the buildings constructed according to the Eight Elements, it didn't matter to Bi Ryuyeon, who was out for a sightseeing stroll. There's something to be said for the joy of exploring and discovering new things when you don't know what you don't know, and that's exactly what Bi Ryuyeon's steps led him to one place. A place he arrived at without thinking.

A picturesque gazebo that exists in harmony with nature: a picturesque man-made lake, beautifully tended greenery, and harmoniously arranged stalagmites. The stately pavilion stood out against the mirror-like surface of the water.

The pavilion was named Yun Xiangzheng. It was a restricted area of the palace, reserved only for the Five Sword Dragons and above, and no newcomers were allowed to enter. However, Bi Ryuyeon ignored the sign that said "Enter Now" and walked on. Bi Ryuyeon's gaze fell upon the pavilion, a gaze that would shape his destiny.

It was a bang. It was a shock. The kind of shock that makes your soul turn white and empty. How could something be so beautiful and noble? An extreme beauty that makes everything around it fade away. Even the sperm, which was a picture of beauty, became a mere object next to her.

A pure beauty that could drown out the stars in the night sky, a noble quality that would make you bow your head and blush. But for some reason, Bi Ryuyeon thought her eyes looked so lonely that they could make the stars in the night sky cry.

An exquisite bearing, a graceful gesture, an overflowing grace that captivates a man at once. Sacred, noble, graceful, virtuous……. No word was adequate to describe her. Giving up on trying to force words to describe the indescribable, Bi Ryuyeon walked over to her.

To be honest, Bi Ryuyeon had no idea how to deal with her; he simply followed where his heart and soul led him, because dealing with women was not part of his mental game plan. He was terrible with women. Well, that was to be expected, given that he was holed up deep in the mountains of Amishan, where humanity was rarely seen.

Bi Ryuyeon's footsteps had surpassed the stairs of the Yun Xiang Pavilion, and now the distance between her and Bi Ryuyeon was only two steps or so. Her gaze, like the night sky, turned to the rude man who had stepped onto the Yun Xiang Pavilion without permission. Her eyes were too deep to read the change in her emotions. She hesitantly looked at Bi Ryuyeon.

So, sometimes ignorance is bliss, and she's been known to do things that will get her struck by lightning.

People often become timid when they fall in love. On the other hand, there are cases of people who go on a rampage, but the probability of this happening is extremely low. On average, a man in love will be ineffective in front of the woman he's attracted to and will become timid in front of her. This is why they often miss out on opportunities. And then he hits the ground and weeps, but it's too late.

However, this generalization does not apply to Bi Ryuyeon at all; there was an absurd lack of hesitation, a lack of reluctance. She moved only as her purpose and her emotions dictated, perhaps out of instinct, and I don't think we can blame her for being so resolute that we forgot she existed for a moment.

When you're in love, there's always a part of you that snaps, as if you've made a promise. Love is the biggest emotion that changes people the most. If something hasn't changed after falling in love, it's a sign of a false love, and you should reconsider your relationship.

Without any hesitation, he acted boldly and daringly. His behavior was so unorthodox and daring that it was truly remarkable.

So sweet, so ecstatic, he thought. He fell into ecstasy, feeling his consciousness fade with the illusion that his mind was being painted milky white. Shivers like lightning through his body, a faint, sweet scent that tantalized his nostrils.

Without fear, Bi Ryuyeon had illegally taken the lips of a heavenly noble fairy-like girl with divine beauty, who existed like a mirage before his eyes, without asking for permission, and had committed an act that would have caused him to be struck by lightning without a clear conscience.

His lips met her red, jewel-like lips, damp with moisture. It was the first time he had ever kissed a woman in his life, and he wondered why the bells in his head were ringing so loudly. For him, and for her, it was all a first. The sweetness of it was fleeting.


A silvery flash appeared between him and her like an illusion, then vanished. Her eyes were young. It was the woman in front of him who had bridged the space between them with a single beam of silver light. Despite the fact that her lips had been forcibly pressed to a man she'd never seen before-surprisingly, without much resistance-her expression, carved from the moonlight, hadn't changed at all. No anger, no shame, no embarrassment; she simply drew her sword and swung it wordlessly, her eyes black as the abyss.

But just as the silver flash of her sword was about to slash at him, Bi Ryuyeon had dodged it with an imperceptible movement. Of course, if Bi Ryuyeon had been any slower to take a step back, her body would have been split in two.

The sword came out of nowhere. Its eeriness was chilling. It was a blade that was almost too fast, too smooth. There was nothing strangely lethal about her swordsmanship, but it certainly didn't seem like it would guarantee life if it was a true strike. If Bi Ryuyeon had simply stood there, drunk on the sweetness of magic, she would have been doomed.

However, he hadn't managed to completely avoid her sharp sword qi, and his apron was cut off, revealing bare skin behind it. Bi Ryuyeon smiled at him as he sat there in pieces.

"You made a mistake, you should have swung deeper to cut my bone, you were a little shallow this time."

Her eyes, which seemed to collect a million drops of morning dew, were like ripples in the water. Bi Ryuyeon did not realize that such a change in emotion was also a surprising reaction, very unusual for her. Her beauty was indescribable, as if it had been formed by mixing neatness with dawn dew.

Eyes made of jewels, two pupils that seemed to hold the night sky. It was as if the stars of the heavens had gotten lost in her eyes and were still there.

Watching her was a truly ecstatic and enjoyable experience. If only he could feel this way every single day, every single moment of every single day. Bi Ryuyeon dreamed of such simple yet grandiose things. However, he was discerning enough to distinguish between reality and fantasy.

"Were you defended?"

Her red lips parted to reveal a voice that touched his soul. The resonance of her voice, brilliant and clear, struck his ears. Only then did he realize that she was real, not an illusion. Just a moment ago, before she opened her mouth, he hadn't been so sure. But he could still feel a sense of loss, as if she was missing something, and that made him sad.


"I mean, did you foresee that I was going to swing the sword, and did you prepare for it?"

Even for such a brat, she used honorifics. At her words, Bi Ryuyeon shook her head gently.

"No, not at all. How could I have time for such futile worries in the presence of a beautiful woman like you?"

"But how did you avoid it?"

"Of course it is!"

Her eyes went cold again, as if she had frozen the stars, and with them, the only remnant of emotion she had ever felt.

"I promise I won't make a mistake next time."

Her tone was cold and distant, out of character for the face of a moon goddess.

His insensitivity, his biggest and worst shamelessness yet, had become a household name, and the smile was still wiped from his face.

"That's a great attitude," I say, "and I'm sorry to see it torn, but it was a small price to pay for that sweet, ecstatic first kiss, and I hate to lose."

The second time, there was a slight change in her luminous complexion. She did not open her mouth. Perhaps she was now ashamed of what she had done, something that would have shocked everyone who knew her in the Heavenly Pavilion if they had known. Of course, it could be Bi Ryuyeon's own delusion, but it's hard to think that this human was onto something.

"Oh, no, you didn't, because instead of winning my lips, you won my heart, and this is your hand, and this is a very shady business, and it's against my life's credo, and I'm going to go there……."

She stared at him, her starlike eyes glowing with a mysterious light that was a dot in the night sky. She was inwardly alarmed now. Her predictions had never failed her yet.

Her pewter fingers touched her red jeweled lips.

"How could this be?

She couldn't read her opponent's next move……. It was a first for her.

It was the first time her ability to read an opponent's behavior and mind in an instant, whether it be through their complexion, a subtle gesture, or their hidden habits, their complexion, their glow, or the rise and fall of their voice, had failed. Though she didn't ask for it, it was the first mistake she had ever made with what she called her dragon eye, or divine eye. Literally, she had truly tasted the price of failure.

She couldn't predict his behavior. He wasn't like other men. She could not feel any of the vague emotions she normally felt in normal men. She could not predict his next move because she felt nothing, like an empty void, like a blank slate.

If I had been able to predict his rude theft behavior earlier, I wouldn't have let it go unnoticed. And I wouldn't have been so ungraciously taken advantage of.

But this stupid, mean thief has ruined her predictions and stolen her lips. He has stolen intangible meaning that can never be regained.

"You insolent bastard, die!"

As Ryuyeon had been talking to her for a long time, the grass just five pages away suddenly stirred, and like a flash of light, a human spirit leapt out of it and swung a sword at her. It wasn't a trick. He was fiercely angry, but he didn't let that anger distract him.

Bi Ryuyeon had no intention of welcoming Death as her eternal companion in exchange for stealing the girl's noble first kiss, so she used the power of her one god to dodge the blade. She lightly twisted to the side, and the man's sword, which had been charging like a crazed boar, glided past his body.

In-young's face, as he caught his breath after the first blow, was unharmed. By the standards of the Wu people, he was a handsome man who could be judged as a ruggedly handsome man.

"How dare you take His lips from Him with those filthy, scandalous lips, you cursed man! Atone for that sin with death!"

A soul-searing rage burned in his pupils. He couldn't understand why the bastard was so agitated.

"Aren't you making a big deal out of a kiss?"

"What, you rude bastard!"

Anger once again erupted like an active volcano in the eyes of the young man standing in front of him.

The young man in the blue silk robes with the white tasseled sword was named Wei Zichen, the Seven Sword Dragon. He was an early member of the Qing Sheng Sect and the future of the Qing Sheng Sect, as evidenced by the Seven Sword Dragons on his chest and the Heavenly Immortal Dragon markings on his sleeves. Why would a man of such power be hovering around a woman, as if escorting her?

"Hoot! It's not nice to persecute others because they have something you want, it's no different than a child crying because his toy has been taken away. If you're envious, why don't you just say so, and not stand there like a scarecrow and run around like a madman?"

Bi Ryuyeon continued to scratch Wei Zichen's insides. She was actually enjoying the scratching.

"Shut up! I'm content to gaze at her from a distance; I'm content to exist by her side, breathing the air around her. But to blaspheme with your filthy lips the sacred idol of ours that we all gaze upon and harbor in our hearts! Your filthy lips and tongue shall be torn to pieces and floated six times."

It was an excellent example of what it's like to be unable to control your emotions. It was a heartfelt threat, accompanied by a terrifying life, but it didn't even raise a single eyebrow.

"Huh? I haven't used my tongue yet, don't catch me raw, unfortunately it was only a shallow kiss, I have my cases and modalities, I don't go that radical from the start."

The idea that a decent, decent human being would just blindly put his mouth on a girl he's never met before is unbelievable.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Don't you insult her anymore by making fun of that filthy mouth!"

"I don't remember insulting her. Don't catch me alive with your heretical passes of delusion and illusion."

"Shut up! Those who have insulted her must pay."

"Wouldn't this cut-off singlets be enough? They were pretty tough and sturdy……."

Bi Ryuyeon held up her cut-off apron and waved it around. The handsome young man with the Wu Min standard of thrift tightened his grip. Whether he was sincere or not, he was unwilling to forgive this bastard with open eyes.

"Unless you've been cut in two, that's not even close."

"Blah blah blah, such a sad story……. If she did, she'd have blood on her hands, and that's such a sad story, don't you think?"

She had been listening to their conversation impassively from the sidelines, and a slightly unexpected light flashed across her face.

"Hmph! It sounds like you're telling me that you were forced to avoid her because you didn't want to get blood on your hands, not because her life was worthless."

"I don't know whose life is cheap, but why not?"

Bi Ryuyeon, who was certain that her life was not on sale at half price, replied. Her life was still being sold at full price with a solid credit guarantee. She had no desire to bargain with a customer of poor moral character blinded by anger. It was a fool's bargain that she would not receive even half the price.

"People like you aren't worth dealing with anymore. Dealing with you will only get my mouth dirty."

Wei Zichen said through clenched teeth. Bi Ryuyeon was somehow unpleasantly surprised that the other party was tirelessly spewing out emotions filled with all kinds of malice and murder towards her.

"I'm not a bird, so I don't want you to treat me like a sparrow flying into an autumn field ripe with rice, Mr. Scarecrow!"


Once again, Wei Zichen's sword scattered towards Bi Ryuyeon's entire body. Wei Zichen's skill was unexpectedly as sharp as a well-forged sword. For a man who was chasing after a woman-at least from Bi Ryuyeon's point of view-he was a considerable, even prodigious, cultivator.

"Windswept Sword Technique!"

Fierce sword Qi came at Bi Ryuyeon from all directions. The blue color of the sword and the fierce angles at which it was aimed at her, revealed that she was no slouch. However, Bi Ryuyeon casually sidestepped his sword qi as if it were nothing.

"I've got a trick up my sleeve, don't I?"

The man in white sneered and unleashed another series of sword Qi. He absolutely believed that his current attack would succeed in ending the life of the torpedo boat once and for all. Considering his usual confidence and skill, he didn't think he would be able to deal with this new recruit. In his opinion, he had more than enough skills to cook one.

"If you're so resentful, why didn't you make the first move? She's not a mirage you can just stare at without reaching out."

But to Wei Zichen, she was a dream, a mirage, and a goddess. She was a sacred sanctuary that he dared not touch.

"How do you know what's in my heart, you bastard?"

Wei Zichen was furious at Bi Ryuyeon's mockery, and he threw a huge amount of sword energy at her. But Bi Ryuyeon was as deft as a minnow, dodging his blades with ease. Out of the countless shadows of his sword, not a single blade had yet succeeded in grazing his collar.

"Don't you know the old saying that beauty belongs to the brave? It's an immutable truth that comes down from the whales."


Wei Zichen was beginning to tire of the weed, and with it, the fierce and destructive swordsmanship he wielded.

"Why don't we just give up now, doesn't it seem pointless to keep fighting?"

"Not yet… not yet. I will never forgive you. Never!"

Suddenly, the man's eyes grew serious, and he cleared his throat, steadied his posture, and turned the hilt of his sword toward her. A phantasmagorical white shadow rose from the entire sword. Bi Ryuyeon knew very well what it was.


A type of sword qi that rose up like an illusion and formed on the sword. Although the form hadn't yet solidified, it was definitely sword qi. It was hoped that the Divine Wind Sword Dragon Wei Zichen's killing intent would finally develop into murder, never wanting to end in moderation. The man blinded by love also seemed to fall into one type.

"You're an idiot!"

Bi Ryuyeon was right in her assessment. Even her mockery was not heard by the current Wei Zichen.

"Tian Yuan Triple Sword Strike!"

At the same time, the man's sword vibrated, drawing out dozens of threads of strong qi. Of course, it had only one goal in mind: the fatal death of Bi Ryuyeon.

A fight between the two was inevitable. It was a battle between the top of the Qing Sheng Sect, Qi Jiajie, who was currently on a rampage in the Heavenly Martial Academy, and a brat whose roots were unknown to him!

There was no way that the Heavenly Sword Dragon Wei Zichen, one of Ice White Peak's greatest followers and the self-appointed captain of her reception escort, would allow the vicious and filthy filth that had defiled his noble goddess to remain in this world.

There was only one price for touching his goddess: absolute death. With such an obvious outcome, Wei Zichen was absolutely unwilling to compromise. Of course, assuming the other party agreed to this decision, he was fully willing to enforce it by force if they refused. He had the skill and pride to do so. Until today.

Yu Zichen had no intention of sparing the first intruder into his sanctuary, unable to properly approach the noble radiance that surrounded her, unable to do anything but circle around and watch. Bi Ryuyeon's sin of trampling on his sanctuary with her muddy feet was beyond comprehension. The sigil of the Seven Sword Dragons embroidered on her chest, the official mark of her prowess. There were only a hundred people in the entire Heavenly Martial Academy who had the status of Seven Sword Dragon, but Bi Ryuyeon didn't know that, nor did he care.

The Tianyuan Triple Sword Strike was an ascension technique that allowed him to spray sword steel three times in a row. There were very few people his age who could do it three times in a row, so his skill was exceptional. Even in the face of the bundles of sword steel scattering towards him, Bi Ryuyeon was unperturbed. Just before the dozens of streams of sword steel tore through his body with countless changes, his body blurred, and for a moment, his body appeared to be three layers thick.

The phoenix dance, the chapter of illusory flying, and the secret technique of the triple circle!

An illusion of three layers of afterimages created by the caster's high-speed movement. This was the peak of the Triple Sword Spirit, and the sharp first slash of the Heavenly Triple Sword Strike sliced through Bi Ryuyeon's body. However, Wei Zichen didn't feel the flesh cracking and bones breaking in his hands. It was an illusion.

The second explosive blast of the Zi Ze Zi Yue's blade slammed into Bi Ryuyeon's body. But this time, it was in vain. Despite the explosive power of his sword, he was left with nothing more than a shard of stone that had fallen to the ground.

Finally, for the third and final time, he gathered all the energy he could muster from his entire body and performed a final third stroke. Fingers crossed that this time he would succeed…….

"Lesson Three: Eight-Sword Sword Strike!"

Eight fierce sword cavities formed a bundle, ovipositing Bi Ryuyeon's body. For once, Wei Zichen firmly believed in the success of his attack, but the momentary elation was short-lived, and soon, his faith crumbled into nothingness like a sand castle swept away by the waves.

All three new models were illusions that could not be held in the hand. One of the three was not real. He was expending a great deal of Qi and panting for breath for a useless illusion. He had wasted all of his Qi and stamina. Bi Ryuyeon looked at him with a leisurely gaze as he was exhausted from the enormous expenditure of inner qi.

An attack that fails to hit its target is useless, no matter how powerful it is. Bi Ryuyeon's new form was only revealed in the third chapter of the Windblade Dragon Wei Zichen. Even though his Qigong was second to none in terms of strength, he wasn't reckless enough to take on the Sword River with his bare hands. There was a glint of aura in his eyes.

Bi Ryuyeon's right hand trembled lightly, and an illusory shadow of silver light stretched out from his sleeve. It was the first seasonal rainbow dao he had practiced since entering the Heavenly Martial Academy.

A Chapter of the Lightning Blade Sword Qi, the Spinning Dragon Book!

A meteor-like swallowtail of silver flashes flew out like a beam of light, whirling around Wei Zichen's right hand like a whirlwind. Wei Zichen was caught off guard and forced to surrender his swordsman's lifeblood. The match was decided in a single blow.

The bloody sleeves of his robe were torn to shreds, scattering droplets of blood into the air. From the very beginning, Ning Yanmiao's goal had not been Wei Zichen's life, but rather his right hand and the sword clutched in it.

The blow of the Sunfire Thunderbolt caused Wei Zichen to drop his sword to the ground for the first time since his appearance. The power contained in that single silver flash was immense.

"I left my wrist behind. I need to get my sword back……."

Looking at Wei Zichen, who was holding his right arm with countless blood vessels and staring at her with blank eyes, Bi Ryuyeon said in a dull voice. This much could be said to be a satisfactory result.

"That's it for today, we'll see you next time."

Bi Ryuyeon, now completely distracted by Wei Zichen, blinked and smiled at the woman who was watching them from the Yun Xiang Boat. However, there was still no change of emotion on her face.

As the commotion outside the Yun Xiang Pavilion grew louder, and she sensed that a crowd was gathering, she quickly utilized the Phoenix Tree Divine Technique to hide herself. Her speed was unrivaled in such matters. There was no point in staying there and getting involved.

By the time the people arrived, drawn by the unexpected light of the sword river from the Yun Xiang Pavilion, Bi Ryuyeon's trace was nowhere to be found within a ten-mile radius of the Yun Xiang Pavilion. All they could see was Wei Zichen, clutching his right arm stained with blood, screaming in agony. It was such a rare sight that they left what they were doing.

Never in their wildest dreams did they expect to witness such a miserable state of affairs from Wei Zichen, the Heavenly Sword Dragon, the first of the Nine Martial Kings, but Wei Zichen kept his mouth shut and remained completely silent.

He was both fortunate and hopelessly unhappy that she, the only witness to his degradation, had pursed her carnelian lips and refused to utter a word, and even more miserable and unfortunate that the only witness to his pathetic degradation was none other than her. Yu Zichen felt so ashamed that he would rather die.

As she dodged the crowd and resumed her walk around the pavilion as if nothing had happened, she finally realized that she had made a grave mistake. It was a case of hindsight is 20\/20.

"Oops. Come to think of it, I didn't even ask your name!"

She vowed to make amends the next time they met. The slight breeze was peaceful.

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