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Book 3 Chapter 15

Memorization lecture time for the T'ien-t'ai Ch'ien T'ang-ping

"Listen to what I'm about to say.

I'm here to tell you that you're going to be able to use the

We want to break down fixed, narrow minded assumptions.

Hopefully, you won't be too hard hit by the collapse of your own common sense.

Be prepared."

It was a big story from the start.

"Most people assume that the stories in Wuxia are impossible, don't they?"

Tang Ping, who was thus fortunate, looked around with an admiring gaze.

"Yes, it is."

The students answered reluctantly. It was now time for 'Reflections on the 108 Memorization Methods Existing in the Jianghu', and Tang Ping, a heavenly beast from Sichuan Tangmen, was in charge of the class. Today was the first day of class, so it was their first face-to-face encounter with him, and judging from his lanky frame and sullen yet piercing gaze, he was not at all a favorable impression. The general consensus was that he was as eccentric as he looked.

"It's not just people with no connection to the martial arts. Even those who are told they are masters think it's a lie."

I mean, what the heck is that, you know, you have to get the topic out of the way and start talking about it.

"Mr. Nosa, but what do you mean?"

It was a protest that even if you're going to tell a story, you should at least make the topic clear.

"Huh? Didn't I tell you?"

The forty people in the room nodded in agreement.

"Uh-huh, so what I'm talking about is the eye method."

The blackboard clearly stated that the lesson for the day was "The Relationship Between Martial Arts and the Five Senses," so everyone knew what to expect. Of course, the lesson was about countermeasures and how to use the many memorization techniques.

"When people watch martial arts films or listen to the stories of masters passed down from generation to generation, they usually question one fact. And that is the gap between time and thought."


The guandao were still unable to comprehend the story of Tang Ping.

"I'm sure you've all felt it at one time or another."

Elder Tang Ping once again looked around the room and called for attention. This was to draw their attention to the main point. Mo Yonghui was still diligently and actively consuming ink. Seeing him, a very satisfied smile crossed Master Tang's lips, a smile that made him want to assert, "This is the attitude of a true student.

"How can he think so long in the heat of battle? How can he think so hard, judging his opponent's herbivorousness and martial prowess, when a sword is flashing at his throat? Isn't something wrong, isn't this a lie?"

The students nodded their heads in agreement. It was a question everyone had asked themselves at one time or another, especially if they had read the popular collection of absolute martial arts classics, The Book of the Three Kings of Heaven, or the pinnacle of popularity, The Book of the Gods, which tells the story of the Taijiquan God Army, the God of War.

The literature of the mighty Wulin in this era was dominated by books that chronicled the lives and deeds of the masters of previous generations. Among them, the most popular were the stories about the Taegeuk God Army's gods Heng Yue Lin and Tianmusheng, who saved the Wulin from a demonic spirit a hundred years ago. There were countless stories of all kinds and titles written by countless authors about them. Everyone has read them at least once on social media.

"But it's true."

Tang Ping solemnly declared. In the lying tales of martial arts literature that record these old facts, the protagonists are somehow relaxed, especially when it comes to life-and-death battles or bimu. It takes only a blink of an eye for the sword of an ordinary master-isn't he already extraordinary-to slice through a tree in front of him.

"Let's take a short quote from the Sword Art of the Three Kingdoms of Heaven, a book written by the one-page Eunuch Jin Seowol, which is recognized as the most reliable narrative completed through oral narrative."

It was at the ford of the Yangtze River that Mo Yongzheng, a member of the Divine Sword Sect who would later be revered as a sword saint, stumbled upon Chu Qianqian, the first of the three divine swords.

As one of the members of the Abominable Evil Horde, the Fleshblood Demon Sword was a very well-known middle-ranked expert of the Heavenly Demon Realm at that time, and he could not tolerate the young and energetic God Horseman of the Zheng Tian Clan, Mo Yongzheng, with open eyes. The cursed Spleen Blood Sword of Chu Kaihye, a sword that boasted a record of having drained dozens of coins of the blood of the courageous Dragon Peak masters of numerous factions, was now in his hands, ready to call for blood. As a cowardly, vicious, and vile minion of the Heavenly Frightening Spirit, he had launched an unannounced offensive.

"Bloodwave Sword Collection!"

Blood-red sword Qi erupted from his cursed magic sword, threatening the life of the rising sun, Mo Yongzheng, but Mo Yongzheng was unperturbed by the Heavenly Ghost Minion's deadly swordplay. He began to respond cautiously.

"16 changes, 10 of which are real seconds, 4 false seconds, and 2 variable seconds!

Mo Yongzheng understood that the deadly sword technique unleashed by the bastard Chu Feng was a unique sword technique called Blood Wave Sword, an abominable magic sword technique that invoked the holy blood of numerous factions. Moreover, his divine vision did not only reveal the identity of the abominable and cursed sword technique, but also saw through Chu Feng's weaknesses.

"Hmmm, on closer inspection, the bottom of the shoulder blades are empty.

Mo Yongzheng's sword wasn't dull enough to miss the loophole, so he decided that his most effective attack in this state would be his Galactic Maneuver, and he unleashed his Galactic Maneuver with all his might.

"Galactic Manlin (銀河萬燐)!"

A fountain of cursed blood gushed out, and Chu Qianhua's arm was ripped from his body. He was no longer able to wield the cursed sword and threaten the lives of the other members of the Sect. Then, as Chu Kaihye cried out in panic and pain, the Last Sun Sword of the Divine Sword Association Mo Yongzheng Tian was applied to him, and his cursed and filthy life was sent back to heaven. Chu Kaihye's soul left his body to tour hell.

As you can see from the above, the protagonist, Mo Yong Zhengtian, swings his sword while thinking of tens of thousands of things, even when fighting a peak master. But is this not a lie? If so, what is the basis for it? How can a person fight with tens of thousands of thoughts in a split second? I didn't understand the story.

"This is true. There is nothing false here."

Looking around at the students who still had disbelieving looks on their faces, Dangpyeong said.

"Well, sir, what's the basis for that, because I'm sure there's a reason."

Hyorong raised his hand in response to everyone's curiosity. Tang Ping praised Hyorong's courageous behavior in his heart, then nodded his head up and down.


Tang Ping's lecture on the divorce of Heaven and Earth began in earnest. Mo Yonghui was more enthusiastic than ever about the story of his grandfather, and he dipped his quill in ink and teased the paper.

"Do you know what is the most important and fundamental thing in all martial arts below the art of arms? It is the eyes, the eyes! The cultivation of the eyes is the fundamental and core training of each chapter of the martial arts. The eyes are the channels of emotion and qi. Because the eyes are the conduit between the inner and outer worlds, many turbid energies can enter and leave through them. And the various colors and strange shapes can dazzle us. That's why people close their eyes when they try to immerse themselves in inner practice and meditation. To keep their minds from wandering outward and stay inward. It's easy to do because we've all done it before."

Up to this point, even Hyo-ryong could understand. Master Tang Ping's lecture continued.

"When your eyes are open, fatigue comes easily. Your mind becomes active without you realizing it. With open eyes, an enormous amount of information flows into our brains, and our brains, whether we like it or not, are hard at work processing it, and that's what we experience as fatigue. However, when you close your eyes, fatigue doesn't come easily, and you can actually release accumulated fatigue. This is something you can experience if you set aside some time to do it. When you close your eyes, your chi and qi are concentrated in your inner world. This makes it easier for them to accumulate in your inner world. I believe that all of you who have cultivated as much as you have have experienced this."

Of course, all of us here at Tianjiajiao have all had such experiences. It's a necessary part of going from ordinary to extraordinary. Sometimes, at this stage, some people lose their minds forever and go crazy, but they have to be prepared for that risk.

Everyone stood in stony silence, listening intently to the old man's lecture. Tang Ping looked at them one by one with his piercing eyes.

"The three senses most associated with martial arts are sight, sound, and touch. Just as the eyes are a window to the world, the ears are another way to connect with the world. Of course, we can't forget about our sense of touch, which allows us to feel the sun and moon, water, fire, wind, and earth, and the five elements of yin and yang, but our ears and sense of touch are different from our eyes and cannot be easily controlled. All kinds of worldly ideas enter through the ears and confuse us. But we shouldn't be fooled by them. Most distractions enter our bodies through the senses of our eyes, ears, and skin, and confuse our minds. Sure, they can confuse our sense of taste and smell with delicious smells or ecstatic tastes, but they're not as deadly as these three. This is where meditation comes in, to remove all the confusion and distractions."

The lecture leapt from eye exercises to hearing and touch, and then suddenly to meditation. I still had no idea what the ultimate point was that he wanted to make. Undaunted, the lecture continued.

"Meditation sees as its highest perfection the pruning away of the tens of thousands and hundreds of millions of thoughts that arise in the mind, one by one, until at last there is nothing left but a state of mindlessness. The body and its inner workings are mysteriously and mysteriously vast microcosms themselves. Human beings can be endlessly vast and immense because of it. It is a deep and vast ultimate world where there is no end. By inner contemplation and realization, the mind can soar endlessly, faster than the speed of light, across the inner microcosm, across this endless, infinite expanse, and attain Godhood. There, through the discipline and organization of the mind through inner contemplation and meditation, our mind takes wings and soars endlessly across the endless inner microcosm, the infinite universe, in a single instant. Thus we attain the ultimate sense, the seventh sense, which is beyond the six senses."

Tang Ping's lecture was reaching its climax. Mo Yonghui's handwriting was getting faster and faster. Bi Ryuyeon couldn't believe how he could keep his eyes fixed on Tang Ping and tease him without a single brush hovering over the canvas.

"If you train your mind through meditation and contemplation, if you train your five senses, including sight, to the utmost, and if you train your sixth sense, you will reach the peak of the human body's sensory organs and gain a new sense. This is the ultimate sense that can only be attained through both enlightenment and practice. Do you know what is the fastest thing in the world?"

Suddenly, Tang Ping asked the students a question.

"Is it light?"

Hyo-ryong replied. Tang Ping shook his head in a 'I knew it' manner.

"No, it is the speed of the soul, or, more simply, the speed of thought. When the senses and mind of the whole body are trained to the extreme, the inner and outer worlds of a human being have different times, meaning that the actions of the body are outpaced by the thoughts. The wave of thought grasps the world at the speed of light and transmits the information to our brain, which analyzes and judges it to determine our future actions. I call this state of mind the absolute realm, supersensibility, or heavenly vision."

They didn't believe him, even though they had practiced for years. But Tang Ping was not discouraged by their disbelief.

"When you have attained this state, you will have the illusion that time slows down in the world when you use these senses. This is because our minds are moving faster than light. Our body feels dull and heavy, as if it were moving hundreds of feet under water. Only those who have attained this absolute realm of extrasensory perception are able to act like Mo Yongzhengtian in the story I just gave as an example. Ultimately, they will have superhuman reaction times."

"So you're saying that Mr. Nosa is already there?"

Hyo-ryong, who had been listening attentively to the lecture, raised his hand and asked a blunt question. He guessed because Tang Ping's words were full of conviction, as if he were speaking from experience.

"No. I haven't reached the full extent of the absolute realm yet either. I'm afraid I'm still just getting started. However, I know that the Three Heavenly Emperors, the Heavenly Pavilion Lord, and the Mighty Lord have already attained this realm in the past. Of course, there are individual differences."

Even as a beginner in absolute senses, this ability is a world away from the criminals. Once you have this ability, you'll be unharmed by most attacks. It also gives you superhuman reaction time.

"What's also important about this state is that it doesn't have much to do with the level of the internal qigong, meaning that it can be reached through the training of the senses without a significant increase in internal qigong."

It was a very tempting story. How could I not be tempted by the idea of reaching a state of being that could be achieved without the improvement of inner gong, which is essentially attached to the improvement of outer gong?

"Before reaching this state, there is a caveat. This is because in this state of supersensory perception, the nerves of the entire body are sharpened to the extreme, and if you do something wrong, you can go crazy. That's why even absolute masters can't always maintain this state of perception. This is because there is a risk of mental collapse… So far so good……."

"But… Hal!"

From Tang Fei's hand, the divorced Heavenly King's needles were scattered at a rapid pace. The target was Bi Ryuyeon.

At this time, Bi Ryuyeon was in a half-sleeping state of meditation, impressed by the amazing harmony of the mild temperature, fresh breeze, and humidity of Mother Nature. Since she was not strong enough to defy the will of the universe and the physiological activities of the human body, she had decided to obey the laws and order of nature and was sleeping according to the needs of her body.

The sight of Bi Ryuyeon submitting to the will of the universe and trying to make friends with sunny Mother Nature seemed like a heavenly deed in the eyes of Tang Ping. So he decided to give her a taste of why he was called the Heavenly Devourer, and set out to do just that. Vomiting up his own blood was a severe punishment for a student who had distracted him while listening to a great lecture. There were some people in the Heavenly Martial Academy who were the epitome of gentleness, such as Ok Hyun Jin, but there were also people like Tang Ping who were radical and had fiery tempers.

It was dangerous anyway. Even if it wasn't laced with poison, it was thrown by Tang Ping, who was unrivaled in memorization. Ironically, if Tang Ping had not been a master of memorization, he would not have thrown the stones as a means of discipline. He was so confident in his memorization that he didn't hesitate to throw the stones. He adjusted his aim and force to ensure that Bi Ryuyeon wouldn't die if he was hit.

But even she, the expected target of dozens of flying stingers, had no intention of staying put. She wasn't going to sit there and become a hedgehog alive. Her hands moved like water, as if she were writing a travelogue to dreamland, and before she knew it, her eyes were open.

"No way!"

Not only Tang Ping, but all the students in the classroom were stunned, as Bi Ryuyeon's hand split into dozens of pieces in midair, catching all the memorized words that had flown into the air. It was an unbelievable feat.

There was a handy lightning rod that didn't leave a scratch on her, so she didn't hesitate to slap her hand. Mr. Tang Ping was stunned, unable to believe that the delinquent student, who had been distracted and enjoying herself in his class, would be able to thwart his trick so easily.

"Yes? Can I help you?"

Without batting an eyelid, Bi Ryuyeon shamelessly asked the question, causing Tang Ping's blood pressure to rise dramatically. But Tang Ping couldn't bring himself to show his embarrassment.

"Uh-huh, you. How many darts have I thrown now?"

Trying to calm his heart, which was pounding like a trigger in an autumn harvest, Dangpyeong asked if there was anything he could pick up.


Without hesitation, Bi Ryuyeon replied. But she was wrong.

"What do you mean, 64? I don't remember throwing that many jabs. Who are you trying to fool?"

Remembering that the number of darts he had thrown was exactly 32, Tang Ping inwardly thought that he had done a good job and scolded Bi Ryuyeon.

"But it's 64, check it out."

As he said this, Bi Ryuyeon held out his hand. There was not a single scratch on his hand, and upon seeing it, Elder Tang Ping was once again greatly surprised.

Tang Ping immediately rushed to check. Thinking that if it was a lie, he would not let it go……. But when he saw the object in Bi Ryuyeon's hand, Elder Tang Ping's eyes were unexpectedly filled with horror.

"This… this can't be……."

Elder Tang Ping's head swiveled toward Bi Ryuyeon.

"You bastard!

To his surprise, when he received the number of darts he had thrown, it was exactly 64. Her math was correct. The problem was that the lengths of all her sticks had been cut in half.

"You… you! You've taken my precious flying needles……."

Tang Ping, the divorcée of Heaven, was left speechless. His bibong needle was made of pure silver, with special attention paid to the sharpness of the tip. Because of its small size, it required a lot of detailed work to make a good one. He had 32 of them in the same cavity…….

Elder Tang Ping was speechless and silent for a moment, a mixture of disbelief, anger, and surprise. Although he was heartbroken at the end of his beloved rainbow needles, he honestly couldn't help but be impressed. He had never imagined that she would be able to read and receive his throws so accurately. Seeing Bi Ryuyeon's skill, he had no words to criticize her.

In the end, Ms. Tang Ping continued to teach the class without saying a word, even though she was seething inside about Ms. Bi Ryuyeon's misbehavior. The flow of the class, which had been interrupted by Bi Ryuyeon's interruption, resumed. In order to save himself the embarrassment, he hurriedly resumed the class.

"Class has been delayed by an unfortunate incident. In addition to the supersenses of this absolute realm, there are also dragon eyes in the world."

"What the heck is a longan?"

"It's a kind of precognition. You might think it's similar to the absolute realm in some ways, but it's not."


"Yes. Or, one might say, solipsism. Whereas the supersensory senses of the Absolute Realm Heavenly Pavilion are something that can ultimately be acquired through certain acquired cultivations, the Dragon Eye can be attributed to an innate ability. There are some people in the world who are born with a special ability to read the minds or actions of others. There are indeed people who are able to unconsciously interpret the energies and information that fill the world, to foresee the future, albeit a short time ahead, and to look into people's minds without their permission."

Tang Ping's voice was full of conviction.

"Is there really such a person?"

It was hard to believe that anyone could predict the future of a moment. If there really was such a person, he or she would never be defeated by others.

"Are you saying that you doubt me?"

Elder Tang Ping's eyes glinted as he stared at Yun Jun, his eyes as sharp as a viper with his lunch in sight.

"Uh… no."

His gaze was too much for the timid Yun Junho. Yun Junho immediately shook his head from side to side, expressing his disapproval. Elder Tang Ping's sharp gaze suddenly lowered its intensity.

"Good, then."

What would he have done if he hadn't been so lucky? As in the case of Bi Ryuyeon, she could have thrown an iron bar under Yoon Jun-ho's nose by surprise. Luckily, that didn't happen. Yun Jun-ho breathed a sigh of relief, and vowed never to vomit on the words of Elder Tang Ping again. It was a valuable lesson learned through first-hand experience.

"Although the odds are one in a million, the wielder of the Dragon Eye definitely exists in this world. Although they are few and far between, if their abilities were to manifest in combination with Martial Arts, the results would be truly terrifying. Imagine the power of a sword wielded by someone who can read the next technique their opponent will use, and that's exactly what Long An is."

The old man in charge of the memorization class, the Heavenly Devourer Tang Ping, was convinced of Long An's existence. It was an ability that was not uncommon in legends and folklore, but it was still doubtful that such a lying power actually existed. But if a man of his stature was so sure, then it must indeed exist in this world. Elder Tang Ping ended his lecture with the caveat that the next time they encountered a dragon eye wielder, even by accident, they should be cautious and careful.

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