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Book 29 Chapter 13

New Green Goblet (綠護客棧)

-Another Encounter

"Phew, I'm back from the dead."

Taking advantage of the chaos, Jang Hong ran out of the encirclement with all his might, and after confirming that he had no pursuers, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"You're right. I thought it was going to burn up."

After crossing the line between life and death so many times today, Namgung Sang sighed. Right now, he was tasked with carrying the Martial King. Bai Xiaochun had not yet awakened.

"Huh, your white coat is pretty tanned, huh?"

True to Jang Hong's words, Mo Yonghui's snow-white robes, which were almost dysentery, were now speckled with black soot.

"Oh, yeah… ugh……."

Mo Yonghui paused for a moment, paralyzed, looking down at his clothes, and then looked around with a rigid face. He seemed to be studying the geography of the area to see if there was anywhere he could get some clothes. Then, as if realizing something, he asked.

"……But Ryuyeon, why are we going south now?"

"Come to think of it, shouldn't we go north to get to the Shaman Mountain?"

We were talking as we walked, but it was a little strange how she was leading the way.

"I'm not a directional."

It meant that I was going this way knowing.

"But why does it keep going south?"

When there was no answer this time, Jang Hong asked again.

"Are you sure you're not lost?"

I was so embarrassed that I didn't even realize I was going in the opposite direction.

"I'm not a direction finder like anybody else. If I want to go to Mt. Shaman, I have to go north, but where I want to go is south."

His response was, "Why do you keep asking for the obvious?

"Are we on the right track? Where are we headed?"

For some reason, I kept seeing familiar sights around me.

"Hey, hey, hey, where the hell are you going?"

Jang Hong asked, his voice filled with anxiety.

"Of course, it's infinity with black holes."

Jang Hong's eyes widened.

"What? Why are you there? Are you bent on killing yourself? What do you think you're doing when you can't even take one more step?"

"That's because I have a tiger to catch."

"What do you catch, you're lucky if you don't get eaten!"

I had to stop these crazy suicidal thoughts.

"Follow me anyway, isn't the fate of the Martial Kingdom at stake!"

Bi Ryuyeon said in a hushed voice.

"You think we're going to fall for that? If you want to go into the tiger's den, you go on your own, and I'll leave with the Great Spirit."

Then Bi Ryuyeon bluntly said in a voice that sounded like the rose from earlier.

"Why would I walk into a tiger's den by myself?"

"You think I'm going to go in there by myself? No way!

It was as if it was screaming.

"Now, you!"

"Don't you think it's less likely to get bitten?"

A refreshingly cheerful smile spread across the corners of Bi Ryuyeon's mouth. Seeing that smile, Namgung-san, who was running beside her, said something with a dejected expression.

"I already knew this was going to happen, you're the kind of person who will throw others under the bus before you do."

"He's only going to make it as far as the entrance to the den, and then he's only going to put us in it, I'm sure."

"What the hell, I'll take it."

Already accustomed to taking the bait, Namgungsang had surpassed the Moon Pavilion and reached a state of liberation.

"Ryuyeon, tell me what's going on. Are you sure it's okay to bring the injured Mighty Lord with you?"

"I'll tell you that when I get there. It's no fun if you already know, right?"

Hearing Mo Yonghui's reply, Jang Hong snorted.

"It's not fun? Don't be ridiculous, the reason is so ridiculous that if you tell us, we won't go!"

"You can't be serious, you're being ridiculous, Gee-Gee."

"For crying out loud, didn't you just mumble something to yourself?"

"Hmm? What did I say? You must have heard me wrong."

Bi Ryuyeon shrugged with an attitude that I hadn't mumbled anything.

"Didn't you just mutter in a low voice, 'Chet, you're a quick study, I've known you too long'?"

"Oh, I'm hearing things, I'm hearing things."

Then, pointing her finger in the southeast direction, where infinity is, Bi Ryuyeon exclaimed.

"Okay, let's go to infinity again, let's go!"

I knew it wasn't right, but he was crying so hard that I couldn't argue with him anymore.

With a sinking feeling in their stomachs that they were being tricked, the others, except for Bi Ryuyeon, walked in the direction he pointed.

* * *

Secret passages don't just require a lot of money and manpower to sell. It also takes a lot of manpower to fill in secret passages that have already been discovered. The secret passage from the New Longshan Temple to the outskirts of the Infinite City was no exception.

But right now, the Black Heavenly League could not spare the manpower to fill in the secret passages that had already been rendered useless as escape routes. With most of their manpower devoted to the hunt for Nie Bai Tian and the pursuit of the cowardly invaders, Wuhan's guards were relatively weak.

Only two men were assigned to guard the entrance. The day laborers hired to replace the scarce warriors were not scheduled to arrive until dawn tomorrow and begin filling in the passageways.

The two samurai were issued only two shovels. When the senior leader gave them the shovels, he said they were "specially designed for martial artists," as if they were recruits.


But the mouths of the two men digging with shovels were sticking out about a foot.

Anything for Murimgosu.

A shovel is a shovel is a shovel is a shovel.

It's said that he's a warrior of the Dark Heavenly League, but wherever he goes, that's where he stays.

It was a two-man shoveling job anyway, and there was no way the secret passage would fill up quickly. Since no one would be coming until the day laborers arrived at dawn tomorrow, it was a tender gesture from the older man to not only stand guard, but also to do some shoveling to relieve boredom.

They accepted the shovel with an impressed look on their faces, resolving that one day they would use it to bash the old man in the back of the head, so all their shoveling and guarding would be dry.

Then they heard a rustling in the bushes. They weren't shoveling with all their might, and they were Naburin, a warrior of the Black Heavenly Blind, so they could hear it.

"I got him!

In a fit of rage, they swung their shovels as hard as they could, like warriors of the Black Heavenly Order.


"How dare you!"

"If you're suspicious, reveal your identity!"

The warning, whether intentional or not, came after two shovel heads were slammed into the face of an unidentified assailant.

But something was wrong.

The man who had taken the two shovels to the face had fallen backward as if he were immovable. It was almost as if he had died standing up, but then they noticed something. The strange man's face was hidden by a shovel, and his clothes were the uniform of the Black Heavenly Blind. He seemed to have a higher status than them.

They swallowed hard and slowly put the shovel away.


Their hearts sank. When the shovel was put away, it was the face of the Black Dog, the First Seat of the Black Heavenly Rain. His face was wrapped in a terrifying flesh, like that of a hound guarding hell, as he seemed to be deep in anger and bitterness.


Double-nosed blood dripped from the nose of a black dog with a fearsome expression.

Two streaks of nosebleeds burst from the nose of the higher-ups.

His bulging, bloodshot eyes looked like they could burn a hole in their guts right now.

Even though they were both soldiers, their statuses were as different as heaven and earth.

"Chu, loyalty!"

They saluted with clinking teeth, but the ship had already left the harbor. They could only shudder like the quivering of an aspen tree.

"Nail it."

His voice sounded like he was holding something back. It was poodle-poodle trembling, like it was holding back anger.

The two terminal warriors immediately slammed their heads into the ground. The speed was almost like the speed of light.

"I see you can't be bothered to shovel, but I want you to do it until dawn tomorrow, and if I catch you playing around, I'll split your heads off with this shovel and plant them in the ground myself. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I get it!"

He replied with a flourish.

"Great. I'll start the inspection now. Let's go, guys."

At the Black Dog's command, the four men, who appeared to be his subordinates, entered the passageway one after the other. When he was sure they were all inside, the black dog turned around and spoke his final words.

"Oh, and these shovels are confiscated. Bastards like you don't deserve these fine shovels. Starting tomorrow, you will dig with your bare hands. Do you understand?!"

"Old, I get it!"

A brisk reply came back from the two warriors on the ground. The black dog, now relieved, waved a hand in acknowledgment of their efforts, and leisurely made his way into the secret passage.

* * *

Like the exit, the entrance was just as unguarded.

After exiting the New Longshan Pavilion, Bi Ryuyeon and company secretly headed to a place called the New Green Lake Pavilion, which was located very close to the Black Heaven Blind.

He didn't use the front door, but instead snuck into a room on the right-hand side of the third floor, taking advantage of the nighttime noise.

When she opened the window, she saw people inside, but she didn't care about their presence at all, as if they were puppets. But they weren't puppets, they were real people.

They were the ones who were hardened to the point of death.

As I walked by, I noticed that the four Black Heavenly Blade warriors who had unfortunately been caught by Bi Ryuyeon were stiffened like statues from the bloodletting and were in various basic living positions. From the outside, it looked like they were still inhabiting the place.

This was the room that Bi Ryuyeon had gotten before exiting Infinity, saying it was for emergency purposes.

The fact that I had paid a week's deposit for this room just before escaping the South Gate of Infinity also meant that I was thinking about the possibility of returning here soon.

"You're really open to this."

"I've paid for a week's worth of food, and I'm only staying for a few days, so why waste it?"

"That being said, I have no desire to spend a few more nights in a place where I can look out my window and see the front gates of the Blackguard. Do you sleep in such places?"


It was the same answer as if I hadn't asked.

"I picked the wrong person to ask. What about these people anyway?"

"It's not aesthetically pleasing, so I'll just put it in the closet. Now, shall we go eat?"

"Big Brother, aren't we supposed to be moving stealthily now?"

Bi Ryuyeon chuckled at Namgung's cautious question.

"Oh, come on, it's already known that you've escaped, so why would anyone be suspicious? I mean, if you disguise yourself a bit, they won't recognize you. They'll be even more suspicious if they can't find you and you're nowhere to be seen, won't they?"

"That's right, let's disguise ourselves a bit and go downstairs and get some food and drink."

However, Nabaxian was injured and unable to move, and since he couldn't be left alone, one of them had to stay behind as an escort each time.

The first place went to Mo Yong-hui. This was because he had the least natural acting ability. He had a high-mindedness that didn't match his age, so he was weak in improvisation.

* * *

Dressed in a rich-looking silk robe and carrying a fan in one hand, Bi Ryuyeon left the room. Namgung Sang followed her, calling out, "Master, Master," as if he were an escort. In short, he was playing the part of the head man.


Slapping the table with gusto, the rich man exclaimed.

"Wait and see, my martial arts skills will get me into the Black Heavenly League, and then maybe my stuffy father will give this son some credit?"

It was a loud noise without bottom or end, that belonged to a master of the immortal iron estate.

"Sure. You can do it, Master. Cancer, you can do it."

Jang Hong, playing the role of the General Secretary, deftly rubbed his hands together and picked up the flattering remarks.

"By the way, Deacon Zhang, I assume you have the bribe ready?"

I'm pretty sure he was trying to keep his voice down because he didn't want anyone else to hear him, but somehow almost everyone in the room was able to hear the word "bribe" clearly.

"Sure. I don't know if I can, but I'm in a bit of a Black Panther mood these days, so you'll have to wait a bit longer."

"Chet, okay, I'll hang out here for a few more days. Oh, and Deacon Chang?"

"Yes, Master. Is there anything else you would like me to do?"

Say no, please!

Jang Hong held back from sending the full note. It was better to be cautious, as some of his peak performers might notice the occasional full tone.

"Yes, I do. Bring me three of the best drinks in town. You pay for it."

Jang Hong's body instantly stiffened.

"We've got a hit!

Jang Hong shuddered and seethed with anger. Of course, Bi Ryuyeon hadn't given him the money, so it would have to come out of his own pocket. He wanted to shout, "No way!" but he couldn't say no outright because of the setup. There was no point in coming this far and breaking the ice. One wrong move and their identities would be exposed, and their lives could be lost that day.

"You convincer!

Ryu-yeon knows all about it, and he's telling her this. with the certainty that she could never say no.

Jang Hong clasped his hands together and smiled broadly, vowing that he would definitely bill Meng for the operation later.

"Whether or not it is, what are you waiting for, my dear Confucius, to come and see the liquor dealer?"

Jang Hong said with tears in his eyes. He couldn't help but feel worried, should he have done something so conspicuous?

But they didn't seem to care if he thought he was being silly.

Soon, three types of liquor were served. Thinking he was a high-class guest, it wasn't Zhao Xiao Yi, but the head of the new Dorimen Temple himself, who came up to the second floor with a smile on his face.


After opening the caps of the three bottles one after the other and smelling them, Bi Ryuyeon asked.

"What are the names of these drinks?"

"In turn, they are red leaves, silver leaves, and gold leaves."


"The golden leaves in the golden calabash are the most expensive, my lord, followed by the silver and red leaves."


As soon as she heard the answer, Bi Ryuyeon spilled the two bottles upside down. One was red and the other was gold, the most expensive.

"That, such a waste!"

Jang Hong let out a pitiful scream.

"Tsk, tsk, just because it's in a gilded bottle doesn't mean what's inside isn't real gold. What are you, a fake flavor? I only deal with the best!"

Then he poured silver leaves from a silver calabash into a silver goblet and sipped at it with a deliciousness that would make anyone who saw it drool.

"Hmm, this is pretty good."

While he was pampering himself with other people's money, someone walked in front of him.


I looked up from my drink and saw a handsome man with a pair of swords on his back.

"What can I do for you?"

A handsome man dressed in a silk robe as red as the setting sun stared at Bi Ryuyeon with serious eyes, then quietly spoke.

"Confucius…… seems to have some taste in liquor. I, too, think this silver leaf is the most delicious, but people are so mesmerized by the shiny gold calabash that they don't listen to their tongues. May I join you?"

Jang Hong stepped forward and tried to talk her out of it. He felt it was too dangerous to let her talk to an unknown person for so long. But she raised her hand to stop Jang Hong and smiled.

"Please have a seat."

"Hahaha, I see you have a hot temper, so I'll take your seat."

The man smiled broadly and sat back in his seat.

"May I have a drink?"

It was also shameless. But I didn't hate it at all.

"Sure, feel free to have some."

Instead of getting angry, she poured a full glass and handed it to the man.

"I'll drink to that."

The man raised his glass with both hands, thanked him, and downed it in one swift gulp. He closed his eyes and savored the flavor for a moment before letting out a quiet sigh.

"Mmm, yes, this is what it tastes like!"

The words were tinged with longing, like someone returning home after a long absence.

"Are you from here?"

"No, but it's kind of like a second home."

"Apparently you're an accomplished thief."

Bi Ryuyeon asked, her gaze darting to the twin swords strapped to the man's back. The man scratched the back of his head as if in humiliation.

"Oh, you mean this? It's just a decoration, a decoration. It's kind of embarrassing to be called a thief when I still don't even know what the Tao is."

The handle of the sword was very worn for such a thing, and the twin swords were also very well integrated with him, as if they were one and the same. I even had the feeling that it would be very unnatural to take those two swords away from this man.

"You haven't been home in a while, have you?"

"Hahaha, it's just that I have a bit of a wanderlust……. I'm often scolded by my mom for not being able to stay in one place."

The man smiled wryly again.

"What's your name?"

"Oh no, I was so drunk, I don't think Sosung has introduced himself yet."

The man smacked his forehead with his hand, as if to say, "I'm sorry.

"The name of the resuscitation is 'Zhong Ha'. More often than not, it's just called 'second.' Take care."

As he spoke, Galjoongha's eyes sparkled like jewels in the night sky from the alcohol he had consumed.

<Continued from Volume 30 of "Reliability"

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