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Book 29 Chapter 12

Raging Fire! Fire Dragon Turbulence (火龍亂流)

-Put your life on the line for authentication!

"Get everyone ready."

Bi Ryuyeon sent a telegram to everyone at the same time. Sending a message to multiple people at the same time, not just one, was a very difficult technique. In addition, she had to be very careful not to be overheard, as she was in front of a group of very powerful people.

"What do you want me to prepare?"

"You have to be ready to jump in at any time."

"Do you think there's any chance of that?"

Mo Yonghui asked seriously.

"Well, they're probably never going to let us go, weren't you two just arguing about something?"

"Uh, when was that, big brother?"

Nan Gongsang was puzzled, wondering if he was the only one who had missed it. But it seemed to be the same for Jang Hong.

"Yeah, I didn't hear that one either?"

"He couldn't hear us because we were talking in full voice, and he was too far away to overhear."

"Why are you taking the test anyway, dude? It's a waste of energy."

"Because time is what we need most right now, and you never know, there might be a hole in the ground that we can climb out of! It's comforting to know that they're not going to let us go, so let's be ready to jump out at any moment."

But now, Nie Baiqian's injuries were even worse. It was as difficult as a camel going through the eye of a needle to leave a network of this magnitude with so many peak masters, let alone a wounded one.

"Okay, so let's create a gap."

"What if I can't make …… million?"

"Then we're all dead!"

"But there's one problem."

After cleaning up, Bi Ryuyeon spoke up.

"What is it?"

"How do I prove that I'm a Shin Feng Hai?"

"Do I have to think about that?"

Dan-hye replied with an annoyed tone, and then Saran spoke slowly, as if he had something in mind.

"I've heard that they control the winds like wind gods from heaven and call upon fire dragons."

"Wow, that's awesome!"

Bi Ryuyeon exclaimed, as if she was genuinely impressed.

"I'm talking about you!"

Glaring at Bi Ryuyeon, Dan-hye spoke up.

"Oh, yeah!"

Bi Ryuyeon slapped her palm with her fist as if she had forgotten for a moment. Seeing that, Dan Hye only felt more and more suspicious.

"I've heard that the god Feng Hai can control the wind like a beast, and with that ability, he controlled the super-heated flames of the 'Fire Dragon Destruction' that burned to consume the Hongmae Valley where the Incarnation Branch Meeting was held."

"Oh, yeah, that's happened to me, too. I've been a little careless, you know. So?"

As Saran continued to speak, Bi Ryuyeon agreed. Originally, he had only kept quiet because no one had asked him, "Did you do it?" but he had no intention of hiding his identity if anyone did.

"In other words, if you really are the Xin Feng Sect, you can control the Fire Dragon with the wind, right?"

"Is that how the story goes?"

I knew this was going to be a very difficult challenge.

"Good! Then show her that it is possible, and I will spare your life!"

At Danhye's cool words, Bi Ryuyeon looked around and said.

"Huh? We don't have that kind of fire here, and there's no fire dragon to be found. You're not going to set fire to everything yourself, are you? That's destroying nature on purpose, and that's very bad!"

Bi Ryuyeon was well aware of Dan Hye's use of chemistry anyway. He tried to convince her that it was "destroying nature" and "a bad thing," but she wasn't so easily convinced.

"Leave that to me. No problem, I, Danhye, will take care of that problem neatly."

Dan Hye shouted, then pulled an unusual iron ball out of her arm and threw it in front of Bi Ryuyeon's group. The five were startled, thinking it was a direct attack, but the iron ball plunged downward under their noses and clattered to the ground.

Quack, quack, quack, quack!

"Look at that!"

Jang Hong pointed to the iron ball on the ground in astonishment. The iron ball was not stuck in the ground, but was spinning furiously in place. When the spinning reached its peak, the iron ball slowly slowed down.

When the iron ball stopped, a large circular furrow had formed around the perimeter of the group.

Dan Hye gave a signal, and the Black Heaven's men rushed out, pouring a huge amount of oil into the furrows around them. This was not the special oil contained in the fire dragon oil gourd she carried on her back, but the oil that the Black Heavenly Blind's men had been given to carry, just in case.

Soon, a river of oil began to flow around Bi Ryuyeon's group. Looking at the river of oil, the Hong Lian Zen Master Dan Hai smiled and raised his index finger.


Blah blah blah!

Samae evolution.

A small flame rose from her fingertips.

It was a ridiculously small flame compared to what Danhye had done so far. But no one could laugh at it. Only Bi Ryuyeon found it awkwardly funny.

"Ahahahahaha, you've got to be kidding me."

"Why, it won't cause any damage to the surroundings, and if you're Xinfeng Cooperative, isn't it possible?"

"Gee, if you think about it, there must be a lot of better ways to authenticate, right?"

"It's not in my nature to think about things, so let's look forward to some fun fireworks!"

With those words, a spark from Danhye's fingertips fell into the round river of oil.


The tiny flame and the trickling oil kissed, and the result was hotter than any other kiss.


The fiery dragon raced across the land, its scarlet mane whipping.

Before they knew it, they were surrounded by a huge wall of flames.

The tremendous heat from the wall of flames pressed down on them, making them feel as if their skin would melt away like a discarded dung in the middle of the desert just by standing there. Nie Baiqian, whose injuries had already made it difficult for him to hold himself together, broke out in a cold sweat, and when he encountered the flames, he collapsed on the spot. It was as if he was confused by his condition.

As Mo Yonghui and Jang Hong gently laid down Nie Bai Cloth, they heard a terrifying sound.

"Okay, so let's get down to business, shall we?"

Dan Hye's skill wasn't just about creating walls of fire.

"Whoa, you're telling me this hasn't started yet?"

Frustrated by the thought that his fate as a roast had been sealed by today's date, Namgungsang exclaimed in a new panic.

"You also have the Xin Feng Association, so why are you so panicky? Don't fool around. The real battle begins now!"

Dan-hye threw her hands up in the air.

"Turn around!"

Then the wall of flame that surrounded Bi Ryuyeon and the others began to slowly rotate.

"What the heck is this……."

Mo Yonghui swallowed hard as he looked at the wall of flames, which began to rotate as if obeying Dan Hye's command.

"This doesn't feel right……."

Jang Hong's complexion hardened as well. He could smell something dangerous.

"Dae, Daehyung?! Something's wrong!"

"I don't have to tell you, but I know, so everyone be careful. It's going to happen at the last minute!"

Bi Ryuyeon's gaze fell on Dan-hye, the one responsible for this mess.

Then, her outstretched palm slowly curling up, she said quietly.

"Jade Sin! Jade Jail!"

Arcana of the Yin Palace (秘傳)

Fire Spirit Shamanism


Jadeite (炎獄篇)

Salt Wall (炎壁) Jade Chain (玉碎)

At the command of the Adept who controlled the flames, the wall of crimson flame slowly began to tighten, like a net closing.

"Now, if you're the Xinfeng Cooperative that you've been rumored to be, you'll survive; if not, you'll have no choice but to burn to death here."

Dan Hye tightened the prison of flames. 'If you live, it's the New Feng Clan, if you die, it was a lie.

"Hey, isn't this a little too much of a proof?"

He looked like he didn't think he could do this. But she didn't sound anxious or nervous. She was smiling.

"Dude, now's not the time for that, do something while we're still laughing, before we're all roasted to a crisp!"

Jang Hong bellowed. Nangong Shang and Mo Yonghui surrounded Bai Xiaochun with frowns on their faces.


The wall of flame was closing in on them more and more, even in the gaps.

In that moment of desperation, in that desperate moment, Bi Ryuyeon grumbled.

"Oh, it's hot."

He flaps his wrists and waves his hands in the air, his nonchalance making those around him feel sick to their stomachs.

"Big brother, I'm not just hot, I'm hot!"

"You told us to get ready, and I guess we're all ready except for you!"

Nan Gongsheng and Jang Hong shouted desperately and nervously. "We are all waiting for a signal from Ryuyeon, but he's just waiting to be burned alive, and he's so lazy and carefree, how can we not be angry?

"Hold on a second, people are getting blindsided."

And he has no idea what he did wrong. He didn't seem to want to know.

"What are you waiting for, my friend, you want me to wait until it's charcoal black?"

"Tsk, tsk, I'm old enough to be old, but not in a hurry."

Bi Ryuyeon clicked her tongue.

Of course, Jang Hong wasn't planning on relying on Bi Ryuyeon. In Jang Hong's experience, it was wise to avoid relying on her as much as possible, so he tried to think of a way to escape on his own, but unfortunately, he couldn't come up with anything that would allow him to take Nabaxian and his companions, whose injuries had deepened, and get them all out together.

But it seems that Jang Hong wasn't the only one thinking of a way out.

"Now, are you ready to go see Qinling, palace boy? Huh, I suppose you're ready to go find the Silver Sojae, too?"

"I've been waiting for you to say that with bated breath, big brother."

Namgungsang said with a wide smile on his face. For him to ask in such a casual manner meant that there was something up his sleeve.

"Gah, what's with the silver Sojae all of a sudden? I'm ready anyway."

Mo Yonghui also blushed and replied. He hadn't yet realized that Eunseulan had joined the Divine Demon Eight and was currently on her way to meet Gal Zhonghua at Gal Hyohye's behest.

"The air seems to be warming up… and the wind is blowing in the right direction… …… Come on, let's go!"

Bi Ryuyeon flashed his right hand upward, and his robes began to flutter wildly.

Flying Swords Arcane Secrets Misunderstandings

Wind gods

Chapter of the Dragonborn Ascension

Fire Dragon Turbulence

The wind began to blow in a spiraling circle, using Bi Ryuyeon's body as its axis. At the same time, the wall of flames that surrounded them began to slowly rotate.


Dan Hai was surprised to see Hong Lian's wall of flames slowly rotating. It had begun to spin, ignoring her control.

"Is that kid for real?

The rotation of the wall of flame gained more and more speed, reaching a peak in an instant, and then the wall of flame began to swirl.

The tightening wall of flame was pushed outward by centrifugal force. As the suffocating heat receded, people could finally breathe properly.


At that moment, the corner of Bi Ryuyeon's mouth turned up at an angle to one side.

"Everyone, here we go?"

"This one's ready!"

Jang Hong looked over at the stunned Nabaxian and sent him a message.

"Let's get started!"

"Do it."

Jang Hong, carrying Nie Baiqian, was flanked on his left and right by Nangong Shang and Mo Yonghui. Mo Yonghui's sword sparkled with starlight power as it began to emit a white lightning-like lightning bolt. The howling sword of the Southern Palace Lord seemed to be shouting that it could pierce through the enemy with a white lightning bolt at any moment, while Mo Yonghui's sword was poised to scatter starlight-like power in the night sky with a single swing.

"When I tell them to jump, they jump! I don't have to help, I let my father-in-law do it."

"Are you sure you're going to be okay on your own?"

"You told me to authenticate, so I'm going to authenticate myself."

Awakening the Fire Dragon Dream!

Bi Ryuyeon brought the index and middle fingers of her right hand, which were connected, together and held them like a saber point, then raised them slightly upward.

Quack, quack, quack!

Then, to his surprise, a wall of frenzied flame appeared out of thin air, looking in some ways like a wave of flame, and in others like a lone fire dragon with its head held high.

It was a ferocious fire dragon, with great heat, great flames, and the power of both fire and wind within it. Earlier, he had said that burning the surrounding area would destroy nature, but now that the situation was urgent, he had no time to think about it.

"Run, fire dragon!"

A single command fell from Bi Ryuyeon's lips.

At the same time, the dragon lifted its head and, instead of ascending into the sky, turned toward the Three Great Nanglangs and the Divine Eight, the center of the siege network, and roared wildly.


Saran had to step forward and stop it. The skill of the ice bow met the flames, turning them into a hot rain.

When she saw that, she opened her little finger and folded it back up, exclaiming, "I'm so happy.

"Swing and strike!"

Fire Dragon Family!

The dragon didn't just have a head, it also had a tail.

With a sweep of its tail, the fire dragon's tail slammed into the Black Sky warriors surrounding the encirclement. The whip of flames, accompanied by a huge surge of heat, caused the encirclement to collapse in an instant. If Bi Ryuyeon had been intent on killing, they would have been reduced to ashes.

As the giant fire dragon went on a rampage, the marketplace quickly turned to chaos.

In the midst of the screams and chaos, Bi Ryuyeon spoke again.

"Swirl, frenzy!"

The writhing, rampaging body of the fire dragon spun around and became a gigantic blast of fire, rushing in all directions. As if waiting for Bi Ryuyeon's command, the scorching air swirled wildly in all directions, along with the dust mixed with flame fragments.

It was time to give the full-grown beast some freedom.

Fire Dragon Turbulence Fire Dragon Transformation

Fire Dragon Heat Wave (火龍熱風陳)

A roaring fire dragon soared into the sky in a spiraling arc. At the same time, everything on the ground was swept up in the dragon's rampage, and the heat ravaged the earth.



Everyone was dazzled by the ferocity of the raging winds. The five thunderbolts embedded in the fire dragon's body, as well as the thunderbolts connected to them, were like a dragon's reins to a fire dragon.

Taking advantage of the chaos of the fire dragon's rampage and the heat and frenzy swirling around her, she decided to break the siege in one fell swoop.

As he tugged on the five stalks, the rampaging fire dragon raised its massive torso. Even the Eight Immortals paled at the sight of its lava-drooling majesty.

"Now, dodge it on your own!"

After spouting off an irresponsible line, Bi Ryuyeon grabbed his brain and shouted out loud.

"Bite me, fire dragon!"

Raising its upper body, the fire dragon opened its flame-toothed gaping maw and flew toward the center of the gathering of the Three Great Nanglings and the Divine Demon Eight.

"I can't help it."

Taking a step forward, Galhyoin, the first of the Eight Adepts, drew the twin swords at his waist, but stopped short. There was someone else in the way of her daughters. It was their third mother, Binglian Saran.

Saran's lips curled into a silent smile as he extended a snow-white arm toward the oncoming fire dragon.

Absolute Ice Wall (絶代氷壁)


The fire dragon skidded to a halt in midair, as if it had hit an invisible wall. In the aftermath of the impact, its shattered head burst into flames and scattered in all directions.

"What? What's this?"

Upon closer inspection, a wall of transparent ice had sprung up from nowhere, creating a massive shield.

"You can't break through my ice wall with this much heat. Give up trying to escape."

I don't know how I froze it this time, and even with the heat of the fire dragon, it was only steaming but not melting.

But if we gave up here, it wouldn't have been a Bi Ryuyeon.

"If you get stuck, you go home!"

With her left hand, Bi Ryuyeon grabbed the brainstem connected to her middle, ring, and esophagus, and yanked those three strands upward, exclaiming, "I've got it.

"Split, split, split the fire dragon's head!"

Fire Dragon Twin Heads (火龍雙頭勢)

Diploid (雙炎流)

A part of the fiery dragon that had been stuck in the ice wall cracked open, and another head sprouted.

The result is a two-headed dragon with one body and two heads.

Leaving the head that was wrestling with the ice wall alone, the new head of the fire dragon climbed over the ice wall.

"Do you think such a shallow trick will work?"


Chains of ice protruded from the absolute ice wall, quickly encasing the head of another fire dragon.

"Wow, you caught two of them at once?

I was holding the fiery dragon in ice, but it wasn't melting at all. It was probably because it hadn't reacted properly to the rain earlier.

'That was relaxing, wasn't it? This is what happens when……!

It was the judge and jury.

The dragon's two heads began to spin separately. If I had lightning bolts in both hands, I could have used this technique more easily.

But without teeth, they had to make do with their gums.

The spinning of the fire dragon's two heads picked up speed. The two heads soon split into two bodies, creating two fiercely swirling dragon winds. Though still tenuous, it was definitely a dragon wind.

Ryuyeon Bi was going to end it today.

Wiggle! Wiggle!

The two maddening whirlpools, the dragon winds, began to churn even more ferociously, rising and falling violently.

The moment.

Quack, quack, quack!

There was a thunderous roar that shook the sky, followed by a flash of lightning.

"What? This is……!"

Based on his reaction, it's clear that he didn't do it on purpose.

"Clue solved!"

It was a flash of realization that came out of nowhere.

"This will get me away from those scary old ladies!

The door to the boundaries of the Thunder Gods, which has been closed, has been twisted open for a moment.

"Rush, gale! Cry, thunder! Strike, thunderbolt!"

Bi Ryuyeon pulled the Thunderbolt, causing the two fire dragons to collide in a fierce whirlwind.

Quack, quack, quack!

Thunder rumbled once more, shaking the heavens, and the blood of the dragons as they bit into each other became electricity and flashed everywhere. Finally, the dragon, wrapped in heat, flame, and wind, was enveloped in the thunderbolts of the celestial gods, the thunderbolts of the celestial gods.


It was time to send the two dragons back to the sky.

Secrets of the Lightning Sword (飛雷刀)

The Wall Force Chapter

Heartfelt Righteousness

Thunderbolt Fever Fengyin (雷火熱風刃) Twin Dragon Returning Heaven

The two fire dragons, who had begun to coil golden thunderbolts around their bodies, pushed back against each other with all their might. The fierce repulsion caused a roar to erupt once more, and thunderbolts shot out indiscriminately in all directions. At the same time, the crimson flames and heat that had been trapped within the swirling winds burst forth, causing devastation in all directions.

The lightning storm was unprecedented in its power, sweeping in all directions.

Screams erupted here and there. Some ordinary warriors could barely stand upright. It was like a natural disaster that had suddenly erupted, and people were scared for their lives.

"Wow, I didn't realize it was this bad."

It was written by Bi Ryuyeon herself, and she didn't expect it to be so powerful.

The ferocity was so widespread and indiscriminate that even the Three Great Nanglings and the Divine Eight Adepts had to defend themselves first. Ordinary warriors and servants would normally be a formidable force, but at a moment like this, they would become a burden to be defended.

In other words, right now, in this moment.

The women of Shinmaga could not afford to let anyone catch them.

Bi Ryuyeon didn't miss the moment and shot out like a bolt of lightning.


After a while.

Naturally, the craze didn't last long, as there were the Three Great Nanglangs and the Shinmappal Zen Master.

But where the Bi Ryuyeon and nabaxian should have been, there was nothing but a trail of charred ash.

"That's unexpected."

Saran, who had come to Gal Hyo-hye's side while the others were busy cleaning up, spoke quietly.

"Yes, Mother, the girl got one this time. Shin Pung-hyeop…… The girl really was Shin Pung-hyeop."

I had no idea that the scruffy kid was Shin Pung Hyeop.

"What is that?"

Saran pointed to a spot. In the middle of a black field swept by a hot wind, a white scroll lay. It stood out like a shivering lily in the ashes.

Gal Hyo-hye picked up the scroll and presented it to her mother, the Binglian Zen Master Saran.

"A single scroll in the midst of a firestorm, I'd say he's got some serious chops."

There were no scorch marks on the white shrine. This meant that only the power of the inner circle protected it from the flames.

As if written in haste, the contents of the survey were fairly straightforward.

This is not the time for a calm discussion, so I walk away.

Come to Mt.

The whole truth about what happened will be revealed there.

Bai Xiaochun's representative in the Bai Xiaochun Sect Martial League.

Shin Feng Kai, Biryu Yan.

It's unclear when she became a representative of the Martial Masters, but she's suddenly risen through the ranks.

"What shall we do, Mother?"

I would be cautious about judging something at this point based solely on what was in the letter.

"We should go to Mudang Mountain."

Saran thought for a moment, then spoke quietly.

"This could be fake. You know that, right?"

Gal Hyo-hye's smile deepened when Saran said she was going to become a shaman so easily.

"I know. But I also realize that there's a good chance it's not true, and where would they go with all this anyway?"

It was a question that didn't require much thought. Gal Hyohye immediately answered.

"No. After all, here in the land of Hubei, there are only shamans, and shamans and 'jin tian' go hand in hand."

"Yes, only they have the power to protect them."

The rest, even if they accepted them, would only be lumped in with them and censored.

"Okay, I'll have to ask my eldest for permission, and I'll have to get in touch with you and Sullan, and I'm not done here yet, so I'll take care of that and then go with you."

"Yes, have at it. I'll give you two more sisters."

"Yes, Mother."

Yidao and Ice Sword were to be taken by the Three Great Nanglings. He didn't feel safe leaving them with his daughters.

* * *

After greeting the three mothers, Gal Hyo-hye led some of her younger siblings and turned to leave, heading for the infinite where the Black Heavenly Blindness resides.

Nine Heavenly Maiden Muhua, Red Lotus Mistress Danhye, and Spirit Mistress Saran headed for Mount Wudang with the rest of their daughters.

"Let's go, big sister."

Saran turned to Muhua, who stood silently.


Muhua's answer was very short. If Saran hadn't spoken to her, she might not have moved. Mu Hua seemed to be thinking about something the entire time, and if she hadn't been distracted for at least half the time, even if the fire dragon had gone on a rampage, Bi Ryuyeon and company would never have been able to get out.

"Third, did your brother mean what he said earlier?"

Standing by Muhua's side, who was just starting to walk, Saran answered Muhua's somber question.

"Yes, it is."

But Dan-hye frowned and shook her head.

"Third brother, I'm not sure I understand what you said earlier, and I still don't. Was it necessary?"

"Yes, I'll tell you more when you're ready, but for now, just trust me."

"It's a shame you're the third brother, and if anyone else had uttered those words, I would have dealt with them on the spot!"

Apparently, Danhye couldn't shake off her displeasure.

"Even now. But what are you going to do if the shaman doesn't give him to you?"

Saran replied, his cold, sunken eyes gleaming.

"They will come out. Because I will make sure they do!"

The meaning of those words, which carried little emotion, was simple. It meant that he would not hesitate to use his skills.

In fact, it was already headed toward the shaman, so there could be a bloodbath before they arrived.

Muhua looked up at the sky in silence.

It was the end of the day, and day and night were mingling at the boundary.

"I guess shamans are just the beginning……."

Barring a miracle, it was impossible to stem the tide of this massive movement toward civic warfare.

She had no intention of stopping, either.

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