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Book 28 Chapter 13

Descent of the Goddess!

-causal response (因果應報)

"Now that there are only four of you left, you too must go to the other world and realize the weight of your karma!"

The left hand of the fire dragon reached out toward Chu Yun.

"Dragon Roar (炎龍咆哮)!"

With a single word, a flame-encrusted dragon shot from the woman's hand toward Chow Yun Fat. Now all that remained was for Chu Yun to be reduced to ashes, along with the white ginseng he wore.


But Chu Yun's color was surprisingly intact after being struck by the Dragon Roar. A bluish misty frost emanated from the whip in his hand, a frost that separated him from the flames.

"What a cockroach!"

The redheaded woman's eyes widened and she brushed her sleeve away, the blue frost thinning to reveal the whip in Chuun's hand clearly.

It made an unpleasant crackling sound with each stroke, and its tip split into six strands, each with scales like a snake. At the sight of the whip, which looked like a six-headed snake, an exclamation of horror burst from Bing'er's mouth.


It's not surprising that Namgungsang was surprised.

"That can't be right, if you're on the side of the Nutmeg Agency, isn't this the last poisoned weapon that the deposed Color Emperor had, and I thought it was lost with his death?"

Even if the man named Chou Yun was a descendant of the Color Emperor, it was impossible for him to have the Nutmeg Blue Scroll, for it had been swallowed up along with his body in the torrent that flowed beneath the cliff of a thousand roads.

"It's simple, it means the author is a color fiend."

Bi Ryuyeon, who was watching from the side, said suddenly.

"Isn't that a bit of a stretch?"

Jang Hong asked, his brow furrowing slightly.

"Well, why not? If that's all that's left when you've reasoned it out logically, then it's most likely true, no matter how illogical it seems."

"But the author looks to be in his mid-twenties, doesn't he?"

Bi Ryuyeon snorted at Jang Hong's retort.

"Oh, you know better. Appearances don't mean much in the martial arts, do they?"

"Does that mean the author is a master of counterfactuals?"

"Wouldn't it make the most sense to think that, even though it seems like a pretty cowardly and dirty way to do it. Look, you're not denying it."

A cruel smile appeared on Chu Yun's lips as he stood under the gazes of everyone. At the same time, a terrifying extreme yin aura erupted from his body.

'This old man is none other than the Lord of the Demons, Feng Yuanyuan, the Ten Virtues, and the Demon Emperor Chu Yunlac himself!"'

"…How did that happen!"

When I heard what she said, I was still skeptical, but when she confirmed it with her own words, no one was surprised.

"Oh, my God, how could this happen……."

The most shocked of all was Kwak Hyun, who had lost all his priests to them, and his mouth was trembling. How could he not be horrified that the figure he had chased, thinking it was a newborn Madhu, had turned out to be the great demon of old, the one who sucked the lifeblood out of virgins and rejuvenated them.

"Sure enough, it wasn't a disciple or a son. I got it."

Her final words left people a bit stunned.

"Didn't you just say that was logical reasoning?"

Jang Hong asked.

"That makes it sound plausible, doesn't it?"

It was like, "Isn't that common sense?


Jang Hong was left speechless.

"Well, there was only one other person to have cultivated the Yin Yin Technique to that degree, the Color Demon Emperor himself, but he is said to have fallen off a cliff to his death……."

It was said that they searched the cliffs and the river he fell into for seven days and nights, but no sign of him was found.

"I was then chased off a cliff by a squadron of chewed-up bastards, and I was caught in a torrent of water, and was only able to survive by hastily practicing the secret art of the Absorption Yin Yin Shingong!"

It was a trick that involved triggering the body's stored yin qi, causing the body's movement to drop dramatically with the cold, and then putting the body into a kind of domestic state.

"I floated for three days and three nights. But still I survived. But the wounds were deep, and the damage to my epicenter was severe, and it took a considerable amount of time to repair it. I had to wait more than a decade before I was able to restore my original inner core, and I was determined! To take revenge, I decided to make the Suction Yin Divine Hollow even stronger!"

He didn't need to be asked how he had restored his inner qi, how he had improved his martial arts. A dark look of disgust appeared on Zhong Zhong's face. Bi Ryuyeon asked with renewed admiration.

"You didn't get caught, did you?"

"Kkkkk, do you know how careful I've been these past few decades? My efforts even impressed the heavens, and when I gathered helpers and trained the Suction Yin Master to the level of the Great Star, my body began to grow younger and younger! Indeed, the pure yin of virgins is excellent for beauty."

The sky he knew seemed to move in strange places.

He smirked as he looked at the ashes left by the scarlet steed.

"These seven were good workers, capturing women on their own and offering them to me, and now they're reduced to a handful of ashes, and I can't get them back, tsk tsk. A pity, a pity."

Now that he was alone, he was much more confident than before. As if numbers meant nothing to him.

"You're rather cocky, aren't you, Mr. Nosa?"

Mo Yonghui frowned and asked Bing'er about this person, who was said to have died a long time ago, and whose identity was that of a colorful demon, so even when he had heard about it before, he hadn't gone into too much detail.

He didn't want to recognize such a scumbag as a fellow martial artist; it felt like an insult to the many other martial artists who were studying and practicing.

"If the author is the Colored Demon Emperor Chu Yunlac and his current strength is the same as before, that's understandable. In fact, according to his own words, he has grown stronger."

"That's true, but……."

"That means the author is confident. He hasn't been using his true strength to conceal his identity until now. Word on the street is that three divisions of the Celestial Clan's Demon Demolition Squadron were decimated by him alone. To survive such an attack without dying, his strength is certainly not easy to measure."

An extremely powerful sword master of the level of an ice sword was guarding the Color Demon Emperor Chu Yunlac. That weighed heavily on Mo Yonghui's heart.

Bing's voice was low, but Chu Yunlac, with his keen ears, could hear every word.

"Hmph, you do have a good eye for subjects, don't you, you know. What you just showed me is only a third of Nobu's true strength!"

Before he knew it, he was using the word "Nobu" to refer to himself. He had been in his forties when he rose to notoriety fifty years earlier, which meant he was nearly ninety now.

"Moreover, since the old man has already reached the state of rejuvenation thanks to the virgins' virginity, I have eternal youth and eternal virility in my hands, do you understand? Kahahahahahaha!"

He couldn't have been happier to be back in Jianghu after fifty years. He had made a splendid return to the Jianghu that had driven him out.

That's when a shouting match broke out.

"Shut up, I've heard it, and your defenses are piercing the sky!"

It was the red-haired woman who was shouting at him. The Color Demon Emperor Chu Yunlac stared at the woman, who had learned his name, with a look of mere displeasure.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, how did this fresh-skinned bitch get her liver out of her stomach? If she doesn't know, this old man will tell her what to do……!"

"Stop! I'll rot her ears if she hears any more."

As he rambled on with a conspiratorial smile, Mrs. Hyun cut him off with a stern voice.

"That's it, siblings, back off."

"I know you're in deep shit, but maybe you should take matters into your own hands."

The blue-haired woman spoke calmly, casting a quick glance in the direction of the men. Oddly enough, her gaze seemed more concerned for the passersby on the street than for the godmother who had suffered a heart attack. Mrs. Hyun's voice was firm at the words.

"That's okay. I'm just trying to teach you what it means to reap what you sow. You two have nothing to worry about."

There was a fierceness in Mrs. Hyun's words.

At that, the red-haired woman reluctantly backed away, and Mrs. Hyun spoke briefly.

"Here, take it."

Color Demon King Chu Yunlac snorted in disbelief.

"The lady there really doesn't know what's scary in the world. Would you like this old man to teach you the scary things of the world today, one-on-one? Khhhhhhh."

From Chow Yun-Fat's mouth came a phoneme that gave me goosebumps.

Then, a faint glow poured from Mrs. Hyun's eyes.

"Oh yeah, that sounds like fun, come on in."

"Crazy slut, let's see if you can still stand so stiff after tasting the pungent flavor of this old man's nutmeg green tea in a while! I'll suck out every last drop of your yin qi! Hahahahaha!"

The Colorful Demon Emperor Chu Yunlac dropped his right arm, and the Nutmeg Qing Shui flew out like a living snake to tear apart the prefect's body.

Mrs. Hyun was frozen in place.

Toodoo doodoo!

In the next moment, the bodies of the six blue beasts that had been flying with such fierce momentum crashed to the ground in a heap.

Stunned by this unexpected turn of events, Chu Yunlac quickly maneuvered his air power to strike the pair.

The blue mist of death that freezes opponents' blood and flesh at the mere touch of their hands, called Chang Yin Shang.

An ominous fog of icy cold drifted toward Mrs. Hyun. It was the icy cold that had claimed so many lives in the past.

"Avoid, ma'am!"

Mo Yonghui, who was watching, ignored Yeomdo's warning to keep quiet and watch and shouted. As a result, he had to listen to the scolding, "I told you to shut up and watch.

Mrs. Hyun didn't dodge. Instead, she held her right hand out in front of her to block the flying ice.

At this point, Chu Yunlac turned his outstretched right arm into a hook and caught the prefect's right hand. It was a trick called yin tam nang zhao, and it was truly a quick and dirty trick.

A rotten smile tugged at the corners of Chu Yunlac's mouth as her white jade hand was grasped without protest.

"Kahahahaha! You are doomed in Nobu's hands! I'll let you burn in Nobu's arms!"

With direct contact, the victory was his. The woman's life or death was now in his hands.

"Absorbing Spirituality, Absorbing Yin Divine Gong!"

Chu Yunlac activated the Sucking Yin Magic Ball. It was an evil magic circle that sucked out the yin energy of those it touched. When it was cast, women were forced to offer him their pure yin energy, and if he so desired, he could use it to drain their yang energy and make their yin energy triumph, driving them into lust and debauchery.

He had not the slightest doubt that this stern, rabidly insolent woman would soon be moaning and begging him for her life. But…….

"Uh, huh?"

It didn't take long for me to realize that something was off, that something was just plain wrong.

Mrs. Hyun, who shouldn't even be able to stand up straight, was still staring at him, her back stiff.

"Gee, this can't be right……."

It turns out that he wasn't absorbing any qi from his right hand.

"Absorption Yuyin Xin Gong!"

I shouted it out again, but the response was still the same.

"Sound absorption! Sound absorption! Sound absorption!"

Still it showed no sign of being seen.

"Is that the end of your teaching?!"

An abstract, sharp voice came out of Mrs. Hyun's mouth.

Chuunlak's body crumbled to the ground. He fell to his knees on the ground.


"This is ridiculous!"

Chu Yunlak tried to raise his knee again, but to no avail. The knee joint had been completely pulverized by one light kick from Mrs. Hyun.

It wasn't just my knees that were weak.

His entire body was drained of energy, and the energy was being sucked into Mrs. Hyun's body. Like a river flowing into the sea, all the energy in his body was flowing toward her.

No matter how much I tried to reverse the flow by creating the Suction Yin Magick, it was impossible to turn back the turbulent flow, like the raging rapids of the Yellow River.

My energy was rapidly being sucked out of me.

Chu Yunlac's pale skin began to lose its luster and become more and more haggard, until it was like a crumpled sheet of paper. This was the state that the maidens often showed him when they were near death from being drained of their qi and begged him to save them.

Shocked, Chu Yunlac asked in a shaky voice.

"Da, you're saying that you've also mastered the Suction Yin Xin Gong?"

The word 'you' didn't make it out, and the sharp eyebrows of Mrs. Hyun arched.

"You claim to be a teacher, but you are woefully undereducated. This time, make a proper comparison!"

At the same time, a creepy scream erupted from Chu Yunlac's mouth.


He screamed and writhed in agony, as if fire ants were biting into the flesh of his five organs. The pain was indescribable, as if the veins of his entire body were boiling over.

"Did it hurt?"

Screaming and writhing, covered in tears and snot, Chow Yun-Fat nodded vigorously.

Then Mrs. Hyun looked at him with cold eyes and said quietly.

"Those poor girls must have suffered worse than this."

His voice was filled with compassion.


The scream that erupted from Chu Yunlac's mouth grew louder, as if the fire ants biting at his body had doubled in number.

"What sin did those children commit, other than being born beautiful?"

In a voice that rattled the lungs of her listeners, Mrs. Hyun said.

"How much more heartbreaking must it have been for the parents who lost those children?"

And she taught me some of that pain.

Chu Yunlac's eyes glazed over, her mouth foamed white, and her whole body puddled and trembled.

"…… …… …… …… …… ……."

He was in so much pain that he couldn't even scream. Seeing this, Mrs. Hyun halved her power.

"Kwehwehwehwehweh, kill me, please kill me!"

This time, it felt like his guts were being sliced open with a knife, then torn out by invisible hands. The experience of having his body torn apart while still alive, with his mind still intact, made him feel like he might as well be dead.

But just as he was about to bite his tongue, Mrs. Hyun increased her strength, as if reading his mind.


The sight of a ninety-year-old warhorse crying, screaming, and ejaculating like a child was something out of a light drama, and the less realistic it was, the better.

Who would have believed that a mere woman was begging for a warlord, a warlord who had even been designated a martial artist.

"What's the use of asking me for forgiveness, there are no children here to hear that apology."

"Oops, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong!"

"But it's better to do it than not to do it. It wouldn't hurt to apologize to all those poor women you've victimized."

The voice was icy cold.


One hand was grabbed, and the kneeling Chu Yunlac's forehead was smashed into the ground like a pestle and mortar. His forehead cracked open and blood spurted out. Somehow, at this moment, the self-defense qi that had been softened by absorbing the women's yin qi was completely useless.

Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!

Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! POOF!

His forehead cracked open and blood trickled down, and the pristine white ginseng he was wearing began to stain with blood from his forehead.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

After the ninth time, Chow Yun-Fat finally raised his head.

Is this the end? Can I die now?


A maniacal laugh escaped Chu Yunlac's lips, and though he wanted to lose his mind and go crazy, he couldn't because of the invisible force that wrapped around the veins in his brain. He couldn't even lose his mind; his senses were sharper than ever, and he had to realize the pain he was experiencing now.

It was then that Mrs. Hyun spoke again, this time quietly.

"From what I've heard, the Sucking Yin Demon Master requires a hundred virgins to be his virgins?"

An ominous premonition arose in Chu Yunlac's mind. The urge to turn back immediately enveloped his entire body, and he heard a desperate word.

"Then there are only ninety-nine more to go!"

He was told to fill a hundred kodu. Chow Yun-Fat didn't dare refuse.

Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! thump! Thump! ……Thump! Thump! thump!……thump! Thump!


It was a bizarre sight indeed.

The sight of the colorful Demon King Chow Yun-Fat, who has terrorized countless women and powerful men in the past, repeatedly pounding his mortar into the hard ground like a machine.

No one spoke, not even the women's group, not even the watching Bi Ryuyeon. A heavy silence descended on the hall, punctuated only by the constant sound of someone's head being cut off.

……Thump! Ninety-seven! Thump! Ninety-eight! Thump! Ninety-nine! Thump! One hundred!

Finally, the hundredth kodu is over.

When he looked up, Chu Yunlac's face was covered in blood and dirt, no longer recognizable as a human face.

But no one felt sorry for him; the bitterness of the women who had fallen victim to his hand was too deep to be pitied.

To pity him, it seemed, would be an insult to the women who had to be trampled underfoot by the nymphs before their lives could fully blossom. It would also be a terrible insensitivity and disrespect for the parents whose daughters had been taken from them.

The white ginseng, which had been slowly turning color, was now completely red from its own blood.

"Hehehe…… Hehehe……."

Saliva dripped from the corners of Chuunlak's Heberin's mouth.

His mouth was muttering nonstop, and if you listened closely, he was repeating "wrong, wrong, wrong!" over and over again.

Now, for the first time in his life, he was thinking about the weight of his actions-the weight of his karma. He realized with his whole body and mind the law of cause and effect, which he had never realized in the past ninety years.

How terrifying it is to want to die and not be able to. How bitter it was to want to live and not be able to live. He couldn't bear it.

"Now, now I get it!"

Chuunlak sobbed and cried out. His voice was different from before. Mrs. Hyun looked at him as if she could see through him and asked.

"……Do you mind if I go now to visit the girls in Gutian?"

At that, Chuunlak shook his head frantically.

"No, no, no, send me to hell, uhhhhhhhhhh!"

Thump, thump, thump!

She looked up again to see if he was tired of her. As long as he could die, he seemed to be fine with it. The lady's eyes sank deeply as she watched him.

"Very well. If you are so determined, you can die now, for even dozens or hundreds of deaths will not erase your karma, so how can I keep you alive?"

Her words carried the weight of years and the power of the heart.

Chow Yun-Fat realized.

How little he was, and what an empty title it was to be called a colossus.

Toward the Color Demon Emperor Chu Yunlac, who no longer had a shred of sanity left in him, Madam Hyun stretched out a pure white jade and placed it on his Heavenly Spirit Dog, saying in a solemn voice: "I'm sorry.

"You have come out of a woman's body, and your body is made up of the lives of women, so I will return you to the dust, for you have no place to go."

The next moment, nine streaks of black flame-like energy shot out from her entire body, and Chu Yunlac could feel the energy in her body leaving her palm. A tremendous suction force was sucking all of his energy out of him. It was similar to the Suction Yin Magick, but it was also quite different. It was as if the Qi within his body was flowing into a vast ocean.

In his fading but strangely clear consciousness, he recalled a similar story about a martial artist he had once heard.

It was about the legendary "Beiming County Sea God".

"Black robe, nine stalks of muklinsalt. And a sorbent! No way… No way……."

Color Demon Emperor Chu Yunlac's eyes were tearing as he knelt on the ground and looked up at Lady Hyun.

Another legend popped into his head.

It was a legend about the three goddesses who took the form of women and defeated the god of the sea, Beiming Hyeonhae.

A legend so old that not many people remember it anymore…….

Until recently, many people had only known "her" as the first wife of a powerful man, but ninety-year-old Chou Yunlak remembered the legend by a different name.

A woman who holds the title of Presidential Lady, the highest among the fair maidens.

That asterisk is…….

Chu Yunlai's eyes were filled with astonishment and disbelief as he looked at her, as if he had seen something unbelievable.

"You can't possibly be…… Nine Heavenly Women?!"

Mrs. Hyun didn't deny it.

"Yes, her name is Nine Heavenly Princess Muhua."

More and more wrinkles appeared on his flabby face, his dark hair turned grayer and grayer, his skin began to wrinkle, and his whole body shrank. In an instant, he seemed to have aged ninety years.

And finally, he was nothing but bones and skin. There was not a single drop of essence left in his body.

Tsk tsk!

The next moment, his entire body began to crack and crumble, as if weathered by hundreds of years.

The once mighty Sigmar has been reduced to a handful of dust.

Mrs. Hyun stood silently in the midst of the scattering dust. Her aura was like a mountain that no one dared to cross.


No one spoke up.

At that moment, her eldest daughter, Hyo-in, walked toward her and bowed low to apologize.

"We apologize, Mother. Our incompetence has caused your mother a lot of hassle, so please forgive us."

If it was done on their terms, why should Mrs. Hyun's hands be soiled? In her high-minded way, she could not be so sorry.

"It's okay. I have taken matters into my own hands, and this is the retribution of his karma."

If so, it was indeed a stern and severe punishment, Hyoin thought, but given his behavior, it was only to be expected.

It may have been the result of an exquisitely interlocking chain of cause and effect that the man who had taken the virgins' virginity through the art of Suction Yin Magic had all his virginity scattered and returned to dust by a woman's art of Suction. Only the heavens knew.

"We'll have to hurry down the road to return the favor."

Mrs. Hyun mused quietly, her voice tinged with a hint of wistfulness.

"He and all those who try to help him will get what they deserve! If the heavens don't punish him, we surely will!"

The words of the red-haired woman, the second wife, Dan Hye, did not contain a shred of doubt.

"Yes, it will, because I will, because I will, because I will."

In a quiet but unwavering voice, Mrs. Hyun murmured.

Suddenly, she looked at Zhang Yiha, the iron-hearted leader of the Zhongyang Marking Bureau, and asked what was on her mind.

"You, where are you headed?"

Zhang Yiha's iron heart had already melted and turned to water. If he had been a man of small stature, how could he have earned the title of Iron Heart, but his body was trembling like an aspen tree.

'It's, it's black, it's black and white, it's nothing, it's nothing.'

Through clenched teeth, Zhang Yiha barely answered. Just to keep from falling off his horse, he was using every ounce of strength he had.

It's not unreasonable, having witnessed the spectacle unfold a few moments earlier, and no one could blame him for his actions.

"What do you think, third brother?"

"If you're referring to a companion, you seemed to be moving at a good pace, so that shouldn't be a problem."

The conversation between the two ladies sent chills down the spines of everyone in the group, but the cruel truth is that forebodings are always right. Lady Gu Tian looked at Zhang Yiha and uttered a terrifying word.

"Okay, if this is fate, why don't you come along for the ride?"

It's a proposal that's a bit of a revelation, especially the ice sword and Yeomdo.

"Say no! Say no right now! Say no, absolutely!"

Both Bing'er and Yeomdo simultaneously shouted out in unison, signaling their refusal, but it was too much for Zhang Yiha, who had vividly witnessed the scene just a moment ago.

"Well, I'd be honored if you did, uhhhhhh, I'd be happy to accept that."

Zhang Yiha dismounted from his horse and clasped his trembling hands together, bowing as politely as he could. At that moment, Ice Sword and Yin Dao hung their heads in despair.

Apparently satisfied with his demeanor and words, Gu Tianxuan nodded and spoke briefly.

"I take it you've accepted, then. We still have a ways to go, so let's hurry."

"I'll do that right away."

Watching from a distance as Jang Yi Ha accepted Mrs. Hyun's opinion, the third daughter, Gal Hyo Hye, had a strange smile on her face.

"Everything is according to plan.

He smiled, as if to say.

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