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Book 28 Chapter 12

The Carp Strike Back

-Drying firewood

"What a bunch of hot babes."

"I can't believe they're going to take on these old people on their own."

"Did you miss the touch of your elders, khhhhhhhh!"

Chaehong Chilma blatantly called for good fortune.

It was a windfall, a windfall of sorts, to be able to catch eleven beauties in one fell swoop. It was like casting a net and catching them all in one fell swoop, instead of fishing for them one by one with a rod. A moonfish, no, a windfish, a big wind!

'The ship is full! Eheradi!

'It's nice to think that I can spend a week and a night buried in the flesh of women.'

But when they say that, they haven't given much thought to the possibility that the fish they're trying to catch is a shark, not a carp.

"You're right. However, I don't see the need for you to go to the trouble of doing this yourself, so why don't you let your firstborn pick the hands."

The watery-haired woman spoke in a calm voice and was interrupted by a red-haired woman next to her.

"That's right," he said, "and it's appropriate, too, to keep the kids from getting depressed."

At their words, Mrs. Hyun nodded reluctantly.

"Good. Effective!"

With a military, commanding word, the first of the eight women standing behind him stepped forward.

Her long, jet-black hair was tied back in a tight braid of white tiger skin, and she wore an equally white toshi on each arm. Resolute and cool, she carried two swords on her back, and just standing there, her entire body radiated a sharp dao-reminiscent qi, especially in her deep, black eyes, which held the energy of a great tiger, and would make a normal person feel nauseous just by looking into them. This meant that she had reached the level of 'Sword Heart Eyes', which could capture the intangible pottery in her eyes, but it was also a feature that was difficult to recognize until you looked directly into her eyes.

"Yes! The first son accepts his godmother's command."

"From now on," she said, "I will take orders from you as an official member of the Shinmaga family, not as a mother-daughter relationship." To which the prefect added briefly.

"The road is busy, Ida Sutra."

He said he had to leave quickly, so he wanted everything done in time for a cup of tea. The woman, who was called Hyo-in, replied without delay.

"Yes, then I'll write three at the same time, sixth Hyo-min, seventh Hyo-hyo!"

"Yes, Dae-Mae!"

The woman with the jade cow and the woman with the silvered gold stepped forward as if waiting.

The woman called Hyo-min wore her ebony hair in a silver braid, twisting it up once and letting it hang down, her lush locks reaching her thighs. Her hair was tied back with a white silk braid that reached her knees, giving her a very clear black-and-white look. Carrying a jade cow in her right hand, she walked with a reticent and unassuming demeanor, but her every step exuded sophistication and grace.

On the other hand, a long-haired woman named Hyohyo walked out, carrying a large amount of silver on her back, and as soon as she came out, she untied her wrists with a serious face and asked, "What are you waiting for?

"Dae-mae, don't you think we need a spear? They're unsightly, and the road is busy……."

Normally, I would use a window.

When she stood quietly in the back, she was certainly unremarkable despite her great height, but once she began to move and open her mouth, she was a woman who drew people's attention in a strange way. It was hard to tell if it was because she had an air of intrigue that didn't quite match the noble silver, or if it was because she sparkled despite her plain appearance compared to the others.

"That's it. Are you going to rip the side of my skirt off before we even get there?"

With a firm voice, Dae Mae Hyoyin called out the name of one last person.

"And the youngest, …… Hyomyo."

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Someone stepped forward from the very back of the group of women, hands raised as if in anticipation.

She was probably fourteen or fifteen years old, the shortest of the eight and the cutest looking, with her hair in a double braid that hung down in a tight bun. Her gait was reminiscent of a single black cat, and her face was uncharacteristically somber.

There were only three of them who stepped forward. A puzzled look crossed the face of Namgung Sang, who watched from some distance away.

"That's odd, Big Brother."

Namgungsang questioned in a low voice.


Bi Ryuyeon, who had been watching with a curious expression on her face since the beginning, replied briefly.

"Isn't that right, you've got eight manifestations and you've only played three."

"Are you an idiot?"

"I'm not an idiot, am I?"

"But why ask the obvious? It shows you're confident."


"Yeah. Eight of those guys are confident that three of them are enough."

How confident are you that…….

Namgung Sang looked at the women who stepped forward in wonder. None of the women were young, and yet there was an unmistakable sense of providence about them. Even the youngest girl, the youngest of them all, didn't have the air of a young woman making her first appearance in the court.

"I don't think you need any more, it's just the Ildar."

"Yes, buy-to-let."

With those words, the woman called Godmother stepped back. She stood with her arms crossed in front of her remaining sisters. It was a clear declaration that she would not fight this battle.

"Brother Red Horse, have you seen all these chewing bitches?!"

"You must think these old people are very funny."

The Chihuahuas were amazed at the women's flirtatious behavior.

"Get excited, you cheeky bitches! I'll send you to the netherworld in no time!"

The crimson horse charged at the women, spitting out cruel phonemes and curses that they could barely contain.

At this point, the Crimson Devils were confident. They had an elder brother behind them, who could be said to be a master of the Color Demon Realm, so they had nothing to fear.

So they had no doubt that these black-robed women would soon be lying naked before them, and at the end of the day, they would be their nourishment, with not a shred of yin left in their entire bodies.

Chaehong means to gather rainbows. The rainbow, of course, refers to a woman. For them, women were not objects of love, but of gathering. Like children collecting insects like butterflies, they only collected a living woman instead of a butterfly.

These majestic foragers were divided into red, white, blue, and green, and wore a total of seven different colors of clothing, according to their respective tribes, and were ordered in that order. The first color was red, the last was purple, and so on.

The reason they were able to remain undetected for so long and continue to be a constant scourge to women was because they were trained in the arts of absorption and coloring by their older brother, Choyun.

Those martial artists were also perverted, but they were unpredictable and changeable, enough to annihilate the promising Hsing-Shan Twelve Swords. They were perverts in color, but alas, strong perverts.

So how could they not be confident of their victory?

But things didn't go as easily as they had hoped.

Blah, blah, blah!

Uh-huh? Whack! Whack! Whack!

Unsurprisingly, the three women were strong.

Naturally, the Chae Hong Tsilhqa, who was expecting to win, was surprised by the unexpectedly strong counterattack, which turned into an "uhhhh?" and then into a "uhhhh?" and finally into a "thump, thump, thump!".

If the women weren't outnumbered, the game would have been over as soon as it started. Yet there was no sign of nervousness on the faces of the remaining women. They were overwhelmingly strong. The seven horses would have been decapitated in less than half a day if not for the frowning intervention of Chu Yun, a white-haired handsome man of color who had been observing the situation.

Despite his youthful appearance in his twenties, the power of the Colorful Berserk Chu Yun was astonishing. Every time he swung his twin swords, a white mist-like aura shot out towards the three women, and the power of the freezing field he unleashed was comparable to that of the Chu Hong Qilin. Even the fearless women were not directly touched by the white mist; the mere touch of the hem of their clothes was enough to invade them with a foul, sinister yin energy. Its nature was also strange and sinister, and it was not advisable to deal with it directly.

Bing'er frowned at Chu Yun's artifice. The unpleasantness he had felt earlier had increased thirtyfold.


An incomparable air power at his age. And a blue aura on his grim brow. It was proof that he had mastered the art of the Extreme Yin. And the women who disappeared, the bodies that were found thirsty.

Bing'er's mind flashed back to a forbidden mage who had risen to infamy more than fifty years ago.

"He's mastered the taboo art of kung fu."

Mo Yonghui asked in surprise.

"Is that true, Mr. Nosa?"

"It must be true. He must have mastered the 'Absorbing Yin Magick'!"

A look of horror crossed the rescuers' faces, for they too had heard the story of Kang Ho in history class.

It was said that if practiced to a certain level, it could emit white frost from its hands, and if it reached its peak, it could emit pale blue frost, Chang Yin Shang. It was a terrifying jutsu that could freeze a person's heart and blood just by touching them.

"The same one that was once mastered by one of the Nine Demons, the Color Lust Demon……."

Mo Yonghui's expression was stony as he spoke.

Sucking Yin Mage, alias White Blood Mage.

This martial art was powerful, but what made it truly cruel and terrifying was its method of formation. It was a terrifying martial art that absorbed the yin energy of countless maidens to increase its own power. When unleashed, it looked no different from any other ice field, but once one understood its method of formation, one could not help but tremble at its cruelty. For this reason, the Colorful Lightning Horse was designated a Martial Art and was destroyed in pursuit.

That the mage would appear at such a nameless pass…….

It was understandable that someone who had mastered the Absorbing Yin Technique would be defeated by the Twelve Swords of Hsing-San, who looked so young but possessed such intimidating power. With this martial art, those who had abandoned their humanity and become cruel could quickly become stronger with their attributes. The author seemed to have become strong like that after sacrificing the blood of a hundred virgins.

But Bingum had one more thing on his mind.

"Something keeps getting stuck, and I can't figure out what it is.

One nagging suspicion kept nagging at the back of my mind.

'I wonder if he hasn't shown his true colors yet. Of course, that won't change anything…….'

"I didn't know bitches could be so strong!

Chu Yun, a handsome man of the Hundred Ginseng, couldn't help but smile.

'If you don't do something soon, you'll be on your way to…….'

One of the girls, using a large silver shield, surrounded the others, while the occasional jade sword sliced through the air. In the meantime, a strange little boy wielding a kite sword is flying daggers, so everyone is scrambling to defend their position.

As it was, the other seven were in danger. He had bred them long and hard. He could not afford to lose these valuable laborers, who provided him with a constant supply of fresh maidens to quench his thirst.

Then his eyes caught sight of the three women standing behind him.

Five of the black-robed Eight Adepts had moved off in all directions to block Chai Hongqilma's retreat, leaving only the three ladies, including Madam Hyun, to remain apart.

"I bet you said mother, didn't you?

It must have been a stepmother, for such young wives could not have given birth to such old wives. I don't know what kind of wealthy family this is, but it must be a pretentious warlord, and the head of the family has brought in concubines.

"Not one, not two, but three! I'm so lucky!

It was not uncommon for the head of a powerful warlord's family to take a concubine, and the greatest criterion for a concubine was…… bravery! The daughters of Sega had been trained from an early age, but if they were new concubines, they must have been brought in based on their appearance alone. There was no sign of a hidden sword or dao, and eight daughters surrounded and protected them.

"Hmph, that's it!

There's nothing like a hostage to hold a man back, and the closer he is to you, the more valuable he is to you, the more effective it is.

"Get those three bitches, and all the others will just fall through the cracks!"

Colorful Fanatic Chu Yun pointed his finger at the three ladies and exclaimed.

"Let's see if the stepmothers will still be this strong when they're taken hostage!"

At that shameless exclamation, the eldest daughter exclaimed indignantly.

"Stop, you insolent things!"

But the cries of the first daughter reached their ears, and the colored horses shot toward the three women at once.

"Unleash the Coloring Book!"

Under the direction of the lustful maniac, the seven surrounded the three women on all sides; they were wicked, demonic, and perverted, and they had no moral reservations or hesitations.

This was an ultra-cowardly passing technique they created to reliably kidnap and attack powerful female high school students. A woman trapped in this technique would have her clothes ripped off in an instant by the "Seven Virtues Divine Wind," a mixture of "Yin Heart Waves" and "Seven Virtues Divine Power" emitted by seven people simultaneously, and her fingers would be stained with blood from all directions, making her a prey without even being able to use her hands properly. All that awaits her next is hell.

The plan was perfect, or so he thought.

But he made one fatal mistake. He assumed that the dark, heavy looks on the faces of the women he was dealing with were simply due to fear.

I flinched. It wasn't the ladies who flinched, but the scarlet dragon that was spreading out its passing stance. Surrounding the three women, they couldn't help but flinch at the richness of flesh that emanated from somewhere.

But they didn't think it was these three women who were the source of the life, mistaking it for the daughters chasing after them, unable to intervene because of their beleaguered stepmothers.

Even as they were surrounded by demons, the dark expressions on the three women's faces vanished. Perhaps they were too frightened to move.

Of course, Hyo-in, the eldest daughter, was not passive enough to let this happen; she and her siblings immediately set out to break the sticky, unpleasant rule once and for all.

"That's it, Hyoin."

If she hadn't heard her godmother's voice at the right time, she would have acted on her thoughts without hesitation.

"I apologize, Mother. I've caused you a lot of hassle without realizing it."

A pale-faced Hyo-in apologized to her godmother. She was a woman with a heart of steel and a mind that was rarely stirred, but in this case, she was unable to maintain her composure. The red-haired woman clicked her tongue.

"It's okay, how could you have ever guessed that these stupid men would do something so reckless?"

"We'll do something about it right now, it's our fault, please let us handle it ourselves."

It was a voice of almost breakable resolve, but the Godmother spoke again.

"No, I'll take care of this myself."


The eight women were stunned, and the other two ladies, who had been watching the fight calmly until now, looked a little startled as well.

"Why shouldn't the eldest sister step up to the plate and do it herself; why shouldn't this younger brother do it; why shouldn't we use an ox-knife to catch a chicken?"

I don't give a damn about the scarlet tiger, said the red-haired woman with the turo. Another lady added quietly.

"It's not like we've lost a lot of time yet, so let's not make a big deal out of it."

Mrs. Hyun smiled bitterly at the two women's disapproval.

"Okay, I'll leave those eight to you then."

At that, the red-haired woman nodded her head and spoke forcefully.

"That's a good idea, big sister, I'll take care of those guys."

Chae Hong Chilma had different sexual preferences.

The fifth blue horse had a special constitution that made it impossible for him to resist lust when he saw a married woman who looked a little too fresh.

"Hooray, I'll eat it!"

Impatient, the fifth of the blue horses reached out toward the woman with the azure hair.



His hand paused for a moment. His body stood still, proud of the fact that he'd never stopped when he'd pounced on a woman. He reached out, unwillingly. But as if an infinite distance separated him from the watery-haired woman, his hand never touched her.

"By the way, what was that "poof!" you just heard?

It was only then that I started to notice the sound I had heard earlier, which seemed to come from slightly below…….

He glances down slightly. Only then did it catch the blue horse's eye.

A skewer of ice, cold and white, pierced his abdomen.

There was no pain or bleeding, probably because the area around the wound had frozen rapidly. It was only the skewer that prevented her from getting any closer. The icy skewer curved gently and connected to the woman's left hand, which held a short stick that looked like a whip without a blade or a hilt. The ice had taken the place of the whip's hilt.

But then I noticed something else.

I couldn't feel my lower half at all. My legs felt numb and heavy.

If you've been stabbed in the abdomen, why can't you feel anything down your legs?

He tried to move his leg with a little more effort.


Once again, a strange sound resounded.

A burst of something. He lowered his gaze toward the source of the sound.

A huge crack ran up his right leg, from the sole of his foot on the ground. There it was, cracked open, a man's leg, like porcelain. His own leg, no one else's!

And yet, I don't feel any pain. There is no bleeding.

It was like he was dreaming.

White steam billowed from the cracks. Only then did he realize that his entire lower half was frozen solid, so he could neither feel pain nor move.

"Uh, how about……."

The blue horse looked into her face with a puzzled gaze, but her expression was expressionless, a little timid or lost in thought, so he could read nothing into it. She seemed to be averting his gaze or ignoring it.

The woman waved her left hand slightly, and the icy whip that had been piercing his abdomen was pulled out.

Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp!

The next moment, a crack raced downward, centered on the hole where the tip of the ice whip had exited.

"My leg! My leg!"

Even as he cried out, the cracks grew wider, not smaller, and the next moment, the blue horse's body collapsed.


He had completely lost the lower half of his body that he had teased so indiscreetly.

Half his body collapsed, and he stopped moving, eyes wide. He opened his eyes and his heart stopped beating, unable to bear the horror of his body's collapse.


The icy whip drawn from the Blue Horse's abdomen turned to water and flowed down to the ground. It soon soaked into the earth and disappeared. And not even the handle of the whip remained in her hand.

At this unexpected turn of events, the remaining Crimson Seven Horses-nay, the Six Horses-were baffled.

But without a drop of blood, it didn't feel real at all. It was like watching a sandcastle crumble under the weight of a wave from nowhere.

Their minds were in a fierce struggle to come to terms with the unbearable reality. It was Red, the first of the scarlet horses, who was the quickest to break through this psychological resistance and accept the reality. He hurriedly shook his siblings awake.

"Wake up! A proper nymph doesn't do this kind of work, remember? We're nymphs, honest nymphs that women pay to see, despise, and fear. What do you expect a nymphomaniac to do with a woman? Let's show her what a nymphomaniac is made of! Let's attack her all at once!"

At that moment, a woman with flame-red hair shouted at him.

"Didn't you hear me, you fools, try to get over here, not there!"

Her hair was a flaming red, and the flickering flames of her eyes flashed golden in their sockets. And then she was gone in an instant.


When she reappeared, she held the Red Horse's face in her left hand. She was now standing beside him, clutching his skull.

"I think your head is an ornament, so we should lighten up a bit!"

Hearing the dreaded call, an exclamation of admiration burst from the mouth of Yeomdo, who had been watching the situation.

"That's an incredibly fast body!"

It was like a roaring flame that was extinguished in an instant and then rekindled at a distance.

Do you think you can do that?

Yeomdo, who wasn't particularly skilled in the art, found himself thinking to himself. He'd been practicing without Bing'er's knowledge, but he wasn't sure how well it would pay off.

From the ears of the captured red horse, white steam erupted, accompanied by the sound of boiling kettle water.

"Replace that with……."

Mo Yonghui couldn't understand what he was seeing.

"Don't you see, it's steam."

Binggum, who was watching from the side, frowned and said.

"What? Steam?"

"The water in that bastard's body is boiling at a temperature above boiling point, and the steam is spewing out of his orifices. The ears are just the beginning."

As Gourd explained, white steam erupted from the rest of Goku's body, except for his ears, with a terrifying force.

Only those who have polarized their martial arts skills in the Hydrothermal System can use this technique to inflict untold pain by boiling the water within their bodies while they are still alive. It's a terrifying trick that's rarely used on even the most benign of villains.

"It's also known as 'drying firewood.'"

There was a hint of bitterness in his words.

"Drying firewood?"

I didn't need to be told why it was called that.

The red horse's body was shriveling up as it spewed steam from its lacquer ball. Of course it was. How could it retain its shape when more than an arm's length of water was draining out of it?

"You look like a mummy."

Mo Yonghui said, frowning.

"Do you think it's cruel?"


Mo Yonghui did not answer. It was an unspoken affirmation. Then Yin Do spoke.

"Hast thou heard what the women lately found were like?"


Suddenly, Mo Yonghui realized something. He could see that the red-haired woman had done it on purpose.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

He meant that you should do the same to yourselves, for you have made many poor virgins like old trees.


Soon the human body ignited: the fat that made up his body exceeded its combustion temperature. As the water in his body evaporated past the boiling point, his dry body became even more ripe for fire. Dry firewood always burns better than wet firewood.

"I'm all about one-on-one attention, but I can't help it if they're all doing it at once."

The red-haired woman wasn't stupid enough to send the colored horses that slobbered at them back gracefully. By her standards, it wasn't nice to send them back, it was stupid.

"I'm going to send you all to the 'Red Flame Hell'!"

There are certainly some rats in this world who will never reform before they die. It would be good for the world, and good for their stupid souls, if they were punished as soon as possible, so that they can move on to the next life and have a chance to make amends.

When their leader, the Red Horse, was burned to death in a futile but terrifying act, confusion reigned among them. Only then did they realize that something had gone terribly wrong, and they came to the plain and simple conclusion that they should flee.

With two of the seven already gone, it was pointless to hold the siege any longer.


The Vermilion Horse, who had just become the top of the hierarchy, called out in an urgent voice.

"It's too late. The gates of hell, once opened, will not close."

The woman stretched out her hand toward the fleeing scarlet horse, folding her middle and ring fingers into a thumb, making it look like a horned animal, and cried out.

"Chase and burn!"

Blah blah blah!

From her outstretched left hand, flames erupted with terrifying force, as if a fire dragon had been born.


The scarlet horse screamed and rolled on the ground in the flames. Praying that the flames that enveloped him with such fierce warmth would subside.

But the raging flames, far from being extinguished, were convulsing (痙攣) him with their warmth. The smell of sizzling flesh wafted through the air, along with the odor of oil.

What are those bright flames?

He wasn't the only one who was stunned by the sudden burst of flame; Yeomdo, who was also a master of the Salt Heat Realm, had been stunned to the point where his eyes popped out of his head at what she had done earlier.

"What is that? Is that a martial arts ball?

If so, how do you replace this heavy odor…….

He had never seen a flame burn a man like that before. That wasn't a fire that converted energy.



Once again, a fire dragon opened its mouth and flames erupted from her left finger, and the flames became karma that clung to the body of one of the indigo horses and set his body ablaze.

Amidst the searing heat and the smell of burning flesh, his nose detected the thick odor of oil.

"Why does it smell like oil when I'm using mu-gong?

His gaze fell on a large red flask hanging upside down from the woman's back, so large that it looked like she was carrying a small jar. The flask was engraved with the character for flame, "Yin," on the outside.

'No way…….'

Yeomdo squinted and focused her gaze on her flask, and then it was clear. The stopper on the flask popped open, and a thin rope of clear, yellow liquid oozed from it.

The thread, like a living snake with a will of its own, entered the hole in the back of her sleeve and ran down her arm to her wrist. Once it stopped below her wrist, the transparent yellow serpent formed a small flame between her middle, ring, and thumb, and suddenly, with fierce speed, it slithered through the flame, turning into a giant fire dragon and biting its prey. Its body was made of pure oil, so even if it left her hands, it would not disappear easily. All that awaited the sable horse wrapped around the flame dragon was a fate of burning to ashes.


And the lid of the calabash, which had opened on its own, closed again on its own.

The oil she was using was called "fire dragon oil," a specially refined oil that, once ignited, could generate immense firepower in an instant.

With this oil, she was able to create a flame comparable to a karmic fire, even with the smallest spark. To draw as much oil as she wanted from the flask hanging upside down on her back, to do it without the aid of tools, to do it with the power of empty air, to create a spark, and then to blow it into flames, was an enormous task.

So much so that you might as well take that energy into the air.

Arcana of the Yin Palace (秘傳)

Fire Spirit Shamanism

The Secret Art of Qi Hua

Goryong Shinitis (五龍神炎)


Four flaming dragons emanated from her left hand and instantly consumed the Red Sama, who had just become a Sama. A tearing scream rang out as the infernal flames consumed their bodies.

They were still alive when their whole body was on fire, so they had to experience the pain of their bones cooking, their lungs burning, their flesh scorching, until their hearts were reduced to ashes.

I can't describe the pain; it was a terrifying sight, like a red-hot hell manifested on earth.

And after a few moments, the situation was cleared up.

When Colorful Frenzy Chu Yun came to his senses, he had already lost the Cherub and was alone.

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