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Book 27 Chapter 4

Fighting the dragon

-Vacuum nest


"Why, Master?"


"Ouch! Ouch, why did you hit me!"

"Why can't you do any of that? That's why our unofficial slave is so much better than you."

"Slaves, where's that luxury, you little sect?"

"Why not? I used to have one, and at this rate, you're going to end up as a footnote at best."

"I, uh, was that the order of the meal?"

"A disciple is the difference between a slave and a piece of paper."

"What's the difference between that one piece of paper?"

"Of course, you can either learn the martial arts of the Rainbow Gate or not. Other than that, they're all the same."

"Other than that, it's all about making money, eating, cleaning, and doing laundry, yay!"

"Yeah, right, why ask for the obvious?"


"You can either make disciples or you can make disciples. But first, you have to learn the essence of this 'empty and lowly thing'. You have to empty yourself before you can accept the world. Those who cannot empty themselves will not gain. Empty yourself in order to bring the different energies together; the more you empty yourself, the more you will gain."

"Is that so?"

"Of course. Now, make sure you empty your pockets, too."

"What about the pockets?"

"The same reasoning applies to money. The more you empty your pockets, the more you can fill them, right?"

"Lie, lie, lie!"

"Do you mean to tell me that you don't trust this master, who is trying to teach you the great things of the world?"

"Of course not, taking money out of your pocket will only make you poorer!"

I could believe everything else, but I couldn't believe that last one. No, I didn't want to believe it. How could he possibly know that I had money stashed away behind his back?

"Tsk, tsk, an inexperienced fellow who can't even control a single dragon. Listen, apprentice, four dragons in your body. They will grow stronger and stronger as time passes. At any moment, they may tear you apart, and you will never be able to take off the dark dragon ring. But remember, if you can't control those four dragons, you'll never attain the Thunder God. Now, empty it!"



Bi Ryuyeon closed her eyes and let out a short moan as she reclined. The words of the old master echoed in her ears like a hallucination.

At the moment, Bi Ryuyeon was practicing flying, but the place was not very good. Normally, during a flying exercise, one's body was defenseless, and even the slightest impact from the outside could cause one to fall into a coin-op. That's why it's best to do it quietly and in secret. That's the common sense of a powerhouse. But right now, Bi Ryuyeon was flying in the middle of an enemy camp, surrounded by dozens of enemies. The only person protecting him was Hyorong. This brazen behavior could not help but stun even the King of the West Sea, Ravio.

"Did his liver go overboard?"

He couldn't help but ask him. Hyorong became a little embarrassed,

"Uhm, please don't ask me such a difficult question to answer."

in the middle of an enemy camp. The self-proclaimed righteousness of Rakbio meant he wasn't attacking through his men, but that didn't mean he could relax in the middle of enemy territory. Hyo-ryong knew this as well as anyone from Black Island. There are few things more untrustworthy than the promises of a Black Daoist. And even if Rockvio stood still, there would be those who would rush to take the credit. That's why he had to stay on his toes and be a shield for Bi Ryuyeon.

"Please wake up, my friend, before I bleed to death.

Hyo-Ryong muttered to himself, trying to hide the cold sweat running down his spine, but his carefree friend made no reply.

In fact, even though Bi Ryuyeon appeared to be fine on the outside, he was in the midst of a fierce battle on the inside. The three energies swirling within him and the!

The first was the aura that Bi Ryuyeon originally possessed. The second was the power he had gained through his cultivation of the Rainbow Dao, and the third was the power he had awakened when the Mighty Dragon Ring was released. This was also a power that Bi Ryuyeon had gained, but had not yet been able to control properly. The third was the energy of the pill that Rakvio had unexpectedly given him. It wasn't a poison, as Rakvio had assured her, but she couldn't help but like it, and its unexpectedly strong medicinal properties added new energy to her already overwhelming strength. The largest of these was the energy of the Left Beast Dragon that had been released from the Dark Dragon Ring, but as a result, there were now three different auras colliding, repelling, intertwining, swirling, and rampaging madly within his body.

Like a reservoir during the rainy season, it threatened to break its banks and erupt at any moment. Bi Ryuyeon had to somehow control this terrible energy. Otherwise, he couldn't even guarantee his life. To think that he was about to be destroyed by the aura within him……. If his master had known about this, he would have made fun of him for a decade for being immature.

"This situation seems like it's happened before…… but when was it?

I felt a strange sense of disorientation. I think it was during the volcano, and then I remembered how I got out of that situation. It was a fuzzy memory because I had done it almost subconsciously.

"Yeah, why had I forgotten about that, about that time?

Isn't that what people do: learn from the past, improve the present, and move toward the future? Suddenly my head cleared as if a rain cloud had passed.

"Gongzhou mulsha (空低物事)!

By emptying oneself, one is able to change freely. That is the power of formlessness that changes everything. The essence of nothingness, which is intangible and unconventional.

Breaking the mold and putting yourself at the center of the world.

That's the road to thunderstorms.

"Oh, damn it, Master, that's what you meant.

Only then did she understand her master's intentions in releasing the dragon.

An enormous amount of chi has accumulated within your body through years of training. The flow is fierce, wild, and powerful, like that of an ascending dragon. A great power that could tear apart the wielder's body if it were to go wrong. The Muklong Ring was also a safety device to control the eruption of this great power.

The safeguards have already been disengaged by the damn master.

Unleash the Dragon.

There is no way to tie down a dragon once it is unleashed. Unless the dragon is tamed, death awaits him.

Nevertheless, the master laughed and pushed his pupil to the limits.

Subduing the dragon was the path to complete self-control. Unless he could control this rampaging dragon, there was no way for Bi Ryuyeon to attain the Thunder God. The master was trying to give his student a path to the Thunderbolt.


What a fucking touching gesture!

Then, as a disciple, shouldn't we walk out of this limb smiling?

So I thought I'd punch him in the face.

Well done on the Hell's Gate tour. It was an exhilarating experience. You should definitely go there. Highly recommended! I'll send you on a filial piety tour by hand!

So I couldn't afford to sit on my hands.

The fight against the left-handed dragon was a fight against himself, a fight harsher than any other, and Yerin stood before him, Yerin waiting for him, and he would do anything to subdue the dragon, or so he thought.

Right now, countless auras were swirling within Bi Ryuyeon's body.

"Gather that energy and weave it together.

That's what she had to do now, just as she had done for a while at the Volcano Society.

"Come on, beast, let's see if you get eaten or if I get eaten.

Don't try to suppress it, because the more you try to suppress it, the more it rebels against you, and even if you press and press and press, it's always going to bounce back three or four times over.

Embrace it, don't try to suppress it. A vessel in which the dragon can grow. To make your body, your singularity, a nest for the dragon to live in.

I am nothing!

It is an all-embracing void.

It is the gate of wisdom that responds to all things and transforms the heavens and earth.

There is nothing I can't change, nothing I can't contain.

The heavens and the earth are all within me.

I am the universe, the universe is me.

I become the axis of the Tao Pole, standing between heaven and earth at this moment.

Flying Sword Solitary Mind Method

Thunder Spirit Heart Method Extreme Will


Interstellar (天地間立人)

Samjaejimyo (三才之妙) Initial Intention

Tai Pole Elevation Axis

If it's empty, it's not empty, and if it's not there, it's not there.

One is all, all is one, all is one.

All things being equal.

All things came from the One, to the One shall we return!

The place to return to is the center of the world and the universe, the "I".

The three auras swirling within his body melted into one, forming a giant dragon. The dragon rose madly into the sky, breaking through the clouds, and finally into space.

This is where I was born, this is where I will return.

Finally, the dragon fell asleep, spinning in the vastness of space.

The name of the universe was "Biryuryun.

Dragon Returns (抱龍歸元)

With the dragon within the dagger, Bi Ryuyeon awakened.

"No way!"

Hyorong, who was standing guard with his twin swords drawn within the circle he had drawn, was stunned, and in that moment, Bi Ryuyeon's body began to glow with a golden light.

Flutter, flutter, flutter, even though there was no wind, Bi Ryuyeon's black robes and hair fluttered wildly in the breeze.

And from beneath the fluttering hair, Bi Ryuyeon's eyes slowly opened. Their pupils glowed with a brilliant golden light.


The wind that was once released outward began to blow inward, this time toward the flame. At first, it was as weak as a breeze, but the flow soon turned into a gale.

The wind had changed direction? No, that was not how I could explain this phenomenon. It was as if all the energy of the world was being sucked into the abyss. And then, as if on cue, the fluttering of the hems of my clothes and the rhythm of my hair subsided, and all was quiet.

The wind, the sounds, the people, everything seemed to have been sucked into Bi Ryuyeon, and a silence like that of Mingjingji filled the hall.


As if to break the momentary yet eternal silence, Bi Ryuyeon yawned lazily and rose from her seat. As if waking up from a long sleep. After taking a quick look around, she spoke up.

"What, you're all gathered around to see something? You've never seen a super hot boy before?"

It was the same Bi Ryuyeon as always. He patted his chest, relieved.

"Are you okay now, Ryuyeon?"

"Of course, Dragon. I'm in the best shape I've ever been, and I can take a beating from all these onlookers here, and if you don't believe me, I can show you."

Bi Ryuyeon laughed softly. No one was moved by his provocation. His aura now dominated every human in the hall. If it were a quiet intimidation, it would say something like this. He shook his head and said, "I'm lucky to have her as a friend, or I'm the luckiest person in the world." Putting the question behind him, Hyorong shook his head.

"No, I don't think that's necessary."

"Okay, I'm sure you're well rested, let's go find your friends."

"That's a great idea. I was just getting bored of standing here in this position."

He could see it. When they left, there would be no one to stand in their way.

However, ignorance is not always bliss, as the saying goes. Nothing works for those who don't have eyes to see. To not see is to not recognize, and to not recognize is to not exist. It's a shortcut to omniscience.

Right now, Bi Ryuyeon's back is full of holes. She was so defenseless that it would seem so to the untrained eye.

"Don't think this is a place where our teenagers can just walk in and walk out!"

A member of the Tenth Battalion swung his sword at Bi Ryuyeon. For someone of his rank, the blow was not unexpected.

"Stop it, Lieutenant!"

Rakvio tried to stop him, but it was too late.

But the blow was simply caught between Biyou's two fingers.

"Oh, my God!"

He had a look of disbelief on his face as he realized that the blow of his life's work had been stopped by two fingers.


A golden thread danced around the forearm of Bi Ryuyeon's right hand.


The next moment, he was stripped of his sword, his clothes, and his hair. He was amazed that his skin was unscathed. He fell to the ground, naked in midair.

"Hmm, looks like it's under control, I see it's down to the thickness of a human hair."

He purposely made her miss by a hair's breadth without hurting her skin, but she saw something she didn't want to see.

"Ugh, I cut something useless, my eyes are going to rot."

They don't want to see a hairy man naked.

"You blamed Ben without thinking, so who do you blame?"

Hyo-Ryong had to agree that it didn't look good.

"Anyone else want to try?"

Bi Ryuyeon smiled softly and looked around at the Tenth Battalion.

Hesitant, they involuntarily flinched and took a step back. In their eyes, Bi Ryuyeon's gentle smile looked like a devilish grin filled with evil.

"Then Long Yong, let's get out of here, we need to go see Yerin."

There was no one to stop them now. Rakvio realized that if he had gone toe-to-toe with Bi Ryuyeon, he would not have won.

"Where did that monstrosity come from?"

Rockvio had a bad taste in his mouth, like he'd seen a mountain he couldn't climb.

* * *

He had no name. He slept with wolves and ran with wolves, for he was abandoned in the mountains as a child and fed on the milk of wolves. He and Changlang, who was like a brother to him, were raised by the same mother wolf. One day, the wolf who raised him was killed by a self-proclaimed martial artist from the White City. They claimed to be killing a beast that threatened the people, but in reality, the blue wolf was hunted because its fur was rare and sold for a high price.

With no teeth yet, he and Canglang were forced to flee. It was a master, a traveling tutor, who caught up with the youngster. He had a red wolf with him, and he was very interested in him, having been raised on wolf's milk. He had been running with wolves in the mountains since he was a child, and his physical abilities far exceeded those of the average person. Although he was fierce and ferocious, he was no match for the vagabond, who first tamed him, taught him human speech, and taught him martial arts.

He trained under a master and was finally able to take revenge on the martial artists who had killed his people, and that was in Henan. However, it was a vagabond's desire that led him to target Shaolin Temple. His goal was to bring a stigma to the history of Shaolin Temple.

Although the Hundred Eighty-Nine Hanzin prevented him from fulfilling his wish, Cang Lang was able to relieve some of his frustration, as he was able to reclaim his mother's body while taking revenge on the warlords who had turned her into a fur. Afterward, he wore the blue wolf's fur on his head like a robe, never removing it from his body. Clad in his mother's pelt, with the wolf's emblem on his chest, and his eyes shining with the same blue aura as the wolf's, he was already a wolf.

"As long as I'm wearing my mother's skin, I can't lose. Come at me! I will feed you to the Marangbloods!"

From Cang Lang's hand, the Yixum Zogang flew again.

Mo Yonghui quickly unleashed the Galactic Meteor Sword Technique and blocked Yixum Zhaoqiang.

He had no choice but to counter a sword strike with a sword strike. If he dodged, he would expose the wounded Sanshan and his inexperienced politeness, so he had no other choice. Even at the risk of exhausting his inner qi to the limit, Mo Yonghui clenched the sword.

Cang Lang was right. Their chances of winning were very slim, having spent so much energy so far.

There's only one way for them to win.

"Fast and furious!

That was it.

Now, time was their enemy. No, it was their enemy before. The more time that passed, the more desperate Sansan's situation would become.

I didn't want to stall.

"I'll tie his hands first, while you attack. Zheng Hui, you too."

"I see."


"If they both attack at the same time, I don't care if I'm a martial artist, I'm not going to be able to do anything about it. We have to end it in one blow, because we don't have time."

"I already know this to the bone."

Hyun-woon could feel the life draining from Sansan's body like sand on his back. Being stuck here because of that beast was enough to drive him insane.

"Here we go!"

Changlang tried to open a six-pronged attack without closing the distance again.

At that moment, Mo Yonghui leaped into his arms with his Flowing Meteoric Sky. The elongation of Mo Yonghui's saber, like a meteor's tail, showed how fast he had moved.

That's martyrdom!


Sword and Joe clashed, sparks flying.

No sextant was released.

"No way!"

A guarded shout erupted from Cang Lang's mouth.

"If the blade's speed doesn't reach its peak, you can't create a vacuum!"

Furthermore, it was impossible for him to unleash his strength at a distance, so Mo Yonghui deliberately threw himself down.

"No way!"

Nang'azo took advantage of the gap and both Hyun-woon and Gong Gong-hui rushed in at the same time, but despite the blockade of the six islands, Cang Lang didn't look troubled at all. On the contrary, he laughed triumphantly,

"Not good enough!"


Three iron claws sprouted from Changlang's right foot.


Cang Lang kicked out his right foot, and the blade of the vacuum swept over Mo Yonghui.


Focusing on Cang Lang's hand, Mo Yonghui was caught off guard.


Mo Yonghui quickly drew his sword and blocked the Voidman. However, his lack of speed prevented him from countering, and the Void Man pounced on Mo Yonghui. A short scream erupted.

"Senior Mo Yong, are you okay?"

The rushing politeness turned to contemplation and cried out.

"I'm fine. It was just a nip."

Blood gushed from the wound, but fortunately, he had escaped fatal injury.

With his right kick, Cang Lang's body rose into the air, flipping over his waist as he sent a left kick at Gong Zhenghui. It wasn't just a simple kick, but a kick that contained the blade of the vacuum and was rich in killing power.


Gong Zhonghui hastily deployed a defensive initiative.

Kaga Kaga Kaga!

The three vacuums burst into a frenzy, shaking Gong Zhenghui's body into a frenzy of ejaculation.

The blow missed, but the vacuum ripped through his clothes and flesh, making sure he wasn't dead yet.

Changlang crossed his free arms and deployed a six-pointed stance toward Hyun-woon.

It happened in such a short period of time that he didn't even have time to make a fancy move. Hyun-woon quickly deployed his sword pole in a circular motion. However, he was so focused on the attack that he didn't make a perfect formation and ended up conceding half of the attack.

Cang Lang lightly flipped over and landed on the ground in a graceful manner. He didn't have any wounds on his body, but of the three of them, Mo Yonghui, Shen Yun, and Gong Gonghui, not a single one of them was unharmed.

"Gee, didn't I tell you that wolves have four paws?"

His face was filled with a smile of goodwill. On the other hand, the faces of Mo Yonghui and the other three were filled with disappointment. They had tried to finish one after the other, but they had been beaten by one after the other.

'This is the real power of the Thirteenth President…….'

Apparently, Changlang's capabilities were beyond their wildest dreams.

"Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm!"

Standing there, barely holding their ground, the three of them were breathing harder and harder, as if their bodies would collapse like sandcastles at any moment.

The only thing holding them up now was 'will'.

* * *

"What are these puppies, putting armor on a puppy subject?"

Bi Ryuyeon muttered to herself as she punched the wolf that had suddenly charged her. The wolf was wearing a layer of iron pelt over its hide, and it was a very nasty thing indeed, with iron awls embedded all over it.

"Ryuyeon, no matter how you look at them, they look like wolves, not puppies."

"A wolf in the middle of an island? Wolves don't swim these days?"

"Probably the ones that were bred in the brothel. I've heard rumors of iron wolves being secretly bred in Changlang."

Apparently, these were the guys.

"Well, they're still dogs, right? You can't call them wolves when they've already been bred like livestock by humans."

"But they're nothing to scare away. They've been systematically trained, and they're much scarier than wolves in the wild."

"Surely spiked armor isn't the latest fashion among wolves? That looks pretty expensive for a dog suit."

They were made of iron, so they must be quite heavy, but their movements hadn't slowed down much, and they were still swift. But that was only to a normal person's eyes; to Bi Ryuyeon's eyes, they seemed infinitely slower.


Again, the wolf was beaten by Bi Ryuyeon's hand and ran away.

The momentum of their charge toward them showed that there was still some wildness in them. The wildness and ferocity was still there, but it was strangely cohesive. On the subject of animals.

"They say they keep their wildness unrestrained whenever possible. And the armor those iron wolves wear is said to be impenetrable to most blades."

"Chet, you're bothering me. How many of these guys are there?"

I've been pounding away at them for a while now, mowing them down and cracking some of them with my blows, but the number of wolves running after me seems to have increased rather than decreased.

"Rumor has it that each member of the crew is responsible for one wolf……."

"How many blue wolves are there?"

"There's a lot more people in that one than in the others, maybe a dozen."

"What, you mean there are ninety of them?"

"Yes," Hyo-Ryong nodded.

"This is getting annoying……."

Bi Ryuyeon clicked her tongue as she kept her guard up. Dealing with wolves in the wild was quite dangerous. Moreover, nearly a hundred wolves…… was a situation that could not be easily encountered even in the deepest mountain valleys.

Bi Ryuyeon's brow furrowed slightly. There was nothing she couldn't do against them. Even if those hideous pet suits were tough, she could break through them if she wanted to. She could even take them down. But I would have to expend a great deal of energy to deal with their numbers. Judging from the considerable coordination displayed by the wolves earlier, these guys are organized and disciplined.

"Are they going to be okay?

The other three groups heading to the Dead Sea had all fought at least one battle already, so they must have been pretty drained.

It would have been very dangerous to get caught in the crossfire.

'There should be five, or at least four…….'

Their opponents will have to do it again.

"Oops. I'm not in the business of losing money. ……."

I knew it wouldn't be easy.

* * *

"Okay, wolves don't play with their prey. Now I'll finish you off."

Cang Lang crossed his arms from side to side, and a blue power surged from his azo. At the same time, Cang Lang's hair and leather clothes fluttered wildly. He was about to unleash his full power, as he began to emit an abundance of internal energy that was incomparably richer than the internal energy of the three people who had been consumed.

"I will eat you with my strongest teeth!"

The next moment, something amazing happened. In the blink of an eye, Changlang's new creation split into six.

"Ughhhhhhhh, I hope you washed your throat!"

Blue eyes glowed from within twelve pupils that shot out in all directions. A cruel smile tugged at the corners of the wolf's mouth. It was the look of a beast about to tear the throat out of its pursued prey.

Final Kill of the Marang Bloodstorm

Righteousness (奧義)

Goblet of Six Winds (疾風六狼閃)

If it came from the left, it came from the right, if it came from the right, it came from behind, if it came from behind, it came from the front, if it came from the front, it came from above. It was almost too fast for my eyes to follow.

Mo Yonghui, Hyun Yun, and Gongsong Zhenghui tried to follow Chang Lang's movements somehow, but when the sword passed by, his new model was no longer there. Finally, it appeared simultaneously from all directions, as if to blind the three of them completely. A simultaneous attack from the six islands.

"Power to the defense!"

Mo Yonghui quickly unfolded his sword membrane, and Hyun-woon raised his Taijiquan to the polarity. Gong Yonghui responded by quickly raising his sword cavity.


The three newcomers were sent flying backwards as if they had been hit by a cannonball. The farthest away was Gong Yonghui, who had to roll on the ground about five times. Mo Yonghui was the first to see the bounced Xinxing. Hyun-woon didn't go down as he forced himself to defend Namgungsansan's body. Instead, he chose to allow more blows to mangle his body. He couldn't hurt Shanshan anymore.

"He's fast as hell and has six alter egos……."

A simultaneous, multiple, "sextuple" attack from six different alter egos. The three of them were almost instantly mortally wounded by the storm-like assault from all sides. Their hands throbbed as they gripped their swords, and their bodies were covered in wounds. One wonders why such a powerful man would want to join a group.

"Hahaha, I can't believe it, I didn't think you'd be able to stop it. You guys are better prey than I thought."

Luckily, this technique is a big drain on internal energy, so Cang Lang doesn't immediately follow up with his next attack. It was basically an attack that released six stalks of crude steel from each of his six bodies. He didn't expect the exhausted Mo Yonghui to be able to block such a move. His final fang had only missed once before. But the three of them were not unharmed.

"It's dangerous, it's dangerous, the next one will be the limit."

Hyun-woon staggered to his feet. Carrying the mountain on his back, he was far more battered and tired than the others. It was impossible for him to block two vicious strikes in a row like he had earlier.

'Once in the future…….'

That was the limit.

But the blue wolf still seemed to be in full force. The situation was hopeless.

"Does that mean you'll be able to stop it next time, Mr. Hyun-woon?"

Mo Yonghui asked with a serious face.

"If it's a one-time……, it's possible. If only once."

Hyunwoon said, emphasizing the word once.

"I have the strength left for one more attack."

The words made Hyunwoon's face scrunch up.

"That's not good news."

But the look on Mo's face was not one of despair.

"I have a way to take down the author."


Hyun-woon asked in an urgent voice.

"To do that, I need your power, Zheng Hui."

Instead of answering Hyun-woon's question, Mo Yong-hwi looked at Gong Gong and said.

"Yes, you mean that?"

He pointed his index finger at himself and his eyes widened like a sparrow that had been slapped with a politeness slingshot.

"Yeah, that's right, you, sir!"

As if he had neither misheard nor hallucinated, Mo Yonghui cruelly nodded.

"I, I can't."

Gong Zhenghui paled and shook his head vigorously. Compared to when he had first set foot in the Jianghu, he had become a hundred times more disheartened after several failures. Moreover, after what had happened in the East Sea, he had come to recognize Mo Yonghui in his heart, and the distorted 'goal' that had been supporting him as an evil had been wiped out. The young man who had been so arrogant about defeating Mo Yonghui and raising the Gongsong Family to the top of the heap was nowhere to be found.

"No, you can do it!"


Gong Zhenghui said, still sounding unsure.

"My grandfather once told me. The true power of the Gongsong Family's Jizhong Sword Technique comes from the Jizhong Gun Limbo, which is an absolute step method."

"Well, that's……."

It muddies the waters, but doesn't deny it.

"What do you think? If your Supreme Lord Limbo has reached the Tenth Level, you should be able to stop that Changlang Divine Law."


He couldn't answer that he could do the polite thing. Now that he had lost his confidence, he was afraid of failure. The blue color of the azure power in Cang Lang's azure azure was becoming more and more brilliant, indicating that his strength was rapidly recovering.

"Mr. Zhenghui, as you can see, I'm limited to one attack. Even if I can rely on Senior Hyun-woon to block the first one, I'll still need to have the strength to stop his next move. The only thing that can do that is your Jizo Gun Limbo. I know you've been working on it. You've come a long way since the day we first met. So have a little more faith in yourself."

"You mean we've made progress?"

"Yes, it's been broken over and over again, but humans can't move forward unless they break themselves. You've been too stuck in the mold of your family for too long. You couldn't move forward without breaking it, so I broke it. You're starting to walk on your own now. So believe in yourself. Prove to me that all that training you've been doing is real, and I'll put the lives of both of us in your hands!"

"Brother Mo Yong……."

Gong Zonghui looked at Mo Yonghui in awe. He had always felt completely ignored, and had given up on ever being able to bridge the gap, but he had managed to bring the man who was so hostile to him to this point as his junior.

"This ugly junior is always indebted to the senior."

This is the kind of person who deserves to be called a great man. It was a polite term of endearment that was about to change from hatred to respect.

"You don't owe me anything, but if you do, now's the time to wipe that slate clean."

That's when the lesser Hyun-woon intervened.

"Hey……, guys, I'm sorry if we're in the middle of an emotional moment, but can we focus on that wolf for a second? He looks like he's about to pounce right now. Make a quick decision."

The sobered polite man nodded hastily.

"I'll do it, no, I'll do it, let me do it."

"Are you sure you can do this?"

Hyun-woon's manners still weren't up to par, and if he'd learned anything from his older brother, Bi Ryuyeon, it was that backgrounds don't feed the soul. It was not unreasonable for Hyun-woon, who had not yet seen anything of his skill, to be suspicious.

"Senior Hyun-woon, I can vouch for him, he'll be able to do a good job!"

"Six is hard, but if you cut it down to four, I'll make it look like a success somehow."


That was Hyunwoon's role.

"Very well, Mr. Hui, this is a do-or-die situation. I'll leave it to your discernment."

The gravity of the situation was palpable. And now they had only one chance, to put everything they had into this unity.

The next time we bumped into each other was when one of us broke.

"Is the ops meeting over? Because frankly, I'm tired of waiting."

Cang Lang's teeth chattered, and a young blue power suddenly surged from his six claws with a brilliant light. His eyes flashed with wolf-blue intensity, and a terrifying momentum reminiscent of a beast erupted from his entire body.


It was a blow that made the hairs on my back stand on end, and I could tell he was putting all of his power into it.

"This time I'm going to eat you in one bite!"

Croak, his cry was reminiscent of a wolf's howl.

"I will strike you down and save you from the mountain!"

Hyun-woon shouted with determination. He shouted without a hint of politeness.

"We're kind of tired of this. Don't let your teeth fall out!"

Finally, Mo Yonghui said quietly.

"You're about to find out which side is being hunted."

Finally, Cang Lang's body moved. In an instant, it was divided into six…….

"Oh, my God!"

Shen Yun, Gong Gongzhi, and Mo Yonghui were stunned: this time, Chang Lang's new type had split into eight.

"Eight alter egos?!"

He looked at the three of them in awe.

"Now, do you think I can fend off this attack? This is the last fang I, Changlang, possess!"

Marang Bloodstorm (魔狼血風爪)

Extreme Righteousness

The Eightfold Thunderbolt (Blood Wind Style)

The eight-headed Changlang newcomer charged at the three of them like a wild animal.

Shen Yun unleashed the Eight Winds of the Taijiquan Sword. The movement of the atmosphere around him disrupted Cang Lang's attack on the six islands. At the same time, Cang Lang's formation dwindled one by one.

One, two, three…….

But that was the limit.

There are five new ones left.


Hyun-woon's knees buckled as he expended all of his energy in the wind. The aura around him threatened to disintegrate.

"Zhejiang, go!"

Mo Yonghui shouted. We had to settle this before the bonds of the spinning force weakened.

The Secret Technique of Jizhon Gun Limbo

Omnipresent (至尊遍在)

Four new polite words flew toward Changlang.

Five vs. four.

The victory was clear.

The remaining Changlang Newborns shot toward Mo Yonghui, who was defenseless as he gathered his strength for the attack. It was confident that it could eliminate a brat like Mo Yonghui at any time.

"That's it!"


As he rushed to cut off Mo Yonghui's breath, he was stopped by a sword, the wielder of which was none other than Gong Yonghui.

"Oh, come on, kid. I thought you could only use four alter egos?"

Cang Lang was stunned by the unexpected turn of events. Now that the rest of his alter egos had been destroyed by Gongsong Zhenghui's Exalted Sword Technique, this newcomer was his true self. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth as he sweatlessly blocked Cang Lang's blow with his white glowing sword.

"I can't do it perfectly, but if I can stand it, I can do one more."

He couldn't use it completely at will, but it was enough. He knew that Shen Yun had used up all of his inner qi and that Chang Lang's target now was Mo Yonghui, who was reserving his strength to deliver the final blow. So he was able to stop him. All he had to do was wait.

At this point, Changlang's movement stopped completely.

"Now, sir!"

With a crystal-clear sound, Mo Yonghui's sword stretched out towards Cang Lang.

Galactic Stream Opening Sword

Righteousness (奧義)

Galactic Annihilation Island (閃)

Like a meteor shower in the night sky, a baptism of sword power and terrifying shockwaves pummeled Cang Lang's body. The wolf claws and fangs that he had been so confident in, the "Cang Lang Niao", froze and shattered. Cang Lang spurted blood and flew out of the Five Realms, unable to get back to his feet.

"Knocked him down."


The three of them simultaneously dropped to one knee on the ground. Their swords were their staffs. They couldn't move a finger as they poured everything they had into this unity.

"Kulkulkulk, I lost."

A moment later, a groan escaped the mouth of the fallen Changlang, along with blood. He didn't seem to be dead. It must have been a terrible meal.

"Cool, cool, cool, but…… 'we' haven't lost yet."


At that moment, a bloody cry erupted from Cang Lang's mouth.



At that moment, Mo Yonghui's complexion turned pale.

"Oops, how did I forget!

The great wolf that rode in on the spear.


How long had he been up there? On the roof of the building where Canglang had fallen, a huge blue-maned wolf, Canglang, snarled, holding a huge double-edged sword in his mouth instead of sharp fangs. His eyes were filled with rage at the enemy who had struck down his brother.


As if he didn't have time to roar anymore, Cang Lang'er leapt at Mo Yonghui's back. With a single swing of his giant double-edged sword, he was able to slice the three of them into two in one fell swoop.

"I'm going to die.

I was furious that I had won and then died. That was then.

"Get out of the way, you piece of shit!"

There was a leaping, falling Changlang and a black shadow between the three of them.


The next moment, a loud sound like the tearing of a drum's hide rang out.


Cang Lang'er's body, which had been flying straight ahead, bent at a right angle and bounced to the side. It was only a single strike, but it was extremely powerful.

"Tsk, tsk, what did I tell you? I told you to keep your guard up until the last minute. I told you to always save the last penny. Burning the candle at the stake isn't always a good thing. It can come back to bite you in the ass."

The black Inyoung who had broken the giant wolf into pieces with a single blow clicked his tongue and muttered.

Mo Yong-hui and Hyun-woon were stunned to see the person who had appeared out of nowhere and saved them, and they cried out at the same time.

"Great company……!"


The black In-young looked back and chuckled. It was Bi Ryuyeon, a young man wearing a black robe with loose sleeves and long bangs.

"Everyone's alive and not dead?"

For a moment, the three of them stared, dumbfounded, at Bi Ryuyeon and the wolf Cang Lang'er, who lay on her belly on the ground, biting into the bubbles. It was a miserable wretch, hardly the same beast as the one that had lunged at them a moment ago, spewing frightening flesh.

This was Bi Ryuyeon, who had been training with Hayang, a woman who could wrinkle amino acids and use her strength in beasts. Compared to Hayang, who had been trained by her master, such a large wolf was a mere puppy.

"Oh, and you guys better not move either."


Then a scream echoed through the air. It was the agonized scream of a spearman whose arm had been cut off. It was the scream of a man who had raised his sword to strike at a sudden enemy.

"Oh, I forgot, I didn't tell you, but if you lift a finger, one of your limbs will run away, so don't move, you're in charge of your own life."

At that casual remark, the members of Changlang exclaimed in disbelief.

"You should have said something like that earlier!

With the example before them, they could no longer dismiss it as bluster. They realized that their lives were in the hands of a suspicious young man who had appeared out of nowhere.

The wolves' will to resist quickly waned. No matter how ferocious the wolves were, they were no match for a tiger, and now they had a man who could beat them.

"They're out of luck, too."

Mo Yonghui couldn't help but feel a surge of pity as he looked at the dozens of human wolves who were frozen in place, unable to move a single finger.

"Ha, yeah, right."

Hyun-woon sighed in sympathy, agreeing that these human wolves were having a bit of bad luck today.

"Eh? Eh?"

Unable to understand why there was a sudden connection between the two, the polite man could only look back and forth between the two with a blank stare.


Bi Ryuyeon replied with a frown, but her long bangs hid her furrowed brow.

"Yes, you tried to wrap me up……."

Bi Ryuyeon looked at Sanshan on his back expressionlessly. Unsure of what expression to put on his face, he gently brushed a stray strand of hair from Sanshan's face. A pale, bloodless face was revealed.

"Wow, this is all because of that 'asshole'."

I was smiling, but I wasn't laughing.

"So you're telling me that I need to go to the Fourth Patriarch, Bulakgukchuk?"

"Yes, his nickname is Saint Samuel He."

"How do we get there? Did I hear the location correctly?"

"I've heard that you have to get past the outer wall, the Great Wall, to get inside."

"You mean you didn't hear anything after that?"

"I was in a hurry to get back to work, so I went to……."

She couldn't take it any longer and stormed out, screaming.

"Okay, so how do we get to the fourth generation……."

Bi Ryuyeon's mutterings startled Hyun-woon.

"Are you sure that's okay, Big Brother?"

"Yeah, what?"

"Well, Daehyung, you're supposed to be going to save Daejayeon, and you're supposed to be healing Sansan……."

It becomes a way back.


Bi Ryuyeon's fist slammed into Hyun-woon's head.

"You idiot, do you want me to blow you to smithereens, do you want me to not care if you die or not, do you really think that would be fun?"

Hyun-woon shook his head nervously, running a hand through his matted hair.

"At this point, we're going to have to start with the four of you and work our way through the bosses one by one, because we're going to have to find the clues again."

The four coffins contained nothing more than an invitation to lead them to the afterlife. There were no other clues to be found. So after saving Sansan, there was only one thing left to do, and it was the most ignorant.

"And I hate being in debt. The worst kind of debt is the debt of the heart. Do you think it would make me feel better to be a debtor?"

"Well, of course not."

I've known for a long time that she hates being in debt as much as she hates dying.

"Then let's go without further ado. Okay?"

"Yes, Big Brother. Thank you."

Hyun-woon bowed his head in gratitude. Overwhelmed, Hyun-woon fought back the tears that threatened to fall, and a question flashed across Bi Ryuyeon's face.

"Did I see you two get married or something, in such a short time?"

"What? Four? No…… Well, that can't be right……."

"Your face is very red for such a thing."

Apparently, I had fooled him with my mouth, but not my face.

"No… that means……."

Hyun-woon is incredibly embarrassed that he's been found out, and he doesn't know what to do. This had never happened before, and he was an aspiring teacher. Normally, he should have stayed away from relationships.

"Wow, something did happen, seeing as how you're so sensitive."

"……Were you just poking around?"

He blamed his own stupidity, but it was too late.

"Yes, I've poked and prodded you, and your mind is not what it used to be. You're still a good baiter, but how do we get to the fourth generation?"

"I'll walk you through that."

Bi Ryuyeon's head snapped back toward where the voice had come from.

"Hey, Uncle Jean, you're still alive?"

"Something, that regretful tone, isn't that a little harsh for someone who almost died?"

"Almost killed by whom?"

"Oh, that's……."

Jang Hong was about to reflexively reply, "Not in the hands of the enemy, but in the hands of my wife," but he quickly closed his mouth when he saw Yue Jing's cold eyes sifting through the back of his head as if to say, "What are you going to say?

"By the way, there's a guy in there who looks familiar, and I'm pretty sure he wasn't there earlier?"

Bi Ryuyeon's gaze fell on the woman who had been following behind her, the one Na Yerin had been so sure was the lioness, the spirit.

"Ah, I'm sure you know me without introduction, Spirit Sojae. We found him alone in the North Sea, and he's agreed to join us for the time being."


"He wants to help me rescue Sojae."

Hearing that, a smile formed on her face.

"Yerin is going to love this."

Then the spirit blushed and snorted.

"Tea, don't get me wrong, I just want to check something out, that's why I'm saving her, and I'd be very troubled if you thought I believed her crazy story."

Bi Ryuyeon nodded.

"Let's just say it is, because we all have things we're ashamed to admit."

"By the way, does Uncle Zhang know the way to the Fourth Avenue?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked Jang Hong, preempting the spirit's backlash.

"He's the one who's going to lead us down the aisle, not me."

She nodded and took a step forward.

"I can't stand by and watch a little girl get hurt. Follow me, I'll show you the way, but I have one piece of advice for you."

"What is that?"

"Don't expect Saint-Saëns to make it easy for you."

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