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Book 27 Chapter 3

Burning Life

-Wolves of Changlang

"@MrSmith, I hope you're okay with that?"

"@Michelle, yeah, I don't think they're chasing me anymore."

Mo Yonghui and Gong Gongzhihui made it to a clearing a long way from the gateway to the East Sea, and sat down on a nearby rock.

"Oh yeah, phew, I got away with it."

Straightening his disheveled clothes, Mo Yonghui sighed in frustration.

"Hah, whose fault is this?"

Gong Zhenghui grumbled as he dusted off his clothes. His face was pale and exhausted, as if he had just been through hell.

"You mean it's all because of me?"

"Of course, they're all flocking to you."

"Well, is it?"

Toward the slightly nervous mother tongue, the polite phrase has driven a wedge.

"Of course, Mr. Mo Yong."

The monoglot martial artist of King Potato of the East Sea was certainly a bizarre, anomalous, and powerful martial artist. Luckily, Mo Yonghui was able to win the victory with a "jian jian unity" that applied the skills he had learned in salt and ice swords, but getting off the island wasn't so easy because of the "swarm" of women surrounding them.

Although they surrounded the two men, their sights were set on Mo Yonghui, and when the "swarm" rushed to him, it was not to avenge the bloodshed of the Potato Stewed Army. The women had been stunned by Mo Yonghui's handsome appearance, which was not only extremely handsome, but also strong, disciplined, and had a great family name. Of course, there were also many who were not satisfied with just touching him and wanted to go a step further.

"Maybe it's because they're Black Island girls…… I'm surprised that they're so aggressive, even compared to the ones at the Tianmu Museum."

"When you're ripping off clothes for a ticket, you're really……."

Politeness shuddered lightly. As the martial arts-trained women ripped off the hems of their clothes and jewelry, it was as if a thousand hands were upon them.

"I almost tore off not only my clothes, but my hair."

They were as greedy and merciless as a pack of wolves in pursuit of their prey. Their eyes seemed to be lit up, and they were even drooling, which made Mo Yonghui instantly feel a chill run down his spine, his bones smoldering, and goosebumps all over his body.

There were even women everywhere offering him dozens of white robes that were stained with blood, asking him to change out of the red ones and wondering where they came from. Mo Yonghui was unable to accept the clothes, despite his dyslexia. He felt a strange heat in the women's eyes that bordered on madness.

Suddenly, the hall turned into a chaotic scene, with screams of "Kaaaaaak, big brother!" and "Mo Yong, big brother!" erupting from everywhere. Feeling instantly threatened, Mo Yonghui and Gong Zhenghui had to use all their martial arts skills to make a desperate escape. If their martial arts skills were even slightly lacking, they would still be trapped in the East Sea, surrounded by women.

Gongong Zhenghui, who had to cross the line of life and death with Mo Yonghui just for accompanying him, also realized at once that he was afraid of women, but somehow felt no shame. He had recognized the fear of women, the side of women that should not be seen.

"You were scared, weren't you, Senior Mo Yong?"

"It was scary, really. In some ways, it was harder than facing the potato army."

He could take some solace in the fact that the stronger Mo Yong-hwi was also terrified.

'What I wish I hadn't known all my life…….'

It's not that the question doesn't come up, but the water has been spilled. It was impossible to take it back.

"Oh, and you, are your wounds okay?"

Mo Yonghui asked, looking at the cut under Gong Yonghui's left eye.

"That's fine."

"I didn't realize there was such a mnemonic device in the woodpipe. I apologize for my lack of caution."

When Mo Yonghui apologized, Gong Gongzehui threw up his hands in embarrassment.

"Don't worry, it's my fault, I was the one who opened the wooden pipe in a rush to be careful, and it would have made my face a little more manly."

He touched the scar under his left eye and smiled bitterly.

If Mo Yonghui hadn't rushed in at the right time and blocked the baptism of memorization with his sword, he would have been lying under the ground instead of standing on his feet.

"I hope everyone else is okay, too……."

That was the only thing that worried me at the moment, but it was too late to warn them. I could only trust the luck and skill of my friends.

"I'm telling you in advance, this is not something I would do, because it's against my aesthetic."

After admitting defeat and obediently escorting them to the wooden pavilion, King Donghai's general denied it. Mo Yonghui didn't think he was lying.

"Well, you know what?"

"Yes? What is it, Senior Mo Yong?"

The polite man asked, puzzled.


Mo Yonghui's reply suddenly caused a thin smile to appear on his lips.

"Why, why are you laughing, out of the blue?"

Mo Yonghui laughed where he shouldn't have, and Gong Gonggeumhui was suddenly embarrassed.

"No, I'm just curious that you keep calling me 'Mr. Mo Yong'."

"Oh, no, that's……."


At that moment, the face of politeness turned red.

The polite manner in which he had always glared at his enemies, anxious to chew them up, had been strangely tame since leaving the East Sea. Moreover, his tone of voice had always been respectful but sharp, but now he didn't feel that sharpness at all. It was as if he had removed all the thorns that had been sticking out at him.

"That, that, that, that, whether I call you senior, or tongue, or brother, or what, what, what, isn't that freedom?"

He stuttered like an idiot, his face flushed with embarrassment. Judging by his embarrassment, he wasn't all that conscious of the fact himself.

Mo Yonghui had seen and felt something during the battle between the Eastern King Potato Army and Mo Yonghui, and had come to call him "Senior Mo Yong," but when it was pointed out to him directly, he suddenly felt so ashamed and embarrassed that he wanted to crawl into a rat hole where there was none. He stopped realizing the gap between himself and the being he was chasing, whether by luck or misfortune. But that childlike pride that he didn't want to admit to himself hadn't completely disappeared either, lingering in the back of his mind.

"Well, let's just say yes."

But Mo Yonghui still had a smile on his face. It was an elder brother's smile, like looking at a cute but less mature younger brother.

"Sir, it's just a title, it doesn't mean I've accepted you as my brother, not by a long shot, so please don't take it the wrong way."

"Is that so?"

"Well, yes."

But his tone was much more polite and respectful. Already, even if he denied it a million times, his heart was saying yes.

"You can call me brother, but I don't really care."

The polite man threw up his hands, incredulous.

"Well, that's not quite ready to go……."


Then, out of nowhere, I heard a strange cry.

The two men stopped talking and turned their heads toward the sound. They were still quite some distance from the source, but that wasn't the point.

"Wolf sounds?"

Mo Yonghui and Gong Gonghui looked at each other and said at the same time.

"Why in the middle of an island like this?"

The question of politeness was a very natural one: there was no way that a wolf pack other than the female wolves from earlier could be found on an island in the middle of a lake, let alone deep in the mountains.


But as if to negate his thoughts, several wolf howls rang out.

Mo Yonghui's complexion darkened rapidly. If something was where it wasn't supposed to be, it meant something was up.

"Something is ominous. Let's go."

Mo Yonghui said, jumping up from his seat.

"Yes, sir. Lead the way."

Mo Yonghui and Gong Zonghui hastened their defense, their bodies flying like arrows toward the source of the cries.

* * *

Again! Again!

Blood dripped from Hyun-woon's body as he ran with his sword. The drops of blood leave a red trail over the spot where he passed.

Hungry wolf howls and snarls echoed from all directions. The wolves, armored all over, steel spikes erect, were relentless in their attempts to sink their teeth into the nape of Hyun-woon's neck. There must have been dozens of them.

'A pack of wolves in the middle of an island! Isn't that right, Hyun-woon?

He could almost hear her grumbling in frustration. I would have preferred a grunt, or even a curse, if I could have heard a single word of her voice.

But that was not possible.

Because now Sansan was on his back, covered in blood.

She hadn't shown any signs of waking up after being injured by the explosion in the wooden pipe. The blood that was now dripping on the floor was not Hyun-woon's blood, but that of Namgung San-san.

'I wish I had been more careful then…….'

I couldn't help but hate myself for opening the woodwork without a plan.

"It's dangerous, Hyun-woon, you idiot!

The cry of the Namgungsansan, followed by an eardrum-splitting roar. Debris scattering in all directions in a powerful storm, and red blood pooling on the floor.

He would have been dead if he hadn't realized the carpenter's trap, and Namgung Sansan hadn't rushed over and wrapped her arms around him. But now that he had been saved by Sanshan's sacrifice, he didn't feel alive even though he was still alive.

"I would trade my life for it!"

I screamed and ran, but the situation wasn't so good now. First aid had only managed to pull out a large, visible splinter and stop the bleeding, and he was still on his back, tied up in cloth. It was the only way I could use my hands. In what could hardly be described as a comfortable condition, the fragrance of life from Mount Namgung was now burning its way to its roots.

Nevertheless…… Nevertheless…….

Here he was, pinned down by a pack of wolves. The spiked armor of these wolves was surprisingly hard, making it impossible for a simple sword strike to inflict a fatal wound. The fact that the wolves were carrying them on their backs meant that they couldn't move freely. To pierce that armor and wound the wolves, one would need to use at least sword qi, and at least a sword steel to cut through it. However, Lin Yun was hesitant to use his sword strength.

'Sure, I could easily take them down with a sword, but then I'd have to…….'

Dantian was not a spring that never dried up, no matter how many times you used it. Drawing on it, like scooping up water with a durevac, would inevitably deplete it. The sword steel in particular was extremely draining. Once the wolves were cleared out by using the sword without restraint, the next problem came.

These wolves were simply hounds. Hounds that would drive their prey to their masters and tire them out. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to call them "hunting parties." These wolves were Hyun-woon's real enemies.

Furthermore, the wolves darted back and dodged when I tried to use my sword skills.

'These guys are waiting for me to get tired, but…….'


A dazzling sword qi surged forward with the sound of Shen Yun's cheering. He used the Taecheong Sword Technique to break through the wolves' encirclement, deploying the Shamanic Sect's divine art of Qi Yun to its fullest extent. The persistence he had built up from being rolled over and over again by his big brother, Bi Ryuyeon, was now being put to use. If he fell like this, he didn't know what he would say to his big brother.

"I don't deserve to go through that horrible thing."

Hyun-woon gritted her teeth as she shook the unthinkable assumptions out of her head. Somehow, his body felt a little faster.

"Great, we can outrun those wolves!


As if on cue, the eyes of the chasing wolves suddenly turned bright red, and they began to pounce on Hyun-woon at a speed far beyond anything he had ever seen before.


Despite being caught off guard by the wolves' sudden movements, Hyun-woon calmly raised his sword qi to counterattack.


Hot blood spurted from the wolf's body. Surprisingly, the sturgeon wolf didn't care if its gills were torn out or its body split open, and it bit down on Hyun-woon's sword with its teeth. Nowhere did it cower in instinctive fear like it had just moments before.

"No way!

The sudden change in the wolves' demeanor caught Shen Yun off guard. The giant wolves lunged at him with deathly intent, biting down on his sword, blocking his movements. The wolf with the blade in its mouth didn't let go even as it sliced into the nape of his neck. If he stayed down, he would be eaten by the wolves.

"I can't!


Hyun-woon summoned his strength and slashed at the wolves with his armor, freeing his sword. But the wolves didn't seize the moment, charging at him with even more ferocity. Hyun-woon was able to take down one, but several came at him at once, and he was overwhelmed.


Shen Yun's sword began to glow a more powerful blue. No matter how draining it was, now was the time to focus on eliminating the crisis in front of him.

Taijiquan Sword Technique Brawl



The sword steel light from Shen Yun's Blue Song Sword turned into arrows of power, flying in all directions and piercing the armored wolves. The hard iron armor of the wolves was torn apart like paper. The wolves' screams erupted in all directions.

"Hmmmmmm, are we done?"

Hyun-woon muttered to himself as he looked at the cloudy dust. As the dust cleared, he could see the bloodied corpses of the wolves lying here and there. Although he was a bit exhausted from the exertion of his internal energy while his body was still weak from the fight with the South Sea King, he felt that he had somehow dodged the most aggressive attack. But he was too quick to think so.


Suddenly, a sturgeon wolf that had apparently sneaked up behind him during the battle lunged at Hyun-woon's back, its teeth flashing as if it could tear him apart at any moment.


Hyun-woon hurriedly spun the Namgungsan Mountain behind him and plunged his sword into the wolf.


Hyun-woon's sword pierced straight through the iron wolf's body.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, another wolf leaped toward Hyun-woon. It was the last one, hiding behind the shadow of the collapsing wolf.

This time, I couldn't afford to draw my sword, but I didn't have enough energy to take him on with just my flesh.


Almost unconsciously, Hyun-woon pulled Namgung San San into his arms. The ironclad wolf's cruel teeth sank down on him.

"That's it!

That was it.

"The Milky Way!"


A flash of white flashed through the air. A streak of meteor-like sword energy bisected the iron wolf's body.

"Are you okay, Mr. Hyun-woon?"

It was none other than……. who saved Hyun-woon in a moment of desperation.

"Mr. Hui, how did you get here, and what happened to your clothes?"

It was Mo Yonghui of the Seven Deadly Swords. I almost didn't recognize him, because he was wearing a red robe instead of his usual white one.

As soon as he saw that Hyun-woon was about to be killed by an ironclad wolf, he didn't think twice before spraying sword energy.

"I'm here, too, sir."

Mo Yonghui, who had been following him, spoke up.

"Ah, yes, thank you. To…… polite Mr. Polite."

"Bow, ball.hand.bow!"

It was an exclamation of politeness that was quickly drowned out by Mo Yong-hui's surprise, as it was clear that he had forgotten her name.

"What the heck is this……!"

Following Mo Yonghui's gaze, Gong Gongzhihui also had to swallow his breath. He had discovered the presence of the Namgung Mountain on the back of the exhausted Hyun Yun.

Nangong Shanshan's face was pale, his lips blue, like a wax figure whose life had been sucked out of it. Hyun-woon's dark face showed a self-help smile.

"My mistake. My mistake in not recognizing the windpipe."

We ran out of time, so Hyun-woon told us a little bit about what happened in Namhae-do.

* * *

"Sansan, wake up, Sansan!"

Hyun-woon cried out as he pulled the injured Sanshan into his arms, but the Namgung Sanshan's eyelids didn't move an inch, and only red, hot liquid escaped through Hyun-woon's fingers. Sanshan's back was a mess, having taken the brunt of the explosion. Sharp shards flew everywhere, piercing the wooden fire dog's flesh.

"Shatter, shatter!"

I call out to him again at the top of my lungs, but he doesn't bother to open his eyes.

"She's going to be hard to save now."

Looking back and forth between the howling Hyun Yun and the unconscious Nangong Shanshan, the Nangong King's ex-husband spoke coldly. In an instant, Hyun Yun, who had risen from his shattered body, drew his sword from its sheath and pointed it at his former soul's forehead. His eyes, burning with rage, pierced through the Nankai King's entire body.

"Sansan will not die, and I will see to it that she is saved."

He had already been beaten to a pulp by Xun Yun's Feng Yin Qi, so he was no longer a match for him, but his ex-husband's reaction was still cold.

"How is it that no matter how much money you give me, I don't think I can sell her life now?"

In other words, her ex-husband was incapable of saving Mount Namgung.

"I will save you. If you don't want to die, tell me where the councilor is. Isn't there a councilor here in the Temple of Heaven, too? A human being called a divine doctor or a mythical doctor, like the one in the Heavenly Martial Hall?"

Hyun-woon was desperate.

"There are no gods or goddesses, but there are 'quacks' and 'quacks'."

In a place where martial arts competitions were frequent, injuries and wounds were inevitable, so the Temple of Heaven also specialized in unorthodox "surgical" procedures rather than treating common ailments. There were also those who possessed medical skills that overturned the common wisdom handed down in the martial arts arcana, and who could take lives with their hands. Such people were called 'Goryu' or 'Saji'. They practiced ninjutsu not to save lives, but to satisfy their own curiosity, for personal greed, or for money.

"I've heard of a man who plays with people's lives with his hands and decides between life and death with his saliva, a man who has been banished from the medical profession in Jianghu, but whose skill is second only to that of the divine physician He Zhuoyun of the Heavenly Martial Academy. I remember his name as Bulak Eight Chuck or Nine Chuck, but what can I do to meet him?"

Seeing what was funny, the Nankai King's ex-wife burst out laughing.

"Fuhahahahaha! Are you out of your mind? Do you realize what you've just said? How dare you ask Saint Samu Hai to save your life, the dreaded Fourth Lord of Death?"

Hyun-woon was puzzled, though he didn't expect the strange councilor to be the captain of the Fourth Battalion of the Thousand and Thirty-third. Even so, why is he smiling?

"What's wrong?"

Hyunwoon asked pointedly.

"Wrong, yes, very wrong, but that's all right. I owe you a favor, so I'll give you a special free lesson this time. Do you know why he's called Saint Samuels?"

"I don't know."

Hyun-woon shook his head.

"If you think that star is only because he was banished from the powerful medical profession, you are sorely mistaken. He was given his name because he used his acupuncture needles and surgical scalpels to make the difference between life and death without the permission of the Great King. We, the warriors of the Ten Thousand Pavilions, call his troops the Death Battalion. It's a group of madmen, and no one in the Temple of Heaven likes to be treated there, for you never know when a knife will be thrust into your body or a needle into a strange acupuncture point."

It's no secret that you can get away with a cut on your finger.

"But I hear you're the best at blacksmithing."

The ex-husband nodded in agreement.

"Of course you're skilled. Who would teach life and death without the permission of the Great King?"

That was something my ex-husband recognized. But his personality was a problem before his skills.

"I don't care who he is, as long as I can save him, just tell me where he is."

At that, the ex-husband smirked.

"If she's going to kill herself, you don't have to stop her. I'll tell you, cancer, I'll tell you. I wish I could tell you for free to leave some pocket change on your way to death, but a captain who is supposed to be an example to others can't do that. How much would you pay?"

Then Hyun-woon said in a cold voice.

"I've already paid for it."

"With what?"

"It's your life!"

I could have killed you when I won the fight, but I didn't, which meant you owed me your life. The ex-husband shrugged.

"Well, well, well, I see that even you, the shamanic tightwad, know how to trade a little. I lose. I'll teach you."

The deal was meant to be thorough, so the ex-husband told her where the four branches were without the slightest hint of concealment.

"This pavilion is surrounded by three walls. The outermost wall is the purple bamboo bamboo wall you saw when you came in by boat, followed by the stone outer wall, and finally the inner wall. The inner wall is the last line of defense around the skyscraper, and since it's a medical facility, it's located relatively deep, just outside the inner wall. To get there, you'll need to go through one of the gates in the outer wall on the east and north sides of the island, though don't expect a pleasant, flat ride."


Hyun-woon's complexion was dark as he listened to the story, but then he lifted his head and looked at his ex-wife with determination.

"Thanks for the details."

The ex-husband shrugged at the unexpected thank you.

"Well, it's a small price to pay for my life, and that's if I can get there safely with a wounded woman."

"Of course I'm prepared for that."

"Well, go on then. You're not going to get anywhere by hanging around here."

The ex-husband added that since this was an emergency, the gatekeeper of the outer wall had probably been replaced by someone powerful. But even if the gate was guarded by the Grim Reaper, Hyun-woon had no intention of backing down.

"I will get there, and I will…… surely save the mountain, even if it means trading my life for it!"

* * *

"Do you mean, then, that we have no hope unless we take him to that…… man named Bulakgukchuk, who is the chief of the four generations?"

In response to Mo Yonghui's question, Hyun-woon gave a short nod; what else awaited them there was yet to be seen, but for now, it was enough to think about getting there.

Mo Yonghui nodded as if there was nothing more to think about.

"Okay, we'll clear the way."

Watching an alumnus die in front of his eyes was simply not an option for this upstanding young man.

"Yes, we'll take the lead, sir."

I nodded in agreement with Mo Yonghwi and the polite one.

"Thank you, I feel like a million bucks that you guys are helping me."

Aside from Gong Yong Hwi, who is still a newborn child, there was no better assistant than Mo Yong Hwi, who has been told many times that the grandson of a genius is a genius.

That was it.



Just then, an enormous crescent-shaped sword qi flew out of nowhere, slicing the four of them in half right where they were gathered. The crescent blade cut through the earth, splitting a nearby beautiful tree in two diagonally, and only then did it stop.

"Who is it?"

Chang, sword drawn, shouted as he looked around. By now, Hyun-woon and Mo Yong-hui had also finished preparing for battle.

"A vacuum?"

Mo Yonghui muttered as he looked at the scars left by the crescent moon that had threatened them just moments ago.

"Hahahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha!"


The pounding of the air vibrated their eardrums, forcing them to cover their ears against a roar that made their stomachs churn and their heads ache.

Just then, a giant blue bird dropped from the top of one of the buildings around them, heading straight for where they were.

"You have quite the eye for recognizing a vacuum!"

At the sound of the unfamiliar voice, the polite man's face crumpled as he eyed the blue rookie.

"Hey, what's that!"

I felt like screaming, "Why is that in here?

To his surprise, it was a giant blue-furred wolf, but he wouldn't be so surprised if it was just any wolf. This blue wolf was at least three times the size of a normal wolf. It was so abnormally large that it could look down into a person's eyes.

"Let me introduce you to my suckling buddy, 'Changlang' (蒼狼牙). Say hello, because he's going to send you to hell."

With a booming voice, a man leapt from the blue wolf. He was a man in his late thirties, his sparse hair the same shade of blue as the wolf's pelt. In each hand, he wore something resembling iron armor, each with three massive blades of bluish light folded at the elbow. Like giant claws, ready to tear their prey apart.

He wore a full blue wolf skin with a wolf's head protruding from his left shoulder. It was strangely disconcerting, almost like a second head. The only thing that seemed out of place was the old, thick book in his hand, which didn't look like it belonged to a martial artist.

"Who are you!"

The polite phrase was shouted, and the wolf-skin-clad man looked a little dumbfounded.

"Heh, heh, heh! Kids these days are so clueless. They should say their own name before they ask for someone else's. Well, I'll make a special exception for this one. It's been a long time since I've gotten my hands on some precious experimental material."

"Experiments? What is the author talking about?"

Hyun-woon mumbled something, but no one else in the group could answer.

"I am Changlang, the blue wolf, the leader of the Four Thousand and Thirty-Third Changlang. I am the king of the wolves who will send you to hell. You'd better remember that, because if you ever meet the Great Beast, you'll need to know who sent you there, right, Changlang?"


The giant blue wolf replied with a growl.

'The author is the leader of these wolves…….'

It was the first time they had ever faced a real captain who was not a student of the Temple of Heaven. Indeed, even the same captain had a different power.

"Oh, by the way, there's something I want to say to you before I catch you. I hope you'll listen."

"What is that?"

Yonghui Mo replied on behalf of the company.

"Well, it's no big deal, just don't give in."


What kind of a joke is that, "Don't surrender?" Here, it was, "You're surrounded. Surrender!" was the norm.

"Literally. Give me all the resistance you can. I'm not about to let our first real chance to fight in a long time go to waste. I want you to fight to the last man and not give up."

In other words, surrender was unacceptable, and they were told to fight to the last man and die.

"Do you guys like the Jin method?"

Canglang asked, stroking the mane of the giant wolf. His voice was very calm and relaxed, as if he was confident of his overwhelming advantage.

"You mean the truth?"

Mo Yonghui looked around and took in the words.

"Yeah, the real numbers. You didn't learn them, did you?"

"I like it."

"Ho-ho? What grade did you get?"

"It was heavenly."

"Whew, that's great."

As part of the curriculum at the Tianmu Academy, jinjutsu was a required course, as it was a study of how to behave in public and private situations. However, because it included astronomy, geography, yin and yang, the Five Elements, the Six Armors, and most importantly, the cerebral subject of arithmetic, it was the subject most shunned by the celestial students and had a reputation as the worst and toughest subject that produced the most flunkies.

Everyone was talented in martial arts, so even if they could somehow pass the practical skills, such as attacking together in a formation, they were mostly wiped out when it came to using their minds to break down a form or to complete an incomplete form. It was also notorious for being the subject that Heavenly Guards cried and ate mustard the most, and it was not for nothing that Mo Yonghui was called a genius, as he was ranked at the highest level, Heaven, in such a subject. But what does that have to do with this wild man?

"See, I'm a big fan of real numbers. And I like students who know how to do it well."

It was mainly the descendants of the brainy Zegalese and Samasegas who explored this headache, and they were all learned men of letters who ate ink. But this man…….

Then Chang Lang laughed out loud, as if he had read Mo Yonghui's mind.

"Why, can't a savage like me enjoy a good headache?"

Mo Yonghui was speechless. He'd just admitted that he judged people by their looks.

"The truth is profound, and beautiful, because it contains the laws of nature."

"Yes, I think so, too."

It is not for nothing that astronomy, geography, and mathematics are reflected in it. Now that the author was breaking through the myths of such laws, Mo Yonghui couldn't help but look at Changlang again.

"Cancer, beautiful. A beautiful way for the many to join forces and crush the few. There's a valuable underdog lesson in it, that an individual can never defeat an organization."

Mo Yonghui almost stumbled at first. There seemed to be a huge gap between his and Cang Lang's thoughts.

"Even if you don't like it, you'll find out. When you ignore the rules, you get screwed. So I've decided. I'm going to break it. With one of my own."

The momentum around them grew more formidable as he continued to speak.

"What do you think is the most famous martial art in this realm?"

"That's right, of course, the Hundred Eighty-Nine Journeys of Shaolin……."

Mo Yonghui then looked at Cang Lang with a stunned expression.

"Yeah, that's what I've been dealing with. That's what I'm supposed to be breaking. That's why I'm grateful to you. You've traveled all the way to this boring pagoda, and you'll be the sacrifice for it, the living sacrifice for the Hundred Eighty-Nine Jinn."

Only then did Mo Yonghui realize the identity of Cang Lang, his hidden past.

"You are…… Marangon!"

A smile spread across the man's face, as if in affirmation.


At that moment, Changlang flicked his fingers, and from his mouth burst forth a long, loud howl, which was answered by the resonant howls of wolves from all directions.

"Guys, cast Spear of Destruction!"

* * *

Nine thousand years ago, a man suddenly appeared in Henan with a huge blue-furred wolf. People called him "Marangguan" because he carried a demonic wolf with him. Another nickname for him was "One-Night Destroyer" (一夜破一門). He was a sect buster of sorts, overturning one sect a night. Confident in his abilities, he arrogantly chose Henan, the home of the Shaolin Temple, and sealed seven sects in a week, one per day.

He wasn't killing indiscriminately, but with the honor of the sect at stake, the disciples of each sect were united in their efforts, and casualties were bound to be high.

The seven sects he had destroyed all had one thing in common: they had all been founded by Shaolin disciples. Kang Ho was stunned. In fact, these early sects weren't Marangzuo's targets at all; he had set his sights on Shaolin Temple, Kang Ho's fabled headquarters.

Shaolin first sent out the Eighteen Horsemen. He figured that would be enough to capture a single enemy.

As is well known, the most powerful form of the Eighteen Nine Hands is the Eighteen Nine Hands Qin, which is performed by eighteen people simultaneously. It is one of the most powerful forces that has ever supported Shaolin, as it can be quickly deployed by a small number of people. The power of a single Nahan is nowhere near that of a peak master. However, when eighteen Nahans gathered together, even a peak expert could never defeat them. But a peak master beyond that?

Marangon had the answer.

"Hahahahahahaha! Shaolin Nahanjin is no big deal, I can't even get by with eighteen. Why don't we go get some more, huh?"

The news that a wandering martial artist, barely into his thirties, had broken the Eighty-Nine Jins caused a stir in Shaolin and all of Jianghu. The name of the vagabond quickly spread throughout the entire region. At this rate, it was clear that Shaolin's reputation would fall to the ground. For the first time in decades, Shaolin authorized the activation of the Hundred Eighty-Nine Hands, and on a plain in Henan province, the Hundred Eighty-Nine Hands and a lone warrior clashed.

The last bastion of Shaolin's true power, the pinnacle of Shaolin, and the last defense of the nameplate of Spiritual Master, was Bai Xiaochun. He resisted, but was eventually brought to his knees by the ever-changing onslaught of Bai Xiaochun. When he seemed to have lost the battle, the Shaolin monks tried to capture him, to question him about his crimes in Henan. Finally, Qin stopped.

Then a twist happened. The wolf Changlang, who had been outside the encirclement, charged with terrifying force at the same time as the chanting stopped, causing several of the monks to panic at the unexpected surprise, creating a small hole in the chanting. The gap was seized, and Marangguo barely managed to escape.

With that, he disappeared from the river, and no one has seen him since.

'I can't believe he's been teaching the gifted and talented of Black Island in the Temple of Heaven…….'

It was a real surprise.

"I was saved by my milk brother, but that doesn't take away the fact that I lost miserably."

He said, stroking Changlang's blue mane with his hand.

By then, he was nothing more than a wolf-no, a dog-without a tail. The wound to his pride was still a deep scar on his chest, a scar that would never fade. The throbbing pain would not go away until he had torn through the Hundred Eighty-Nine Hands himself.

"For the past few years, I've been thinking, 'Why did I lose? Thinking is not something I'm used to doing, but I had to do it. Because I lost, and if I don't know why, I'll keep losing, and I came to a conclusion. One lone wolf……."

A sneer crossed Changlang's lips.

"……that such things are fleeting illusions. That there is no such thing. That when wolves are at their strongest, it's when they're in a pack."


Mo Yonghui's group was unable to say anything in response. Cang Lang looked at them one by one and smiled wryly.

"Do you realize that a pack of wolves is already a creature in and of itself, and that creature never stops until it has eaten its prey?"

Clunk, clunk, clunk!

In each hand, three folded blades unfolded. They looked like huge, sharp silver nails.


The silver blades of his hands rub against each other, sparking blue flames.

That was the blue wolf's tooth, a poisonous weapon of the infamous Marang people of the past.

"None who have seen the teeth of the blue wolf have survived, be prepared!"

"Wasn't that a white wolf?"

That phrase was once a favorite of the legendary White Wolf, a master of great renown.

"Shut up, the time for white is over, the time is blue, and you better get ready!"


A howl like the alpha wolf leading a pack erupted from Changlang's mouth.

"Wolves, it's time to start the hunt!"

Suddenly, human wolves appeared from all directions, raising their canteens in response.


Finally, the Canglang Destruction by the fifty-four Canglangs was triggered.

Shucks! Shucks! Shhhh!

The razor-sharp cormorants swooped down on Mo Yonghui's group like a whirlwind, rushing in like rabid wolves, then quickly pulling away, followed by others who took turns attacking. It was a relentless, unrelenting barrage, and the team could only hope to parry. There was no time for big moves. If they tried to expand their range of movement, they would be forced back to their original position.

"Something's not right."

Mo Yonghui, who had been facing the onslaught of the human wolves for a while, shook his head and said.

"What do you mean?"

"I've been searching for 'Saint Moon' for a while now, but I can't find it anywhere on……."

Hearing that, Hyun-woon's face turned pale.

"I can't believe it, that's such an arcane and profound truth, that truth?"

A living door is the only way to get out of a jin. It's a space that must be left empty in order for the jin to move, which is why the best jins often change the location of the living door so that it can't be easily found. Mo Yonghui shook his head in disbelief.

"No, it doesn't. Quite the contrary: it has no laws at all; it is not based on astronomy, geography, the five elements, math, or anything else."

"That means…… stage directions?!"

Hyunwoon's eyes widened in shock.

"Yeah, something like that."

In short, it was an extremely ignorant pinyin. The politeness of the phrase was even more ridiculous.

"That guy, he sounded like he'd been studying pentagons all day, and then he said……. Doesn't that thick book you're holding mean it's not about decimalization?"

"Well. At least the weight of the book you're carrying isn't indicative of your strength."

Mo Yonghui felt like a fool for thinking for a moment that he couldn't judge a person by their appearance. Mo Yonghui's face turned white.

"So it should be easy to get through?"

"I wish I could, but……."

Mo Yonghui's complexion darkened.


Not to brag, but Hyun-woon's score in Understanding the True Laws was not very good either, so even though he was a senior, he had no choice but to rely on Mo Yonghui. Moreover, his priority right now was the safety of Sanshan, and for that, he couldn't afford to eat hot and cold.

"The absence of rules means that breaking them doesn't break the truth, and that's the problem: there aren't even rules to break."

Hyun-woon understood what Mo Yong-hui was trying to say.

"So what you're saying is that…… to break the ignorant mantra, we have to use ignorant methods?"

"Exactly, sir. You'll have to break it with force."


Cang Lang spoke as if he were some kind of master of the True Art, but this Cang Lang Destroyer was merely a swarming attack. But there was something strange about it. When attacking a small number of people in a swarm, there are only so many people you can actually attack, so it's inevitable that your hands and feet will get tangled. The whole point of applying the True Law to multi-person combat is to minimize such confusion, but this was not the case.

"How can there be fifty-four people moving at the same time and not get tangled up in each other……."

Mo Yonghui groaned as he fended off the onslaught of waves. If there were no rules, chaos was bound to follow, but what was this unity anyway?

"Kahahahahahaha! You're curious, you're curious, okay, I'll teach you."

Canglang, who was presiding over the practice, burst out laughing. It was as if he wanted to show off his creation.

"This is the power of organization. Individuals are mere building blocks for the organization, and only a united front can be as powerful as it is now! Now, bite, bite, bite, bite, bite! Show the strength of the wolf pack!"

Each time Changlang shouted in excitement, the onslaught grew stronger and stronger. True to his word, Changlang was acting like one giant wolf. This wolf was waiting for them to exhaust themselves. It flashed its fangs in its vicious maw. But Hyun-woon knew. What his big brother would have said if he were here.

"You have a point. But if my godbrother were here, he'd say something like this."

"What do you mean?"

"'What's a pile of garbage if you don't collect it?"

At that, Mo Yonghui nodded.

"I'll admit that humans need to be in groups. I can't live alone, and it's annoying, but I don't want my mind contaminated by the stupidity of the majority. Humans have a habit of becoming equally stupid when they're in a group with stupid people. They forget who they are like a stone, and they become shells who can only dance the puppet dance for the rest of their lives."

Bi Ryuyeon was a man who believed that tolerating the stupidity around him was bad for his mental health, and would rather break a leg than watch his priests blend in and puppet dance with it.

But the words must have hurt Changlang's feelings deeply.

At Hyun-woon's words, Changlang's eyebrows, which had been relaxed until now, twitched.

"Hmph, let me show you the power of united scum. The terror of organization."

A cruel smile tugged at the corners of Changlang's mouth as he watched the three grow increasingly exhausted.

"Okay, I guess that's it, kids, get your second set of teeth out!"

In unison, the human wolves plucked the nanazo from his left hand.


And out came a long chain.

Bam bam bam bam!

With a twist of the chain, the gnome spun with a sound that cut through the wind.

Changlang Miaoqin (蒼狼滅牙陳)

Zappa (第二波)

Nangaroo (狼牙殘碎)

The spinning nang'azo rained down on the nuns in unison. It was as if chains were falling from the sky and hitting them all at once. Shen Yun, Mo Yonghui, and Gong Gonghui swung their swords at the flying chains, but the chains coiled around their swords like snakes.

The three hastily sheathed their swords and took a step back. Changlang Dai was about to retrieve Nang'azo, but before he could, a second attack was launched. They began to take turns attacking.

Hyun-woon grew impatient. It was bad enough that he was at a disadvantage, but the chains made his attack range much wider, and at this rate, he'd just collapse into the grass, exhausted, and Sansan wouldn't be able to save him.

"This will never end, Mr. Hui."

"Yes, sir."

"I'll create space for you to move. You will counterattack. I need to get a clue to counterattack before my reserves are depleted."

"……You know what that means, don't you? It means that you're going to have to take on an enemy attack that's currently being shared by two people, all by yourself."

Then a voice interrupted.

"You're not alone."

"Oh, there you are. I'm sorry."

I realized that I had forgotten that there is also a polite vocabulary.

"Hold on to your worries, both of you. I didn't suffer through three years of knowing for nothing."

"Guess what?"

Cutting off Mo Yonghui's question, Hyunwoon spoke up.

"Are you going to do it or not?"

"Of course I will."

The longer we delayed, the more our lives were at risk. There was no way out of this predicament, even with adventure.

"Okay, he's coming, get ready."

Hyun-woon switched his sword from defensive to offensive. Then he gathered his chi.

"You only get one chance!

Mo Yonghui thought. They were completely surrounded, so they couldn't pierce through the runway with trivial techniques. At the very least, if it's not up to the level of a galaxy-class open-walled sword…….

The problem with the technique was that it took too much time to prepare. It was a sign that he hadn't yet made it his own.

"Anyway, I can't back out of this.

Mo Yonghui hurriedly began to raise his spirits.


Once again, chained cranes swooped in from all directions to tear Moyonghu apart.

"You can't do that!"

Hyun-woon stepped in front of Mo Yonghui and began to draw a circle with his sword.


Hyun-woon's sword spun in multiple circles, forming a wall against enemies rushing at him from all directions, and the leaping Nang'azo twisted and deflected the blow.


Chang Rang Dae's attacking group was very surprised to see Nang Ajo miss even though he had no contact with his opponent.

Wudang Taijiquan Taijiquan Sword

The Eightfold Path of Righteousness

Wind Chimes (風雨彎曲)

Windbreak (風刃壁)


As the shamanic aura of the Taekwondo Sword was unleashed from his body, the blows that had been aimed at the four deflected in all directions. They deflected off the tip of his sword in an invisible swirling circle. It was as if he was unleashing a culminating fireworks display on dozens of people at the same time.

It was similar to the way he had twisted the orbits of dozens of Kang Qi Zhen in his battle with the King of the South Sea. Whereas Feng Yin Charm was a technique that converted defense into offense and struck the enemy, Feng Yin Wall was a technique that hardened the defense even more. If it became even stronger, it could even force them to attack each other with the trick of Yi Yun's grafting, but Hyun-woon had only just realized this aura.

But even so, the herbivore had an unparalleled knack for defense.

"Ho-ho, that's an interesting trick, did the shamans have that kind of heritage?"

Cang Lang was mildly intrigued by Xun Yun's initiative, but he had no time to waste. The incandescent sword cavity focused on the tip of Mo Yonghui's sword and began to emit a piercing black sound, "Woooooo!

Galactic Stream Opening Sword

Righteousness (奧義)

Galactic Shengjin (銀河星振)

Countless starlight fanned out from the tip of Mo Yonghui's sword, and screams erupted from everywhere, tearing holes in the djinn.

"That's it! There's a path over there!"

A gasp escaped his lips, but the hole was soon filled by the spearmen flying around him. It was like a monster mending its own wounds at the same time.

"Congratulations, you've managed to stop the Jaffa of the Void. I didn't think you'd be able to pierce through it… But that's not enough to break through this djed. It's not so fragile that it can be broken by a single individual. I think we should let it mingle for a while longer, so we can see if it's truly powerful or not."

"Are you telling me to work harder?"

"Exactly, because so far it's just been a case of 'pulling out all the stops'. Now, boys, let the hunt begin! Let's sink the wolf's molars into the prey's collar!"


Wolf howls erupted from all directions at once.

With a snap and a crackle, the human wolves' chanting became more prolonged.

"Now, clench your fangs, gentlemen, lest your flesh be torn to pieces."

With that, he shouted a signal.

"Pale Third Wave, unleash the vacuum!"

At the same time as Chang Lang shouted, the surrounding Nang'azo began to glow blue.

Shattered Third Wave

Arang Destruction (餓狼破滅陳)

Unfold (全開)

With a wolf howl, the wolf's molars tore through the air. A crescent-shaped three-bladed sword wind that was as clear as the eye could see poured out from all directions.


The trees, grass, and earth that were touched by the three-bladed sword winds were instantly torn apart. Mo Yonghui was stunned to see a swarm of sword winds flying toward them from all directions.

"Seriously, a vacuum?!"

A vacuum sword is a swipe of a sword with such speed that it cuts through the wind, creating a blade of vacuum in the air. It was primarily a technique for slashing at enemies from a distance. Normally, a single blade would create a crescent-shaped vacuum, but their nanazo had three blades in each hand, allowing them to create a total of six vacuum at once. Hence the name,

Sextuple (六閃)

It was unfurled simultaneously into forty-eight vacuum blades by the eight who surrounded them.

The pounding widened the encirclement, firing Voiders in all directions. The terrifying thing about this technique was that it could be driven from a distance without approaching the enemy.


Mo Yonghui swung his sword with a flash of white light to deflect the incoming blade of the Void. A simple slash would not be enough to stop a Vacuum Man. The blade would pierce right through them. Only a fellow Void could counteract a Void.

Galactic Meteor Sword (銀河流星劍法)

Meteor Sword Windmaiden (流星劍風刃)

They each formed six blades, but in the blink of an eye, Mo Yonghui swung his sword dozens of times to counteract each of the flying vacuums.

"They are indeed great. It's almost too good to kill, but do you think you can stop it even if it doubles its current numbers?"

Without a pause, this time ninety-six vacuum blades rained down from all directions. There was nowhere to run.

"You're going to shatter!

Hyunwoon exclaimed to himself.

If they fail to properly defend against this storm of vacuum blades, their flesh will be torn to shreds. In that moment of desperation, Hyun-woon, who subconsciously put the safety of Shanshan ahead of his own, swung his sword in a dismissive manner.

"No way!"

Tao Te Ching Eight Attributes of Righteousness

Wind Chimes (風雨彎曲)

The power to bend the wind and rain!

The sword of Hyun-woon created a vortex of fire that was incomparably larger than anything he'd ever seen before, the largest in scope.

If there's one problem, it's persistence.

"Senior, let me help you too!"

Gongong Zhenghui placed a celadon at Hyun-woon's side. It was to replenish his depleted internal energy. He had taken all sorts of elixirs to revitalize the Gongsong Clan, and had even received some of his internal energy from the clan's elders. He just hadn't been able to utilize the benefits he'd received yet.

"Okay, go for it!"

What happens when the forces bending the winds around you are at their most violent?

T'ai Chi is a circle, and a circle is rotation.

Those who had not realized the power of circles and rotation were not even worthy to hear the name of the Taijiquan Sword.

Tao Te Ching Eight Attributes of Righteousness

Wind Chimes (風雨彎曲)

Third will

Gale Whirlwind (疾風廻廻)

The force of Hyun-woon's will began to twist and turn the air.

Its axis is his sword.

At first, the rotation was slight. But the more it spun, the stronger and faster it became. Eventually, it became a gust of wind that blew everywhere.

In a moment of panic for a man with such an enormous career ahead of him, the gene was disrupted. The unstable atmosphere made it difficult to unfold the vacuum properly.

There was a pause.

Mo Yonghui didn't miss the moment. It was for this very moment that he had been doing nothing while Hyun-woon had been performing his ritual.


When the dust had settled, a black sphere of condensation had emerged from the tip of Mo Yonghui's left hand, and his sword was pointed backward as if to pierce it.

Hyun-woon remembered seeing it in the finals of Samsung Mujae. It was the same technique that had tied him with Cheonghyeon, the shamanic genius.

Galactic Stream Opening Sword: Righteousness

Galactic Annihilation (銀河滅滅)

Meteor shower shields

Mo Yonghui pointed the black sphere toward the sky and leaped upward. He then pierced through the air and stabbed his incandescent sword into the black sphere.


Fragments of sword steel rained down in a circle and in all directions. Only their immediate surroundings remained unharmed, as if covered by an umbrella. And for wolves outside that umbrella, it was a deadly blow.


Screams erupted from all directions, and in that moment, the Changeling collapsed, blowing a hole far larger than the one that had just opened.

"Now, sir!"

As the camp collapsed, the way was clear. The shattered Hyun-woon and Gong Gong-gehui quickly made their way out of the jinn.

"You can't do that!"


Three gigantic crescent-shaped sword qi streaked down on the three of them. It was a terrifying power that was nothing compared to the vacuum they had unleashed so far, and the earth screamed as it was carved with three wounds.

"This is…… not just a vacuum."

Mo Yonghui, who was tied up, trembled at the force of the blow that had crushed the earth.

"Yes, Gumgang, no, I should say Zhogang."

An involuntary groan escaped from Shen Yun's mouth. To be able to unleash three strands of Zhao Qiang at once with such power was no ordinary skill. It seemed that it wasn't a lie to say that he hadn't been captured after facing Bai Xiaochun as a short man.

"That was quite a performance, and wolves recognize the strong, but do you think you can defeat me, Changlang, with your strength drained as it is?"

In each of his hands, the six wolf teeth 'Changlang Niao' emitted a vicious blue flash.

Finally, the leader of the wolves, Canglang, has come to the forefront.

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