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Book 26 Chapter 5

Here's to a world of eternal beauty.

-Red Flower, bloom

"I'm mad, but in a different way!"

Watching the battle between the Eastern King Potato Army and Mo Yonghui, Gong Zonghui was frustrated, frustrated, frustrated, frustrated, but he couldn't help but admit it. He didn't even know how he had been beaten, but Mo Yonghui had not only not been beaten easily even after tens of seconds had passed, but he had also seen an opportunity and fought back.

The meteor shower of swords that he had seen earlier was a technique that he could never duplicate. He could only shake his head at the question, "If he had been in his position, would he have been able to block it?" And yet, that man had blocked it, and even though he had been pierced, he had not been defeated.

"…what a difference in class!

Gong Zonghui looked at Mo Yonghui's back with a distant gaze. Today, that back seemed even more distant. Out of reach…….

"Am I always going to be able to go after him?

The gap hadn't shrunk since he'd lost to Mo Yonghui's duster at the well, but it had only seemed to widen.

"Oh, no! No, no, no, if I keep having these negative thoughts.'

The more he thought about it, the more he sank into self-loathing. When he left the house, he had no more confidence in his ability to defeat the Mo Yong family and make the Gongsong family's status known to the entire clan.

'Gong Zhenghui gazed at the greatsword in his hand. He was so determined to be a man who was not ashamed of that sword.'

frustrated. But on the other hand, I thought he was cool.

And I realized. If he fell out of this group, he was doomed. This strange rescue group that Mo Yonghui was a part of was somehow different from the world he stood in. It wasn't like the other self-satisfied disciples of the Great Sect or the children of the Three Families. Their eyes were already looking elsewhere. He realized, politely or not, that if he broke away from this group, they would no longer be able to follow him. I had to grit my teeth and stay in this world. It didn't matter if I died here.

It was better for Mo Yonghui to be dead than to be worthless. At this moment, for the first time, Mo Yonghui shed his family name and pride, and truly realized where he stood. As much as he hated to admit it, there was a place he'd always thought of as his ideal. He had to admit it, even if it made him angry to the point of tears. That was where he needed to start. In order to get there, he had to take down the one he felt.

My motivation was fired up.

Heated to the core, Gong Yuhui pumped his fist in the air and shouted.

"Brother Mo Yong, mash that potato guy!"

Plus, the potato guy was a total douchebag for proposing to the gas guzzler he secretly had his heart set on. Who the hell do you mash without mashing someone like that?

The impression of the soldier was further crumpled by the rude and impolite words of politeness that would have marred his beauty if he had only opened his mouth. A snarl escaped from the corners of his distorted mouth.

"Hmph. Let me show you, the true power of beauty."

Yang Hua Hua Liao Liao Shingong

The Goddess of Yin and Yang (陽炎分影麗身)

For a moment, his new model seemed to warp, then split into five. At the surprised Mo Yonghui, Zhao Ziyun shouted in a triumphant voice.

"How about this, this is what I call 'amplification of beauty'! How about this, I've never seen anything like it before?"

But Mo's reaction was cold.

"It's just a stretch, isn't it? It's not that exciting for an alter ego."

There were so many monstrous humans around Mo Yonghui that an alter ego wasn't that surprising. In particular, Bi Ryuyeon's alter ego technique was so unusual that Mo Yonghui hadn't yet grasped the essence of it. In comparison, Jia Kun's increased number of alter egos didn't seem very impressive, as they seemed to be floating around indistinctly.

"Gah, how dare you ignore this overwhelming beauty! I will not be deterred, I will imprint my beauty directly on your body!"

His face red with rage at the dismissal of his skill, both aesthetically and powerfully, he began to unleash a Nodo-like attack.


From the five divisions of Yin Ying, the red whips rushed at Mo Yonghui from all directions like ferocious snakes. He managed to block them with his sword, but it wasn't easy. The whips were made of special materials twisted together and were tough enough that even a sharp sword couldn't easily cut through them.

"Hahahahaha, how does that taste, my beautiful whip!"

Boom, boom, boom!

Mo Yonghui swung his whip in a circle around him, causing a series of popping sounds to echo through the air. At the same time, the wind generated by the whip caused the flower petals to flutter wildly.

Mo Yonghui was dazed as the five new types attacked from all sides. The alter ego was not a mystery, but there was something secret about his own divine law, something that kept his sword from reaching them.

"At this point, it's just a waste of energy to try to use big technology.

Even the most powerful herbivores are useless if they don't get hit. The more he cut, the more petals swirled around him, until the number grew so large that a barrier of swirling petal winds formed around him. Within that wind, your new form was completely hidden.

'Is this a hallucination…….'

I looked everywhere and saw nothing but a swirl of unruly petals. It was as if the clock had been blocked.


Before he knew it, he was completely cornered.

The moment Mo Yonghui sensed danger,

Red whips were flying from five directions at once, and their tips were forked, making it difficult to tell what was a bluff and what was real.

"Galactic secret!"

Mo Yonghui hurriedly unfolded his sword shield to block the attacks coming from all directions, but he was too deep in thought to realize the secrets of the phenomenon and was slightly slow to react. A red whip flew through the gap.


Like ferocious snakes, three or four red whips pounced on Mo Yonghui's body, biting down hard.


A groan escaped Mo Yonghui's mouth, accompanied by an excruciating pain that dug into his flesh.


Blood gushed like a fountain from where the whip had struck.

"Yikes. Oh, no!"

Although he allowed the attack, he had parried it with his sword, reducing its power, so it shouldn't have caused this much blood loss.

"I wonder if this has anything to do with the stabbing pain I felt earlier…….

My combat experience tells me that the pain I felt a moment ago was not the kind of pain I would associate with a whipping; it was more like the pain of a sharp nail piercing flesh.

"No way……."

A wicked smile formed on his lips.

"I told you before, beautiful flowers have thorns. The thorns of a red rose are sharper and more pointed than any other thorn."

But the red whip in his hand now had no thorns. Mo Yonghui soon realized the secret.

"It appears to be constructed to spit out spikes upon contact.

So it's not a bed of roses, it's more like a bee. Moreover, the thorns seemed to be causing unusual bleeding.

"What a pretty red flower."

Jagun whistled softly, then said with a meaningful smile.

Mo Yonghui's white robe was stained with blood from his body, and it looked like three red flowers had bloomed.

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discord ko-fi