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Book 26 Chapter 4

Beauty takes a long time to prepare

-Me! Two!

Dormitory on the tenth day of the winter solstice.

Alias MIB (美暴隊).

After passing through the main gate of Donghae Island, Mo Yonghui and Gong Gonghui were now standing in the middle of the central training grounds, facing the Donghae King's forces above them.

The rehearsal hall was situated in the shape of a basin, with the troops standing in the upper part of the basin, and Mo Yonghui and the courtier being led to the lower part of the basin. The slopes of the basin had been made into seats, and they were now surrounded in a circle by dozens of the Eleventh. But most of them were women, and instead of enemies, they were looking at Mo Yonghui and Gong Gonghui with eyes that were filled with a strange curiosity and a strange heat, and they were chattering and giggling among themselves, and Mo Yonghui couldn't guess what they were talking about, and it was better not to know.


Sitting in his chair at the highest point in the room, Zhao Kun stared down at Mo Yonghui for a long time.

"But you didn't put anything on, did you?"

Looking at Mo Yonghui's white face, the Eastern Sea King frowned and asked in a serious voice.

"What do you mean?"

Moyongyu was dumbfounded by his sudden question.

"Cosmetics like powder, mercury, sachets, blah, blah, blah, blah."

"Not applied."

His answer was simple.

"You didn't put it on? No way! Are you out of your mind? What are you going to do if something goes wrong with your skin? Aren't you even afraid of the enemies of your glorious skin that are raining down from the heavens!"

He shuddered, pointing a finger hatefully at the sun in the sky. It was almost as if he doubted Mo Yonghui's mental state.

This time, Mo Yonghui frowned.

"I'm a man, of course I don't wear makeup."

He clicked his tongue and waved his index finger from side to side.

"Tsk, tsk, I don't wear makeup because I'm a man, that's an archaic idea. Listen to me. Those cosmetics, you see, are the weapons that defend the fortress of beauty. Just as a soldier would never go to battle without a weapon, an apostle of beauty would never appear in public without a full face of makeup."

"Is that so? I don't know, that mummified thing."

No matter how I tried, I couldn't comprehend the mindset of this man.

"You don't know, you don't know, you're still not self-aware enough to be an 'apostle of beauty'."

He slapped his thigh with his hand and lamented.

"I don't want to be self-aware forever if I can help it, that sort of thing."

But Mo Yonghui's words fell on deaf ears.

"Okay, so if you're out in the sun and you don't put any moisturizer on your face, your skin is like a plant. It needs to be watered and weeded all the time, or it will wither away. If you let your guard down, it can be taken over in the blink of an eye by the dreaded spots, rashes, and wrinkles. Isn't it terrible to think about?"

He seemed to think that such a thing would be more frightening than the destruction of his army.

"Isn't that just something that happens with age and getting older? I don't think it's that terrible."

After all, getting older is an inevitable part of being human.

His troops shouted in alarm.

"You're not worthy of being an Apostle of Beauty. The mission of the Apostle of Beauty is to resist the raging tide of time, to keep your skin firm and white as snow! Time is the so-called enemy of the Apostle of Beauty, and it must be overthrown!"

He ranted and raved. And then,

"In that sense, Captain Nameless deserves recognition. As a paragon of fighting age, though he himself lacks the self-awareness of an apostle of beauty."

and adds an unintelligible comment.

'Even if it's an enemy…….'

Mo Yonghui sighed; his enemy was not the passing years, but the Donghai King's own army in front of him. He had come here to fight them. He was ready for a clash to get his hands on the wooden pipe, a clue to Na Yerin's whereabouts. So why was he here, under the blazing sunlight, talking about something as futile as skin care with his own army, standing under the parasols of women on either side of him?

"Should I hit first?

It wasn't that he hadn't thought about storming into the main building and finding the woodcutter, but standing here, making small talk about skin care, and surrounded by a group of mostly pretty women, most of whom were staring at him and his polite manners as if he were an artifact, chattering away with their hands over their mouths about what was so good about him, it was very awkward and difficult to do anything. The situation did not inspire me to fight at all.

Polite vocabulary was no exception. In fact, he was getting even more frustrated than he was with his manners. But his irritation didn't lead to combat. All he could think was that he was completely caught up in his opponent's flow.

'This is awkward… This is really awkward……. This is so untidy.'

The most troubling thing was that Mo Yonghui himself was a man of good manners who valued politeness very highly, so he was at a loss as to what to do since the other party was not rude, and it was mostly women. If it had been Bi Ryuyeon who had come here, he would have said, "What is this parasitic ostrich?" and tried to smash that smiling, pouting face, regardless of whether there were women or not, regardless of what he said.

But even Mo Yonghui, who had a bad friend like Bi Ryuyeon, was not so tainted; his defectiveness was still intact.

'What do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, how do I bring things to a clean end? Fair and clean.'

Next to Mo Yonghui, who was frustratedly trying to figure out the cleanest way to do this and that, the politeness of Mo Yonghui, whose patience was already at its limit, finally exploded.


Polite exclaimed, scratching his arms as goosebumps broke out.

At that moment, his body stiffened like a statue. The voices of the women who had been chattering happily around him disappeared at once. A strangely heavy silence took over the empty space.

Jagun's head snapped downward.


The heavy silence again. My politeness was violated by silent but cold stares from all sides, and for the first time I realized how painful the unspoken condemnation of a group can be.

"What the hell did I do!

Jagun's head still hung low. It was a stark contrast to the way he'd looked earlier, when he'd held his head high to show off his beauty to the world. Upon closer inspection, his shoulders were shaking slightly. The tremor grew into a larger and larger shake. Seeing this, the women of Donghae turned pale and began to slowly back away.

"Why is it doing that?

The women around him turned pale and withdrew in a hesitant retreat. His shoulders shook, and he finally exploded.

"I feel itoooooooooooooo!"

A fierce rage erupted, like a hot volcano erupting.

"I hate that word the most-ugh!"

The eyes of Jagun, who had only smiled like a grave man a moment ago, were now filled with real life.

"How dare you insult beauty, die!"

With a swift movement, he fell toward the center of the field.


Surprised by the sudden attack from his own forces, Gong Zhenghui quickly launched a counterattack with the Family Arcane Exalted Sword.


The sword light cut through his sentence too cleanly.


It seemed to respond, albeit faintly.



The newborns of his army, which he thought he had cut down, scattered into red petals before his eyes.


The sight stunned Gong Zhenghui.

"Where are you looking, you blind fool!"

The newest member of the missing army suddenly appeared from Gong Zhenghui's left. He quickly turned to his left and executed the Zhi Zhen Left Stance, one of the first moves in the Zhi Zhen Sword Technique. It was a move that specialized in attacking from the left, the opposite side of the sword.


Once again, the red petals scattered. The newest member of your army has disappeared again. It reappeared on the right side of the honorific, slashed at it, turned into petals again, disappeared, reappeared behind it, turned into petals again, and scattered.

"This! This! This! This!"

He swung his sword to follow their movements, but was always a step too late. He was too fast, too bizarre, and his polite manners were too much of a joke.

If I had known, I would have practiced more. He regretted that he had been so obsessed with the power of the sword herbs that he had neglected to practice his cultivation, but it was too late.

"It's dangerous!"

The mockup warned in an urgent tone.

"Huh? Huh? Huh?"

'Poof, I can't follow you…….'

The more I tried to chase it down, the more it tangled my feet.

Soon, red petals were dancing around him. He couldn't see or feel his new army. Only the petals were dancing in front of him.


My eyes were spinning and I felt dizzy. My head was dinging. The sky and earth spun and spun and spun.

"Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh!"

The next thing I knew, he was lying on the ground in a heap.


He couldn't remember the last time he'd smashed his face into a petal-strewn floor.

"Hahahahaha! How's that for a taste of my beautiful illusionary technique, the Oxidizing Cloudlessness!"

He stomped his foot on the fallen man's face and smirked as if he thought it was a bad idea.

"Let it be etched in your bones, the great power of beauty! Do you understand, you foolish blind man!"

Before he knew it, his face was red, and he could barely move with his foot on his cheek. There was nothing to do but endure the humiliation.



"How beautiful He is, trampling on lowly things!"

Here and there, women's screaming cheers erupted. No matter what they did, it always seemed to be beautiful in their eyes.

"Those girls must have something in their eyes……. What's so great about a guy who feels this way……."

Even with the taste of dirt on his tongue, the polite man didn't stop grumbling.

"Do you now know the 'ahhhhhh' of beauty?"

Finding beauty in this situation, the irritated polite man spun in circles. If I could just traumatize him, I thought, I'd be fine.

"You're not beautiful at all, you little bastard! Your beauty can't even reach Mo Yonghui's toes! Go look in the mirror some more!"

Suddenly, the pressure on his cheeks was gone. When he could finally turn his head, he looked up at his troops, his pupils dilated and panicked, his complexion blue with shock.

"I, I, bathe in my beauty!"

He pronounced the insult as bath, so it was obviously a big shock.

"Hmph, save that for after you've beaten Mo Yong Hwi, you feeling bastard!"

Politeness snorted again.

"Oh, he's feeling it again! That's great! I was going to do that even if he wasn't."

Then he pointed a finger at Mo Yonghui and exclaimed.

"Mo Yonghui, with my beauty, I challenge you to a 'Great War of Beauty'!"

He immediately pointed to the polite language and shouted.

"You ugly, ugly, ugly man! You stand there and watch! Watch true beauty triumph! I am beauty! Beauty is righteousness!"

"Battle of the Sexes? What is that?"

When Mo Yonghui received King Dong's request for a duel, he was dumbfounded. There were many things that he could not understand unless he asked, as his and King Dong's mental worlds were so different.

"Ah, the beauty contest, literally pitting one's beauty against another, or 'MeToo' for short. It's a noble fight that the ugly don't even deserve to be in."

He flicked his hair, which he had washed three times in the morning, to one side, and spoke with an air of self-promotion. It was as if he owed me a thank you for letting him join the fight.

"What do you mean, beauty contest, based on what?"

Isn't mummification really a vague standard? Each person's aesthetic sense is quite different. Of course, there is no vague reference point of a certain ideal, but it was impossible to draw a line at a single point.

Do I have to be funny in front of the judges? Or do I have to sing or dance or something?

"Of course there's beauty in fighting and winning, isn't there?"

He said, "That's a given, isn't it?

"Why is that? I don't understand the criteria at all."

For Mo, the obvious wasn't obvious at all.

"Victory is another form of beauty. Victory is beautiful, defeat is ugly."

"It's just a one-on-one bimu, right?"

Jagun shook his head vigorously.

"Different. Very different. The contestant must exude a beauty that overwhelms the crowd. They must defeat their opponents as beautifully and gracefully as possible. The rough and tumble of wrestling is not for us, the Apostles of Beauty, to mesmerize not only the spectators, but the opponents as well, which is the ultimate goal of Me Too."

His eyes began to look far away again. He was completely lost in his own world and didn't even look at Mo Yonghui.

"If you get booed three times, you've lost, even if you're in the middle of a fight. Don't be embarrassed, but try to be as graceful as possible."

"Hey, hey, hey, what a funny fight!"

The politeness of his orthodox upbringing would not allow for such a strange fight. This was not a man's world.

"Of course, you ugly thing! This is a world of beauty. It has no place for a defeated wretch like you. You stay where you are!"

"Where am I ugly, I'll never admit it!"

Although not as good as moyonghui, politeness was also confident in its own creation.

"Didn't you just hear, defeat is ugly? Defeated you are ugly. How about that, easy to understand? If you do, stay the fuck away."

With those words, Mo Yonghui was not only physically defeated, but also mentally shocked and defeated. Without so much as a glance at the frustrated Gong Zhenghui, King Dong's gaze flew like a spear toward Mo Yonghui.

It was literally a one-on-one battle of beauty. But the preparations are extravagant: he's changed into a new gorgeous silk suit, heavily jeweled, and redone his makeup. He was barely moving, and most of the work was done by the SS women around him.

"You go ahead and get ready."

"I'm fine the way I am."

"Are you sure it's going to stay the same? If I'm going to participate in the Battle of the Sexes, shouldn't I spruce it up a bit?"

"No, I'm really fine."

Mo said no.

"Yeah, don't regret it later."

He put on his silk robe, even redder and more colorful than before, and put thin, round gold earrings in each ear, secured his hair with a carnelian ornament, and sat back down in his seat at the head of the table. If the human was gorgeous to begin with, he was now five times more so. When he had finished his purported preparation for battle, there were gasps from the SS women around him. They looked like they were about to die of pleasure.

When he was ready, the women came in droves and lined up in rows from where he was sitting to the offstage area. Then they began to scatter petals from baskets they carried. He walked down the path of red petals like a carpet, smiling smugly. Mo Yonghui kept pace with him and walked toward the backstage area.

"Mo Yong Hyung!"

Mo Yonghui turned around, puzzled by the honorific he had never used before. After a moment's hesitation, the courtier's face lit up, and he exclaimed.

"Never lose to a guy who feels that way!"

Then he turned his head away in shame. Mo Yonghui smirked,

"Don't worry, I'm going to win."

"Nu, nu, who cares, don't lose, it's up to me, the scion of the Gentleman's House, to take you down!"

Gong Yonghui exclaimed, and Mo Yonghui replied with serious eyes.

"If that's what you want, more power to you."

Then he turned and walked forward again. At last, the King of the East Sea and Mo Yonghui of the Seven Festivals Divine Sword stood face to face on the offstage.

"Now, let's show off each other's beauty."

With a flourish of his colorful red fan, he declared the opening of the Great American War.

Mo Yonghui and Zagun, it was Zagun who made the first move.

Not wanting to be outdone, he darted in front of Mo Yonghui in a graceful, almost dancing manner. Mo Yonghui reflexively swung his sword.


The newest member of your army to be slashed by the light of the sword has turned into a petal again. It was the same trick that had been used against Gong Yue earlier.

'You've been pulling the same tricks…….'

It was a clear challenge to break it if you could. Feeling no need to refuse, Mo Yonghui quickly swung his sword to the left. Almost simultaneously, a new model of his own army appeared from the left flank.

The Scourer!

Gong Guang sliced cleanly through his prisoner.

"Did you cut yourself?


But once again, the newborns of his army were cut down and scattered like petals.

Failed again.

Thinking that this was not enough, Mo Yonghui's new model disappeared on the spot. Mo Yonghui's new model reappeared right behind his own army, which appeared on the right.

Galactic Meteor Sword Technique (Secret Technique)

Galaxy Island (銀河一閃)

The blade raced through space like a meteor streaking across the dark night sky. Speed was of the essence, so Mo Yonghui kept all changes to a minimum and unleashed the fastest blade in the Galactic Meteor Sword Technique. The sword qi that erupted from the blade left a long sword mark on the offstage floor.


Women's cheers erupted from the audience surrounding the offstage area. It was the kind of sound that breaks the tension.

For a moment, he wondered if the attack had been effective, but once again, his new troops scattered in red petals.


It was definitely a touch on the fingertips…….


Suddenly, a gust of wind blew in from nowhere, scattering the scattered petals wildly, obscuring Mo Yonghui's vision. The moment was short, but it was enough time for his own army to catch up to him.

Yang Hua Hua Liao Liao Shingong

Righteousness (奧義)

Yamaranfeng (狂風)

Mo Yonghui felt a chill run down his spine. This familiar sensation was unmistakably life. It was also the herbivore that had defeated Gong Yonghui.

Mo Yonghui was completely defenseless, and he had to find a way around his current state of vulnerability. In the gusting wind, the red fan in his hand stabbed like a sword into the mortal wound on Mo Yonghui's back.


Mo Yonghui, who thought it was dangerous, quickly threw himself forward. He realized that it was too late to block with his sword. The suddenness of the move threw him off balance, forcing him to roll twice on the offstage area. However, he was able to use the momentum of the roll to get back on his feet, just as he was about to move into a counterattack stance,


I could hear the boos around me. Moyongyu could only stare in bewilderment.

"Thunderbolts, that's ugly."

Jagun shrugged his shoulders and shook his head in disappointment.

It was an embarrassing trick, a trick that meant an ugly colt rolling on the ground. He clicked his tongue as he looked at Mo Yonghui with a disapproving gaze.

"If you were beautiful, you wouldn't use such an ugly trick, even if you were dead, because it's so ugly. Oh, and you've got petals in your hair."

'Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.'

"You're so much cooler."

"I love you."

After humiliating Mo Yonghui, the latter arrogantly opened his fan and began to beat it gently. It looked like he was looking down on people.

After brushing the petals out of his hair and the dust off his clothes, Mo Yonghui looked back at his men. Something was bothering him.

'I thought speed was the problem…… but it's not just speed…….'

I'm not sure, but I don't think I'm missing his movements just because of his speed. Earlier, I felt like I was chasing a ghost.

"Is there a secret?

But I had no idea what the secret was.

"Not yet.

I didn't mind, but I knew I still had a few more fiddling to do.

Mo Yonghui tightened his grip on the sword bottle.

After a few rounds of back-and-forth, he managed to escape Mo Yonghui's grasp.

The "oxidized nothingness" that scattered into petals with each blow was certainly a strange technique. If it had been written by a woman, it would have been admired for its beauty. However, even though it was an aesthetically pleasing move, the more I looked at it, the more uncomfortable I felt in terms of manners and politeness, as it was performed by a man who was immersed in his own world. Moreover, it was not only for that reason that I felt uncomfortable.

'Oops, my clothes are dirty…… and I just got out of the shower…….'

His snow-white shirt was smudged with dirt and grime. I had rolled around on the offstage area earlier. He brushed off the petals from his hair and clothes, but Mo Yonghui's usual theory was that soiled clothes wouldn't be clean until they were washed again. But right now, he was in the middle of a fight, and he wasn't sensible enough to dust himself off in the middle of a fight and re-tie his scattered clothes.

I couldn't see my watch clearly with all the petals fluttering around me. At this rate, I was going to end up rolling around on the offstage area again.

'Hmmm……. But I think I'll pass on that one.'

The last thing Mo Yonghui wanted to do was have another sordid episode like that. He believed there should be cleanliness in fighting.

If there was a silver lining to his misfortune, it was that the sharpness of his attacks was weak in comparison to the power of the Divine Law, so while he was able to slip through Mo Yonghui's hands, he was unable to deliver a fatal blow. It was just that the ordinary herbivore had been transformed into a menacing force by the extraordinary cultivation.

'If only I could put my sword to that red line…….'

In swordplay, he was confident he would not lose. He was confident that he could win if he could keep the fight in the realm of weaponry and subtlety. The problem was that he was moving in circles, always at least some distance from Mo Yonghui.

And at some point, when the same loophole was exposed a while ago, I jumped at the chance.

You are now fighting within your opponent's sphere of influence. Both temporal and spatial distance are controlled by your opponent.

"First I must reclaim my own liver!

To do that, we had to close the distance.

Mo changed his goal.

He abandoned the idea of cutting his brother's head off and set his sights on the weapon he was holding. If he could just hit that hilt, he could either cut it off or channel his sword power through it to his opponent.

After all, Red Sun was a weapon. Unlike the body, which was instinctively protected, it would be easier to make contact with. To do so, he needed to draw out the defensive instincts of his troops. If you feel like you can't escape, you'll inevitably use your weapon to defend yourself.

I needed a technique that, even if it didn't inflict a fatal wound, would tie him up for a while.

"Have you ever seen a shooting star in the middle of the day?"

Mo Yonghui asked him casually.

"Of course I haven't."

Still not slowing his pace, Jia Zun replied, the floral wind curling around him.

"I can assure you, it will be a beautiful sight."

"Ho-ho, how beautiful is that?"

As the self-proclaimed apostle of beauty, he was sensitive to the word beautiful. Mo Yonghui replied calmly.

"See for yourself, because I'm about to show you. A meteor in the middle of the day!"


At that moment, Mo Yonghui's sword emitted a dazzling white light and began to cry out. An immense amount of Qi was concentrated at the tip of the sword. Mo Yonghui took a deep breath, then swung the incandescent sword.

Galactic Meteor Sword Technique (銀河流星劍法) Righteousness (奧義)

Galactic Milky Way (銀河流星滿天)


Mo Yonghui's sword qi turned into meteors and shot out in all directions offstage.

The entire offstage area was covered in a dazzling meteor shower.


He dodged with an ungraceful burst of air, but there was only so much he could do to avoid the rain of meteors that pelted him from all sides. No longer able to keep up with the shapes, Zhao Qian unfurled his Qin-infused red saber to block the incoming meteor swords.

"Bam! Ah, beautiful."

A sound he couldn't tell if it was a groan or an exclamation burst from his mouth. The tremendous pressure was transmitted through the fan.

Mo Yonghui's sword qi, which had recently become sharper and stronger thanks to his training with Yue Zhong, was not something that could be easily blocked. However, by nature, the Galactic Meteor Sword was a one-to-many herbivore rather than a one-to-one herbivore, so while its range was wide, its power was inevitably dampened. As a result, the Meteor Sword was unable to pierce the red fan infused with True Qi.

"Hahahahaha, that's quite a beautiful herbivore, but you can't stop me from being beautiful."

Jagun, who had just managed to deflect the Meteor Sword, hid his own embarrassment and pretended to be unaffected.

"I already knew that much."

Before he knew it, Mo Yonghui's new model was in front of his own army. It was enough to tie its feet together. It's colorful herbivory also helped in the snow.


Another grotesque scream erupted from his mouth.


The sword beams flashed with a menacing glow. Jagun hastily folded his red fan to block the blast.


However, the blade pierced through the iron red fan. Mo Yonghui had deliberately saved his strength for this moment.


The Galactic Yuzheng Ten Thousand had been very colorful on the outside, but it hadn't poured out its full power. Now, he channeled his remaining power into the tip of his sword.

The sword power traveled through the fan to you. The contactor triggered, and you couldn't remove the fan without breaking it.

Mo Yonghui didn't slow his momentum and slashed his own fan in two, but the power of his sword wasn't enough to stop him, and the blade rushed forward. A ferocious sword wind whipped toward his own waist.


Jagun had to scramble backwards, clutching his fan. It made him forget for a moment about maintaining his dignity.

Dig, dig, dig, dig.

After rolling four times, he was able to get his posture right. When he got back to his feet, he was a mess. His jewelry was scattered everywhere, and his clothes were in disarray. The more he dressed up, the more disheveled he became. Worst of all, the fancy red fan he was carrying was split in two. That's where Mo Yonghui made his final kill.

"Oh no. I've got petals stuck in my hair."

She points her finger at his head and echoes the words she heard earlier. Jagun grimaces in shame that his beauty has been destroyed.

"Oh, and you rolled two more times than I did."

Just in case you didn't realize," he adds.

"How dare you make me look so ugly!"

Jagun's brow crinkled, his face full of expression. The side of his jaw trembled as he clenched his molars.

"Now, I want you to make a face……. that beautiful face like that!"

"Something you usually avoid because it causes wrinkles."

"You mean you're that angry……."

The women shuddered as they watched him lose his temper, crumpling the face he loved so dearly.

"You insult my beauty. I will kill you!"

A ghastly voice spoke from the twisted mouth of a warrior.

"Your weapon is already broken, why don't you just surrender cleanly?"

Then he snorted and his mouth curled upward. It was a clear sneer.

"Weapon? I never said this red line was my weapon."


Mo Yonghui's eyes widened.

"This fan is just a fashion statement, but I have a weapon to defend my beauty."

"What is it? Show me."

"Have you ever heard the saying that beautiful flowers have thorns?"

"I've heard of it."

Mo Yonghui nodded. Then a smile of approval spread across his face.

"This is my gassa!"


The next moment after Zhao Kun's right hand was stretched out, something cut through the wind and grazed the side of Mo Yonghui's cheek.


The next moment, there was a popping sound in the air, and a few strands of Mo Yonghui's severed hair fell into the air.

'The sword was out of reach…….'

It wasn't a sword, either.

"Do you see, this is the thorn that guards my beauty, the red rose!"

As he shouted, a whip, red as blood, was in his hand. He pointed it at Mo Yonghui and declared.

"I will turn your body into a red flower with a seedbed!"

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