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Book 26 Chapter 15

Waking up from a dream


She was dreaming.

You hear a voice calling from afar. It's a small girl's voice. She seems to be calling out to you, but you can't quite make out what she's saying. You listen closely.

'…… lion, …… lion…… dingo…… lion…….'

Who is it? Who is it?

You see the shadow of a little girl running toward you, waving her adorable hands. But her face is as white as a mist, and you can't recognize her.

Who is she calling? Who is she calling? Is it me she's calling?

My head hurts when I try to think. I can't think straight. I can't think straight. I can't think straight. I can't think straight. My head is a jumbled mess.

Suddenly, the world melts away and the scene changes again.

You see a woman standing with her back to you on a rock by the shore where the waves are crashing. A bird with twelve wings is embroidered on one side of her dress.

"Who is that?

You find yourself kneeling behind her. Why is she kneeling like this? Just looking at the back of her head brings tears to your eyes. A feeling of endless affection and admiration wells up in his heart.


I don't even know her, so why should I? Tears threaten to overflow and fall. Something boils up in my chest and I can't hold it in. I want to shout at the woman behind me, I want to say something, but I can't get the words out of my throat. My mouth is just a hollow twitch. It's just one word, and even though he thinks he knows it, the words keep rolling around in his mouth, unable to come out. Unconsciously, he reaches out toward her. His other hand clutches at his chest and he cries out.

"Help! Help!

Why does he find himself screaming at her for help? Why? Why? Why?

Why is he crying out for help to a woman who has never looked back at him?

What is this unknown longing welling up in the bottom of my chest?

But the more she stretched out her hand, the more the woman's backside moved away from her.

"Don't go! Don't go!

She called out in a mournful voice, like a lost child looking for its mother. If I could reach her, I'd grab her by the collar and hang on to her. Are you going to tell her you're a moor? I run and run and run after her as she walks away. I'm out of breath and my heart feels like it's going to burst, but I don't care.

Unrecognizable sights flicker through her mind. The tears that have begun to fall won't stop. But the only person who could save her was moving further and further away from her. No matter how hard she reaches out, she can't seem to reach him. Still, she doesn't give up and cries out.

"Get me out of here!

She had a master to serve, a fact she took for granted and had no regrets about, but why? Why was she so agitated when he asked her to kill the child, Na Yerin? Why was there hesitation at the tip of her blade? Why was the child's voice so familiar to her ears? Why did it have the power to warm her heart? Why did she feel so longing for the clash of swords? Even in the midst of a life-and-death struggle, she found herself longing for it. She couldn't deny that her sword-no, her soul-was resonating.

And she finally cried out in a bitter voice.

"…… Master!"

The woman behind her stopped and slowly turned her head toward her.

That face is…….


My eyes were opened.

* * *

My eyes were open, but my mind was still groggy.

The spirit still felt like it was wandering in a dream. Fragmentary memories flashed by, accompanied by mild dizziness.

"What did I just dream?

I had just had a dream about something very important, but I couldn't remember what it was at all. It was a very heartbreaking, nostalgic, and sad dream, but the moment I woke up, it was all wiped clean, as if it had been erased from my mind.

Everything that happened before I blacked out feels like a vague dream. It doesn't feel real enough.

But she remembered one thing: the shock was so vivid that it was indelible. She could still remember the vivid shock that came over her.

"What was that black herb?

You try to recall the colorful sword that unfolded in your hand. But when he tries to recall it again, it's as if the memory has been stripped away.

But how she was able to do it was a mystery, even to herself; she had no memory of ever having learned it. How could she unfold something she had never learned?

"I just stretched out.

That's all I could think of. That's all I could think of, that my body was reacting unconsciously in a moment of crisis.

The same swordsmanship that the woman named Na Yerin practiced.

She knew instinctively that the sword she had unleashed in her moment of crisis and the sword Na Yerin had unleashed were drawn from the same principle, but the color was unique, and it was the kind that could not be imitated.


Why does your body know how to do that? Why?

Just trying to think about that part made my head hurt like it was going to break. It was as if my brain was resisting the memory. So I had to come to one question.

"Who am I?

Gripped by an uncanny sense that she was not who she knew she was, the spirit was confronted with an inescapable question. And she simultaneously realized that she didn't have a clear answer to that question right now.

Everything was confusing.


The spirit let out a short groan from the throbbing headache and looked around.

She opened her eyes to find herself in a darkened room. Cold stone walls surrounded her, and a single, dim candle lit the room. Judging by the chill of the walls, this must be a crypt. Rising from the bed in the center of the room, the spirit frowned.

"When did I get moved to this place?

I hadn't had a memory since I fought Na Yerin in Kanghorando.

I hurriedly checked myself. The wound is healed. I turn the pendulum and check my body. There was a faint medicinal aroma wafting around me, so it looked like a treatment room. But it was too dreary for that.

I'm still tingling and my chi flow is unstable, but thankfully there doesn't seem to be any major issues.

'We fought so hard and so long…….'

I couldn't believe it was over. If Na Yerin had counterattacked at the end, instead of letting her sword fall back to her, would she have been able to keep herself safe?

To be honest, I wasn't sure.

The sheer power of Na Yerin's sword was enough to send shivers down my spine, and at the end of it all, it was admiration, not hatred, that I felt.

'Why? Why did I feel such a shudder at the sight of a sword that should have been cursed? Why did tears stream down my cheeks? It must be the hateful foe who has taken my eye?

And why I miss it so much…….

Who was that woman I saw in the middle of all the black and white, and why does just thinking about her make my heart ache so much?

One thing wasn't clear.

"Dreaming or dreaming?"

No one answered.

"Is anyone there?"

Still, silence was the only response.

Then her eyes caught sight of a staircase on one side of the room. It was a staircase leading up. Still a little dazed, the spirit took a step toward it.

First of all, it was stuffy. I felt like being in a place like this would bring back bad memories.

-Come on, it's okay, everything will be fine soon…….

-You have a new life.

When the hell was that, and who the hell was that guy? The old man with the long spit in his hand and the grinning face was…….


Suddenly, a tremendous headache hit her, and she couldn't think straight. Her head felt like it was going to crack, and she felt dizzy.

Holding on to the wall with his right hand and one side of his head with his left, he struggled up the stairs, but soon came to a dead end.

I looked around with my eyes slightly adjusted to the darkness, but I couldn't see any doors.

'What the hell is this…….'

Just as you're looking around in panic,


The door swung open and a bright light flooded in, so blinding that she had to close her eyes.

A faceless figure stood in front of the wall. It was an intimidating figure. Before she could get into a position to react, the man reached out a hand toward her, his watch still burned white.



That's how the tragedy happened.

* * *

The Beihai Islands were empty. Jang Hong and Yue Jing couldn't believe it; it couldn't be possible that so many people were moving around and they couldn't detect any stirrings.

Moreover, it was now a state of emergency where everyone had to be prepared.

What the heck happened here?

Even the office of the president of Auburn University was empty. I went in without permission and looked around, but all I found were piles of scriptures like the Analects and Mencius.

"Gee, I can't believe the Black Sword is scripture……."

"Is there a law that says black people can't look at the scriptures?"

"No… not really, but isn't that a bit of a stretch?"

"I don't think anyone should stop you from reading what you want to read, no matter where you belong."

I've searched through all the books and searches in the Zeo Dormitory Captain's office, but I've found nothing helpful.

"Did you hide it somewhere else?"

This level of organization led me to believe that there must be a secret room or vault.

"Okay. That's what this body is good at.

Jang Hong began to look around the room with an expert eye. With a snap, he would find the entrance to the secret chamber and make a grand entrance for Yue Jing. She would surely be impressed with his abilities. He might even give her a big hug and kiss her on the cheek, just thinking about it made the muscles around his mouth relax.

"Is that it?

As he scanned the room, Jang Hong's eye caught a strange object: a statue of a lion on the floor. The location was unusual. It didn't feel like it should be there.

This time, it was a secret passageway that could be opened by stepping on it.

"Okay, open up, sesame!

Inwardly cheering, Jang Hong stepped on the stone, and the wall opened with the sound of an engine working.

"Yu-Kyung, look here."

Jang Hong looked in the direction of Jade Yujing and called out to her.

"Here, here."

Still staring at Yue Jing, Jang Hong smirked and slipped his hand into the open secret passage.


At that moment, a fistful of something soft and fuzzy slipped into his grasp.


At that moment, Jang Hong's face turned pale. The darkness soon brightened, revealing a woman standing in front of the wall, and… his hand was stretched out in her direction, unceremoniously.

"What is it, Hong Shik?"

It was at that moment that Yue Yue looked toward Jang Hong, wondering what was going on. Her eyes narrowed, and a crimson red glow, like the flames of hell, began to radiate and burn.

* * *

What the heck is going on?

The spirit stopped thinking for a moment.

He hadn't touched anything, and suddenly a secret passage opened. A man stood before him, his outstretched hand clutching his chest.

His mind went blank for a moment, and then his face turned bright red with shame as he finally understood the situation.


The spirit hurriedly covered her chest with her hands and screamed, her reaction as a woman quicker than as a drone, perhaps because she was a bit dazed.

"Oh, no, Sojae… this is……."

Panicked, Jang Hong angrily withdrew his hand as if it had been burned, and was about to make an excuse. At that moment, a roar of rage erupted from Yue Jing's mouth.



Jang Hong's outstretched hand had turned to stone. His tongue had also hardened, and he couldn't speak properly. It was the same with Jade Yujing, who began to stutter badly.

"Da, da, you're the one…… ah, you still haven't woken up and……."

"Oh, no, ma'am, it was an accident. It was never intentional. That's right, it was an unfortunate accident!"

"You said that to me in the hallway the other day, too……. You mean to tell me that even as a man, you like women's breasts so much that you don't even try!"

Yue Jing's face was ashen with rage. Jang Hong trembled and clapped his hands.

"Seriously, believe me. I mean, sure, it's nice, but this is an accident, and besides, your boobs are much bigger than mine, and much softer…… I mean, that's not what I was trying to say…… I mean, that's not what I was trying to say……."


With a clear flash of light, Jade Yujing's sword was drawn into a sword stance.

"Shut up, and save your lame excuses for the king of the world!"


Jang Hong had taken a direct hit. But now he couldn't dodge. He couldn't defend. He was not allowed to dodge, block, or make excuses with his mouth. A slap was a slap, a punch was a punch, a kick was a kick, and a kick was a kick. The only way to atone was to be beaten without crying foul. Finally, Okuyukyung grabbed Jang Hong's wrist with her left hand and raised the blood sword with her right.

"Now, wait, what are you trying to do?"

"Look, this spoiled brat needs to be fired, otherwise he's going to keep hitting on this girl and that girl."

"Well, stop, ma'am, no, ma'am, isn't this too much, even for you?"

"Uh huh, don't be a big kid and make a fuss, it'll be over in a minute."

Flash! The raised blood blade emitted an eerie glow.


Just when you were about to slit the wrists of the unscrupulous Jang Hong,

It was the spirit that saved Jang Hong from the brink.

Just as the sword of the Blood Sword was about to slice through Jang Hong's prisoner's hand like a beanstalk striking a sinner's throat, an alarmed voice came out of the spirit's mouth.

"Captain Ok Yoo-kyung?"

The blood sword she was about to strike stopped in midair. Jade Yujing was stunned, then realized that the voice sounded familiar.

"What? Are you not a spirit, and how are you here, and in that outfit?"

After being saved from the brink, Jang Hong was surprised in another way.

"Aren't you a lord Sojae? I thought you were still in Kanghorando? When will you be here?"

It was obvious that she had suffered a great deal of internal damage after her battle with Na Yerin in the semifinals of the Cylindrical Fighting Technique, so it was expected that she would be cultivating in Jianghorandao. It was no wonder that Jang Hong was surprised when she suddenly appeared in Beihai Island, in the secret chamber of the Beihai King.

"I thought so too, but……. I don't remember."

The spirit had just woken up, so he didn't know what was what.

"That's fine. You're just a little confused. Take your time and think about it, we're the same girl, there must be something I can do to help you."


The spirit glanced uneasily toward Jang Hong.

"Oh, don't worry about that unscrupulous pervert, he's just a decoration. Or do you want to borrow a knife? You can stab him four or five times until you feel better."

Yue Jing said with a gentle smile. Seeing that warm smile, Jang Hong couldn't help but feel chilled.

"Poke, poke, it's okay."

"Nope. No thanks."

"Is this a carnage?

Listening to the two women's affectionate conversation, Jang Hong had to shrink back in fear.

"No, I'm really fine."

"Yeah, she's a good girl. Then why don't you compromise and play hardball?"

"I, uh, really don't mind."

For some reason, she felt uncomfortable bringing up the topic, so she started to tell me about her own experiences. It was a lot easier than talking to a creep because we were the same person.

"So… you woke up here in North Korea, is that what you're saying, and you were in a secret room?"


"I don't even remember how I got there?"

"Yes, yes."

"They were all cured, right?"



The only other thing I remember is a fragmentary, headache-inducing dream, but I didn't talk about it.

Meanwhile, after listening to the spirit's story, Jang Hong was deep in thought.

"What the hell is going on?

Jang Hong was well aware that Na Yerin was convinced that the spirit was the missing solitary spirit from the Volcano Society. Certainly, the two looked enough alike to be considered twins. While their facial features were subtly different, such alterations were not uncommon in the martial arts, and Jang Hong, due to his position, knew a great deal about what went on in the shadows, as well as the taboo practices of exorcism, personality alteration, and memory tampering.

With a few tricks that are almost legendary, it's not impossible to create a completely new person without realizing it.

'Of course, that's just a hypothesis, and it's the first time I've ever seen someone as completely different as this spirit Sojae…….'

But that was only if the spirit was the same person as the poisonous spirit. Jang Hong still didn't have proof that this young lady was the Poisonous Fang Poisonous Spirit.

'Well, that was quite the…… surprise. And we've got very few clues left, so it's not like…….'

For now, the spirit was the only clue left here in the North Sea. For now, she was the only way to make sense of her surroundings.

"And what brings the two of you here?"

They glanced at each other, agreed that it was okay to tell the truth, and then looked back at the spirit.

"We're looking for a girl who was kidnapped."

"Kidnapped? Who the hell would do that?"

"We don't know that yet. But I'm sure the kidnapped child is someone you know."

"I hardly know anyone here."

"Not necessarily. We just crossed swords with each other yesterday."

So much had happened, and it was still less than twelve o'clock in the day.

"Come on, no way……."

The spirit's eyes widened at the thought. She nodded in affirmation.

"Yes, this is Na Yerin, the daughter of the Sword King's protégé and the unmarried daughter of the Spiritual Master Nabaxian."

"I can't believe that happened…… and that's why you're here in the North Sea, looking for that wooden pipe."

"That's what it is."

Ok Yoo-kyung, who had said everything, nodded.

"I can't believe that happened in Kanghorando…… and right after I collapsed……."

The time she was down wasn't that long. But it was still enough time for a lot of things to happen.

"And was it he who brought me here after all?

I could only think of one person who could have done that, but if so, why did he leave this place, leaving himself alone? What the hell had happened to him? I didn't have the slightest clue.

"I probably wouldn't have gotten that perfect opportunity if I hadn't planned ahead."

It was never easy to kidnap the only daughter of an intellectually blind man. Especially when the only child is an accomplished adept. But for once, all eyes were on Na Yerin. Except for Yun Mi, who stood by her side.

"By this time, I had exhausted all my energy, and what easier prey could there have been to capture, and you played a large part in it."

"Me, I'm not involved."

The spirit's voice shook violently.

"Yes, I know. I'm not doubting you or blaming you. You just happened to have an arm in this kidnapping. You were just plain unlucky. That's all."

But the words did nothing to improve the spirit's mood. On the contrary, the agitation in his mind grew into a ferocious whirlpool.

"What's wrong with me? Why am I so anxious? Why? Why? Why?

Why is she so traumatized and agitated by the fact that the same rude kid who made the outrageous claim that she was his lioness has been kidnapped.

The more I tried to pretend that it had nothing to do with me, the more my anxiety increased. My body wanted to run away. I didn't even know where to go.

"Isn't this why I feel like I'm really worried about this Na Yerin kid, like…… like…….

Like it's really her lion.

She couldn't quite explain to herself why she was so agitated. But one thing was clear: she could never stay still, or this unidentifiable anxiety would drive her insane. Before she knew it, she was crying out.

"Please take me with you, Instructor Jade!"

Okuyukyung's eyes widened at the spirit's sudden request.

"What did you say?"

"I want to help you find that Na Yerin girl, too."

"You still haven't healed from yesterday's fight, have you?"

Certainly, the internal injuries sustained in yesterday's fight with Na Yerin were not something that could be healed overnight, but…….

"It's okay, I'm almost recovered, and I want to help. Please let me help."

Not knowing why she was becoming so desperate for a child who had nothing to do with her, Young-ryung cried out pleadingly. Okuyukyung sighed with a troubled expression.

"This is……."

After pondering for a while, Okuyukyung looked at Jang Hong. It was as if she wanted to know what to do.

"Isn't that okay?

Jang Hong's eyes told her so. Okuyukyung thought for a moment longer and finally nodded.

"Okay, follow me."

"Thank you."

The spirit bowed its head deeply in gratitude.

"Okay. Okay, let go of this collar. It's going to rip."

Without realizing it, the spirit was clutching Okuyukyung's clothes so tightly that her fingers turned blue.

"Oh my God, sin, I'm sorry."

Furious, the spirit quickly pulled her hand away from the garment. She could still see the marks on her hand from how hard she had clutched it.

"I need to see him again.

She needed to see Na Yerin once more, if only to confirm these feelings swirling in her mind. She needed to, if only to be sure of who she was.


Finally calming down, the spirit opened its mouth to speak to Yue Yue.

"Huh? What's going on?"

"Instructor Jade, may I ask you a question?"

"Yes, ask him."

The spirit cowered slightly and pointed at Jang Hong.

"Is that…… instructor Ok Yoo-kyung an acquaintance of that pervert?"

The question caught Ok Yoo-kyung off guard.

"Oh, well… we've known each other for a while."

I didn't know how to explain it.

"If you're close, you're close, and if you're far, you're far away. For the record, we don't share a drop of blood. I'm sorry, but I can't tell you more than that, it's a private matter."

"No, I'm sorry, I'm just asking the obvious question."

"No, no, it's okay. Really. Every girl wants to know who Chihan really is."

He wanted to shout, "That can't be right," but he had no right to do so now that he was being accused of brutality.

"Come on, let's look around a bit more. We need to make sure they didn't take the wood pipe, too, don't you think?"

Then, as if to avoid an uncomfortable seat, he hastily left the room and began to lead the way.

"No way……."

Jang Hong stared at Mokwan in disbelief.

In conclusion, the people of the Northern Sea Route did not take the wood pipe with them. Jang Hong was able to locate it in the deepest chamber of the unit's headquarters. It was there, but it hadn't been left there.

In the center of the wooden coffin, a sword was embedded in the wood. The greatsword was pierced through the coffin lid like a ghastly tombstone.

"What kind of a joke is this?"

Okuyukyung frowned slightly.

"There's no way that's in there……."

The spirit muttered, blue-faced.

"I don't want to imagine something as horrible as that."

Despite his words, Jang Hong couldn't help but feel terrible. But he shook his head to clear them away, and cautiously approached the coffin.

"Be careful."

Jade Yujing said in a worried tone. Jang Hong nodded his head slightly once, then slowly began to pull out the sword embedded in the coffin. A slight resistance could be felt at the tip of the sword. Jang Hong was familiar with the feeling of this light resistance that spread throughout his grip. It was the same feeling he had felt when the sword was embedded in a human body. As if to shake off the ominous feeling that had once again arisen, Jang Hong hurriedly withdrew his sword.


The vivid crimson color on the tip of the drawn blade was undoubtedly human blood.

Whose blood is this?


Jang Hong nervously swallowed dryly and slowly opened the coffin lid.


The friction of the coffin opening sounded like sobs in a cemetery at night and gave me the creeps. That's because you know that inside, a body is lying there, waiting.


Finally, the coffin lid was fully opened.

"This is……."

Opening the coffin and looking inside, Jang Hong swept his hand across his chest. Sure enough, there was a body lying inside, but it wasn't Na Yerin's, it was the body of a masked man.

Jang Hong unmasked without hesitation. As long as he knew it wasn't Na Yerin, nothing would bother him. Having a corpse like this next to him was routine for him.

"Is this a face you've seen before?"

When Jang Hong turned around, Jade Yujing's face was rigid.

"I've seen your face before, I'm pretty sure you were a student in the Sixth Dormitory… I'm pretty good at teaching swordsmanship, so I remember your face."

If she sold her face, that means she was an honor student.

"Why is such a brilliant student lying face down in a coffin like this?"

"Because someone told me to, of course."

And his role was rote, no questions asked.

"So you're saying that the captain of the Sixth Battalion is responsible for this kidnapping?"

Jang Hong was well aware that the members of each unit would not listen to the leader of another unit regarding anything other than martial arts lessons, even if it was a martial arts instructor.

"That can't be right, he's not the kind of person to do that……."

Yue Jing strongly denied it. Mu Ming was still the captain of the Sixth Battalion when she was a young student at the Heavenly Palace. Having known him for so long, she couldn't help but disagree with that theory.

"Isn't he the one, the one who is both one-armed and not one-armed?"

Jang Hong asks with a serious expression.

"A one-armed man who is also not a one-armed man, are you making a pun?"

Ok Yoo-kyung replied with a puzzled expression.


Jang Hong began to wonder if he should tell her the information he had on the killer. It was clear that telling him about Xu Tian would make this already complicated matter much more complicated.

But he couldn't hide it like this. Besides, he didn't want to keep any more secrets from her, except for 'that' thing. And if she knew more about the current situation, she might be able to pick up on something he was missing, since she knew so much more about the Heavenly Pavilion than he did.

"You, what are you thinking about so much?"

"Mmm…… Yu-Kyung!"

Jang Hong looked straight at Jade Yujing and spoke with a serious voice.

"Why, why would you do that?"

Ok Yukyung's face flushed a little.

"I need to talk to you about something, something important."

"Ha, do it."

Contrary to expectations, however, it was not a whisper of love. Instead, Jang Hong began to tell Okuyukyung the stories about Xu Tian that he had heard from Bi Ryuyeon.

At first, she was slightly distracted, but as the story progressed, Jade Yujing's expression hardened even more. She was deeply enraged, and the story was the same as the one that was currently being told: the hand of the Heavenly Demon Spirit had reached into the very core of the Demon Palace.

"It's not just here in the Great Hall. I don't know, but I'm sure that their tentacles extend throughout the Heavenly Martial Academy, even into the White and Black Heavenly Masters, and that their roots, like the roots of a great tree that has been there for a long time, reach out like a spider's web across all of the realms."

"That means……."

"Yes. It means that this peace we have is barely holding on to its shape on a very poor foundation. A patchwork of ideas that could crumble at any moment. That's the stagnation of the long, dull peace we've had for a hundred years."

"And if anything happens to Na Yerin, my biological daughter of the Zheng Tian Blind Lord……."

"This tenuous peace is sure to crumble in a moment, and we will miss this dull peace, this day that will never return."

I had to prevent that from happening at all costs.

But how do you stop it? I still had no idea how to do that.

"I think I'll join the others, they've probably settled down by now."

"Will he be safe? Even if they're students, they're captains in their twentieth century, and even if we were to fight them one-on-one, no, two-on-two, they're not easy to beat."

Don't underestimate the skills of a fourteen-year-old, that's what I'm saying.

"Of course I'm not belittling you, I already know it won't be easy, I just trust my friends, not that I'm not worried……."

If the other coffins contained assassins, it would be very dangerous for those who opened them unwary. But for now, he had no choice but to trust his young friends.

"Be careful, Ryuyeon.

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